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Classes are done and I'm finally leaving. I decided that I want to eat dinner off campus.

While walking to the entrance, I spot a familiar silhouette. I can recognize the owner of that boxy smile anywhere. He's talking to a beautiful girl. He says something that makes her face egnite with a smile and her hand touches his chest as she laughs.

Unexpectedly, he glances in my direction. The girl notices and her smile dissipates. He doesn't say another word to her as he begins to walk towards me. Completely forgetting that he was having a conversation with the girl. For some reason, that makes my heart flutter.

That smile is going to be the end of me. Why is he coming this way?

"Hey! Nice to see you again! Are you leaving?" With excitement in Taehyung's tone.

"Umm, yeah. I'm going to go get some dinner before heading back to the dorms." I quickly mutter.

"So, where are we going?" inviting himself. "By the way, you never gave me a chance to get your name." He smiles again.

"My name is y/n and I was just going to get some ramen at the shop across the street." I responded in a shy manner.

Walking together feels weird. Maybe I have this unsettling feeling because I am not quite acquainted with him yet.

Was he always that handsome? Y/n, are your eyes working?

Getting settled at a table for 2, we both place our orders. "Hey Taehyung, can I ask you a question?" Capturing his eyes.

"Tae; Call me Tae. Ask away" displaying that smile again

"Sorry." I giggle. "Shouldn't you have plans tonight with someone else? Why are you having dinner with me?" Surprising him with my question.

"Well...." Those dark brown orbs staring into mine. "Why wouldn't I want to have dinner with a gorgeous girl like you?" Praising me.

There it is again...gorgeous... nobody's ever called me that before and now I am hearing it all the time.

I break eye contact so he doesn't see me blush.

Just in time, the server brings our food. We both become occupied with eating and the sound of slurping is the only thing heard between us two.

"Y/n, umm... you have..." Taehyung points at the edge of his lips. "You have something.." setting down his chopsticks, he grabs a napkin. Lifting it to my lips to wipe a noodle off.

I immediately become flushed "oh my gosh! Sorry, I didn't know." I say while full of embarrassment.

He laughs "y/n, that's why you have me." Reinforcing eye contact with my flustered eyes. "What are you studying? Wait let me guess..." Bringing his index finger and thumb to his chin. I observe his eyes looking up as if they're searching his brain for the correct answer.

"Dance... contemporary maybe?" He says

Shaking my head, his shoulder slump a bit.

"You must be a pianist!" He confidently blurted.

Shaking my head again. His face drops and his bottom lip pushes out as he pouts. Accepting defeat, he slowly raises his head unveiling sad, puppy dog eyes and a frown.

"I'm here for music. I want to be a vocalist." I announce.

Launching up in his chair, "ME TOO!" His excitement releases a tiny snicker from my lips.

Pushing my bowl away, incredibly full. Taehyung stands up and says that he will be right back. I think nothing of it but once he is back, he grabs his bag and mine. "Let's go. I've already paid"

Unsure what to do with my hands, I begin twiddling my thumbs.

Feet hitting the pavement, we are headed towards the crosswalk to get back onto campus. "Y/n, are you doing anything on Friday night?" Taehyung asks.

Looking up at him, I see a different side to him. The moonlight is shining against his skin, distracting me from everything else that's going on around me.

Is that even possible? How is he MORE handsome? Is he aware that he is hanging out with a nobody?

"BE CAREFUL!" Snatching me out of my day dream, Taehyung's free hand yanks me into him. Saving me from walking into on coming cars zooming by.

Both of his arms are wrapped around my shoulders, bear hugging me. Holding me captive, "what happened y/n?!" He looks distressed. "Why weren't you paying attention?!" Bringing his face closer to mine.

I put my hands on his chest, pushing away from him. "I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention." I apologize.

"Something could have happened to you!" He is scolding me with a worrisome stare.

Why is he so concerned about me? Why won't he let go ?

All the cars have stopped. Taehyung takes hold of my left hand to make sure I get across safely. Reentering the campus, my eyes peer back at him.

He looks disappointed in me.

"Thanks for saving me." Shakiness in my words.

He stops to face me. Dropping both our bags on the ground. Without hesitation, he pulls me into his body, embracing me with a sigh of relief. "Don't ever do that to me again, y/n."

Putting some space between us again, "I won't." I say.

"Promise?" He asks with innocence behind his gaze.

Nodding, I ask "what were you saying again?"

"I was wondering if you're free Friday night?" Taehyung questions.

"I'm not sure. Maybe stay in with my roomies. Have a girls night or something..." I answer. "I haven't seen them much since classes started" I frown.

"Hopefully you guys can spend time together" Taehyung says before glancing at his watch. Eyes bulging out he picks up his bag in a hurry.

"Y/n, could I get your number?" He asks

Smiling at him, I reach out grabbing his phone, I enter my digits and hand it back to him.

He gives me a quick and brief hug before bolting away, flashing that boxy smile one last time and disappearing from my sight.

Not realizing that I am still smiling until the muscles in my cheeks relax.

**buzz buzz**

A/N: Anyone else love the protective side of Tae?

Oh and I haven't been editing so please don't judge 😭

Misunderstood (BTSxY/N Poly ff) 18+Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant