SessKag; Breath of the Wild

By Makuro767

13.4K 1K 85

Kagome only wanted to help Inuyasha but as Sesshoumaru tried to melt her, something else happened. Who would... More



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By Makuro767

Kagome feel sad for Link. She had thought about what it means to live in a coma for a hundred years. She knew that Sesshoumaru could not empathize with Link; he lived for far longer than Link's slumber after all. A part of her was glad that she will be there for her new found friend for this journey.

After Rhoam faded, leaving a heartfelt plea for them to save his daughter, Kagome watched as Link stared at the empty space where the Last King of Hyrule once floated. His eyes were empty and that hurt more than if he expressed his hurt. Kagome looked at the only two physical proofs that they did once have an elderly but strong friend named Rhoam. His full name was Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule and he saw himself as a powerless fool. They knew him for a week but they loved him like they knew him forever. Kagome does not know what Link felt about the old man, his once King, but she felt a kinship with Rhoam who enjoyed listening to her going on and on about her Grandpa and his shenanigans. His passing, though he's already dead, left emptiness in her.

Meanwhile, Sesshoumaru was looking north-eastward. Rhoam had told them to seek out one of the remaining people still alive from the time when the King himself lives. A person named Impa. But he knew that first they will need to fill up the empty spaces in the incomplete map on the Sheikah Slate. As he stared at the orange tower standing just before gap between the Dueling Peaks, Kagome's voice brought him out of his musing.

"Sesshoumaru, do you know where his grave is? I mean...a ghost is always near their resting place...right?"

She was looking at him earnestly, her worry and compassion for the lonely man-child before her. Link looked at him as well, the loss and confusion hidden by stoic determination in his eyes. Sesshoumaru nodded, "I do," He turned around and began to lead them the path to Rhoam's lonely grave.

It was funny. They had met Rhoam standing right next to his grave. Fitting for a fallen King, his grave was built at the peak of Mount Hylia overlooking the ruined and contaminated castle. Even in death, he wished to watch over his daughter. Rhoam once told Kagome how he wished he had better relation with his daughter. He was certain that she had hated him. But at the same time he wanted only the best for his dear daughter even if it means pushing her away from him.

She wondered what he thought of when he stood here waiting for Link to wake up for 100 years, watching his daughter fighting all alone.

She looked at Link who placed some wild flowers on the cold grave. After a while, they bid the King goodbye and left.

Sesshoumaru had Link train with the paraglider from a lower height before increasing the height ever higher. As they watched Link climb all the way back to that tower where Rhoam bid his goodbye, Kagome asked Sesshoumaru, "He asked you to help Link, didn't he?"


"What made you agree?"

Kagome have traveled with Sesshoumaru long enough to understand that he never do things for the sake of charity, especially when he wanted to get back to his original job of overseeing the Western Gate, otherwise known to common youkai as the Western Land, that he inherited from his Sire as soon as he could. She watched him and when he answered in Japanese, she knew it was hard to say in his limited Hylian vocabulary.

"The Princess, she will be the key to find a way to return. If we help the boy save the Princess, she and he will both be indebted and compelled to return the gesture," He gazed at Kagome through the corner of his calculating eyes, "She has the brightest mind in all of the land, or so he claimed, being the bearer of Wisdom. Not to mention, her title alone will help find proper aid from key figures that governed this land," He then turn to Link who had landed into a small run, his face alight with excitement, "Also, this Sesshoumaru has a strong belief that the boy will be involved with many of the land's authority in his journey. Getting involved brings a lot of pros than cons, considering that our journey will lead us to danger nonetheless. Especially with those things like the one back at the Gerudo Desert roaming about,"

Kagome looked at the direction he turned his gaze to. She too can see the large flying figure high in the north-west sky and there further north-east was the restless Death Mountain. Even with her human eyes she can see something crawling around and around the mountain, causing enough disturbances that the volcanic activity was volatile even from the distance she was looking at it. Also, that constant rain nearer to them does not look normal.

