By KillingFiendCorp

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when all hope is lost the world just seems to find a way to recover with the fall of superman by the hands of... More

Before You Read
Awkward Justice
Strange man
The Bald Anomaly
The Brains vs The Bald
The Friendly Dead
Magic is Weird
The Hero No One Understands
Being Specific
Celestial Boredom
We Need A Hero
Hero's Vs Villains
For Which Life Flows
The God Vs The Bald
Shoulder to Shoulder
Greed And The Pain it Breeds
The Gift Of Guilt
Shit Happens
Mistakes Within Accidents
Epidemic Pt 1: The Doom Patrol's Stand
Epidemic Pt 2: The Plan
Epidemic Pt 3: The Complications
Epidemic Pt 4: Justice For All
Epidemic Pt 5: Hope Returns
Epidemic Pt 6: Epilogue
Welcome To Paradise
Revelations Of A Superman
The Perspective Of A Deadman
The Perspective of a Super Girl
To Be Saitama
Open Closets
Justice Lives
The Rematch
The Life Of His Own
Change With Time
The Hero They Need
The Greatest Poison
A Familiar Tune For The Greedy
Still Hero
Seasons Of Age: We Meet Again
A Fate Of Solid Steel
Forsaken To Humanity
Save The Day
Situations: The Roads We Take
Introductions pt1: Impressions
Introduction pt2: Tomb of Avarice
Introductions pt3: The Beast Unleashed
Introductions pt4: Your Roll
Introductions pt5: Strong World
Cactus Adventures Chp 1
Introductions pt6: Human Faith
Introductions pt7: Hiding Steel
Introductions pt8: Don't Mention It
Introductions pt9: Demons
Introductions pt10: The Light that Shines through the Darkness
Introductions pt11: The Brightest Star
Introductions pt12: The Gift
Introductions Epilogue: Dragons Gates
These Days
The Greatest Battle
A Little Pep in your step
Dinner For Nuts
Foundation and it's Importance
For The People
Confronting the Storm
Lone Road, Black Dog, No Future
A little something
The Count Down
The Pieces on The Board
The Struggle
Not Acording to Plan
The First Student
The Beatdown
God Save The Queen
Bouncing off a ledge
The Least I Can Do
Superman Vs The Bald
The King and The Horse
Closing In
Inner Light pt1
Inner Light pt2: Born Again
To Wish Upon A Dream

Magma Theta

706 25 17
By KillingFiendCorp


Red lighting up the darkened cloudy sky as liquid fire rained upon the world.

Below was jump city, below was titans tower, the people he was supposed to teach, supposed to lead, supposed to guide......

All burning to cinders.....

As he turned to watch Jump burn, hearing the piercing screams in the distance, pleads of help heard, pleads to God heard, but yet nothing came.

He could not move, he could not take action, he could not move on their call.

He could only watch and hear as the seas burn before him, the city and it's people burn before him, as his team burn before him.

He tried to turn his head away. Tried to shun the screams from his brain, but he could not escape the Magma as he watched the land before him get swallowed whole by the liquid flame.

And when it was all said and done.

There was nothing left....

Failure was all that was left and through failure came the pain.

He thought he could be better, he thought he was doing better, had he changed, was he changing, was he getting better, wasn't he supposed to be the hero......

Supposed to do what nobody else could.....

Wasn't he supposed to be the strongest.....

The screams were gone. The life he was creating was gone.

As he looked up toward the night sky and saw 4 red eyes.

As he then looked down to see that titans tower was made into a thrown.

A thrown of destruction, a symbol of Chaos & Control.

What could he do, how could he stop this, how could bring back which has been lost.

"Don't" spoke a familiar female voice.

The only one in his head that had been his only peace of mind at the young age, the one who let him rest, the only one to make the pain go away.

The one that made it all go away.

"Misery" spoke saitama as he felt her dark touch on his face as she stood behind him.

"You know very much what this is, you know it was going to happen eventually, for too you, happiness is a lie, a lie forged from the kindness of others, may I remind you of them, the people that discerned you, that tossed you aside" spoke Misery as she wrapped her arms around saitama's neck.

"I'll stop it, I need too, I have too, I cannot fail again" said Saitama as he began trying to take control of the situation, to break and control of his body.

"You will, even now you fail, fail yourself, throwing your humanity away every day"

"piece by piece, giving into the addiction that is your code"

"The responsibility that was never for you to pick up"

"The farther you go, the more you pay the toll"

"It doesn't matter what I pay, I'll deal with it" said saitama as he tried to fight against the force keeping his control at bay.

"No matter how much time passes your selfishness remains, listen to me"

"You do not do this for them or anyone else, you save for you, like before it was always for the thrill, for the kick of doing it"

"You can care less of the lives you saved"

"Or the lives they live"

"YOU WANTED POWER, and you got it"

"You wanted to be a hero, not their hero, YOUR HERO"

"To Save Yourself from boredom, to save yourself from your own strife and hopelessness"

"To hide your insecurities, that's why you made the deal"

"And it is the reason you became the thing you've been killing for years"

"So think about it, do you care for them, any of them at all, this world that your not even from, these people that deep inside are like the people that threw you aside back home"

"These so called heroes that are only in it for themselves"

"What do you want from me" said Saitama as he was tearing up from the inside as he knew what misery was doing to him, how she was framing it to fit her narrative, to play him that way she had played him his entire life.

To miss with his head, to make him give in to her wants, to her word.

"All I want is for you to be honest with yourself"

"Bullshit" he thought as he began to feel again, to feel his strength, his ability to move was returning to him again.

"It seems are time together is up"

"Maybe, next time you would treasure are time together and not fight me on these stupid things"

"Until next time, darling"

And in that instant her touch was gone, as he looked before him as the scenery was nothing but hot blistering Magma.

Nothing of before was left behind, for all was equally burned and destroyed.

And in that moment he could feel it, the need and want for a fight.

The heat in his body rising as he felt something in his body he hadn't felt since he was back in his world.

The want for excitement, the need for a challenge, the want for a release.

It had returned, that part of him.

And in this world he felt he can get that if he searched hard enough.

But before he could go deeper into his mind he was awakened.

As he woke up in a cold sleep, realization hitting him in the face.

What the hell was that.

Why has Misery returned.

What was that scene.

How could he stop it.

How could he stop himself, he knew that feeling, he knew what that would do to him.

He went to the restroom to wash off as he looked himself in the mirror and could no longer look anymore.

He was disgusted with that dream, vision, whatever the hell it was, he saw it in himself again.

He glimpsed back into the darkness into the monster he truly is, for so long he tried to ignore it, tried to hide it.

How much longer can he hide it, hide it from the titans, from the people, from the league, from himself.

These are the questions that he posed to himself.

The Questions and worries of a Monster.

To Be Continued.


So only those that ask for advise from me know this but I pump out these chapters really late at night.

And the reasons I do it is because I either can't sleep or because I wake up in the middle of the night and I just decide to write to pass the time.

Were still not in Arc, just so you can know because this chapter is pretty different from the last few.

Anyway, now that this is published I don't know what to do with the rest of my time.

I'll guess I'll try to force myself to sleep.

Anyways see you guys next chapter.

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