The Cured

By GirLegend99

348K 15.9K 9.7K

Sequel to The Infected. They thought life would change to better after the annihilation and chaos, since they... More

The Cured
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
New Book

Chapter 77

3.7K 175 81
By GirLegend99

I'm all alone and I need you know...

~•~ Chapter 77 ~•~

Three months later.

Liam is still in a coma. We had no progress and the doctors are losing hope. Harry said we can make a decision about Liam's life, but we definitely won't. I don't have the heart to order the mechanic disconnection so Liam could pass peacefully away. I will not give up on him, not just yet. I know he will wake up, one day.

As I'm sitting next to him, holding his cold hand, all I can think of is how many times this man took care of my wounds. My greatest friend, my doctor, my protector. Liam was always the father of the group, the one with the most controlled temper, the one with the knowledge and wisdom. He is too mature for his age.

Seeing all these cords around him and the mask on his face had my heart crying for him. The tears kept rolling down my cheeks the entire time I watched his blank face. Ηe has lost a lot of weight due to the lack of exercise and movement and he looks sick. Rubbing circles on the back of his hand with my thumb, I couldn't help but pray for this man.

God, bring him back to us.

"I know you can make it." I whispered, my throat tightening up on me. "I know you will wake up and come to us. We won't give up on you."

The constant beeping of the cardiographic machine started to piss me off a while later. Liam looked peaceful, but lifeless and I couldn't bear losing another great friend. We have all been trying our best to ignore the dull ache of grief, but daily, it comes back to us.

The door opened and I turned my head to see Harry walk in, his long hair finally reaching the top of his shoulders after so long. His green eyes stood out under the bright light and the dimples carved into his cheeks when he smiled softly at me.

"Babe, it's time to go home." he said gently, holding the door open.

I nodded and looked back at Liam for a moment, taking in his innocent face. I squeezed his hand gently once before I let go of him. Walking towards Harry, I swiftly wiped the remaining tears in the corner of my eyes and followed him outside. His arm came over my shoulders, pulling me to his warm body, my own arm hugging his waist.

"What did doctor Finn say?" I asked as we walked towards the exit.

"They said we'll have the final results by noon. Zayn will get them since he'll come visit Liam around 4." He replied casually, opening the door for me.

"I'm so sick of these tests, I really hope this time we get to have a good result." I admitted exasperatedly.

My tests all came problematic. At this point, I can't understand what's wrong with me. Is it me, is it the tests, is it the computers, the machines, the timing. I don't know. I'm seriously lost and so tired of going to the hospital for check ups and tests. I just want it all to be over. It's been so long and still, I'm on the air, unaware of what is going on with me.

"I'm feeling a little blue," I admitted as I hopped shotgun in the car. "All those blood tests have me feeling like a cloud." I chuckled to myself while buckling my seat.

"We'll go home, I will cook lunch and after we eat, I will give you a great massage and you'll have a deep nap." he suggested, winking at me.

"That's why I love you." I leaned forward and kissed his cheek, earning a toothy grin from him.

"I love you more."

The day went by fast as Niall and I were busy cleaning and preparing the house for Thomas' birthday. We are expecting a lot of people tonight, people that I probably haven't even seen, but Niall said they are all acquaintances and friends from the army. A lot of girls were also on the guest list so I'm sure Niall, Zayn and Thomas are going to have great time.

Niall was the one preparing the buffet and I have to say I was very worried he would eat most of it before the guests arrived. However, he didn't really touch anything from the buffet but he did make two large pizzas for himself and only. He didn't even ask me if I need a slice. That man will hardly find a woman.

"Nobody enters my room! I will stick up a sign too because these mother fuckers will be drunk as hell." Niall muttered to himself as he walked out of the living room, carrying a box of napkins in his arms.

Just then, the doorbell rang. I went over to open the door, seeing Harry and Thomas behind it. "Thank God you're here, Niall is such a bitch." I sighed, earning their laughter.

"I heard you!" Niall shouted from the kitchen, making me shake my head in amusement.

"Sorry we're late, I had to change tires." Harry said, sweetly leaning in and kissing my forehead.

"It's okay," I assured, kissing his lips softly.

"I'll puke and I'm not even drunk." Thomas teased, walking past us into the house.

Harry rolled his eyes, his arm wrapping around my waist and holding me to him as we got back inside. The smell of cake filled the air and my stomach grumbled. I seriously can not wait till the guests come and I get to eat everything Niall has been preparing all this time.

"Zayn's still out?" Thomas asked, throwing off his jacket at the couch.

"He texted me he's on his way!" Niall replied from the kitchen.

"I got your cups in the car, Niall." Harry said, squeezing my hip gently before he let go of me and went to join Niall in the kitchen.

"Bring them in you fool!" Niall yelled, making us laugh as Harry ran down the hallway and left the house to get the cups.

"Erika texted me happy birthday and shit." Thomas informed me, carelessly gazing outside the window.

"At least she wished you." I chirped, pressing my lips together.

I have been completely distant with Erika the past months. Not only because she did cheat on my best friend, but because she also lied and tried to come up with pathetic excuses to cover herself up when she could easily just admit she was careless about the promise she made. Thankfully, my garden looks amazing, with Harry's and Thomas' help I managed to fix everything quickly.

"Yeah, she gave me horns, the least she could do was wish me." He chuckled humorlessly.

Niall walked in the living room, wearing a red apron and red baker gloves. "I have to tell you something that you probably won't like." he said cautiously, staring at Thomas with a shy smile.


"I kinda invited Erika-,"

"What?!" Thomas shrieked, glaring at Niall.

"Why would you invite her?" I asked, staring strangely at Niall.

"Well, I didn't really invite her - she invited herself! She told me she got you a nice present and she wants to be there when you blow the candles." Niall rushed the words, moving his gands frantically.

"Well, blow me, she can't come." Thomas stated angrily, standing up

"I can't tell her not to. She was very hopeful I would agree." Niall reasoned.

Thomas looked at me for help and I shook my head, "Hell no, I'm not calling her." I stated firmly.

Thomas sighed out of frustration and grabbed the glass of water from the table before smashing it against the wall. I jumped at the sudden action while Niall just looked guilty and pissed at the same time. Harry walked in right then, carrying the bags of cups, his green eyes landing on the wet wall and the smashed pieces of glass on the ground before he looked at us expectingly.

"What the hell?" he asked.

"If she's coming, then I'm not." Thomas growled, his flaming eyes burning Niall's frustrated ones.

"Man chill the fuck out - it's just one night!" He claimed loudly.

"It's your birthday, you can't not celebrate because of her." I added coolly.

"I don't want her here!" He yelled, throwing his hands in the air.

Niall rolled his eyes, muttering a "fuck this," before he walked back to the kitchen. Harry gave us an unfazed expression, "You don't have to ruin the party because of one chick." he told Thomas before he went to join Niall.

I looked at Thomas and ticked my head towards the doorway Harry was standing, "They're right. You can easily ignore her and have fun."

"How? I will fucking look at her the entire time." he sighed heavily before dropping himself on the couch.

"So many girls will be here, you'll have plenty of options to get back at her."

My words seemed to hit a good spot in his mind as his brown eyes looked up at me with mischief. "You're so fucking right." He smirked.

I huffed, smirking back. "I know."

The front door opened and a few seconds later, Zayn appeared, holding the leash that connected to Loki's collar. "Hey," he greeted, running a hand through his messy black hair.

"Hi." I smiled, patting my lap so Loki could run up to me. Thomas just nodded at Zayn as a greeting. Loki jumped on the couch and got on my lap, slightly killing me with his weight since he's a very muscular pitbull, wagging his tail continuously as I scratched the back of his ears and pet him.

"What did the vet say?" Thomas asked, crossing his arms.

Zayn slipped his jacket off, "He's fine, he just ate too much and got nauseous. It's because Niall feeds him as if he's an elephant." he replied easily before taking a seat on the car end of the same couch that I'm sitting at. "Your results will be ready in trip hours," he said, glancing at his wrist watch, "Wanna come with me? I'll go check on Liam's X-rays." he looked at me with his caramel innocent eyes, making my heart skip a beat.

