Chapter Fifty-Nine: The Royal Progress

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28th of July 1534 - English Countryside

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, the young farmhand paused for a moment trying to catch his breath under the beating sun; it was the hottest day that he had ever seen and he found himself working in the fields with many others. 

The hot weather meant that they had much work to do and his father was eager to collect hay for the horses; his brothers working around the cart did not pause in the work wanting to be done as quickly as possible. 

Licking at his chapped lips, the boy looked around him for a moment more before he collected the hay that he had gathered and started to make his way back towards the cart where the others were working. 

His head was covered by his hood but it did little to protect him from the sun that beat down upon them, it was almost unbearable and he longed for the sun to set so that he could return home and rest after a long day's work. 

The sound of drums passing by caught his attention and he turned to see what was happening, his eyes catching on the banners that were held and he throw down his hay before dashing through the grass towards the road. 

His father called after him in annoyance but he did not stop to see if they too had seen what had caught his attention; his little legs carrying him as quickly as they could to the road. 

Until soon he was close enough to see the Golden Lion on a red field on the banners that were hoisted in the air; his eyes innocently taking in the finery of each man that passed him by, he had never seen anyone in his life so elegantly dressed. 

Coming to a stop, the boy could do little more than stare in awe of the sight before him, more people slowly made their way to the road side and the boy smiled taking in the spender of such a sight; the horses walking perfectly in time with the beating of the drums. 

His eyes caught on the hunting hounds that were walking among the traveling and he walked alongside them for a moment as he admired such fine creatures. 

The men in the procession walked two at a time and the boy could not remember ever seeing such a thing; he stumbled back, his mouth a gap at the sight that presented itself to him.

His eyes never leaving the train of people that marched on by before he stared up at the face of one of the riders, the man seemed to pause for a moment; a smile upon his face at the awe upon the boy's face. 

Signalling behind him with his fingers, the man continued to ride on as one of the men behind him clad in armour throw him a gold coin which the boy caught; he turned it over in his arms as a carriage moved on by carrying some ladies inside. 

His eyes caught on the woman that had dark hair, a smile upon her face as she waved at him; cheers at the sight of the procession started to reach his ears and he held his coin tightly in his hand. 

"God Bless King Henry! God Bless Queen Anne!" the people cried, bowing to their King and Queen as they passed them; such joy was to be had at the sight of the royals. 

Anne waved from her position in the carriage, her most loyal ladies at her side and she could not hide her smile at the well wishes of her people; she had feared that she would not be warmly welcomed by the public. 

A part of her wished that she could have ridden beside Henry on her own horse but that was not possible since she was expecting; she would not risk her child more than was necessary. 

"God Bless You, Your Majesty!" the people cried as she was carried past them, her hand protectively on her stomach and she knew that the small bump was not that noticeable yet. 

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