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Now dressed in a red Gucci suit, I watch the built but beautiful frame of the younger as he barks out orders. He has open his file and doesn't give room for anything, not even the usual banter or the occasion playfulness as he directs duties, and allocates work for the final round of shooting.

Today in particular isn't his day, hasn't been really, for the past few days, and I can say that confidently, having watched him since the other day when he came in, quiet, contrary to his cheery morning personality. He looked glum, and a little uncomfortable. He wouldn't say it but I knew something was wrong, and instinctively my mind had rushed off to the event the other night, the same one he had disappeared from without a word.

I had thought he was mad at me for not sharing with him earlier on about my wedding, and like everyone else he had found out with the others during Jungkook's speech, and confronted, he had admitted to me he was surprised, and a little sad about me not telling him about it, but assured that he understood.

I didn't want to push him, not like he would let me, further than I already did with the apologies, but his mood continued to plummet, if anything he seemed sadder than he had checked in. It wasn't exactly readable, not to the others at least, but I saw it. The dodginess, the silence, and the obvious attempt to be the usual Hoseok around me.

Sure, he wasn't gravely mad at me for withholding the information about me getting married, but there was something more to it, and it had everything to do with the party, and everything that happened there. He looked like it was bothering him, eating him up, like it had been, and is still is on his mind.

I know well he wouldn't tell me if I pressed further, it's just another trait of his now. Secrecy, hiding. He keeps to himself, especially the matters of the heart. He holds on to them solely, would never let me, or anyone else into his love affairs, or his relationships for some reason. I am not saying he is upset about a relationship or anything like that, but I've known him enough since I returned from America, well enough to deduce his regular problems from his secret problems. I hate that this is us now, that despite being best friends there are things we are keeping from each other. I hate how we've drifted, how over time we've let things slide under the rug, and leave under pretense, while separately we are having issues, missing comfort that we could get from being best friend.

I guess I started it, when I came back from America I hesitated, for some weird reason I just took a step back from our close relationship, and he felt that, which in turn molded into a heap from these little unspoken issues between us. How do I fix that, how do I go back to when we were just us, without the drama, the secrets, and the hiding. How do I go back to when he was really my best friend. I miss my best friend.

"It's done." The director shouts from his seat, sounding an applause which everyone else follows after for the completion of the shoot. Hoseok looks relived that it has ended, and he turns to me, flashing a tight lipped smile, the first one I've seen all day. "Finally." He exclaims, waving the group of boys off for a break before coming to seat beside me.

All afternoon has been hectic, shooting the first official commercial with the boys and getting everything done correctly has proven to be more than just a little task. I hated to order for the constant repeat, and to be the bitch, but I specifically had to do it if I wanted everything portrayed like I had visualized it. As a result we had to go back and forth, but then again the boys had come through, they were natural models, and were of course easy to work with, so despite the amount of time taken, the process has gone smoothly.

It's almost evening, and the sun is almost setting, and I debate whether to head straight home or to finish up on a few things in the office before leaving. Jeonghan is at a friend's house until later tonight, so I am not too worried about him fussing over my absence.

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