Another life

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Error is going to be a girl in this. Why? Because I want to. Also Wattpad had been sold of to a Korean company so I'll be making a backup account on AO3 with the same username if possible. I won't have all of my books there as I find them cringy. 

Silence was all Error heard when new memories rushed into her skull. She got memories from a different life. In that life, she had a brother that had one tear mark under each eye. His name was Fejl. Fejl was a soldier in a war while Error was the commander. The commander who refused to be behind his soldiers. The commander that fought up front with her brother and was written down in history. Error saved her brother's life. Fejl had lost an arm in the early stages of the war, so Error had made a mechanical arm for him that doubled as a weapon. Error had spinal issues and had fixed it with mechanical enchantments too. Error remembered how she had pushed her brother out of the way and saved him from a bullet in the head. She remembered how it felt when her skull shattered, but also how she had just got up and continued fighting. She remembered how she managed to end the war by capturing all the commanders and people ranked above. Error didn't understand where those memories came from. They seemed so familiar but distant. Maybe it was from her life before the anti void? She tried to open her eyes to no avail. She heard beepings and shoutings. Concern and worry floated her body. Maybe Ink had captured her and was going to do something. She moved her arm to her skull and found it covered in bandages. She felt someone taking her arm and forcing it down. Error got up and had the other pinned to the ground within the blink of an Eye.

"Error calm down. You are not on the battlefield anymore, but in a hospital," She heard her brother's voice. Is she back or dreaming or is this real? She let him go.

"Sorry," She said. She still wasn't sure and eventually pinched her arm. Pain. She wasn't dreaming. Error ripped off her bandages and got off him. He made her go back to her bed. She didn't know that she had startled the entire team of doctors and nurses by waking so suddenly and without a warning. Error was placed back on the bed.

"I think we can be sure that your head didn't take any serious damage when it was blasted open," She hears her brother laugh. She looked at him with a smile as tears fell. He hugged her closely. Then whispered something into her ear that shocked her.

"I've taken care of ink," Fejl said. Error didn't respond, but Fejl knew that she had heard him. Error was in shock at what her brother had said. It wasn't long till Error was allowed home from the hospital. Error came back to her house and garden. She lived with her brother who had to help her with a lot of gardening work as they had abandoned it while serving in the military. Both got inside and sat on the couch.

"Explain," Error said. She looked her brother in the eyes.

"Error you've been in a coma for nine days, but in reality, your soul was forced into another body to fight a neverending battle for ten eons until someone would replace you. One Eon there is equal to a day in this world. I was told about this so I could help you once you came out. You spend one Eon in the Antivoid until you managed to come out and fight. I couldn't bear to know that you were suffering, so I managed to get into the other world and teach Ink a lesson or two. I don't know why, but I do know that you got to keep your strings even in this world where magic doesn't exist," Fejl explained. Error nodded taking it all in. She slowly processed it. Tears left her eyes rapidly while her brother hugged her. That was proven to be a mistake. She tackled her brother to the ground and sat on him relaxing.

"Does that mean my mechanical parts are intact?" Error asked. Her brother hissed.

"The doctors had to replace it since it was damaged by the bullet that put you in a coma. Can you stop tackling me and get off of me?" Fejl said. Error laughed and shook her head. She got up and helped up her brother up only to tackle him to the couch.

"Nope and If you need me can you find me in my workspace. I'll be making a new spine for myself," Error said. Fejl stopped her.

"The president wants to give you a medal of horner and bravery while promoting you to one of the secret ranks," Fejl said. Error rolled her eyes.

"I'm not surprised," Error said. She left and started to work on a new spine. She worked for five hours and then she was good as new. Sure it was made in a hurry and without all the features her old spine had but she could just make another from scratch another day. The next day was she given the medal in a public affair. She was asked why she didn't stay behind as most commanders did. She simply said. 'It's not fair that my brother has to sacrifice his life when I get to stay in safety,' She was rich as she had sold the base of her technology. The technology that could replace limbs. Her new life was quiet but she needed something to do. Error wasn't needed by the military unless another war started. Yet she was paid 8 figures a year. She quickly got bored of this life and wanted to do something with it. She went to visit her old Highschool. The students were shocked to see her there. she had told the principal in advance and he had warned all the teachers. Error walked into the school entrance at the start of the day. She looked around and smiled at the memories. Fejl had decided to tag along. The sibling pair spoke with one of the teachers who was a friend of theirs. Then the bell rang and students walked out only to look at the celebrity in front of them. Error was ignoring everyone but as the next bell rang did she pay attention the principal was a part of the conversation.

"Everybody go to your classes if you want a future if not do I have permission from ol' M here to give you a military training course," Error said. M was the Principal who hated his nickname. Half the students went away but the other half was ready for the challenge. It didn't even take half an hour for Error to exhaust them. She forced them to continue until the first child threw up then she made it easier for everyone but still hard. They were exhausted. Error was proud. Then she looked at the principal.

"Max You said something about lacking teachers and it was hard finding people that were capable to keep the children in check right?" Error asked

"Yes and why?" He asked.

"I'm bored most of the time so I'll be putting in an application. This should prove that I can put them in their place," Error said. The principal was shocked but her brother was on the ground laughing.

"I knew you had a dream of being a teacher but you are a war veteran," He said. Error shrugged.

"If they don't want me here then I'm going to a private high school as a PE and Sewing teacher," In the end that is what ended up happening. Error was a teacher at a private high school and had a good life. 

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