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De _Dark_Romantic

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"๐’€๐’๐’– ๐’๐’†๐’†๐’… ๐’•๐’ ๐’ˆ๐’†๐’• ๐’„๐’๐’๐’•๐’‰๐’†๐’” ๐’๐’ ๐’ƒ๐’†๐’‡๐’๐’“๐’† ๐‘ฐ ๐’‡๐’–๐’„๐’Œ ๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’‚๐’ˆ๐’‚๐’Š๐’๐’”๐’• ๐’†๐’—๐’†๐’“๐’š ๐’˜... Mais

๐๐ซ๐จ๐ฅ๐จ๐ ๐ฎ๐ž
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18- Theo
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22- Theo
Chapter 24
Chapter 25- Theo
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28- Theo
Chapter 29- Theo
Chapter 30
Chapter 31- Theo
Chapter 32- Theo
Chapter 33- Theo
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38- Theo
Chapter 39
Chapter 40- Theo
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45- Theo
Chapter 46-Theo
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49- Theo
Chapter 50

Chapter 23

20.5K 588 395
De _Dark_Romantic

Theo and I have been running now for days, every time we stop they find us.

Every time we manage to find somewhere safe and get cleaned up, we see them coming, like a plague that won't fuck off.

I'm not talking about a handful, it's more like an army of cunts in masks firing at us from every angle.

Theo had been shot in the arm but it was more of a scratch along the arm but he made a fuss of it as usual.

I guess it's a bullet hole to go with the one in his shoulder, from his attempt to save my brother.

Which was probably just another act.

Each time they would fail to catch us, almost as if that was their plan to let us go and enjoyed the chase.

Theo and I ran for our lives, even though he kept saying we should stop and fight back, stating that he could take them down.

Full of shit idiot.

Thanks to being vertically challenged, I could duck behind things that Theo couldn't.

I planned on marching straight to that hangar, blowing the freaking door open and taking what is mine, Thomas.

But it wasn't that easy.

Theo told me about the programme they had set up, the torturous acts and mental debilitation he had to endure, all so he would be able to kill me.

Thomas is now subject to it and there's nothing I can do to save him.

Theo and I had made it back to camp to retrieve this notebook he wouldn't shut up about, constantly chirping in my ear that if we didn't find it he would kick my ass and slapped it playfully.

I wouldn't let my wall break down for him, not even close. I still hate everything that he has done to me and the ones I cared about, but finding out how much he didn't actually know had made me feel less hate toward him.

Knowing what I know now about him also made me feel uneasy around him. The torture he had gone through would be enough to make any person snap.

He tried to be funny to break the number of awkward silences we have and a few flirty comments, but I stood my ground no matter how much I wanted to give in.

Holding a poker face is harder than it looks.

There was one moment, just that one time I lost my head and crawled up next to him, lay my head on his chest while he played with my hair and rubbed my back, sending me to sleep.

Old Theo would have taken that opportunity to rip my pants down, flip me on my back and pummeled me into the ground. It was almost as if he was nervous.

A part of me missed that horny, dirty-minded side of him. Especially when we woke up in the morning and he's got that morning wood going on, jamming into my back, he apologised and pulled away.

A part of me didn't want him to pull away, and I quickly shut that side of me down, never again to be revisted.

"I need to sleep I'm fucking shattered, Zara." Theo's Scottish accent booms behind me. He catches me off guard sometimes and I have to ask him to repeat himself when he goes off on little rants, using some crazy slang that made absolutely no sense to me.

"I need to quickly show you something, don't go to sleep," I say as I slap Theo hard on the back as he lay on his stomach, making my way out the tent we once stayed in together.

The camp is deserted, nearly everyone ran when Mac started shooting everyone in sight and had Thomas, Crawford and Drew tied up and dragged away.

Robert stayed behind and tried to pack away all of Adrianna's paperwork so no-one would see, not before showing it to a very shocked Theo who said it all made sense.

He picked up the notebook that was in the very spot I threw it down at the gate. Flipping it to a page with Thomas' name printed at the top.

"Look, there." His finger pointed to a note. "I'm sorry, I had no idea." He said before I could even read what the hell he was talking about.

Then I spot my sister's name.

My whole insides have turned to stone.

What was her involvement? And what is this shit about Thomas being a soldier?

"What does this even mean, Theo. What does it mean by testing him before the field?"

He shakes his head, unsure what to say.

"Thomas wouldn't ever take part in their barbaric ways." I throw the book down and glare at Robert who seems as confused as me. "Adrianna wouldn't do this." I point down.

Still, no one answers me. "So, Thomas was always their target? Then, why were you sent to kill me?" I snap at Theo.

"I'm not sure if he's the target, or if it has anything to do with you. My dad was very vague with the details, and questioning him was not something I could do under the control he had of my mind. He wanted to test the experiment with me, I was the first to go through it. You were the test, I assume."

"A fucking test? Why me?"

Fuck this.

I marched away without even giving him a chance to say anything back. I had it in my head I would get Thomas back, somehow.

That night I lay in Thomas' sleeping bag, the one we made love in only days before while Theo glances at me every so often from his own tent.

Do you know how hard it is to not go over there and jump on him? Really fucking hard.

I felt my heart racing just thinking about it, my breathing had become heavy and I knew he could see he is affecting me in ways it shouldn't.

"Do you want to sleep in here if you're cold?" He said I could tell he asked it with a smirk. I told him no obviously and rolled over, falling asleep.

That morning was when they first found us, swarming the fence while I ran to find Theo, he was half-naked in the shower room. I had to avert my eyes so I didn't lose track of what was going on.

He threw himself over me while bullets smashed through the windows and we ran, somehow surviving.

Now, we can't stay somewhere too long without being tracked.

"Zara?" Theo calls down to me from his spot at the top of a tree. "I think you need to see this."

I frown, huffing as I make my way up, being careful not to fall. With all my training from Theo, this is a walk in the park, but height still freak me out.

When I get to the top, I see Theo's worried look. "What is it?"

He tilts his head behind me, worried. "I wanted to get high enough to see if the map was true."

Turning to look  im surprised I don't fall to the ground as I gasp.

In the distance, far far in the distance, slightly covered by cloudiness and the blanket of rain, I see a dark tall, stretch of metal that goes on for miles, higher than the tree we are in, high enough to ensure no one gets out.

A wall, that apparently never ends, keeping us trapped within this dystopian world.

"Oh my God," I whisper, keeping a firm hold of the tree while my other hand comes to my mouth. "It's true. I... I'm sure I saw one of those oanel flying over my house years ago... and... when Thomas, Cole, and I got out of the house, there were hundreds of helicopters in the sky with chain hanging from them... I... is that..."

"Breathe, Zara," Theo says, his hand on my back, pressing calming circles into it. "Come on, we need to get down before you pass out."

I stay silent for the rest of the day, going over a million questions in my head even after we bathe in a stream and run when we hear gunshots.

"So you didn't know about the wall?"

He shakes his head. "I had no idea."

"How do we get out?"

Theo shrugs, stopping us both from walking and holds my shoulders. "One thing at a time, okay? We need to get somewhere safe with food. If we head back to our old camp we could go to the cliff I took you to a while back, the one with the view?" Theo said as we walked through the grass that was nearly the height of me.

"I'm fed up running and hiding, why don't I go and get Thomas, if I die then so be it and you go wherever the fuck it is you want to go." Throwing my hands up in the air in defeat.

"I'm exactly where I want to be, with you." He said back with his stupid big blue eyes that melt my core.

I roll my eyes at him and walk ahead. "You weren't thinking that when you hit me and spoke to me like shit, you're lucky I'm even talking to you right now."

Theo walked ahead and stood in front of me, grabbing my shoulders once more and craning his neck down to me.

"That wasn't me, not really. I didn't want to do any of that stuff and you wouldn't understand if I tried to explain it."

I screw my face up at his words. "Meaning?"

"Just... I can't explain it, but if you try to get Thomas you are going to experience a lot worse than anything I had ever done to you." He swallows before continuing. "I did some bad shit, even though I didn't want to... I hurt people, killed people. But I got out Zara. Thomas might not be so lucky."

I try to swallow down the lump building in my throat, I couldn't turn my back on Thomas.

"I need to," I whisper, eyes glassy as Theo takes a deep breath. "He's all I have left."

"Fucking hell, Zara. You drive me mental."

I scowl at him and shrug his hands off my shoulders. "Then fuck off!"

"You wouldn't survive a day out here yourself. We can make a plan tomorrow, we need to get inside," he says with a scoff. "You need to make your mind up if you hate me or not, the hot and cold is confusing me."

"I'm not being hot and cold. I hate you, and that's it."

He laughs. "You hate me yet you cuddle me, and don't think I missed the other night when you smiled at me."

I roll my eyes and walk away.

I did smile at him, but it was an in the moment thing where I battled not to kiss him, to press our bodies together as we lay facing each other.

