Chapter One Hundred & Three: A Shining Future

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19th of May 1536 - The Palace of Whitehall

"What news of the Duke of Richmond?" Queen Anne asked turning to look at her cousin, her eyes filled with concern knowing that King Henry's eldest son had recently taken unwell and there was little news of his health. 

He had taken to his quarters in St James' Palace and had not return to his duties from what Anne had heard, she couldn't help but worry for Mary Fitzroy and her young son who wasn't even one yet. 

"His Majesty has sent Dr Linacre to his aid, he assures His Majesty that the ailment is treatable," Madge Shelton informed her mistress, a slight frown on her face knowing that until recent that the Duke had been at court. 

He had been making public appearances and activities until a week ago when he had taken to his bed with a cough; one that he could not shake. 

Anne nodded her head, she would keep the Duke in her prayers knowing that there was nothing else she could do for him; she knew that her husband had planned great celebrations for his eldest son's coming birthday. 

Besides Mary, Henry Fitzroy was proof that he was capable of producing children that could live long healthy lives. 

Alexander, Elizabeth and Beatrice were still young and Anne knew that every protection was being taken to ensure their health and safety in the nursery. 

With the renovations taking place at Ludlow Castle, it would not be long before Anne would be sending her only son off to start his education in governance. 

Anne closed her eyes as she thought about her darling boy, it was hard to believe how fast he seemed to be growing up; he was four years old already and Anne would do anything in her power to see him one day seated upon the throne. 

Her husband had been visiting her chambers nearly every night since his return to court, he sent her gifts and other things to celebrate his love for her since his return. 

Although there was no ignoring the fact that in a few months' time he'd have another child in this world, one that had no connection to Anne and was evidence of her husband's attention had drifted from her. 

Anne took a deep breath and moved around her chamber, she would not hold a grudge against the child that was born out of her husband thinking with the wrong part of his body. 

This child no matter what it was would never be a threat to her children, Anne smiled to herself at that thought at least.

The Viscountess Bryan would never be a threat to her, nor would her child ever stand a chance in stealing the throne from her children; the child would likely go unrecognised for the most part with the new Viscount Bryan being recognised as the father. 

Henry had shown no interest in his former lover after she had been married off and sent from court, there would be no welcoming her back to court anytime soon at the least. 

Anne doubted that Jane would ever forgive what had been done to her, she could imagine the anger that her former rival held against her now that she was dismissed from court. 

Nor would Anne admit to her part in ensuring a good match for Jane that would provide her with stability and ensure that her child could never be used as a pawn against their royal half-siblings. 

Anne rested a hand against her flat stomach and smiled slightly, she had a strong feeling that she was with child again; she prayed to God that her child would be healthy no matter what. 

She didn't care what the gender might be, she only cared that this child was healthy; she adored all her children and she was as active as she could be in her role with them. 

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