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Opening the doors to the music building, I become more excited with each step. I can't wait to see what this building has in store. I peek from room to room, climbing the steps and roaming the halls.

Unexpectedly, I hear a faint noise.

That sounds beautiful. Where is it coming from?

Curious, I walk further down the hall in hopes of searching for the tune. Sure enough, I am going in the right direction. The familiar sound of a piano is being played. The sweet sounding melody enhances as I inch closer and closer.

There is a door slightly cracked open. Unsure if that is the correct room, I hold onto the doorknob as I peer in. Instantly, I lose my breath. My heart is now racing as I have caught a glimpse of a beautifully fair-faced man doing his best work.

His fingers dance on the keys with strength and focus.

His body sways with the melody from side to side.

His eyes are closed.

Enduring every note.

With his hair almost covering his eyes, I become aware that I am watching something very private.

"Wow" is the only word to leave my lips.

In complete awe, my hand unknowingly releases the doorknob and the door pushes in a bit; causing it to squeak.

He stops playing. Eyes dart towards the door.

In fear, I grab the doorknob and slam it shut.

Run! Run!! Y/n MOVE YOUR FEET!

I try to move but for some reason my shoes have become one with the floor beneath me.

"Who's there?!" The man bellows.

In a matter of seconds, the door opens, a hand finds it's way to my arm; around my elbow. A strong and firm hand quickly yanking me into the room and the door slams shut once more.

That hurts! I'm going to bruise so bad.

He shoves me into the wall and my face wrinkles, showing signs of pain. My arm losing sensation due to the lack of blood flow. My eyes are forced shut; I'm too afraid to open them.

"What are you doing?! Who the hell are you?! Why are you here?" He's yelling and shaking me simultaneously.

I'm so scared that I remain in the same state.

You're going to die. You're definitely going to die. No... you must already be dead.

The grip eases and I no longer feel his hand on my elbow. Blood rushing back into my veins. My body jolts, startled once again when I feel the back of this stranger's hand graze my face. Gently caressing my cheek, in hopes to calm me down but it does the opposite. I become a statue.

"Hey...hey, I'm sorry." His raspy voice strikes my soul. "Breathe." He commands me.

Slowly, I open my eyes and I instantly bounce my head into the wall behind me. I wince and curl my arm up to brace the back of my skull. His face is only a few inches away from mine. I'm now wishing there was more space between myself and the wall so I can back away from him. The unknown man is so close to me that I can smell his cologne; it's musky and manly.


He lifts my arm to examine my elbow, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." He sounds genuine. He catches himself invading my space, by the fearful look in my eyes. Releasing my arm and walking away. He started pacing in circles with his hands on his hips.

My body slowly slides down the wall until my butt touches the ground.

Why was he standing so close? Why is he so mad? 

Squatting down to check on me again, "Can you hear me?" He's staring into my eyes with a hint of concern in his voice. I nod and slowly release the breath that I've been holding.

"Why are you here?" He repeats.

Avoiding eye contact with him, I divert my eyes towards the ground. "I...I.. I was just checking out the bu..building." I confessed but I'm a complete mess.

Suddenly, the air in the room changes. He was concerned for my well-being but now...he's...cold.

He cups my chin, lifting my face to connect eyes with me. My face heats up like someone had set me on fire. His once worried eyes has gone dark as if a demon has taken over.

"You're blushing and stuttering. Do I make you that nervous princess?" He voices as a grin spreads across his face.

My breath hitches as he stands back up.

"No one has ever heard that song, let's keep it between us. It'll be our...little...secret."

He swings the door open. Making his way out the door slowly, then he comes to a stop.

"I'll be seeing you around, Princess."

Is he gone? Is he really gone?

I look up to scan the room. I spot the textbook I dropped on the floor. It slipped my mind that I was even carrying that around. Grabbing it before slowly standing up. Pacing myself, I regain the strength in my legs. I give myself some time to calm down before leaving the building.

Why is he so mean? Who is he? He was nice then he wasn't. Is my arm going to bruise?

Exiting the building I pull my phone back out.


I guide my feet in the direction of the dorm.
A/N: do we want a dom yoongi?

Misunderstood (BTSxY/N Poly ff) 18+Where stories live. Discover now