Chapter Eighty-Six: Fury of the Emperor

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30th of July 1535 - Royal Palace of Tordesillas

Hurrying through the halls of the Palace, Ferdinand moved as quickly as he could knowing that the moment that he had arrived that news of his arrival would be sent to his brother. 

It had taken patience for him not to react sooner, he had longed to rescue his sister from the clutches of Charles but he knew that he must wait for the perfect distraction. 

When news had come to him that Florence had fallen, Ferdinand knew it was the time to strike; he had mounted his horse and ridden hard with his guards to come here. 

Entering Eleanor's chambers, Ferdinand was not surprised to find her seated by the fire; her eyes focused down on the book that she was reading until he had disturbed her. 

"Ferdinand?" Eleanor asked getting to her feet, a confused look upon her face as she stared at her younger brother wondering why he was here. 

It felt like years since she had last seen him, there was little to occupy her while she was trapped in this prison that she had been sent away to. 

"Eleanor, you must quickly pack. I have come to take you away from here," Ferdinand instructed, his heaving heavily like he had run here and he looked behind him almost fearing that Charles would make his presence known. 

It was hard to believe that this was happening, he knew that Isabella would send news when she could but he did not trust her entirely especially given her love for her husband. 

"Charles has asked for me?" Eleanor whispered, she had longed for the moment that perhaps Charles could forgive her and see her comfortable in one of his many palaces. 

He could not stay angry with her forever nor leave her to rot in this place like he had done with their mother. 

"Charles does not know I am here, if he did then I would be a head shorter," Ferdinand informed her sharply, he did not wish to harbour any hopes that she might have that any of this was their brother's doing. 

Charles would happily order their executions for what Ferdinand intended to do, he had his own plans and he doubted his brother would forgive him.

Stepping into the room, Joanna of Castile stared at her two children having heard what had been said before she had entered the room.

A part of her was relieved that this Ferdinand was nothing like her father, he would not allow his sister to rot away in a place like this when there was still much that God had for her to do. 

"Madre... if it pleases you, I should see you returned to your rightful throne and spend your last years in comfort," Ferdinand told her, he knew it would be an uphill fight and if he could not restore her then she, at the very least, deserved to spend her years in comfort. 

This palace was in no way suited for her, it was cold even in the summer and Ferdinand was surprised that she had not taken ill in her time here. 

"Rescue your sister, I shall remain here until God tells me to do otherwise," Joanna stated with a shake of her head, a curious look on her face as she approached Ferdinand and stroked her cheek. 

She smiled up at him and cupped his cheeks, she knew that she could count on him to restore glory to their house; if it was left in Charles hands then she truly feared what would become of them. 

The look on Joanna's face, made Ferdinand frown; he felt like he was missing something and that his mother had plans of her own once he left. 

He nodded his head before looking to Eleanor who stood still staring at their mother, her mouth opening to say something to her before she stopped herself and moved to gather her things. 

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