Chapter Twenty-Five: Clarice's Confinement

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2nd of January 1532 - The Palace of Beaulieu

Clarice wasn't sure she had ever been more bored in her life than the month that she had spent in her confinement so far, she had not even been permitted to see Anne's first Christmas as Queen of England having been sent back to Beaulieu to start her lying in. 

Isotta had been a great comfort to Clarice, her oldest friend and confidante had been by her side doing her best to keep Clarice occupied while they were stuck in her chambers in the dark. 

Clarice's rooms had been closed off and tapestries had been hung over the windows to block out as much light from the outside world as possible; only a single window would have been left open to allow fresh air into the room and only a small amount of light. 

The only other light in the room were from the candles that were sparsely dotted around the room, not that they helped much and Clarice had found it hard to read when she was able to. 

Her room had also been decorated with calming tapestries and images as not to upset her and which could in turn harm the unborn child; she found herself growing tired of having nothing to do while trapped in her rooms. 

George could not visit her despite the fact that he had returned from court with her to their home, wanting to be close in case anything happened to her or the unborn child. 

He had sent her letters passed on by her ladies while she awaited the birth of their child, informing her of what was happening and the news that Anne would be taking to her chamber in a matter of days. 

"You have a visitor, Your Grace?" one of her ladies stated catching Clarice by surprise, she was not expecting anyone and she had thought that most would be a court celebrating the new year. 

The King was apparently throwing the most elaborate festivities in preparation for the time that Anne would leave his side and prepare for the birth of the child. 

Rubbing her stomach, Clarice stared down at the bump that now blocked out all sight of her feet when she was standing; she felt huge and she did not envy Anne who still had a month left of her own pregnancy.

Elizabeth Boleyn stepped into the room, her eyes sweeping the ladies in Clarice's attendance before she made her way over to her daughter-in-law; a smile on her face as she approached her recalling each time that she had been in this position. 

Out of the five that she had carried to term, only three of her children had survived to adulthood; Elizabeth prayed that each of her children would be luckier than her. 

"How are you feeling?" Elizabeth asked moving to take a seat beside Clarice wishing to offer her comfort at a time like this; she could not imagine that Clarice's mother would have prepared her for this. 

It was a shame that Clarice's parents would not be here to share in the joys of their first grandchild; they would be greatly missed but there was no doubt dwelling on what might have been. 

"I feel well," Clarice replied with a smile, she was most grateful for the visit as it was refreshing to see someone new after the time that she had spent here. 

There was not much change in this room and Clarice didn't think she could take much more staring at the walls or sewing, she had made the baby so much clothing that she very much doubted that they'd be able to wear it all. 

"I remember when I was pregnant with Mary, I was so nervous. Trapped in my confinement alone while I waited," Elizabeth recalled softly, her eldest daughter had been her first child and it had not helped that she had only a couple of ladies in her service. 

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