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Walking out of the classroom, Cherisse darts in the opposite direction.

"See you later! Let's have lunch okay?" She yells and waves her hand in the air. Her figure slowly disappears into the crowded hallway. 

Why would he say that? Why am I nervous? How is he so handsome? Does he actually think I'm cute? No one has ever said that! Stop overthinking, no one has been interested in you. Maybe he-

My thought gets cut off as I run into a solid chest. I notice that the man isn't phased by the collision as I fall backwards; hitting my butt on the concrete.

"Are you okay?!" The handsome slender man voices. He gets down on one knee to help me gather my books and papers.

Could today get any worse?! Y/n you're such a mess!

I scramble off my butt and shake the thought out of my head. "I'm sorry. I didn't see you there, I'm Jin! Not sure if you heard me the first time but are you okay?"

"Umm, yeah I'm fine. No! I'm sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going." I blurted back and now I'm completely embarrassed. He probably already thinks I'm a loser.

Once all of my belongs are off the ground, his hand pops up in my line of sight; palm facing up. I don't want to seem rude so I reach out to grab it and he helps me stand back up.

I can feel his eyes on my body like lasers. I tense up and awkwardly retrieve my books and papers.

"Heh. Thanks for helping me" sounding very awkward as my eyes focus on his shoes.

"No problem.....errrm, what's your name?" Jin's voice perks with curiosity.

My eyes meet his face for the first time. I didn't notice it before but he has these soft plush pink lips that curl up to show a bright smile. A chiseled jaw line that's sharp enough to cut into my mind and leaving a lasting memory. Shoulders. Shoulders that can carry the world.

"Y/n. My name is y/n." My voice is shaky and have no idea what else to say to break this awkward confrontation. 

"Well, nice to meet you y/n. I don't mind helping a someone like you." His voice is captivating. "I've never seen you on campus before, are you new?" Me interrogates me with an eyebrow arched.

Not realizing that I am holding my breath. "Yes, it's my first day" is all I could muster before breaking my gaze from his. I begin to sense my face warming up and flutters firing in my belly.

"Hey you don't need to be embarrassed. We all fall from time to time." He says to calm me since he can probably sense my discomfort. "Welcome! I hope to run into you again but not on accident next time!" Winking at me as we both part ways.

Mentally slapping myself. I look down at my hands that are now holding a bunch of papers and books; completely out of order.

How can I be so clumsy? Y/n get it together! Stupid stupid stupid!

My next class goes without a hitch. No distractions or disruptions. The professor bids everyone farewell and I check my phone.

Hey! Meet me in the cafeteria! I'm headed there now. But hurry! I don't want to have to stand and eat.

I simply respond "Ok. See you in a bit."

As I walk through the cafeteria doors, I come to a stop to look around the hall for my friend. Forgetting that this place is massive. I reach for my phone...

"Y/n-ahhhh." Someone shouts catching my attention.

I look up and see that familiar slender man from earlier waving and making his way towards me. All I do is freeze up; not knowing why he is coming my way. I'm surprised that he hasn't already forgotten about me.

"Do you have someone to have lunch with?" Jin asks. I nod and continue looking for my friend but suddenly, a arm hooks around me and my tense body relaxes a little bit when I see who it is.

"I didn't think that you would beat me here! I know I said to hurry but I hope I didn't make you run here." Cherisse mutters as she looks at my frozen state. "Come on, I'm totally starving." She says to me before turning to see who's standing in front of me.

"Yes, I was waiting for my friend. Nice to see you again" I muttered but before I can say anything else, I smiled as I am dragged away by Cherisse.

I look back to where he was standing and he is no longer there.

A/N: I have a weak spot for Jin.

Misunderstood (BTSxY/N Poly ff) 18+حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن