Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

Von ilangel1

83.1K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 113

443 14 0
Von ilangel1

Louis slept the rest of the night and adam joined them for a cuddle around 6am. They all cuddled for a further couple of hours before Adam decided he was done lying around and ready to start the day. 'Mummy hungry" adam said. "Let's sort that out and get you some breakfast." She said and Adam nodded jumping off the bed and heading downstairs. "Do you want to come lou or you staying with uncle joe?" Gemma asked. Louis got up and followed the pair downstairs as he was hungry to. "What do we fancy then?" Gemma asked as they reached the kitchen.

"Can we have pancakes mummy?" Adam asked and Gemma smiled "Do you want pancakes Louis?" Gemma asked and when the boy nodded Gemma set about getting the stuff out to make them. Louis and Adam both helped make them. Once they were cooking Joe came down to join the pair. Katie was still asleep upstairs.

"What are you doing" Louis asked seeing Gemma on her phone "I'm messaging your papa now Niall isn't very well still and your papa wants to know if you want to spend the day here with us or go to your nana and grandads or grandma and grandpas?" Gemma asked deciding to give the boy the choice she had plans of her own that day but there wasn't any reason why louis couldn't join if he wanted to stay with them.

Louis had a thought and wasn't sure. "I don't know." The boy said. "Well we're going shopping today for new school clothes for Adam and Katie when they go back to school and then we're probably go out somewhere for something to eat." Gemma said explaining to the boy what they were doing to see if that helped the boys decision.

Louis had a thought and decided. Go with nana and grandad or grandma." He said stuck choosing between grandparents. Gemma had a thought herself then and decided that Liam's parents would probably be best as her mum was likely to be spending a lot of time at the hospital with her brother.

"Let's get you dressed then I will call nana and grandpa " Gemma left joe to clear up as she went to help Louis get dressed. "Will I stay with nana and grandpa all night?" Louis asked rubbing his eyes. "I'm not sure lou but you might would that be okay?" Gemma asked but the boy just shrugged. "Wanna go home and see papa." The boy said "I know you do love but your older brother isn't well and your papas looking after him." Gemma said softly.

Louis nodded sadly. "Is he being sick" louis asked sadly. "I think so" gemma said. Louis sighed as gemma finished dressing him and sat him in front of the tv with Adam. Gemma then rang Karen and spoke to her who of course was happy to have Louis for the day. She had a few things to do before she could pick the boy up.

"Lou your nana is coming to get you in about an hour." Gemma said and Louis nodded but Gemma didn't miss the sigh "what's the matter?" Gemma asked lifting the boy onto her lap and bringing him in for a cuddle. "Miss papa and ni ni." Louis said sadly. "I know but I'm sure your nana has plenty of things planned." Gemma assured him. Louis nodded but sighed. Gemma knew the boy was missing his dads and brothers. "Will Nana take me to see daddy and baby?" Louis asked. "I don't know lou your have to ask her she might have other things planned." Gemma said. Louis nodded but looked a bit sad. 'Ask nana nicely and you might be able to see your daddy and baby brother.' Gemma said. Louis nodded and cuddled more into Gemma.

"Lou do you want play?" Adam asked then but Louis shook his head. "I'll come play with both of you" gemma said hoping this would help. "Just wanna Cuddle." Louis said sadly as really he just wanted his parents. Gemma nodded and cuddled the boy, till the doorbell went. "I think that might be your nana." Gemma said as she stood with the boy on her hip and went to answer the door.

Gemma answered and it was indeed karen and louis immediately held his arms out for a cuddle. "Hello lou lou." Karen said with a smile taking the boy who wrapped his arms around his nanas neck. Louis just snuggled into her. Karen hugged him as she spoke to gemma. "How's he been?" Karen asked "He's been okay very cuddly and was also very tired yesterday." Gemma said and Karen nodded. 'What shall we do today" karen asked the louis. "See daddy and baby?" "Maybe but I was hoping you'd just spend the day with me and grandad." Karen said. Louis nodded and poured.Louis said bye to auntie, adam and Katie. Joe had gone to work. Karen carried the boy to the car strapped him in his car seat before driving home. "What we doing today?" Louis asked and Karen shrugged "grandads looking up a few things while I came to get you." Karen said and Louis nodded.Louis then told his grandma what he had brought his baby brother. "Sounds nice sweetie, do you love your baby brother?" "Yeah nana he cute and small." Louis said and Karen smiled.

Geoff was at home looking up.things going on to take louis out somewhere. He found a couple of places and decided to let louis choose which one when he got here with Karen.  When they reached Karen and Geoff's Louis saw his grandad waiting by the door and Karen chuckled as she saw louis quickly trying to get himself out. "Hang on lou I'm coming." Karen said before getting out and opening Louis' door before the boy got out and ran to his grandpa.

