By KillingFiendCorp

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when all hope is lost the world just seems to find a way to recover with the fall of superman by the hands of... More

Before You Read
Awkward Justice
Strange man
The Bald Anomaly
The Brains vs The Bald
The Friendly Dead
Magic is Weird
The Hero No One Understands
Being Specific
Celestial Boredom
We Need A Hero
Hero's Vs Villains
For Which Life Flows
The God Vs The Bald
Shoulder to Shoulder
Greed And The Pain it Breeds
The Gift Of Guilt
Shit Happens
Mistakes Within Accidents
Epidemic Pt 1: The Doom Patrol's Stand
Epidemic Pt 2: The Plan
Epidemic Pt 3: The Complications
Epidemic Pt 4: Justice For All
Epidemic Pt 5: Hope Returns
Epidemic Pt 6: Epilogue
Welcome To Paradise
Revelations Of A Superman
The Perspective Of A Deadman
The Perspective of a Super Girl
To Be Saitama
Open Closets
Justice Lives
The Rematch
The Life Of His Own
Change With Time
The Hero They Need
The Greatest Poison
A Familiar Tune For The Greedy
Still Hero
Seasons Of Age: We Meet Again
A Fate Of Solid Steel
Forsaken To Humanity
Save The Day
Situations: The Roads We Take
Introductions pt1: Impressions
Introduction pt2: Tomb of Avarice
Introductions pt3: The Beast Unleashed
Introductions pt4: Your Roll
Introductions pt5: Strong World
Cactus Adventures Chp 1
Introductions pt6: Human Faith
Introductions pt7: Hiding Steel
Introductions pt8: Don't Mention It
Introductions pt9: Demons
Introductions pt10: The Light that Shines through the Darkness
Introductions pt11: The Brightest Star
Introductions pt12: The Gift
Introductions Epilogue: Dragons Gates
These Days
The Greatest Battle
A Little Pep in your step
Dinner For Nuts
Foundation and it's Importance
For The People
Magma Theta
Confronting the Storm
Lone Road, Black Dog, No Future
The Count Down
The Pieces on The Board
The Struggle
Not Acording to Plan
The First Student
The Beatdown
God Save The Queen
Bouncing off a ledge
The Least I Can Do
Superman Vs The Bald
The King and The Horse
Closing In
Inner Light pt1
Inner Light pt2: Born Again
To Wish Upon A Dream

A little something

625 23 4
By KillingFiendCorp

Snowy was the day, out was the sun, and busy is the streets as it truly was the season.

Season's Treats, Season's Givings, and Season's Love.

And among the people of jump were 3 super powered individuals.

All three part of the teen titans were Hawk, Dove, and Saitama.

But Hawk had took off early tackling Christmas shopping head on leaving Dove and Saitama behind.

"Wait Hawk Come Back, YOU BIG OAF" said Dove as her words fell on deaf ears.

"Darn it" said Dove as she was hoping to spend a day out with her brother after he has been kept too himself since the incident between him and Connor.

But she felt a hand on her shoulder as she turned to see Saitama.

"Let him go, we will catch up with him later" spoke saitama as they went through the shopping district of Jump City.

And that was how a day of two stories began.

On one side was absolute chaos as hawk was rushing through stores like a mad man high on speed.

Looking for a gift for everyone, Beast Boy being the easiest to shop for.

The only hard part about this endeavor was the decision between The Black Box or the White Router.

Truly, he was going to fuck with Garfield as he grabbed the Black Box and bought it.

Next was Raven who was the second easiest to shop for as he found himself speeding into a black shop with no lights as the entire room was dark yet people were expected to know what they wanted or something.

As eventually hawk would find something that he could only identify as a book, a red book with alot of symbols all over it as he left behind the cash to pay for it even though he didn't know the price for the book so he didn't know if he was stealing the book or actually paying for it

Anyways eventually he zoned the fuck out of there as he eventually found himself in another shop, one with a bunch of plushies and pillows, he honestly had no idea what to get Damien, Starfire, and Cassie as he just decided to just shoot from the hip on this one.

As he ended up buying Damien a Purple Cactus Plushie, StarFire a Silky Plushie because she loved silky, man was he really scratching the barrel.

He got Cassie Boxing gloves because.....

......Well because he had no idea what to get her.

Anyway he nearly had all his Christmas shopping done as all he had left was Kara and.......Connor.


On the other side of the story Dove and Saitama were shopping through the district going from store to store as they were keeping a normal pace.

Dove had happened to find the perfect gift for everyone, as she put it in her words.

