Chapter 26

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I feel like Jace is about to fuck me here in the shower, when I hear a small cough behind us.
"Sorry to disturb, your couples massage is ready." The nervous lady quickly skips out. I look at Jace who is still towering over me his hair flopped onto his face. His arms level with my face holding me in place.
"Was that so hard?" He smirks, his beautiful glowing eyes are colourless.
"I think we should have you checked for Bipolar. You're crazy." He smirks.
"Only for you." He pecks at my lips and walks away, leaving me stood in the shower. When I think he's gone he comes back over quickly and gently grabs my vagina in his hand. He runs his finger over my clit, I can't say anything I'm so surprised and shocked. He pushes his finger inside me quickly, circles and pumps maybe 2 or 3 times, enough to get my hormones crazy. And then he leaves my vagina and kisses me on the nose. He whispers into my ear.
"Firstly, now I know you like me when I'm like that, you're so fucking wet. Secondly, do you see how torturous it is when someone wants something so badly and the only person who can give it holds it back." He smirks and walks away. Leaving me high and dry in the shower. I grown against the wall. I grab my towel robe and return back to the hotel room: I don't care for the couples massage right now. I need to see if this dress is an acceptable dress to get married in. I tear into the box and open it, I'm met with lace, but not just bare lace, it's studded in diamonds, real ones I assume. I pull the dress out. It has sheer sleeves decorated with flowers, and a low cut top with only lace flowers to cover my breasts. It's a fishtail dress but a baggy one. It's beautiful. Infact, it's exactly the dress I'd pick out myself. I ring the the concierge desk asking if they have any hairdressers or makeup artists in. They confirm and I ask them to come up immediately. It's not long before the room phone rings.
"Grace. It's me." I feel warm hearing his deep voice on the phone.
"I can hear that."
"Don't get smart with me. I can see you're back in the room."
"How do you?"
"Look outside" I glance out the window and see him stood on the green bank before the wood.
"I'm going to assume you're getting ready for our wedding?" He asks triumphantly.
"Um. Yeah. When is it?"
"It's at 8. A photographer will be with you at half 7 to take some photos with you. My suit is in the room, as are the rings, can you send them down with the concierge to my other room?" I raise my brow, a second room?
"Relax, when i stay here with business I always have two, they know me well here now." I nod.
"Do you like your stress Grace?"
"I do." I reply
"Excellent; I knew you would. I'll see you shortly, love" I shiver, he hasn't called me love for months. He hangs the phone up and I see him stride towards a room on the ground floor. Before I can think there's a knock on the door.
"Hello, im here for Mr Atlas's clothes." I nod and invite him in. I grab the box which says "Suit" and the pouch next to it that says "rings"
"Um, here I think this is right, if it's not let me know and I'll try again." I smile sheepishly and glance at the clock: it's half 6 already. The concierge leave quickly and shortly after the beauty team arrive. I quickly brush my teeth and re enter the room for my beautification. It doesn't take as long as I thought and I'm quickly transformed into your traditional bride. I glance in the mirror and smile. I'm looking good, not as good as he will though. Still good though. I slide into the dress when the door goes. Not ideal timing. I open it and Quin, my first college friend is stood there beaming at me!
"Girl you look fab!" I blush
"I can't believe you're hear!!" I squeal.
"Mmm well dark wouldn't have it any other way, he said your only photo well with me." He was right, I have photographers, but Quin, she's family to me. I chuckle at her nickname for Jace. She always called him dark because she said there's something majorly dark with him. I personally haven't found it yet.
"Um could you help me zip up?" I notion to the dress and she claps "absolutely, turn around girl!" She zips me up, walks to the mini bar and pours me a whiskey. "A tipple for the bride?" I nod and down it in one. "Another?" I shake my head. "No Jace will kill me." We both laugh.
The last hour of my freedom ticks away too quickly and before I know it im back down at the pool. I can see Jace but i know he can't see me. He looks cool, calm and dashing, so dashing. His smile beams when he catches me hiding behind a wall. I guess this is it then. I walk into the pool room, which is now remarkably dry, and once again covered in beautiful flowers, probably more than before. Jace looks at me and grins. He won't cry, he isn't the type, if anything he'll push me in the pool and cry from laughter. I reach him and put the beautiful bouquet down on the floor, his small corsage matches mine perfectly.
"Hey Baby" he grins at me
"You look like a kid at Christmas." I joke with him and he beams.
"Well then all my Christmas wishes have came at once." Jace nods towards a small man who gets the ceremony under way. Before I know it it's done.
"You can now kiss your bride."
I look up at Jace, his eyes brilliant and green he leans down and kisses me gently, passionately and gives my lip a small bite. Indicating his dark side is looming within. The kiss ends and I look up at him and beam. We are both so happy. He leans down.
"Let's go Mrs Atlas." I can't bring any words so I nod. He takes my hand and pulls me to his car. He's put ribbon on the bonnet.
"Where are we going? I thought we were staying here." He smiles.
"We are, but first I thought I'd take you for some dinner."
I look over at him confused and he starts the car. I admire the second ring on my finger now. It's a matching one to the first, it curves beautifully around the large diamond is a mixture of diamonds and opals. Jaces ring is a plain black band. Both rings have an inscription on them his reads "after all this time" and mine says "always" I love this. A timeless quote from a modern book about love, except our lovers got to be together.
"Thank you" I turn and say.
"Always" is his reply.

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