Chapter Four: Allies Perhaps

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1st of May 1530 - The Palace of Placentia

"Your Grace," called a voice drawing Clarice's attention away from Isotta, the two had taken a walk in the gardens pleased to see more pleasant weather finally freeing them from being trapped inside the palace. 

It was rather lonesome here and most seemed to give Clarice a wide birth since they were unsure of what to make of here; none would dare risk upsetting their King or their Queen by being associated with her. 

They had once enjoyed walks such as these when they had been back in Italy, the gardens were beautiful and Clarice would not deny that she had not thought such things were possible here. 

"Mistress Boleyn," Clarice greeted in reply, she eyed the younger woman surprised to see her approach and having not expected to be greeted by her; it seemed like everyone was determined to avoid her. 

Clarice recalled seeing Anne a few times when the other woman had been a lady-in-waiting to Queen Claude; it certainly would not have crossed her mind that this was how she would see Anne again. 

"I am pleased to see you here at court," Anne stated knowing that for whatever reason that Clarice had come to court here in England that it would do her well to make the first move. 

No doubts in her mind that her relationship with Henry and his desire to be rid of Katherine would have reached the courts on the continent especially with his desire for a divorce. 

"I am happy to be here, it is a nice change from the courts where I have spent my time," Clarice said with a smile, her words would be reported back to the King and she had no doubts about that. 

She was a guest at his court and while she might be welcomed right now, the last thing that she needed was to find herself on the outs with anyone here. 

Isotta took a step back and joined the ranks of the two ladies that had been accompanying Anne; this allowed Anne to step forward and linked arms with Clarice, the two of them continuing their walk in the gardens. 

The two of them being followed by their ladies at a polite distance, the warm spring sun beating down on them as they made their way through the hedgerows. 

"I am sure you have heard much about the King's Great Matter," Anne said simply, she admired the flowers that they passed as she spoke; it would not do to beat around the bush here and she respected Clarice too much for that.

This might be her only chance to win the other woman around, Clarice would be a good ally if she were on Anne's side; she was a French Duchess and would clearly be against any alliance that might benefit the Emperor. 

There was also the possibility that when Anne became Henry's wife and Queen that she would need an ally, one that could offer her the support that the Emperor currently did for Katherine. 

"I tend not to put much faith in rumours. However, the King's decision to annul his marriage to Queen Katherine did come as a surprise," Clarice said not giving too much away, she could not deny that she had heard about what was happening here in England. 

There was no way that she could not know and Anne would certainly be aware that the King's Great Matter would be the talk of Europe especially considering how the Emperor had sacked Rome. 

Anne smiled at her diplomatic response, she should have known to expect nothing less from Clarice; the woman sent her time moving back and forth between France and Italy wherever she was summoned to by her relatives. 

The last thing that Clarice would want is to offend someone when she relied on both nations as her home; she was an Italian born and bred but she was a French noblewoman. 

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