"Sure." I shrugged, pouting when Loki jumped off my lag and ran up to Thomas.

"Tonight is going to be a long night." Thomas said, evily smirking as many dark ideas roamed through his mind, probably about how he's going to get revenge on Erika.

Zayn looked blankly at him, completely unfazed. "Just don't pass out and we're fine."

Two hours later, Zayn and I were on our way to the hospital. I'm so tired of going back and forth to that place, but I really can't do anything else. The doctors believe I'm dangerous to the society since my data come out problematic every time. Harry told me it's because of him that I'm not held at the hospital daily, which I'm glad for. I would probably have killed myself if I stayed in that disturbing building all these months.

Waiting outside doctor Joy's office, I couldn't help but wish this time, my results would be fine. I'm seriously starting to get very worried about my health. I'm doubting myself and my safety all these months. I might came on clean, but I trust the doctors more than I trust the scanner. They know more than a simple machine, I'm sure of that.

Zayn went to check Liam's X-Rays while I waited for doctor Joy to call me in. A little boy with his mother came before me but they are taking way too long and I have to be home around 7pm to get ready before the party starts. My phone buzzed so I pulled it out to see I had a message from Harry telling me he's going to buy our gifts for Thomas since we didn't find time earlier today. I texted him not to get white shirts because Thomas would probably stain them and that I'll be back once I'm done with the doctors.

When my name was called, my stomach was a rock.

Walking inside the office, I could feel the tension in the air. Dr.Joy looked happy to see me, the kindness and sweetness never fake on his face. Dr.Finn was here too, his expression neutral yet serious.

"Evening, Claire, how are you feeling?" Joy greeted happily, shutting close the drawer of his desk.

"Hello, well I feel good," I replied honestly and took a seat at the red chair before the desk.

Finn walked over to the counter and started putting some medicines in the right drawers. "As shocking as it sounds, your results came out clear as water."

My eyes widened, my heart stopped beating as the shock really did hit me hard. About fucking time. "That's what I was hoping for." I sighed in relief, but Joy's smile seemed to grow a little creepy as I lasted way too long that I usually does. "Why are you staring at me like that?" I asked, feeling uneasy.

"The machines were right. There was something wrong with your system and we found out what." Joy started, slowly taking a seat across from me. "You still have the virus, Claire. You're not fully cured."

I scoffed, foughting the urge to roll my eyes. "But the scanner showed that I am."

"The scanner was right, you were fine then. But now, there is miraculously a tiny virus that's feeding off you." Finn clarified, confusing me even more.


"How?" I furrowed my brows.

Joy read through the papers showing off my data skeptically. "It was hiding all along, we thought we were making a mistake. The virus is tiny, but it could make a huge damage to your body."

"Give me a shot then." I suggested, my stomach hurting me as my anxiety took over me.

"We can't." Finn argued, turning his body completely to face me.

"What do you mean you can't? We have the cure and I'm not fully healed so give me a shot and we'll be fine." my voice came out angrier without my intention.

"We have to be careful, Claire. Your neurological system could get damaged." Joy argued coolly, entwining his hands together. "You're not in danger, yet. But as the days pass and we can't find where the virus is, you are a danger to the others."

My blood ran cold as the air seemed to shrink into my lungs. How is that possible? Why me? What have I done wrong? I looked around the room helplessly, at a lost of words, my mind too cluttered with thoughts to say something appropriate.

The door opened and Zayn came in, his caramel eyes instantly taking in my shocked status. "What is it?" he demanded, closing the door and walking over to me.

"Your friend has a virus threatening her system. If we don't find where it's located, we can't give her a shot, but she can't be too close to others in case the virus awakens." Finn replied instantly.

Zayn's jaw dropped to the ground, his face paling. "That's impossible."

"I'm afraid it's not." Joy shook his head and for the first time, I saw sadness all over his features as he looked at me. "I'm sorry Claire, but we'll have to keep you restrained."


A/N: 2 more chapters + the epilogue hehe

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