Kim Seokjin

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Narrator's POV 

"Let's have some fun while Jin hyung tries to figure it out" Taehyung says to break the tension. "I don't want to do anything." Y/n sassily said before running out and leaving them behind. She ran into the guest room and slammed the door. She crawled into the bed and started to cry from frustration. Soon, Jungkoook opens the door after a few knocks and enters the room. "Y/n?" Jungkook calls her as he sits at the edge of the bed. "Hey...please stop crying. I know you're hurt and maybe even angry." He said but she doesn't stop crying. He then crawls into the bed and lays next to her. He holds her tightly and they both hear another knock on the door; it's Jimin. Jungkook waves at him to come in. Jimin enters the room asking if she's okay. Jungkook quickly shook his head and Jimin climbed onto the other side of the her and hugged her too. She cries and cries, exerting all her energy through her eyes.

Jin walks into his room to reach out to Ani. He hasn't tried to contact her in so long and he is anxious about how this will go down. He took out his phone and typed in the numbers that have been ingrained in his brain. He is very nervous and he begins to pace in circles around his room. His mind is in debate whether he should call her or not. Even though he is at a constant battle, he knows that the right thing to do for Y/n is to call.

"Hello" Jin heard through the phone. He hesitated to say a single word; standing completely silent until she spoke again. "Jin?" Her voice rings in his ear. "Hi Ani...what are you doing?" He questioned her. "I'm at home. Why did you call?" She asked him and his heart started to race. Anger is seeping in but he can't let it show. "Can I see you? We need to talk." He told her. "If this is about that slut, I don't want to talk about her. She's ruining our relationship" Ani says to him

"This isn't about her. It's about us! What relationship are you talking about? You left me and never showed up again. You ignored all my calls and messages. How do you even think that we have a relationship?" He shouted at her. "Jin! You are the one who hurt me! I saw you leaving the building with her!" She yells at him "I am not sleeping with her. I never have. We don't have a relationship anymore. You broke my heart and you never turned back to see how I was doing. Now you show up out of the blue and threaten y/n? You seem crazy!" Jin's blood is beginning to boil. "How did you get her number? Why are you following me?" Jin questioned her.

"I miss you, Jin. I love you. We can be perfect together again."

Jin's POV

When I heard those words, I was ready to break down. When she left, she took a piece of me with her. I had to do what I had to do in order to make the group proud, but it made me hate my life. I wanted to chase after her but the practices and the boys were the reason why I couldn't leave. I chose them instead, and that decision proved to be the better one in the long run. Even though I wanted to turn back time, I couldn't. I vouched for myself back then and I can't break y/n's heart like that. I care for her too much. I don't want to make things worse for her but I will protect y/n at all costs.

I took a deep breath and decided that it's best that I tell her the truth. "Ani...look, a part of me will always be with you...I wish you nothing but happiness and joy. I just know that this will never work for us. I'm too busy and you got your own life going on. You deserve someone better than me. Someone who will always choose you first." I told her and I was prepared for the backlash. "What is so special about her!?" Ani yelled through the phone. "She's different." I confessed. "Well then if she's so special, why haven't you slept with her?" Her tone and attitude is starting to piss me off. "She's not that type of woman." I answered as calmly as possible. "Well then I guess I don't have to feel guilty about cheating on you!" Ani finally confessing to me and quickly hanging up after.

That went no where.

"Fuck you and the slut who sleeps with everyone except you! I never want to hear from you again!" Is the text I received from her when I looked at my phone. I am not sure if that actually helped or it was just a decoy. I'm hoping that she will leave her alone from now on but for now, Y/n is the only one on my mind. I shook my head and washed my face in the bathroom before heading back down to the game room. When I walked into, I only see Yoongi, Jhope, Namjoon and Taehyung. "Where is Jimin and Jungkook?" I asked them and they all shrugged their shoulders. " where is Y/n?" I questioned hoping that they actually have an answer for me this time. I looked at Namjoon and he said that she ran off after I walked out. I turned around and walked to the guest room. "Y/n?" I called as I knocked. There was no response so I swung the door open and found her cuddled in the middle of Jimin and Jungkook. Should I be mad or should I be grateful that she wasn't alone. I walked over to the bed and it seems as if she may have cried herself to sleep

Fuck! This is my fault.

Jimin and Jungkook snuck out of the bed and let her rest. I stayed for a little bit before leaving and shutting her door quietly. The 3 of us reentered the game room and started talking about the phone call that I had. I shared with them because I don't want to hide anything from them because they vouched for me earlier. I owed them that. "I'm glad that you at least knew who sent the text" Jhope told me but I didn't find comfort in knowing that I had a part in it. "So what should we do to cheer her up?" Taehyung asked us. "I'm going to make some dinner and I think she might want to get her mind off of the situation. Maybe we should take her out dancing or drinking?" I answered Taehyung. "Maybe we can take her to a karaoke room?" Jungkook suggested. In unison, everyone agreed and I headed out to get dinner going.

A/N: but is that really the end of the drama?

Also, Idk why I can't upload a photo to this one😭

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