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" How was school and practice today bub?" Niall asks Drew as soon as he steps into the house. Drew slips his shoes off and walks over to Niall who was sitting on the couch watching the telly.

" Both were good," Drew says," Is it just the two of us going to the ultrasound?"

Niall's first ultrasound for his new baby was today and Drew wanted to be there with Niall. Drew didn't want Niall to go through this journey alone, since his papa cheated on his dad and was kicked out. Drew was going to make sure he was there for Niall, no matter what. Even if Drew acts like he doesn't care for his dad, he loves his dad with all his heart and would do anything for him.

" Yes because Brendon has marching band practice till later tonight." Niall says. Niall stands up from the couch and turns the telly off. He turns to his oldest son," Ready?"

Drew nods his head," Yeah dad."

Both boys walk to the garage door and slip their shoes on. Niall grabs his car keys and wallet and the two walk out of the house and into the garage. They get into Niall's car. Niall starts the car and pulls out of the driveway. Niall starts driving to the hospital.

" Dad, do ultrasounds take long? Cause I have a lot of homework." Drew says.

" They shouldn't take long. It also has been like 8 years since I last had an ultrasound." Niall says, being reminded of his last miscarriage however long ago it was. Niall was still shook about all the miscarriages he's had. The large number was a little too crazy.

" Good." Drew says," Oh, and are we gonna stop for dinner on the way home?"

" I hate to say this, but now that papa is gone, money is gonna be a little tight. We can't eat out every night." Niall says.

" What about something cheap, like McDonald's? Come on dad, just this one time." Drew begs. Niall shakes his head at his son. He's going to have to learn that money doesn't grow on trees anymore.

" I have to say no DJ. We're gonna have to eat something at home." Niall says. Drew let out an angry sigh and stared out the window. Niall rolls his eyes at his pouty teenager.

Drew was staring out the window thinking about his dad's situation. He wanted to ask his dad some questions.

" Dad, if pa already cheated on you, why did you take him back?" Drew asks. Niall lets out a sigh.

" I always loved him and he always loved me. He was wrong, and he knew it. He worked his arse off to get me back. What he did worked." Niall says.

" If he loved you so much, why'd he cheat?" Drew asks.

" That's not a question for me DJ." Niall says.

" Sorry dad. I just have a lot of questions." Drew says.

" And majority of those questions are probably for papa. So just ask him when you see him next." Niall says. Drew looks at Niall with a disapproving look. Liam may have been Drew's favorite, but Drew does anything for Niall. And he doesn't want to see Liam.

" I never want to see him again. What he did to you was so wrong on so many levels." Drew says.

" If we do end up getting a divorce, which we probably will, you'll have to have weekends with him or something." Niall says.

" I don't care. I don't want him to even come near me." Drew says. Niall rolls his eyes.

" Don't get mad at him for what he did to me. He's still a great father to you guys and I bet he's going to be a great father to the new baby." Niall says. Drew looks at Niall weird.

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