Fire Emblem Fates Rewrite

Par digitaldreams0801

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Join young royal Corrin on a journey across the continent of Pheuyura on an adventure of birthrights, conques... Plus

Prologue: Nohr
Chapter One: Gift of Ganglari
Chapter Two: Journey Begins
Chapter Three: Hoshido
Chapter Four: Mother
Chapter Five: War on the Horizon
Chapter Six: The Path is Yours
(B) Chapter Six: In the White Light
(B) Chapter Seven: Vow of Loyalty
(B) Chapter Eight: Tragic Start
(B) Chapter Nine: Fierce Winds
(B) Chapter Ten: Carefree King
(B) Chapter Eleven: Anna on the Run
(B) Chapter Twelve: Masked Alliance
(B) Chapter Thirteen: The One Bathed in Purple Flames
(B) Chapter Fourteen: Song of Waves
(B) Chapter Fifteen: What Remains
(B) Chapter Sixteen: Conflict in Cheve
(B) Chapter Seventeen: Retaken Lands
(B) Chapter Eighteen: Wolfskin Peak
(B) Chapter Nineteen: Palace Macarath
(B) Chapter Twenty: Lost in the Ice
(B) Chapter Twenty-One: Prince of Darkness
(B) Chapter Twenty-Two: The Edge of Windmire
(B) Chapter Twenty-Three: Tears of a Dragon
(B) Chapter Twenty-Four: Kiss of Revenge
(B) Chapter Twenty-Five: A Sorcerer's End
(B) Chapter Twenty-Six: Last Stand of Nohr
(B) Chapter Twenty-Seven: Return of the Purple Fire
(B) Chapter Twenty-Eight: Crown of Nohr
(B) Endgame: Dawn Breaks
(B) Epilogue
(C) Chapter Six: Embrace the Dark
(C) Chapter Seven: Silent Forest
(C) Chapter Eight: Cold Reception
(C) Chapter Nine: Draconic Remnants
(C) Chapter Ten: Unhappy Reunion
(C) Chapter Eleven: Ancient Sage
(C) Chapter Twelve: Cross Encounter
(C) Chapter Thirteen: End to Rebellion
(C) Chapter Fourteen: Voice of Paradise
(C) Chapter Fifteen: Sleepless City
(C) Chapter Sixteen: Den of Betrayal
(C) Chapter Seventeen: Dissipation of Peace
(C) Chapter Eighteen: Kitsune Lair
(C) Chapter Nineteen: Eternal Stairway
(C) Chapter Twenty: Released Grief
(C) Chapter Twenty-One: Spectre
(C) Chapter Twenty-Two: Sakura
(C) Chapter Twenty-Three: Possessed
(C) Chapter Twenty-Four: Hinoka
(C) Chapter Twenty-Five: Ryoma
(C) Chapter Twenty-Six: Revenge against Red
(C) Chapter Twenty-Seven: Treason
(C) Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Empty King
(C) Endgame: Night Breaks Through
(C) Epilogue
(HT) Prologue: The Letters
(HT) Chapter One: Faceless
(HT) Chapter Two: Thalone
(HT) Chapter Three: Legend of Anankos
(HT) Chapter Four: Cerulean
(HT) Chapter Five: Lilith
(HT) Chapter Six: Border
(HT) Chapter Seven: Dragonstone
(HT) Chapter Eight: Krakenburg
(HT) Endgame: Retainers
(HF) Prologue: End of Content
(HF) Chapter One: Road to Shirasagi
(HF) Chapter Two: Fall From Grace
(HF) Chapter Three: On the Run
(HF) Chapter Four: Mirrored Time
(HF) Chapter Five: Brutal Assault
Chapter Six: Future of Nohr
(HF) Chapter Seven: Breakthrough
(HF) Chapter Eight: Reunion by Dusk
(HF) Chapter Nine: Skyline Singer
(HF) Chapter Ten: Sands of Time
(HF) Chapter Eleven: Realms Collide
(HF) Chapter Twelve: Astral Energy
(HF) Chapter Thirteen: Shigure
(HF) Chapter Fourteen: Wandering Dragon
(HF) Chapter Fifteen: Road to Royalty
(HF) Chapter Sixteen: Erase
(HF) Chapter Seventeen: Yugare's Lost
(HF) Chapter Eighteen: Fallen King
(HF) Chapter Nineteen: Last Nobles
(HF) Chapter Twenty: Aquaria's Grave
(HF) Chapter Twenty-One: White Light Curse
{HF} Chapter Twenty-Two: Black Night Tainted
(HF) Chapter Twenty-Three: Torn by Destiny
(HF) Chapter Twenty-Four: Strike
(HF) Chapter Twenty-Five: Children of Akiri
(HF) Chapter Twenty-Six: Children of Yugare
(HF) Chapter Twenty-Seven: Anankos' Last Stand
(HF) Endgame: When Gods Fall
(R) Chapter Six: A Burdened Heart
(R) Chapter Seven: Lost Realm
(R) Chapter Eight: Princess of Pacifism
(R) Chapter Nine: Salvation from Neutrality
(R) Chapter Ten: Allies in the Tempest
(R) Chapter Eleven: Dark Siege
(R) Chapter Thirteen: Light in the Darkness
(R) Chapter Fourteen: Frozen Sea
(R) Chapter Fifteen: Ascended
(R) Chapter Sixteen: Triumph and Tragedy
(R) Chapter Seventeen: Flames of Turmoil
(R) Chapter Eighteen: Below
(R) Chapter Nineteen: Reversed Revenge
(R) Chapter Twenty: Twisted King
(R) Chapter Twenty-One: Flames on the Water
(R) Chapter Twenty-Two: Lost Mothers
(R) Chapter Twenty-Three: Crimson and Silver
(R) Chapter Twenty-Four: Resurrected
(R) Chapter Twenty-Five: Sword of Hoshido
(R) Chapter Twenty-Six: Bound by Darkness
(R) Chapter Twenty-Seven: Chains of the Light
(R) Chapter Twenty-Eight: Midnight Blood
(R) Endgame: Fate's Apex
(AF) Prologue: A New Home
(AF) Chapter One: Gift of the Dawn
(AF) Chapter Two: Gift of the Dusk
(AF) Chapter Three: Gift of the Midnight
(AF) Chapter Four: Falling Goddesses
(AF) Chapter Five: Notre Sagesse
(AF) Chapter Six: Children of Dragons
(AF) Chapter Seven: Izumo
(AF) Chapter Eight: Aulane
(AF) Chapter Nine: Cheve
(AF) Chapter Ten: Nestra
(AF) Chapter Eleven: Mokushu
(AF) Chapter Twelve: Whispers of Resistance
(AF) Chapter Thirteen: Kohga
(AF) Chapter Fourteen: Child of Destruction
(AF) Chapter Fifteen: Fall of Dawn
(AF) Chapter Sixteen: Fall of Dusk
(AF) Chapter Seventeen: Early Coronation
(AF) Chapter Eighteen: Fated Encounter
(AF) Chapter Nineteen: Unexpected Ruler
(AF) Chapter Twenty: Lovers in Dusk
(AF) Chapter Twenty-One: Rise and Fall
(AF) Chapter Twenty-Two: Grief's Shadow
(AF) Chapter Twenty-Three: Midnight Farewell
(AF) Chapter Twenty-Four: Tale of Dusk
(AF) Chapter Twenty-Five: Tale of Dawn
(AF) Chapter Twenty-Six: Tale of Midnight
(AF) Chapter Twenty-Seven: Arrival in Shadow
(AF) Chapter Twenty-Eight: Arrival in Sun
(AF) Chapter Twenty-Nine: Masked Vengeance
(AF) Chapter Thirty: Fall of a Queen
(AF) Chapter Thirty-One: A New Family
(AF) Chapter Thirty-Two: Underhanded Tactics
(AF) Chapter Thirty-Three: Runaway
(AF) Chapter Thirty-Four: Traitor and Treachery
(AF) Chapter Thirty-Five: Death of the Sun
(AF) Chapter Thirty-Six: Salvation's Failure
(AF) Chapter Thirty-Seven: Draconic Encounter
(AF) Chapter Thirty-Eight: Captured Ice
(AF) Chapter Thirty-Nine: A Plea for Aid
(AF) Chapter Forty: Takeover
(AF) Endgame: Never Saved

(R) Chapter Twelve: Treachery in the Trees

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Par digitaldreams0801

(The chapter opens to show Corrin, Azura, Hinoka, Takumi, and Sakura traveling through a heavily forested area in Mokushu.)

Takumi: We're getting closer to that port now... After we get there, we should be able to find a ship that would take us out to Notre Sagesse. 

Corrin: Where are we now anyways? This doesn't look anything like the rest of Hoshido or Izumo. 

Hinoka: This would be Mokushu. It's a territory run by the daimyo, Kotaro, that split off from Hoshido many years ago. 

Sakura: We received word that Mokushu is going to ally itself with Hoshido in the coming war. 

Azura: I have a bad feeling about this... Something about this place simply strikes me as strange. I feel as if I can't quite relax... 

Corrin: I'm sure it will be fine... I hope so, anyways... 

Takumi: Well, it seems like you're going to have to hope a little harder, because we're surrounded. 

(Ninjas of Mokushu appear around the party.)

Corrin: Damn... 

Azura: Please refrain from attacking us. We are people of Hoshido, and we mean no harm--

(A dagger flies through the air, narrowly missing Azura.)

Sakura: A-Azura! Are you alright?! 

Azura: Y-Yes... I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me. 

Hinoka: If it's a fight they want, it's a fight they're going to get!

Corrin: Alright. It seems that they've decided on their fates, so who are we to deny them? Ready your weapons, everyone! We have a battle on our hands! 

(The battle begins. Your units are placed to the far left of the forest of Mokushu. The objective is to defeat the boss, Kotaro, who waits at the top right segment of the map. At the start of turn one, Saizo, Kagero, Orochi, and Reina appear at the bottom center of the map, surrounded by enemy forces. The camera pans over to them for the following dialogue.)

Saizo: Damn... Traitors. 

Kagero: I don't know why Kotaro would want to attack us, but if he insists on fighting, then we'll simply have to return the favor. 

Saizo: It's because he's a slippery bastard. He would do anything to get what he wanted. 

Orochi: If he wants to play dirty, then that's fine by me. He won't be quite so intent on being underhanded when I've got magic pointed at his head. 

Reina: They're going to regret crossing us. That is a promise, and if they don't believe it... Well, let's just say that I'd be more than happy to fill them with arrows to prove it! 

Saizo: Enough talk. Let's get rid of them already. 

(The camera pans over to show Kotaro.)

Kotaro: 'Mokushu is allied with Hoshido'... Those fools are gullible enough to buy anything. Why would I offer to cooperate with such a weak nation? They didn't fight against Nohr for years when they had the chance. Pathetic, all of them. They wandered into my territory, and I'd be more than happy to kill them and finish the job. I imagine King Garon will be able to pay a pretty penny to someone who got rid of such a large faction of important Hoshido soldiers... Mokushu's brilliance will be told of for generations! 

(If Corrin speaks with Saizo, the following dialogue plays out.)

Corrin: Hey! You're from Hoshido, aren't you? Come with us! We're going to take out these soldiers and get out of here! 

Saizo: Hmph... Lord Corrin, I am fully aware of your betrayal. This alliance is temporary. Be sure to keep that in mind. 

Corrin: We can talk more later. I didn't betray anyone, and that's a promise. Now, let's move! 

(If Kaze speaks with Saizo, the following dialogue plays out.)

Kaze: Saizo... I didn't expect to run into you here. 

Saizo: Someone had to visit Mokushu and gather their statement about if they were siding with Hoshido in the war. How could I refuse when it gave me the chance to learn more about Kotaro? 

Kaze: You always have been fascinated with him... But why is that? 

Saizo: ...That's my business and my business alone. 

Kaze: But--

Saizo: Enough of this for now. We can speak more later. 

(If Corrin speaks with Kagero, the following dialogue plays out.)

Corrin: I'm glad to see that you're alright. We're fighting our way out of here. Come with us. We'll do what we can to help you escape. 

Kagero: Understood. 

(If Kaze speaks with Kagero, the following dialogue plays out.)

Kaze: Kagero! It's a relief to see that you're still alive! 

Kagero: I don't go down that easily. No need to worry about me. 

Kaze: Still, I'm glad that you're alright. Fight with us. We'll ensure you stay safe. 

Kagero: Got it, Kaze. 

(If Corrin speaks with Orochi, the following dialogue plays out.)

Orochi: You must be Lord Corrin... I didn't expect to run into you here of all places. 

Corrin: Huh? 

Orochi: Oh, nothing... I'm with you. We can talk more about this later. 

