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Nostalgia, panic, anxiety, and fear, oh, so much fear....These emotions and so many more rack through me at the same time. Burning, but oddly refreshing in the same. Tingles of sweat rack through my body, veins pulsing so loudly I can almost hear it in my ears. His grip on my hand is firm, fingers grazing gently with mine as we shake hands. This is unreal, this is completely, what, why is he here?

His gaze meets mine, and I swear that the world stops. The universe kind of halts, everything going still and quiet, except for my, and his heavy breathing. My mind doesn't allow me to process what is right in front of me. I can't see the difference in height, and the change in hair colour. I am blind to the visible addition in muscles, the more defined look he now sports with his new obvious change in career path. Instead I only register his familiar dark orbs, his unnerving eyes, and slight full lips. All I see is him, I see Namjoon, Namjoon is

"Good morning..." His tone comes off deep as he speaks, tongue rolling satisfyingly as the sound comes out of him, keeping me under his spell. I am rooted, fixated, and just...frozen under his gaze, under his empty, stony gaze. He has me captive, still able to rob me of the chance to act or react by his mere sight. Powerless.



"Jin." Hoseok calls a bit louder beside me, nudging me subtly on the side to wake up from my stupor. I jump slightly in my skin, pulling back my hand abruptly from the man in front of me, like his touch just burned me.
My face glazes up at the action, at having absentmindedly stared at him for too long, even more in a room full of people like this. I am embarrassed for having allowed myself to get in my head for a second, for letting myself feel every slight thing, for being affected.

I don't spare Namjoon a response, too flustered, and too fearful to look at him once more. I instead turn around to be met by the full room of guests that are still waiting. "I hope you don't mind that we dropped by unannounced, we wanted to see what you young lads were up to." Mr Min Jiwon, the older of the group says, smiling at me. I force back a smile, walking away from the corner as Hoseok hurriedly shakes Namjoon's hand in my peripheral view. "Not at all, we have plenty of room here, and we are excited to have you around." I assure the old man, motioning with my hand to a seat closer to the top of the table. "Thank you, son." He mutters as he takes it, his other colleagues, and the boys following along.

He is the founder of the company, the main chair to BigHit and it's operations. The man is fond of me and Jungkook, always calling us his sons, and always expressing his excitement to have fresh and young people in the industry to work with. We've met him a couple of times, him and his son Min Yoongi, who is also a co- founder to the said company, present for this impromptu meeting as well.

"I've been told you haven't met one of ours..." The man chimes happily as I take a seat next to him, eyes searching the room for a second before it lands and settles on the tall black haired male opposite. Blood red suit plus domineering posture oozing over his stance in assertion and authority. I gulp thickly as he motions over to Namjoon, the other showing a tight lipped smile as he takes his seat directly opposite mine, Min Yoongi to his side.

I can't decipher if that's a coincidence, or if he perhaps he chose that particular seat with intent. Intention for what? I wouldn't know, not that it matters anyway. "This right here is another son of mine, he, and this one, put these boys together." Mr Min points to Min Yoongi in reference, then to the group of boys sitting quietly on each sides of the table. "He is the face behind those numerous hits you hear everywhere now." He adds happily, looking at Namjoon and Yoongi who only nod over in acknowledgement of the praise.

CHARADES  (Namjin.)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें