By KillingFiendCorp

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when all hope is lost the world just seems to find a way to recover with the fall of superman by the hands of... More

Before You Read
Awkward Justice
Strange man
The Bald Anomaly
The Brains vs The Bald
The Friendly Dead
Magic is Weird
The Hero No One Understands
Being Specific
Celestial Boredom
We Need A Hero
Hero's Vs Villains
For Which Life Flows
The God Vs The Bald
Shoulder to Shoulder
Greed And The Pain it Breeds
The Gift Of Guilt
Shit Happens
Mistakes Within Accidents
Epidemic Pt 1: The Doom Patrol's Stand
Epidemic Pt 2: The Plan
Epidemic Pt 3: The Complications
Epidemic Pt 4: Justice For All
Epidemic Pt 5: Hope Returns
Epidemic Pt 6: Epilogue
Revelations Of A Superman
The Perspective Of A Deadman
The Perspective of a Super Girl
To Be Saitama
Open Closets
Justice Lives
The Rematch
The Life Of His Own
Change With Time
The Hero They Need
The Greatest Poison
A Familiar Tune For The Greedy
Still Hero
Seasons Of Age: We Meet Again
A Fate Of Solid Steel
Forsaken To Humanity
Save The Day
Situations: The Roads We Take
Introductions pt1: Impressions
Introduction pt2: Tomb of Avarice
Introductions pt3: The Beast Unleashed
Introductions pt4: Your Roll
Introductions pt5: Strong World
Cactus Adventures Chp 1
Introductions pt6: Human Faith
Introductions pt7: Hiding Steel
Introductions pt8: Don't Mention It
Introductions pt9: Demons
Introductions pt10: The Light that Shines through the Darkness
Introductions pt11: The Brightest Star
Introductions pt12: The Gift
Introductions Epilogue: Dragons Gates
These Days
The Greatest Battle
A Little Pep in your step
Dinner For Nuts
Foundation and it's Importance
For The People
Magma Theta
Confronting the Storm
Lone Road, Black Dog, No Future
A little something
The Count Down
The Pieces on The Board
The Struggle
Not Acording to Plan
The First Student
The Beatdown
God Save The Queen
Bouncing off a ledge
The Least I Can Do
Superman Vs The Bald
The King and The Horse
Closing In
Inner Light pt1
Inner Light pt2: Born Again
To Wish Upon A Dream

Welcome To Paradise

3K 105 17
By KillingFiendCorp

At this point Saitama was just unimpressed as he sat up from his Sand Bed and waited for these broads to take a shot at him already. And as he finally stood up one of these bitches decided to aim for his head witch the blade slid right off his Chrome Dome which Saitama turned and saw the bitch who took the shot at him.

Saitama then proceeded to take her spear and just snap it right in front of her and then threw it on the ground because right now Saitama was agitated and these women were making it worse.

Saitama was becoming more agitated by the second and he needed to think so he decided to head to where these women kept coming from. Which they really didn't like that idea as they all began to stab him through as a unit which Saitama had to give them browny points for Team Work but overall all their weapons snapped and broke upon impact.

And this kinda continued all day because as Saitama made it too their "Castle" of sorts he began too see something he has been really needing and that is food. Which he actually began chowing down on immediately.

But these women were determined as hell as they continued this insane Barrage of attacks on Saitama but he remained unfazed.

And still unimpressed. As even more women came and then even more women came and then even more women came as they all Continued the same shit over and over again until eventually they all grew exhausted and fell to the ground out of exhaustion in which Saitama took this chance as an opportunity and began to eat even more food.

That was until a lady who looked very elegant decided to sit with Saitama which he honestly didn't really care at all for because he was just very hungry.

But then she started asking questions.
"How did you get on this island" said the lady which Saitama responded with "I Don't Know".

"How did you survive all these warriors" said the lady.

In which Saitama said "I Don't Know"

"Are you from the world of man" said the lady which Saitama responded with "Lady, I'm not even from this world"

And that kinda shook her up as she was already trying to tell if he was bullshitting her or not. Yet he didn't show any traits of dishonesty. It was either he was a damn good liar or he was telling the honest truth.

"Your not Supposed to be here" Said the lady in which Saitama retorted.

"Why Not" which she then responded with "because your a man"

And that kinda made Saitama confused. So he decided to ignore her and just continue eating.

The lady now took out a sword and brought it down upon Saitama's head as the blade bent over head like butter on toast. After eating his fill. Saitama stood up and left as he went into the Forrest of Themyscara and the lady decided to leave him be for she could tell that he was no threat.

Saitama lived on an inhabitated part of Themyscara where nobody bothered him. The Amazon's let him be as was ordered by Queen Hippolyta.

And over Saitama's time on the island he began to form a friendly somewhat relationship with the Amazon's as some times they would invite him for feasts and he would offer some labor if they needed it. The lady that he talked before which she would soon introduce herself to Saitama as Queen Hippolyta.

Eventually Saitama would Explain his situation too Hippolyta and how he really ended up here. And in return Hippolyta would tell Saitama of their culture and their gods as well as the lore of how they came to be.

To Saitama it was quite Fascinating, actually he was just happy to talk with someone for it had been so long since he had a conversation with anyone and thankfully for Saitama Hippolyta was a kind  individual who enjoyed conversation.

He told her about his little time in her world basically or as she would put it "man's world" he told her of his battles, his allies, his conflicts, and his Revelations as well as who he was in the past, and who he is today.

Saitama built his own home on the island. Saitama never felt so free in his life as he was right now. Amongst all his time in this world he never felt any better then he did right now.

If he were to die here right now, he would hold no regrets what so ever.

On the other side of the fence the world was finally healing itself. The world began to make since again as the Justice League we're back in control and Super Man had returned to his position amongst the Justice League. To Wonder Woman it really did feel like everything went back to normal. Super Man was back everything was under control again and she didn't have to worry about anything at all.

But no matter how hard she tried, she could never forget the man that world would come to know as The One Punch Man. Saitama took the world by storm literally taking on Super Man's position when he was gone even though he never joined the league.

And no matter how hard they tried she could see it within every person on the WatchTower. Saitama Impacted this world. Even when she went down to Earth she would see tons of One Punch Man shirts.

Tons of kids running around with White Capes and Red Gloves and boots all pretending to be Saitama.

Even when Super Man sees it he can't help but smile.

Till this point Diana was Curious so she asked.
"Clark, how do you know Saitama" said Wonder Woman as Clark just Smiled.
"I guess I never really got too Explaine it" said Clark

"Sit down, because this goes way back to the day I died"

To Be Continued.


Well I got myself to really love this story again because even I'm interested as I'm writing the chapters now. Anyway So This is the introduction to the brand new arc which I won't be posting as rapidly as I did Yesterday. But anyways Don't forget to go check out the First Chapter to my Original Story 'FOWARD WITHOUT FEAR" you would be doing me a huge favor. And I'll probably be sticking around this story way longer then I was expecting but anyway.

How did you guys feel about this chapter. Like it, Hate it, Kill it with Fire. And if you do like it Favorite, Follow, or don't you don't have too and always I will see you guys and gals next Chapter.

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