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As I am walking to class, I am lost in thought.

What the hell is happening in my life? I really like them all but how am I going to choose one? I really need to lay out my thoughts and emotions. Is there someone who's winning more than the others? Think y/n, think! Should I go through with this? Do they really think this is a good idea? I mean, it wouldn't hurt to get to know them and it wouldn't hurt to be around handsome men like them. I already love the kis..

"HEY GORGEOUS!" I heard my name.


My heart does a summersault when I see his smile. I giggle and walk a bit faster to see him. He brings his arms around me and gives me a big hug. "Good morning!" He says into my ear. "Hey Hobi" I responded. "Let's go." He takes my hand and guides me into the classroom and we find a seat in the last row. Class goes on but and he slides over a note to me.

"You're so beautiful. I can't pay attention in class because you're so distracting" My eyes widen and I suddenly blush. I truly believe that these guys have me under a spell. I try my best to focus on the professor but he drops his hand on top of mine and begins to graze his thumb over my knuckles. My body tenses up in hopes that no one can see what is happening between us.

"Have a great day and study hard! There will be a quiz on Friday!" The professor speaks before she walks out. It startles me and I begin to pack my bag. Jhope is already done but waiting for me. Slowly the classroom empties as people leave. "Are you ready? What's your next class?" Jhope asks. "Yes, I have Music Theory next, a few floors up." I answered. He takes my hand again and leads me out the door. Just as we are about to exit the classroom, he turns around abruptly, which causes my to run right into his chest. He wraps his arms around my shoulders while looking down at me. "Hey gorgeous?" He catches my attention, I bring my eyes to meet his. "You're really special to me. I hope you can see that." He says before pressing his lips onto my forehead. That soft kiss sends butterflies to my tummy and we exit the room then part ways.

I head up a few flights of stairs and enter my next class. Staring at the piano, I noticed that Yoongi isn't there. For some reason, it makes me sad inside. After the lustful kiss last night, I've been thinking about him kissing me again. His lips left a lasting imprint on me and it longs for more. Sadly, Yoongi never shows up for the class. I stayed there for a bit after everyone is gone; just staring at the piano.

Why do I miss him so much?

I look down at my desk and pull out my phone when I hear it ring. I don't recognize the number, it might Jungkook, Taehyung, or Yoongi. "Hey Princess, where are you?

It's Yoongi!

"I just finished with one of my classes. Why you weren't here today?" I asked out of curiosity. I heard a chuckle before he says "Why? Do you miss me that much?" His voice deepens. It sends shocks through my body that I don't know how to explain. Suddenly, Yoongi comes through the door, closes I behind him and locks it.


He walks towards me with the phone still to his ear. "Are you going to answer me, Princess?" He asks as he stands before me with his body towering over me. I can't speak. I try to but nothing comes out of my mouth. Yoongi hangs up and puts his phone on the table. Bending at the hips, he lowers his upper body until he and I come face to face. "Tell me Princess..." he brings his right hand to my face; gripping it so hard that my cheeks are squished in.

"Did...you...miss...me?" His siren eyes are shaking my soul. I nodded but that wasn't what he wanted. His hand releases my face and wraps around my throat lightly. He lifts my body off my seat to stand in front of him. "Good girls will always be rewarded and you aren't being very good right now Princess." Yoongi whispers. Yoongi softens the grip around my throat for me to speak. "I missed you." I softly muttered. He then let's go of my throat and brings his hands around the back of my neck. His left hand wraps around my hips pulling me closer to him.

"I missed you too, Princess"

The warmth of his lips meet mine; aggressive and rough with each kiss. I circle my arms around his neck with my fingers playing with his hair. He breaks away from my lips only to latch on to my neck. "Yoongi..." I moan. I can feel his lips curl into a smile against my skin. He bites and nips at me causing my body to squirm. He pushes the chair out of the way and scoots my body against the desk til I can't go back any further. His hands trail down my body. His large hands rub down my back until both his hands palm my ass. Giving me a light spank before he continues lower until they reach the top of my thighs. Yoongi lifts me up and sit me on the desk. Forcing my legs apart with his body. "Again, Princess." Yoongi growls in my ear. "I want to hear my name leave your lips again." He says as he clamps his hands my thighs separating them even more so he can position himself closer to me.

"Yoongi..." I wail when he nips my collarbone. "Mmhmm" he groans. The vibrations of his voice sending tingles to my core. I bite my lip as he trails lower until...

We hear someone pounding on the door, "IS ANYONE IN THERE? I FORGOT MY BOOK!!" A man yells.

Yoongi wipes his lips and pulls me off the desk. "Sit." He commands before adjusting his pants. He walks towards the door and swings it open.

"Go get your book..." he snarled at the guy.

Hot. He is so fuuucking hot!

Once the guy leaves, Yoongi comes to me and grabs my backpack and my hand. "Let's go...we need to finish this." He smirks at me and we are out the door. He is pulling on my hand and tugging me through the halls so fast that we are practically running. We get to his car and he throws my things in the backseat after putting me in the front. He hops in the driver's seat and starts driving.

"Princess?" I look at him. I can't help but pant from the running and the hot make out session we had in the classroom. "Yes?" I say in between breaths. "I'm taking you home with me." His dark orbs are looking at me and observing me. I bite my lip again and suddenly Yoongi brings his right up to my cheek. "You drive me absolutely crazy." He looks at me up and down then looking back at the road. He pulls into the driveway and I notice that there are no other cars around.

Next thing I know, we're inside the house and running up the stairs into his room. The door slams and he pushes my back against the door and without hesitation his lips crash into mine. It's once again a sloppy kiss. He grasps my face with both his hands and his actions slow down. His forehead is pressed against mine and he looks me in the eyes. "You deserve the world, Princess." He whispers. "Let me take care of you." But before I could say anything, he plants a soft and subtle peck on my lips. 1 turns into 2, then to 3 and more. Peck after peck; he leaves my lips and heads towards my cheeks.

"You can always tell me no or to stop. Okay?" Yoongi says in my ear. I nod lightly, but he says "I need you to answer me or this won't work."

A/N: This chapter is dedicated to my girl D! Happy birthday babes 💜

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