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Brendon walks into the kitchen where both of his parents were. They looked like they haven't slept in ages. Brendon gives them a weird look.

" Good morning?" Brendon says. Niall and Liam seem to wake up a little more. They look at Brendon.

" Oh, good morning Brendon." Liam says.

" You guys look more tired than usual." Brendon says. He grabs a bowl for cereal. He grabs some cereal and pours it into the bowl.

" We are. Melody hasn't been sleeping well." Niall says. Brendon notices the missing baby.

" You are aware that she isn't here right?" Brendon says. He starts to eat his cereal.

" Yes. We finally got her to sleep this morning." Liam says. Liam's phone alarm goes off. He looks at it.

" Shit, I have to go to work." Liam says. And with that, Melody starts crying from upstairs. Both parents let out a tired sigh.

" Get ready for work. I'll take care of her." Niall says. They both stand up from the table and walk out of the kitchen. Brendon finishes his breakfast. He empties the bowl into the sink and walks to the bathroom. As he was brushing his teeth, he got a message from Ava saying that she was there.

Brendon quickly finishes brushing his teeth. He walks out of the bathroom.

" I'm off to school!" Brendon calls.

" Okay!" Niall calls back. Then he realizes Drew wasn't with him," Wait, what about-"

Brendon was already out the door before Niall could finish his sentence. Brendon runs out to the car. He gets in the back of the car with Ella. Ava smiles back to Brendon from the passenger seat.

" Hey Bren." Ava says.

" Hi Ava. Thank you again for driving me to school. I really appreciate it." Brendon says.

" You're welcome." Ava's sister, Avery, says from the driver seat.

" Anything happen between you and DJ?" Ella asks.

Brendon shakes his head," Nope. He hasn't even bothered to talk to me."

" That sucks. What about Sage?" Ella says.

" No. She's acting like I don't exist." Brendon says.

" I'm sorry Brendon. You really deserve better." Ava says.

" Woah, wait. Brendon, you're related to DJ Payne?" Avery asks.

" Sadly, yes." Brendon says.

" You probably get this a lot, but your brother is hot." Avery says. Ava slaps her arm.

" I can tell you, you're not the only one who thinks that." Brendon says. The group gets to the school. Avery parks the car. Avery looks back at Brendon.

" Yeah, but he's also a dick." Avery says with a smile. Brendon gives her a smile. The group gets out and walks into the school. Ava and Ella lead Brendon to where they hang out, which was near Ava's locker in a corner.

" Thanks for letting me hang out with you guys." Brendon says. Ella pushes him.

" Stop it. We do anything for you." Ella says.

" I know, but I've never sat with you guys before." Brendon says.

" You're always welcome no matter what." Ava says. Brendon smiles at his friends. They started to talk about boys when Brendon saw two familiar faces walking his way down the hallway. Brendon let out a groan.

" I don't want to deal with them." Brendon groans. Ella and Ava look to see Drew and Sage walking towards them.

" Brendon, why the hell did you leave without me? Did you walk to school?" Drew asks as soon as he is in front of the friends.

" He's pissed at you and your girlfriend. He's not gonna be in the same car as you." Ella says.

" I gave him a ride." Ava says.

" Okay, but that was rude. Dad didn't even know you left without me!" Drew says.

" Who cares? He's at school." Ella says.

" Okay, whatever. Sage has something she wants to tell you." Drew says. He pushes Sage forward. Sage rolls her eyes. The friend group gives each other a weird look.

" I'm sorry I lied to you and I'm sorry I'm dating DJ." Sage says.

" Yeah, that doesn't sound genuine." Brendon says.

" Why not? She apologized so you guys can make up! You're friends." Drew says.

" I'd just like to say, friends don't date their brothers. You don't see us wanting to date you." Ella says.

" And besides, you probably made her apologize. I'm not accepting that apology." Brendon says.

" But-"

" DJ, I think you and Sage should leave. Brendon and Ella can go all day. Try to be helpful next time rather than force something on him." Ava says.

" Don't expect that anytime soon." Sage mumbles. Brendon gives her a dirty look.

" I have no idea why you're pissed at me. You're the one being a terrible friend." Brendon says.

" I am not! You're the one being a terrible friend! You try to force answers out of me!" Sage yells.

" I do not! You have lied about your whole relationship with DJ to me! This is your first real relationship and you don't tell me anything! I don't care if it's with my brother! Okay, maybe I do, but the point is you lied to me." Brendon says. The school bells rings. Brendon gathers his things and walks away. Ella and Ava run after him, leaving Drew and Sage alone.

Brendon ran near a bathroom and wiped his eyes. He hated crying and he hated fighting. Ella and Ava catch up with him.

" That was really brave of you Bren." Ava says.

" Was it? I can't believe I did that." Brendon says.

" I'm so proud of you! You're finally standing up for yourself." Ella says," Here, lets dry your eyes."

Ella leads him into the bathroom. She grabs a paper towel and runs cold water under it. She places the paper towel under his eyes to reduce the puffiness.

" I really don't deserve you guys." Brendon says.

" Nonsense. You deserve real friends." Ella says.

" Okay, lets get to class." Ava says. The three walk out of the bathroom. They walk their different ways to their classes.

Brendon walks into his first class of the day and tries not to have his argument with Sage ruin his day. He wanted to be the stronger person.


Yo I wrote this chapter in like an hour. I'm so glad an idea struck me. I hope you liked it!!

I'm debating about starting a new fanfic.... just because I want to finish this one before I start anything but I would like to have two at the same time. Idk.

I hope you guys are doing okay! If you have anything to say, feel free to comment or message me.

Thank you guys so much for reading. I love you all.


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