She had got Raven a new comforter for her bed as raven had told her that she was tired of her room and didn'tknow what to do anymore with it, so Dove decided to help fix that issue.

She got Kory a book on cuisine as she was inspired from the first meal Saitama had everyone make to cook, she wanted to be the lead cheif next time as they worked together.

Cassie had to be the easiest as she got her some new designer make ups and perfume as Cassie ever since the book incident began to be more open with her interests.

You would think that Kara would be the hardest to shop for but not really the boys were clueless when it came to Kara but to the girls they could read her like a book as she may act Tough but deep inside she is the cutest Care bear of them all as she got her a Cute Purple Cactus plushie for her collection.

For Beast Boy she made him a Christmas sweater with everyone on the team on it, as he would always complain about all his sweaters being too thin and he would get cold really easy so she decided to fix that issue.

She got Connor a red shirt with the hope symbole from his home planet, the base was red with the symbole itself being white, she got it because the colors just spoke to her that it felt like something that was very much well... Connor.

Damien was probably the hardest to shop for as Damien is very kept to himself so she just took Saitama's advice and got him a teddy bear as she didn't know that this was saitama's ulterior motive to just fuck with Damien.

Hawk didn't require anything, didn't want anything but she always got him something may it be weights, clothes, whatever she could do to show that she cared and loved him, he was her family and she would show how important he was to her.

And Saitama just ignored her everytime she asked what he wanted for christmas because he wasn't going to be able to get anyone anything because he was broke AF and he didn't have a billionaire sugar daddy to fund him.

Like the titans did, it sucked but at the same time he wasn't going to hold Bruce to anything because he knew Bruce would call in a favor of his own, which saitama just didn't want to deal with.

For Saitama he felt kinda bad he wouldn't be able to get anything for the titans because he did put them through the runner but at the same time the little shits deserved it, they needed it and it was good for them overall.

Eventually Saitama found himself seperated from Dove as last he checked she was looking through some jackets for hawk he didn't know what to really do or think of it because he didn't know hawk that well, hell he didn't know the titans that well despite the time he's spent with them he never truly got to sit down with them and interrogate them on who they were.

Eventually saitama would knock himself out of his own thoughts as he bumped into somebody as he saw that he had bumped into big dude rocking a red leather jacket.

It was hawk as hawk was still thinking, saitama didn't know what to do or think as once again this stuff was still new to him but he knew the squabble between him, Connor, and Kara.

So far he hadn't seen any of them bury the hatchet but he knew Kara and Connor were figuring it out, but Hawk...

Not so much, hawk was kept to himself and only came around for dinner or training, saitama didn't bug them when it came to breakfast or lunch because he didn't want to take over everything in the tower it would be weird since he barely walked into their lives and all.

But he couldn't put his finger on hawk to see how he was, what made him tick, who exactly he was thinking, saitama wasn't a mind reader, he barely could understand people.

But he turned to hawk's side to see what he was looking at and what he saw finally gave saitama an idea of who hawk was behind the strong, tuff, wall that stood by his friends.

As what he saw was a set of figures of each and every one of the Titans Garfield, Star, Raven, Kara, Connor, Damien, Cyborg, Mrs.Martian, and Blue Beetle.

He saw that the wall that was hawk was just a kid, a teenager that couldn't find the words to say sorry, to make up for what wrongs he had done, a kid who wanted to make things right, and Saitama wouldn't mind pitching in the little he had to help him get his sorry across.

As Saitama and Hawk scratched whatever cash they had left to get everyone just a little something from them both.

A Merry Christmas of Apology, A Merry Christmas of Love, a Merry Christmas that they could make for a Happy New year.

To Be Continued.


I apologize for this very late Christmas chapter, as alot of things happend in this first month of 2021 for me as I lost someone who was very important to me, a person who impacted me as a person, somone that I never got tell them to they're face how much I loved them, how much I'll miss them, tomorrow I say goodbye to them forever, but I'll never get that opportunity to talk to them again, to touch them, hug them, as all I can do is say goodbye.

The hardest goodbye I've ever had to say in my life.

I've always written out of my aspirations and love for writing but I've written my own pain into a chapter, my depression, anxiety, doubts, and future aspirations.

Sometimes I feel like a rusted and broke down machine as I feel my body can't take the amount of stress I have.

I'll  continue to write but I'll write at my own pace, that is all I can promise you my readers in the future.

Thank you for reading my works, thank you for dealing with my thoughts, aspirations, and doubts.

And I hope I can continue to write this story further into it's finalization.

Once again, Thank You, and I'll see you next chapter.

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