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Narrator's POV

Jimin enters through the front door. "What. The. Fuck." He just heard through the door that the other boys are interested in the girl he just spent the day with. Jimin's blood boils because he too, wants y/n for himself.

"Not you too!" Jungkook says. The 6 other pairs of eyes look at Jimin. "Yes, me too." Jimin voices.

"I met her first!" Taehyung argues.

"How do you know that?!" Namjoon questions.

"I kissed her first!" Jhope yells.

The room is silent again. Everyone's hands are balled into a fist.

"Wait!" Jin interrupts. "Everyone sit down!" He yells. Slowly, the boys listen and sits on the couch. The tension in the room is so thick that it's making everyones breathing fluctuate. They all finally get seated then Yoongi speaks, "we need to break this down to a timeline of who met y/n first".

"I met her on the first day!" Taehyung yells. "Me too!" Jin says. "Well so did I!" Jimin interjects "I saw her first thing in the morning!" Namjoon confidently announces.

"Okay so Namjoon met y/n first..." Jin starts. "But he didn't even know her name til last night when I yelled it." He finishes and throws Namjoon a glare.

"How is this going to work out? Who has feelings for her, raise your hand." Jhope asks. As if they were in a orchestra, they raised their hands in unison. "So we know that Jhope has kissed her, anyone else?" Yoongi questioned. "Me!" Namjoon smirking as the memory flashes back into his mind.

"Yah! Stop thinking about it!" Jin yells at Namjoon. "Sorry! I can't help it! It was really hot!" He continues. "WAIT! What the hell did you do with her!?" Jimin is eager to investigate. "You don't want to know..." Jin says as he frowns. "I want to know!" Jhope says and Jimin agrees.

"We were dancing last night and then next thing you know we were in my ro..." Namjoon blurts before he is cut off by Jungkook "Hyung! You slept with her!?"

"Unfortunately no, it would have been great though. But Jin hyung had to cockblock me!" Namjoon irritably crosses his arms. "Y/n fell asleep in my bed." Jin confesses

"What the hell!" Yoongi says while throwing his hands in the air.

"Are you serious!?" Jungkook stands from his spot.

Taehyung softly butts in "So did you sleep with her?" All their eyes shift to Jin, his ears turning red and he doesn't answer right away. Everyone expect Jimin begins to assume that Jin did the unthinkable. Soon they all get angrier. Frustrated, one at a time they stand up and start fidgeting. Some of them are groaning but all feel the heat in the room intensifying.

"No...." Jin finally answers. The air in the room is finally lightened.

"So how are we supposed to figure this out? All 7 of us like y/n but none of us know who she's interested in." Namjoon said. "Actually...I was just with her." Jimin exposed. "I asked her if she was interested in someone and she said "Umm I guess you can say that" but she didn't clarify who it was and now I know why" Jimin tells the group.

"How about we just date her and see who will win her heart?" The youngest asks the group. Silence enters the room once again. All the heads turns to him as if he cursed at their moms. "I mean, it might be the only way that any of us would be able to get to date her." He continues. "And let it be her choice...whoever she decides to be with...then everyone else backs off and we all have to accept it." Jungkook says.

"That isn't a bad idea but what if someone sleeps with her?" Taehyung asks with his eyes a bit confused on the situation.

"Then they sleep with her." Yoongi interrupts followed by a lustful laugh.

"Yah! Stop thinking with the wrong head!" Jin mentions. "Y/n deserves more respect than that!"

The room becomes tense once again. Is this going to be a game for everyone? Will the outcome be what they are looking for? They all know that if she falls in love with 1 of them then the 6 others boys will be heartbroken.

"So the first to her heart gets her. What if she can't choose?" Jimin asks

"I'm not sure if I can be see that beautiful soul with anyone else but me." Jhope cuts in. "I also don't want this to ruin our friendship. It could really destroy this house and what we have here." Jhope says with a sigh. Taehyung agrees.

"Should we tell her about this? I don't want this to come back and bite the one she chooses in the ass." Taehyung's caring voice echos in everyone's head.

"We should tell y/n so she doesn't find out that we secretly know each other." Namjoon says. Jin nods his head.

"Now, if I one of us takes her virginity?" Jimin's question sparks everyone's attention. They are all shocked by this very important news. If they didn't know better they would have treated her differently. She's new to all of this and now everyone suddenly becomes a little more tender towards her.

"She's a virgin?!" Jin asks. Jimin nods and chuckles with satisfaction, knowing that he was the only one to know that secret.

"How do you know this?" Yoongi skepticism begins to run through everyone's head.

"Again, she told me tonight that she has never dated, had a boyfriend, or had sex." Jimin responded.

"Never been on a date?! How is that possible?! She's gorgeous!" Jungkook intervenes.

"Okay, we are kinda going nowhere. We know what we have not known before. Unfortunately, we all are interested in the same girl and none of us want to give her up so easily without some kind of fight. So, here's the plan..." Namjoon leading the conversation, "We all will and can date her, we can show her what it's like to be with someone, and we will treat her right, BUT! If you're lucky enough to be the one she decides to give her virginity to...DO NOT... just fuck her senselessly and run away!" Namjoon chooses his words wisely. "Treat her with respect; don't just get her wasted and make her a great one night stand. Even if it's tempting." He shakes his head knowing he almost made that mistake.

"What will happen if one of us brings her back here?" Jungkook asks.

"Then you must tell the group and we will respectfully stay out of your way." Jin says. "Or don't and we can all make this interesting" Yoongi interjects in a sadistic tone.

"Do we have a deal?" Jimin asks. Nods and hums fill the room. The tension has lifted and it seems that the boys have figured out a way to share y/n until she finds out who her heart truly belongs to.

Yoongi laughs lowly under his breath, "so how should we tell the Princess that 7 men are now courting her?" Everyone looks at each other and realize that they now have another thing to discuss.

"We need to tell her as a group." Jin answers the younger. Telling y/n as a group will help eliminate some of the concerns she may have.

"Okay then. I think we figured it out." Namjoon announces. "But I think she's going to give up her virginity to me...It could have happened already if someone didn't interrupt us." Pissing off the entire group with one breath. "Hyung! Stop shoving it in our faces." Jungkook yells.

"Okay okay. We will invite her here for dinner with the 7 of us." Jin says.

"I'll text her right now."

A/N: how do you guys think its going to go down? Will she agree to do this?

Misunderstood (BTSxY/N Poly ff) 18+Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant