Chapter 35

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I can hear Jace in the shower. I smile to myself. We might be on the run but there is some bliss to being on a large boat with he man I love. That's when I hear the sounds of a chopper. It sounds so close. Jace must have heard it to. He steps out the shower and wraps a towel around his waist. He looks in my direction and smiles "Morning Beautiful." I roll my eyes "don't you role your eyes at me Grace." He smirks. He's in a good mood. "I'm going to go get you some Antibiotics and breakfast okay?" I nod and smile at him. He throws on a black T-shirt and some black loose shorts. He gives me a kiss on the forehead and leaves the room.

Jaces POV

I shut the door behind me and reach into my pocket for a cigarette. It's been days, I stopped to make sure I could give her blood. Fuck I need one though. I light it up and take a glorious drag. I walk down the nearest steps and pad along to the kitchen to see whose in it. No one. They must be at the chopper. I run back up the stairs to the top deck and down to the back where the Heli pad is. As I thought. Everyone is gathered around the heli which is being unloaded.
"Can I grab some antibiotics for Grace and I?" I shout. Jenny smiles and grabs a box and a bag and runs over to me. "The box is for you, the IV is for her. It should be her last IV antibiotics she can move onto yours tomorrow." I nod. "Are you going to come do it?" "I'm sure you can manage?"
"JACE" a voice shouts from behind me. It's my father I can tell that voice anywhere. He walks over to me beaming. "I have great news. The police have thrown your case. Insufficient evidence." I sigh in relief and run my hands through my hair. "Thank you Dad" I say genuinely relieved. That's one problem gone. "What about the other issue?" Dads face drops and he runs his hand around his neck, just like I do. "We have a call with them tonight to broker a deal Jace. You shouldn't attend." "You're fucked if you think I'm not going to." He nods "you need to keep your cool." I nod. "Fine fine" I walk back to the bedroom. I'm relieved that I'm not going to Jail. The thought of leaving Grace was killing me. I walk to the room grace was in yesterday and grab another Saline wash and return to our room. I'm pleased when I see Grace with wet hair and clean clothes on. "You had a shower?" I ask and she nods "yeah I feel better now, clean." I smile and walk over to her. "I have good news" her eyes glow she's hopeful. "The police threw the case out Grace!!" She squeals and runs into my arms. Tears ball in her eyes "Jace I'm so relieved!! Why did they throw it?" I cuddle my girl. I squeeze her too tight. "Insufficient evidence dad said." "That's amazing news." She says. I nod it is. " I do have some bad news though." I place her on the floor and walk over to the table I'd thrown her antibiotics on. I lift up the syringe and antibiotics. She winced "Really?" I nod "sorry baby, this is the last one, then I'll take your cannula out I promise." "Since when were you all first aid trained?" She's mocking me and I smirk. "Since you almost died, AGAIN..I'm thinking maybe I should go to med school, maybe I'll stand a chance at preserving your life a bit more." I wink and motion for her to come lie on the bed. She sits on the side and holds her wrist out. I take it with my hand and sit next to her. I run my finger around her hand. "When we get home I'm never going to let you out my sight. You'll never feel pain like this again. I promise." She looks at me through her eyelashes "you can't promise that" she smiles at me. I roll my eyes at her, a habit she had inflicted on me. I walk to the table and grab the saline flush. "I'm really sorry about this." I plug it into her cannula and gently push the solution in. She closes her eyes and bites her lip. "It's fine" she whispers clearly uncomfortable. I withdraw the syringe and go to the bag of antibiotics. I prep it how Jenny taught and hook it to the top of the bed. I insert it into Graces arm gently and smile at myself proud. "It won't take long!" "Thanks." Grace says and leans into the pillows. I grab the box of tablets and take two without any water. I walk back over to grace and pull her into me, she leans against my side and I wrap my arm around her shoulder. "So what do you want to do today?" She laughs. "What is there to do on a boat...and in this state?" She is right there's not a lot, we could watch TV. Then the memory of her baking cakes in Chicago floods to my mind. "We could do some baking?" She raised a brow at me. "You...baking?" I laugh. "It's for you Grace. I will make no snide remark or moan if you want to. It's a one time offer expiring in..five...four" "fine fine I'd love to." She beams and I kiss her beautiful lips. I love making this girl happy. "They're negotiating a deal today." I say to Grace. She looks up "what are they offering?" I shrug, I don't know and I don't think I want to. "I left it to my dad." She nods. "I'm going to go for a smoke, okay?" "Do you have to?" I smile "No, but I'd like to?" "When are you going to stop?" I'm not i think to myself. "When life's settled down a bit." I know this answer is sufficient for now. I know we will argue about this further down the road, I did intend to stop, but those few days I didn't smoke were fucking shit. She'd go mad if she knew I'd been drinking again to. "I think it's done" she pipes up interrupting my thoughts. I look at her bag, she's right. "I'll sort that now." I jump off the bed and unhook it from the bed and disconnect it from her wrist. "I'll take your cannula out now if you want? They might need to put it back in though if you need anything?" "Take it out, it hurts." I nod and stroll to the bathroom, I find some dressings and alcohol wipes, I debate if I need to put gloves on and remember just ripping mine out. It'll be fine. I go sit by her on the bed. "Ready?" She nods and looks at me with her big grey eyes. Fuck she's beautiful. I flush it through for the last time and I begin to pull away the tape that secures it she winces from time to time eventually it's all gone. I put a dressing against her wrist and slide the cannula out. "Hold this a second." She does and I grab an antibacterial wipe. I take over and lift it up, it's not bleeding much, it is a significant hole though for a tiny cannula. I swipe it with the antibacterial wipe she sucks her breath in "sorry" I muster. I put a dressing on it and tape over it. "All done." She smiles "thank you. I never knew you could be so gentle." I smirk and gently lay her back into the pillows I grab her hips and pull her down the bed. I lean down and whisper into her ear "I don't go gentle." She lets out a giggle. I smile against her ear I love that giggle, this girls made me soft. I can't believe she's mine. I sit up and pull her with me, "shall we bake now?" She asks. "If you want." I raise a brow and she laughs and nods. "I don't think I can take that right now." She giggles I nip at her lips and stand up. "Come on then, wifey." She smiles at this. I open the door to our room and feel the sea breeze on my hair.

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