Flowers and Rain

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Taehyung's POV

I hang up the call and head towards campus. I'm happy she agreed to come out tonight but I'm nervously tapping my leg. At a stop light, I look into the backseat to see the basket and flowers that I have prepared for her. Hoping tonight goes well and is very special for her. I pull up and I see her standing at the top of the stairs in her beige sweater

She's so cute.

I come around the car as she comes down the stairs. "Hey there." I say and pull her into the warmest hug I can ever give. I can smell her perfume; it's light and sweet. She looks up at me and I instantly feel weak. Those pearly eyes smiling at me as she says hello to me.

She has been drinking

I can smell the alcohol in her breath and her gaze makes me want to kiss her. I open the door for her, She climbs into the car and I get back into the driver's seat. I begin to drive and her giddy voice brings happiness to my ears. "Where are we going?" She smiles at me and I can feel my heart pounding. She makes me want to give her anything and everything she could ever ask for. When I see that smile, I want to turn into her provider, her lover, her friend, and her pleaser. I am willing to go to the ends of the earth for her.

"Tae?" She calls me; shaking me from my thoughts. "Sorry, What was your question?" I glance at her before looking back at the road. "I asked, where are we going?" She asks me "For a drive...I just want to spend time with you." I told her before reaching into the backseat to grab the bouquet of flowers. "Oh my! Tae! You didn't have to! They are so beautiful!" She says

Yes, you are.

"I wanted to." I told her and put the car in park. "Come on, let's go."

I grab the basket and blanket in one hand and held her hand with the other. I lead her to a spot in the park by the pond. Setting down the blanket then sitting down next to her. I open up the basket to pull out some candles and lit them. "Wow, you really thought this through." She claims. "I wanted to make sure you feel extra special whenever you're with me." I say to impress her. I know it worked because of the smile that spreads on her face again. The dimples in her cheeks are visible to my eye and causes me to smile too.


Taehyung lights the candles and I just look around. The moonlight is shining off the water in front of us and when I look up at the moon, I can see a few stars amongst the clouds in the distance. "Here" he says while passing me a glass of wine. "Oh my gosh, what is all this for?" I asked him. My heart is fluttering a million beats per minute. "It's for you! What else could this be for? You deserve to be treated right." He inches closer to me. "Y/n, you deserve a man who will come into your life and take all your worries away." He confesses and I turn into a blushing ball of human flesh. "They say that people come into your life for 1 of these 3 things; it's either for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Y/n...with you I want all 3." Taehyung looks away and sips from his glass.

"Tae?" I mutter to get his attention. He turns his head and his puppy eyes carry a hint of the glistening moon. He raised an eyebrow and in that moment, my body freezes, my mind goes blank and all I feel is my heart pounding in the cage of my ribs. The breeze of the wind ruffling the strands of hair that hug his face; swaying in slow motion. As if time stood still just for us, Taehyung's gaze makes me forget everything bad in my world. He frees me from my worries; bringing peace to my life. There is something about him that makes me wonder what love is like and if this is what it feels like. He makes this feel uncomplicated.



"Y/n?" He calls me; pulling me from my subconscious. I look away once I realized that I got caught staring but his laughs brings my eyes back to him.

His smile.

"Y/n... you're so cute" he bellows another laugh. "Stop it!" I whined and pushed his shoulder. I thought it would make him stop but he laughs harder. His eyes disappear and I begin to pout. "Okay okay, I'm sorry. What did you want to say?" He asks, placing his empty wine glass down. "I don't remember." I blurted and Taehyung bursted into another laughing spell. "Did we come here tonight for you to laugh at me the whole time?" I questioned him with a wrinkled forehead. I cross my arms and throw a tiny tantrum. "No, of course not!" He says to me. "I brought you here so you can take your mind off of the things that have been happening and for us to get some alone time without getting distracted."

I felt calmness wash over me and my heart flutters again. As he stares off into the distance he says, "Can I ask you something?" He scoots closer to me; our hips almost touching. I nodded and waited patiently for him to ask his question. "I don't want to sound crazy or assume anything. So I wanted to ask you this because it's been on my mind and as I watch and hear everything that is happening between you and the others...I can't help but feel like you aren't interested in me. Y/n, do you like me at all?" He sounds sad and he is no longer making eye contact with me. "Tae, of course I like you!" I say with a giggle. "I want to learn everything there is to know about you. I want to know what you like and don't like. I want to see your silly side and your serious side. I also want to hear you sing!" I let out before taking another breath. "Tae, you have been nothing but sweet to me. You have protected me, saved me, and watched over me. I know that all I have done is hurt you." I tell him. His face drops and his eyes stare at the ground in front of us.

I turn my whole body so I am now sitting in front of him. I bring both of my hands up to cup his face; I lift it so I can see his eyes. "I always think about you. Even this morning when you said you just got back to the house, I started to wonder where you were all night. I care about you. I might not have shown it, but I definitely know I have feelings for you." I'm not sure which part of what I said started to make him smile but it makes me feel tingly. I crash my lips into his and kiss him gently. Feeling his lips taking me in and before I know it, he scoops me up and sets me on his lap. I break away to look at him and suddenly, raindrops begin to fall from the sky. "Oh no!" I yelled and jumped off of him. "Go go go! Run to the car! I'll grab everything!" Taehyung yells but I helped him throw everything in the basket and he sweeps up the blanket off the ground before we both run like crazy back to the car.

Once we get into the car, the soft drizzle has turned into a downpour. The sound of the raindrops hitting the car is like a soothing rhythm. We both are trying to catch our breath in between our laughter. "I didn't know it was going to rain tonight." I said to him and Taehyung's hand meets my cheek. He wipes away a raindrop and smiles at me. "If we stay here like this, I'm going to want to do more than just kiss." He says to me and I instantly blush. All the walls come crashing down and I become weak for him. "You deserve more than just sex from me y/n." He continues and I quickly respond with a kiss. This kiss is different. It's passionate and not full of lust. A kiss that tugs on my heart and not just my body. I want him...all of him. Taehyung pulls away and starts the car.

"Put on your seatbelt and let's go home."

A/n: anyone else weak for gentle Tae?

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