Chapter 7: Secrets of Mega Evolution

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A/N: Right, Part 2 of the Music Arc. This is the chapter where we know the Mastermind and main antagonist of this Arc. This is also the chapter where it introduces Hanami, a new Yo-Kai friend.

After yesterday, Kyle, Roxas and the Demons were still thinking what was going on.

Roxas: I can't believe everyone are going to be part of that showcase.

Kyle was still thinking what was going on.

Kyle: Hey Ruru, you were part of that commotion then those girls left, right?

Nakuro: Yeah?

Roxas: So why aren't you infected?

Then Kyle realised something.

Kyle: Due to DemoNA!

Roxas: What's this about DemoNA?

Red: Ok, DemoNA is the Demon's lifesource! It's inside of us.

Kyle: Also Demon's won't get bad inspirit from Yo-Kai.

Then everyone cracked it.

Roxas: Your all are immune to their effects!

Kyle: And that could be an advantage.

B. Hatsune Miku: So we have to get some information on them.

Kyle: Yes...and we have our inside Demon.

Everyone was looking at Nakuro.

Nakuro: I'll do it.

Kyle: Ok, get enough information and call back.

Nakuro: You got it.

Kyle: Everyone's hope are in Demon's hands.

*Insert Intro*

Zodiac Ophiuchus

All Three of Dark Stars were walking the halls of the School. All but Zoe were laughing on how they got Shuka's essence. Crystal looked back at Zoe.

Crystal: What's wrong Sis? Want a Burger?

She then started laughing evily again. Zoe didn't want to talk about it, as she was still thinking about Yo-Kai Essence on Kyle from yesterday.

All three of them entered the Nurse's office, where they met the school's nurse. The Nurse felt their presents as all three of them bowed for her.

(I can't find a good picture of one)

Crystal: Hello Mother.

Nurse: Girls, I sensed how you were able to obtain Shuka's Essence. That was good work on your part and that's all we needed, but we still need the essence of the young priest and the Black haired boy too.

Crystal: Don't worry Mother, we'll get them both.

As she said that, she felt her Yo-Kai power being enhanced by Shuka's essence, however it wasn't powerful enough.

Stella: Huh?

Nurse: Let's see what's going on.

The Nurse looked at the amulets, seeing their wasn't enough Shuka essence in their amulets.

Nurse: That isn't enough of Shuka's essence! What's going on?

Zoe kept quiet, knowing the rest is on Kyle. All three of them looked at her, as she was being quiet.

Nurse: Zoe my child, you are being awfully quiet from all of this. What's going on through your mind?

Zoe: Oh it's nothing.

Yo-Kai Watch: Secrets of the Demons 2Where stories live. Discover now