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Jimin's POV

"Hyung, do you know who that girl is?" I hear Tae while he is nudging my shoulder.

"Why would you ask me? You were the one walking with her." I respond while wearing a confused look.

From the seat I'm in, I can see the profile of her face that's slightly covered by her beautiful hair. Those full pink lips that I am so curious to touch. Round soft cheeks I now have the desire to pinch.

She's is the most beautiful girl I've laid eyes on. What's her name? How does Tae walk with someone and not know their name? What is it about her that makes her so enduring?

"Hyung, stop staring! She might turn around and see you." The younger whispers as he shoves his elbow into my arm.

"Shhh, pay attention." I express with slight irritation. Rolling my eyes, I release a sigh as I look back at the professor.

As the class comes to an end, I walk out of the classroom at a slower pace than usual. Taehyung rushes out to his next class without a single wave. Tae, being completely unaware that he's giving me an opportunity to find out who this spellbinding girl is.

Watching her leave her seat, I wait for the most opportune moment. Mesmerized by the way her body glides across the room, making her way out the door.

Do something! Say something! Now!

"HEY!!" I yelled; doing my best to catch her attention.

She jumps and stops in her tracks like a deer in headlights.


"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." I apologized while Scratching the back of my neck hoping she doesn't think I'm stupid or scary. "I couldn't help but notice that you were walking to class with Tae earlier. How do you know him?" I question her to keep this conversation from going south.

"I don't know him. I just met him in the cafeteria" her voice quivers in response.

"Lucky him! He got to lay eyes on that gorgeous face first of yours." Indicating my compliment.

I notice a light tint of red makes an appearance on her face. I can't help but smile knowing that I'm the one who made her blush.

"I know a lot of people here... buuuut I don't know You. I would have noticed you before if I have seen you around. What's your name?" I ask while I still have her attention.


His eyes are so cute when he smiles. Why is he smiling? I didn't do anything. Am I starting to sweat? Why do these men make me feel so warm?


His eyes carry a glimmer of joyfulness. "Y/n huh? I like that that name." he says. "I'm Jimin. Park Jimin. Arts major, mainly in dance and music. Oh and I'm a sophomore."

I cover my mouth when a giggle slips. His compliment is probably something he says to every girl he comes across but I can't deny how it gave me butterflies. I know he means trouble.

In the attempt to escape from this interaction, "Well have a good day then. It was nice meeting you." I tried mumbling a farewell. While I turn away from Jimin to begin my journey to the music building. I'm about to take a step but I'm held back.

I feel his fingers brush the skin of my hand. The way he grasps my hand is subtle and soft but the suddenness of his action causes me to pull my hand back out of habit.

He grabbed my hand. Y/n!! Get it together. Do I look like an easy target or something? You sense that he means trouble.

Jimin realizes that he may have made me uncomfortable but instead of an apology he says, "We are headed the same direction." With a smirk that I want to wipe off his face.

Quick y/n think! He might be the creep out of this group of friends.

"I'm assuming you're headed to the library?" He mouths with his head tilting a bit to the right. "I'm going to find a book that I need for one of my classes tomorrow. Can I join you?" He overly shares.

"I am curious to know why you think I'm headed to the library." I boldly assert, bringing my hand back around my textbook.

"There are only two things in that direction, the library and the music building. You look studious so I went with the books." he affirms. "Plus, what freshman is in a sophomore class?" He interrogates.

Is that a compliment? Didn't really feel like one.

"I'm headed to the music building. What makes you think that I'm a freshman?" I question his assumption.

"It's written all over your face. It's in the way you walk, the way you look around trying to find the room number above the doors." He is spot on and the smirk on his face grows. His confidence makes me feel small.

"You clench your books like someone's going to bully you. So sweetheart, you're obviously new here and need some people to help you out." He confidently conveys.

"Thanks but...I have friends to help me and I don't really know you." I declare.

Just like a calling from God, my phone starts buzzing...

Picking it up as I storm away from him, leaving him behind.

"I hope to see you around y/n!"

A/N: is jimin your bias? Can you come claim him because writing this part made me weak

Misunderstood (BTSxY/N Poly ff) 18+Where stories live. Discover now