We walk into the small makeshift shelter we had made from thick branches, leaves, and anything we could get our hands on. I settle down, making sure my knee wasn't hitting off Theo's, but it was pointless, he's too large, so much that my body has no choice but to press up against his.

It's quite small so we are practically shoulder to shoulder trying to get comfortable.

The tension is suffocating me.

I'm fighting it with every inch of my self control.

"Zara?" Theo whispers beside me after an hour of staring at the bushy roof.

I nod my head for him to continue.

"I'm not lying when I say I always loved you, even when I didn't show it. Deep down, you were always going to be the girl to free me. I'm just... sorry. You deserve better."

He's saying all the right things to me, all the right things that have me sucking in a breath and chewing down on my lip.

"I do. We are compatible, we would hVe never been together if you weren't forced to," I say, shifting a little to get a bit of comfort, my palm resting on top of his hand, but I don't recoil.

"I wasn't forced. I told you... my dad lost his shit when I told him I kissed you, when I fucked you, and nearly killed me when I told him I was in love with you."

My eyes water. "You tricked me."

Theo rolls onto his side, and I do the same, not flinching as he catches the tears on my cheek. "I was doing my job, Zara. It didn't help that I was having every emotion stripped from me and only concentrating on one, one that wanted you more than anything. I think I fell for you before I even shagged you."

I grimace. "Stop saying that you fell for me. You don't love me, Theo."

"I do." He scoffs when I shake my head, his thumb gliding across my cheek. "How I feel about you has never been misguided or fake. I'm here now because I choose you, whether you have me or not, I'm making it my mission to protect you."

I try to throw all my thoughts away while I catch him off guard by crashing my lips to his.

He looks shocked, his eyes wide as I pull back, my lips tingling. "What are you doing?"

"Just... stop talking."

He pulls my face back down to his after a long minute of watching me, and he deepens the kiss, his tongue pushing past my lips to run along my own, both grabbing each other's faces.

Then Theo pulls back, both out of breath. "I... I can't."

I frown. "Can't?"

Theo doesn't stop me as I straddle him, making way to unbutton his pants and release his hard cock, my fingers wrapping around it as his eyes roll.

He groans and moves my hand away.

"I don't want you to do something you might regret." He says to me and sits his back up against the wood. "You hate me."

"I need you... now. One last time." I could feel the ache deep inside me, intensifying with his rejection.

I need a distraction.

I needed him to make me feel good, to make me feel anything but the heartbreak of losing everyone that is slowly breaking me.

"Please, Theo. I need to be somewhere else for a while..." I trail off, my heart racing while I take his swollen, hard dick in my hand and lower my mouth to it, running my tongue up his shaft.

He sucks in a breath and throws his head back. "We can't do this Zara." He says but makes no move to stop my head bobbing as I swallow him deeper inside my mouth and hollow my cheek as I suck.

"Fuck... slow down."

I do, only so I can run my tongue up the underside of his shaft, swallowing him whole again.

He tugs my hair back so I look at him. "On top?" He orders at me and I nod.

I like being bossed around by Theo during any form of sexual activity, I also loved it when his fingers dug into my hips.

Like he's doing now, his fingers between my legs as he runs them up my wetness and circles my clit, feeling how soaked I am... ready.

I straddle him once again and pin his arms down to his side. My wetness makes it easy for him to slide inside of me, making me moan.

I'll miss this.

"One... last... time..." I say between thrusts that deepen on each word. He doesn't take his eyes off me, he looks almost in pain.

Something in him snaps, and he manages to free his hands and rip my top over my head, followed by his own, sitting up so our chests are pressed together, both sweating.

His hips thrust up to meet my movements, his finger digging into my skin, hand running up my spine to grab the nape of my neck to bring me down harder on his cock.

I moan his name, loud, and feel his teeth against my throat as he tugs my hair to elongate my neck.

"So perfect. So fucking perfect," he mutters against my skin as I ride him.

I feel my walls starting to clench around him, his thrusts becoming more aggressive and blinding. My nails dig into the skin of his back, moaning into his ear to go faster, harder, to claim me as his one last time.

And he does, kissing me as the world fades before us, biting my bottom lip and dropping his head to take my nipple I to his mouth while fucking me the way I love it.

"I fucking love you," he says through gritted teeth as he thrusts become rigid, his body shaking.

A white heat hits me as an orgasm comes crashing down, taking me under as Theo holds my breast, sucking my nipple into his mouth, his other hand gripping my ass to control our movements.

We lose ourselves in each other and fall asleep with me still on top of him, my head on his hard chest.

The last thing I heard was him saying sorry.

I woke with a start when Theo pulled me up with his finger pressed over my lips.


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