(If Corrin speaks with Reina, the following dialogue plays out.)

Corrin: Help has arrived. We're here to assist you any way that we can. 

Reina: You must be Lord Corrin... I see. In that case, I'll fight with you. It's what Lady Mikoto would want for me. 

Corrin: What do you mean? 

Reina: I'll explain more later. For now, the fight is all that matters!

(If Corrin initiates combat with Kotaro, the following dialogue plays out.)

Corrin: You must be the leader of these forces... Daimyo Kotaro, yes? 

Kotaro: So you have heard of me... 

Corrin: I have... And I'm not going to let you get away with this. You're going to regret attacking us. 

Kotaro: Heh... Give me your worst. 

(If Kaze initiates combat with Kotaro, the following dialogue plays out.)

Kaze: Kotaro... Why have you done all of this? 

Kotaro: It should be obvious. The glory of Mokushu calls for me to take drastic measures. 

Kaze: Drastic enough measures that you would attack people merely for walking through your land? It seems that there is no reasoning with you. 

Kotaro: As if a simple-minded fool like you would ever be able to understand my grand ambitions. 

Kaze: If that's how you feel, allow this fool to finish you off. 

(If Saizo initiates combat with Kotaro, the following dialogue plays out.)

Saizo: You are a monster... There is nothing I can do here today that you do not deserve. 

Kotaro: Bold words. Who are you to say such things? 

Saizo: My name is Saizo... You murdered my father many years ago when he came here to learn more about the fall of Kohga. 

Kotaro: Ah, yes... Him. He was rather pathetic, I'll have you know. All it took was one hit to defeat him. 

Saizo: You're a monster... It falls to me to purge this world of your foul existence, and I would be happy to carry out such a duty. 

(If Kagero initiates combat with Kotaro, the following dialogue plays out.)

Kagero: You're the one who ordered that we be attacked.

Kotaro: I'm glad that you understand the obvious. It makes my job a lot easier by cutting down on the amount of talking I must do. 

Kagero: There isn't any reasoning with you, is there? 

Kotaro: You should know that better than anyone. 

Kagero: What? 

Kotaro: Nothing. Let's just end this once and for all. 

(If anyone else initiates combat with Kotaro, the following dialogue plays out.)

Kotaro: You may call me Kotaro. As the proud daimyo of Mokushu, I refuse to fall to the likes of you! 

(When Kotaro is defeated, the following dialogue plays out.)

Kotaro: This... Can't be possible... Mokushu was supposed to... I was supposed to... Urgh... 

(After the battle, Corrin, Azura, Kaze, Saizo, Kagero, Orochi, and Reina stand together.)

Corrin: Are you alright? I hope you weren't hurt too much in the fight. 

Kagero: We're alright... But what's going on here? Why are you here? 

Kaze: We're going to Notre Sagesse. We happened to be passing through, and I'm glad that we were. I don't know if we would have gotten here in time if not for that. 

Orochi: Thanks for helping us, but... Why did you? I thought that Lord Corrin had abandoned Hoshido. 

Azura: Corrin hasn't abandoned anything. In truth, Corrin asked us all to fight alongside them for a brighter future. 

Corrin: Exactly. I would be honored to have you all join me in the battle as well. 

Kagero: Saving our lives has to count for something. Isn't that right, Saizo? 

Saizo: ... 

Reina: I think that Lady Mikoto would want us to follow them if they're truly going towards peace. She does love her child after all. 

Orochi: Even weakened and sick after the attack on the capital, Lady Mikoto would want the best for us... You know what? I'm in! 

Reina: I as well. 

Kagero: Saizo? 

Saizo: Hmph... 

Kaze: We saved your lives. Come on, Saizo. 

Saizo: You also helped me in accomplishing an important feat... The death of Kotaro... The death of the one who killed our father. 

Kaze: Truly? 

Saizo: ...Fine. I'll follow you for the time being. 

Corrin: We're glad to have you with us. 

Azura: We should keep moving towards Notre Sagesse. The sooner we can start our lengthy journey by boat, the better. 

Corrin: I agree completely. We need to set out as soon as we can. 

Kaze: Welcome to the team, Saizo. 

Saizo: Hmph... 

Corrin: There's not a moment to lose. Let's get going! 


Posting this chapter really fast before I go and interact with people


Continuer la Lecture

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