She can tell that even without expressing or saying a word, Sesshoumaru dread going anywhere near those areas. But at the same time she also has a feeling that Link will be involved with all of it. Gripping her hands into fist, she sighed, "We'll survive this. I promise I won't let Ganon gain control over you. You WILL remain Sesshoumaru,"

Sesshoumaru turned to look at her and saw that she was looking at him directly. There was fire burning her eyes into blue flames, taking him captive in her glittering gaze. The promise she made was seared into him by her eyes, her determination bright and strong. He didn't know how to react to that so he turned away from her, "Hn,"

They decided to leave the next day.

There was a less dangerous and steep incline near the gap where Link had to cut down a pine tree to bridge to get to the Stasis Trial shrine, so Sesshoumaru helped guide Kagome climb down. He has been training her during their stay at the plateau how to climb safely and efficiently. Link had showed off his leaping skills as he scaled up the rock they used for training, but it drained his still low stamina quickly. Getting off the plateau, he used the paraglider with the now familiar royal emblem stitched into the fabric.

For the first time since waking up, Link walked upon the soil of Hyrule Continent. Kagome wheezed as she finally reached ground and Sesshoumaru simply moved past the gawking boy. They walked through valley between the Great Plateau and Mount Falora; soon they reached the side of Lake Hylia that neighbored the elevated land just as the sun climbed to high noon.

Kagome sighed as she took out the map and looked at it, noticing how Sesshoumaru etched their destination roughly and the path to take. It will be nightfall when they reached the first stable on the way.

The Sheikah Slate beeped twice in succession before repeating over and over. Kagome knew what that sounds meant and so followed as Link takes the lead, Sesshoumaru quietly following as usual. A red Bokoblin and Link's first red Moblin later, they came across the first shrine off plateau near the riverbed of Hylia River that fed into Lake Hylia. Kagome sat down as Link entered the Shrine, taking out her lunch and handing a large helping of meat skewer to Sesshoumaru.

It was sunset and Link finally came out, only to have two Stalkoblin jump out of the ground. Since there was originally none when Kagome and Sesshoumaru was fishing, they could only guess that these monsters being so tied to the Calamity Ganon could sense Link in a certain way. Good thing that the traveler's spear proven useful in this case, a jab to the bare skull and they're done for.

Link watched quietly as Kagome started dinner and pricking her finger to feed Sesshoumaru a dose of her blood. She have been doing this to help cull his need for it as well as hoping that by doing this he would not have a crash like he did when they first arrived to the plateau. This seemed to be the best arrangement and Sesshoumaru doesn't comment on it.

After crossing the Proxim Bridge and almost scaring the life out of a man who was staring at the remain of the overturned urn called Guardian when Link climbed onto the railing of the bridge, the three take a rest under the roof of an open shed for the night. But of course Sesshoumaru sent them to deal with the group of red Bokoblin near the riverbed before going to bed just for extra security measures.

Kagome studied the map with Link, who slowly recalled the name of the roads and rivers as he stared at them, before calling it night. She noticed that the Sheikah Slate's map have better and more detailed information regarding the land, the topography more accurate and the zoom in function made it easier to see details. But since it will only be completed when Link finished scaling all the Sheikah Towers scattered across the regions of Hyrule, they cannot rely on it too much and so decided to try and jog Link's memory by looking at the hand drawn map Kagome bought from Gerudo Town.

When morning arrived, the three came across a man deep in the forest near the Dueling Peaks that bought some of the mushrooms they carried with them. Somehow one of the best products created in Hyrule would be the handy dandy travel pack that's akin to Doraemon's fourth dimension pocket but so far only Link has one and it was one of the rarest of items from Hyrule's past. Best of all, it has Link's name stitched onto it so it must have been his before his coma.

Whoever placed the travel pack into the chest in the Shrine of Resurrection without thinking of keeping it, must be either a saint or they do not know the true identity of the travel pack. Kagome didn't care but as long as she carries fewer items and has a lighter back for it, she will thank them and kiss their feet.

By noon, after a light lunch with the friendly merchant Giro who stared at Kagome and Sesshoumaru a bit too much, they raided the camp near the Dueling Peaks Tower before scaling it to get the map downloaded from the tower. Passing through the split mountain and battling monsters to which it must be noted was Link's first introduction to Lizalfos, they came across another shrine and when Link finally returned, it was night time by the time they reached the Dueling Peak Stable.

By then Kagome contemplated on the wisdom of getting a horse despite having little to no idea on how to ride one. Also, Link has disappeared into the shrine just across the stable.

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