The queen of the school

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Error entered the hallways of the school. No one dared to look at her. No one dared to pretend she wasn't there eighter. She walked down the silent hall even the teachers didn't say a word. She snapped her fingers and people started to speak slowly and quietly. She opened her locker and opened it. A letter fell and she took it. She opened it and it was a threat. someone threatened her to give up on some people's blackmail or they would beat her to death. Error already knew who so she took out her phone and hacked into an influencer's phone and uploaded some of the blackmail she had on that person. She looked the person dead in the eyes as she posted it. The influencer quickly took the credit of the post as they knew Error had something on them too. She left and saw everything go down as she gave the letter to the teacher. They had an agreement. She could only destroy someone's life if they threatened her. The teacher sighed tomorrow another school would visit as two schools were supposed to combine. The teacher just hoped that there was someone that could put her in her place. Tomorrow came by. The new students mingled with the old ones. Error just stood in a corner. Two of the new boys walked over to her. They tried to hit on her. She took out her phone."Fillip Macro. Ran away after making a girl twice your age pregnant. Jakob Sleeve the biggest fuckboy I know despite your parent being ultra-religious and refusing for you to get vaccinated," Error said. They stared at her in shock."Leave me alone or this will leak out also Go ahead and tell the teachers I have Blackmail materials on everyone here and I can get it on anyone in the world," Error said with a twisted smile. They ran from her in fear. She was left with a smile on her face. the people from her school quieted down. She left her corner as she spotted someone. People made way for her as she walked by. She walked up to a friend group. Everyone else kept a distance from them."Hey Error," A boy in a purple Uniforme said. She smiled it wasn't sadistic."Nightmare your father forgot again," She said. He sighed."That is probably why he gave me this. Nightmare said holding an envelope. Error snatched it and opened it. A check on her pay for her security plugin. Error smiled."Now that's out of the picture," She said. She kissed him and he kissed back. Everyone froze in place. The students of the two schools talked about their king and queen and warned the other school about them, but now the king and queen have revealed that they are a couple. She sat beside him and chatted with the group. "You know that my father pulled the funding from my high school so we all have to start here now," He said. "Not surprised he meet me once and tried to bribe me into marrying you," Error said. Nigthmare laughed."Not surprised. I've always been his favorite while dream was mom's," Nightmare said. They looked at the teachers near the walls praying with the bible or crosses. Error looked at cross and killer they gave each other the cold shoulders."What happened here?" Error asked in morse by tapping her hand on the table she sat on."Dream kissed Cross and killer thought he was cheating with my brother," Nightmare said replied in morse. Error smiled."You know how dangerous is it to keep us together right?" Error asked. They heard banging on the school walls. The students screamed and tried to get out. "EVERYBODY YOU LEAVE YOU DIE," Nightmare and Error yelled at the same time. Everything froze."What the hell do you mean?" a student asked. "Look out the windows," error said. They saw soldiers. Error and Nightmare got up and Error took out her laptop. She hacked into the soldier's weapons and made a virus also hacked the military base with a message. ' Leave me and my lover alone or I will expose you,' The shoulders started shouting and Error got to the window still holding her laptop. She saw the things they had. She made the virus infiltrate their communication and gave them orders to wait for further instructions and report back all the things happening also everything the targets say. Error sat on the window. One leg hanging out."So you want me dead so badly that you were willing to kill around 2000 students in the process?" error asked."YOU ARE A NATIONAL THREAT THAT HAS TO BE NEUTROLAIZED," Error looked at the man that screamed at her."Wow they even sent a segregated major to kill me," Error commented. Error jumped out the window. She forced some of their equipment to me movement sensing. They quickly noticed and the Major gave an order to not move."I want for you to remember what made me?" Error smiled nightmare had closed the window. "I'm not in any position to know," He said."Well let's just say I'm a failed experiment," error smiled as she took a cord from her neck. Everyone was in shock. She plucked it into the laptop and the major got a command. Kill her with no mercy. He sent back that she had control over all the equipment and that doing so would be suicide. Error smiled she fried all of their equipment."Go ahead and tell your superior that their security is weak. Also, come back and I will leak important information to the media," She already leaked a little restricted information to show what she is capable of. The soldiers were called back. They brought all the fried gear too. Error walked into the school again. "You're free to go," She said and everyone left. Nightmare walked up to her."My father will get a delivery?" He asked. Error nodded. They walked home to Nightmare's house. His father was thrilled to see Error again. If only the military knew how big of a threat Error would be.

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