Movie Arc: Mystery of the Demonic Express: Part 2

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A/N: This Chapter will show us the Anatagonist for this Arc and how the Rifts are also connected to it. I'll also put in a bit of yuuki2795 's Shadowside Series in this Arc too.

After the Run in with the three Oozy Clone Demons and how they were sorting out the Cracks, Everyone were still at Kyle's house from last night and were still wondering about the cracks.

Kyle was heading downstairs to see if everyone was awake, which they were. He also saw Summer and Tate looked a bit puzzled sitting on the couch. He thinks there must be something else going wrong.

Kyle: I see you both look look confused.

Both of them looked at the stairs, seeing Kyle coming down them.

Summer: Oh, it's nothing.

Kyle looked like he didn't believe it.

Summer: Well it's just...well...Mom has been acting a bit strange lately and...we thought of giving her some space for a while.

Kyle: So that would explain why you both wanted to sleep here.

Tate: Well it wasn't our choise, it was Dad's. We both thought about it and since your the Only Demon both of them trust, we thought it would of been smart.

Kyle: Well I'm flattered! Better thank Nate for saying that.

B. Hikaru then jumped into the room as everyone saw her come in.

B. Hikaru: Well at least we have some company for a while.

Kyle: Hikaru! They are our guests and they can stay as long as they want to!

B. Hikaru: Ok ok, I get it!

She then starts jumping towards the couch and sits on an arm rest.

B. Hikaru: So what's going on today?

Kyle: Well the Oozy Clones we ran into last night are coming over and explaining what is going on.

Summer: Oh yeah. We almost forgot.

Then Touma comes downstairs and seeing what's going on.

Touma: Well at least all of us know what were doing.

A few minutes later, the Oozy Demons from Last Night came to Kyle's House and were ready to explain what is going on.

Kyle: Woah, Never thought of a Demon to be early.

B. Luka: Well some of us aren't regular Demons you all know.

Kyle: Want to come in?

All three Demonette's all headed inside and started to explain why they were closing the Cracks.

B. Luka: Ok, a few weeks ago, we have been hearing rumors from both Demons and Yo-Kai alike that some have started disappearing, including Humans.

Touma: That sounds very bad to everything.

B. Kalisa: And another thing, After they disappear, those Cracks appear. The more people and Spirits gone, the More Cracks appear.

B. Luka: And there is no telling what would happen if two of them combinded!

Everyone was then concern on what they were talking about.

Tate: So if you all missed two rifts near each other.

B. Luka: Like I said, we don't want to know.

Kyle then thought of Guri when she told everyone about how she got here. As they were talking, Guri comes downstairs.

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