Movie Arc: Rise of the Blackevoir: Part 4

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A/N:  Ok, this will be the last Chapter for this Arc and this Year until I go back to the main series next year. I didn't know this Movie Arc would be this many chapters, but I hope you all would enjoy it too.


Everyone headed towards the UTC, Where the Time Breaker was starting to activate again.

Dialga: There it is, the thing that's damaging your friends Time.

They all looked at the Giant Clock, still dispelling Time energy all over the place.

Summer: So if we try and destroy it, we may save both Kyle's?

Palkia: It's not confermed, but it might.

Kyle looked at the UTC, wondering what would happen if they do destroy the thing. Red walked over to him.

Red: Still mad?

Kyle: Yeah...

Red: Want to destroy the front of this place to leave a mark?

Kyle: Yeah.

Just before they even did anything else, someone came out the UTC, seeing what's going on, until she saw Kyle(Human).

???: I knew you would be this stubbon to come back.

Everyone looked at her, thinking what was going on and what's her problem with Kyle(Human).

Kyle(Human): Wait a minute? Teacher?

Teacher: Oh and I see you don't care of knowing your name.

Kyle(Human): Wha...?

Just before he fainted, Harashei and Shutendoja caught him. Summer also saw Kyle getting weaker too.

Dialga: Their both running out of Time.

Teacher: And that's how it's going to stay!

Just before she headed back in, Summer goes into her Awaken form in anger.

Just before she headed back in, Summer goes into her Awaken form in anger

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Summer: Stop this now or I'll stop this myself!

The Teacher started laughing at her threat.

Teacher: If you want to stop this, then make me!

She heads back in and readies the Time Breaker again, making it Blast Time energy at everyone, backing them up.

(I'm making this Chapter like from both Sonic Colors Games)

Dialga: This is bad! he more energy she use's, the worst this world will suffer!

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