Movie Arc: Mystery of the Demonic Express: Part 4

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A/N: This part of this Movie Arc will be where Touma and B. Kalisa is in the Overlord World, but not for a long time. This part will also bring in more of Giratina.

After Summer was found by Kyle Daven and Akua in the Love Tyrant World, all of them headed to their house so she could tell them what happened.

Summer: And after the Steamwork used it's steam on us, it divided all of us into different worlds.

Both of them felt bad now that she's lost in different worlds.

Kyle Daven: So that's why Guri disappeared after the past few weeks.

Akua: Well I mean you are sort of my Brother's friend and Guri's too, I see no problem helping you out.

Summer smiles.

Summer: Thanks, but We kind of need more help. What about Seiji if he wants to help?

Kyle Daven: Sorry, he's kind of out right about now.

Akua: No surprise there.

Summer: But he has to know other people.

Kyle Daven: Well let's see. Akane might be out of the picture 'cause she's hanging out with him, which is defiently no surprise there. Yuzu, Too young and doesn't know what's going on. Shikimi...isn't a problem right about now.

He looks at both girls.

Kyle Daven: Well since one of your friends are with my Sister, I think the appropriate thing is to have me. I'm more stronger than Demons and Angels combined with Both Blades of Deliverance.

 I'm more stronger than Demons and Angels combined with Both Blades of Deliverance

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(White Blade is the Angel Blade and the Black One is the Demon Blade)

Summer: Well at least we have somewhat way to fight.

Kyle Daven: Thanks. Now let's go save your friends and my Sister.

Akua: I'll stay behind.

Kyle Daven: Just stay safe.

Akua just shook her head.

Akua: Baka.

Kyle Daven chuckles a little before him and Summer leaves. When they got outside, they were faced by B. Luka, who looked very unpleased.

Meanwhile with Touma, he woken up in a Dungeon-looking place. He got up and looked around, seeing it looked kind of grim. He then heard slashing sounds close by and decided to check it out. Once he got to where the noices were coming from, he saw B. Kalisa was fighting a Female With Black Hair, Black Wings coming from her back and she was wearing a White Dress.

Touma: What the?

B. Kalisa then used her Blade on her, but she quickly jumped away.

B. Kalisa: Stop jumping and just let me hit you!

???: As if! I'll make the  great Ainz proud!

When Touma heard that name, he remembered it when first finding the 7th Follower of the Dragon.

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