SessKag; Breath of the Wild

De Makuro767

13.4K 1K 85

Kagome only wanted to help Inuyasha but as Sesshoumaru tried to melt her, something else happened. Who would... Mais



235 20 1
De Makuro767

"Just our luck to get attacked right after we arrive. Luckily they are the red kind," Kagome grumbled as she sat with her back to Sesshoumaru, both cleaning themselves of the sweat and battle grime they gained from climbing the strangely elevated land. A quiet 'hn' was all she received from the rather tired Sesshoumaru.

She noticed that he seemed bewildered at being tired. Perhaps he wasn't used to his current weakened condition just yet. The last days since their departure she has been keeping a close eye on him. Sesshoumaru have somehow kept a strong lid on his bloodlust and won't let her bring it up at all. However as the days rolled by since his last bite on her, she noticed him slowing down.

He also seemed to lose concentration during battle a lot easier, which was saying a lot to the amount of pain and fatigue he must be in since Sesshoumaru never lose focus during battle. Or rather that was one of his teachings to her which he received from his Sire that he then passed down to her.

She sighed, "'s your shoulder?" He barely dodged an arrow shot by one of those menace. He growled low. She huffed, "Look, I know you are proud.'s not worth your health, Sesshoumaru. Like it or not, we are stuck together for lord knows how long so please!" She looked at him over her shoulder, "Let me help you...even if I can't fight like you did, the least I can do is help patch you up,"

She weathered his frigid glare before he reluctantly, very and painfully reluctant, gave a nod of consent. After they dressed themselves with their spare clothing, Kagome took out her first aid kit and tended to the thankfully shallow wound. She watched as the blood flowed sluggishly from the cut as she bandaged him up.

As she does this, Sesshoumaru whispered, "It should have healed..."

Kagome paused before finishing her work and sighed, " isn't Japan,"

"That's the problem..." He turned his eyes to her, "I shouldn't need to rely on you," It should have been the other way around... He silently added in his mind. He watched a myriad of emotions flickered across her features, her blue eyes glowing and dimming with the whirlwind of feelings before she finally settled on acceptance.

She looked at her hands, the callouses growing on the otherwise smooth palms from training with weapons daily, "Then we wouldn't have needed each other," She kept her next thoughts to herself but he could read it as clearly on her face as the moon reflected against ice, And you would have left me for dead...

Cruel reality but true nonetheless. The two then settled down for bed although sleep seemed like the furthest thing in their mind.

Sesshoumaru was worried about his current condition. Though tired, the fact that he had grown so tired so easily kept him awake with worry and anxiety. But other than Kagome, he does not know who else to find counsel from.

Kagome on the other hand could only keep her fear for herself. She knew men do not like relying on others if they can, Sesshoumaru won't be any different. But she has a niggling that he meant something deeper than the simple words uttered. The fact that he even confessed to her about his worry settled heavily in her heart for it implied that Sesshoumaru felt fear...and that fear was the reality of how different he has become, as though degenerating.

Kagome was sure for someone near immortal as he; degenerating from all-powerful to perpetual weakness was nothing short than horrifying. And this fact was sinking in in his mind.

The next day, the two started early. They took cover from the element in one of the ruins with roof over it, a large chapel-like structure with the statue of the Goddess Hylia looming over the ruined hall. There, Sesshoumaru slowed down and unceremoniously collapsed in a secluded area. Kagome reached to test his body's temperature and found it high.

Taking out the last of her purified water, she washed his face and prayed that it will cool him down. Next she went about clearing up the area of potential hazard, like Bokoblins and Bokoblins and more Bokoblins.

As Kagome went about shooting red Bokoblins with her arrow, she tried to imagine her power coursing through the arrows like she once did back in Sengoku. Sometimes she could feel a spark of power that then fizzled into nothing, as though smoldered by the disease killing Hyrule. Even if her power still refuses to surface, the least she could do is to make sure nothing can kill her or Sesshoumaru when he's weakened.

She turned toward the apple tree that she spied the other day; the fruits ripen for the taking, when she saw the smoke suddenly appearing behind a rock near another apple tree. Wary, she kept her bow and arrow strung as she slowly approached her mysterious target.

She turned the corner of the rock, pointing her arrow straight into the face of an elderly man. They stared at each other with silent shock before Kagome clumsily lowered her weapon and the arrow pathetically fell to her feet as she mumbled a quick apology. Embarrassed, Kagome mentally groaned.

The man chuckled, "I wouldn't have blamed you if you had kept your arrow to my face and demand for identification of sort, you know. These aren't exactly the safest of times," He then turned stern; "Also it was dangerous and foolish to immediately drop your guard. I could have been a thief or a bandit,"

Kagome gulped, "I'm...sorry...?"

He stared at her with a very stern look before chuckling, "Oh well, you really are a green horn in this world, aren't you? Although I have never seen a Gerudo as small and delicate as you before,"

Kagome blushed, "Uh...I'm just...trained like a Gerudo?" Out of nerve, she pushed a hair behind her round ear and the man zeroed in on her physical difference but said nothing. Instead he asked, "What is a sheltered girl like you doing up here in the Great Plateau?"

Kagome blinked, "So that's what this place is..." She looked around, highly impressed, "It's very high and my friend was completely wiped out from climbing,"

He blinked before raising a finger which he then dropped, "I was...wondering how you managed to get up here..." He coughed before asking, "So...where is this friend of yours?"

Kagome stared at him, studying him as much as she could just like how Ilya and the troop leader taught her. When she decided that he's harmless, she answered, "He's...not very well and I need to get food for today,"

The man frowned, "Where did you stay? I have a hut not far from here. You should get him to a more comfortable place to rest,"

Kagome shrugged, "Well...he's heavy...and he sleep like a dead log..." She blamed his muscle mass for the weight as well as his height. The elderly man frowned before nodding, "Very well, I shall see what I can do-,"

At that moment Kagome winced, her ears ringing. The man called out to her in concern but all she can hear was a gentle voice calling out to someone to wake up. The man stumbled back as her figure flashed with forgotten holy light, turning the green grass around her greener and the open flame of his campfire burned stronger with a golden light.

The wind rustled and Kagome's blue eyes glowed bright with holy energy as her pure aura lifted her while the edges of her flooding power purify the very taint in the air.

[You are the light, our light that must shine upon Hyrule once more! Now go]

She blinked and dropped to the ground. Moaning, she looked around, "What was that?"

The man stared at her, his blue eyes wide with shock, "I was about to ask you the same thing," He then looked up, gaining Kagome's attention as he stared at the cliff directly before them. Kagome groaned as she moved her strangely sluggish body, noticing what it was that caught the man's attention.

A boy in somewhat ragged old clothing was running around, staring at everything and picking things up off the ground. He looked both confused and curious.

She heard the man whisper, "He's awake," She could hear the smile and relief in his voice as he quietly added, "Finally,"

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