Louis hugged his grandpa who picked the boy up and spun him round. Louis giggled and cuddled closely to the man once he stopped spinning him. "Hey Lou I've got some choices for you to make on what we do today and it's all your choice." Geoff said. "What are they" louis beamed. "Well your have to come and look." Geoff said taking louis to the kitchen where he'd left a variety of pages open on the tablet. Louis had a look through what his grandad had found.

"That one." Louis said pointing to a country park that had pictures of climbing frames and farm animals "I thought you'd like that one lou." Geoff said with a smile as it was also a nice day so perfect opportunity to get Louis out and about for a bit.

They soon got in the car and Geoff drove to the country park. Louis was excited about where they were going. "How much longer?" Louis whined after around half hour. "I'd say we're about half way lou." Geoff said and Louis sighed but nodded. Karen and Geoff knew though he'd be asking again in around 5 minutes at the longest as the boy had no sense of time yet.

Karen and geoff were correct as he asked just over five minutes later how long till they get there. "25 minutes lou." "Is That long?" Louis asked. About the same time as paw patrol episode." Geoff replied. "That still ages." Louis said as he looked out the window. Geoff decided they could play eye spy. "Okay I start though." Louis said and Geoff smiled at the boy as he choose something to focus on.

"Eye spy with my little eye something beginning with c' louis said. "Car?" Geoff asked "No." Louis responded and Geoff was surprised as the boy normally chose the most obvious of things but clearly not this time. Karen had a little think. "Is it a cloud lou?" Karen asked seeing one tiny cloud in the sky and Louis nodded "Yeah see there it is." Louis said pointing it out and both Karen and Geoff chuckled. They carried this on for around another fifteen minutes before they said spit yellow car.

Eventually they reached the country park and Louis was clearly very excited and was ready to get out the car. Once geoff was parked up they got out the car and walked to where you had to pay.

"Grandpa what animals am I going to see?" Louis asked. "Well I'm sure there be sheep and cows and pigs and maybe donkeys and horses that you might be able to ride if you'd like." Geoff said. 'See sheep first please" Louis asked. Geoff took Louis hand and they headed to the sheep. "There grandpa." Louis said happily when he spotted them and Geoff let go of the boys hand and he went running over to the gate climbing onto the lower piece of wood so he could see over. He smiled as he saw them and wanted to stroke them. "Can I stroke one?" Louis asked looking up at geoff. "I don't see why not love." Geoff said as Louis jumped down and took Geoff's hand as they went to find out if Louis could stroke a sheep.

Someone said yes and asked if they wanted to feed them. Before Geoff said yes Louis was bouncing. "Do you like sheep?" One of the keepers asked Louis who nodded "one of my favourites." Louis said happily. The worker smiled and told Louis a bit what he did to look after the sheep. Karen and Geoff smiled at this. He then let Louis feed a couple of sheep and the boy giggled as they ate the food from his hand. 'It tickled and Louis laughed. Once they were finished feeding the sheep they moved on. "What's next?" Louis asked as they came across the stables where there were donkeys and horses and Louis saw that some kids were having rides on them and of course wanted to have a go himself.

"Can I please ride one" louis said. "Of course as you asked so nicely" karen said. Louis beamed and Karen took him over to where they paid and Louis happily took her hand. When it was louis' turn Geoff lifted louis up onto the donkey where he got a bit scared and nervous. "Grandad." Louis said looking at Geoff with wide eyes "your be fine lou, nana and I are going to walk along with you at all times just hold on yeah." Geoff said and Louis nodded.

Once louis was situated the man pulled the donkey along and as promised Geoff and Karen walked alongside him on each side. Geoff took a couple of pictures as Louis was so happy and giggling constantly and sent them to Liam and Harry.

Once the donkey ride finished louis stroked him before they had a look round. "Can we play in the soft play?" Louis asked "I was thinking we could do that later how about we get some lunch for now?" Karen suggested and Louis nodded as he was quite hungry. They went and got some lunch. They looked st the kids menu and lou asked for some chicken nuggets. "Yeah you can have them lou but you need to choose 2 sides as well." Karen said reading the menu. "What can I have?" "Well you can either have chips, mash, boiled potatoes or rice and then either beans, peas, garlic bread or corn on the cob." Karen said and Louis thought about it. Chips and beans please" louis asked. The waiter soon took their orders. Louis sat happily while waiting for his food as he'd been given colouring and that was keeping him occupied for the time being.

It was around 15 minutes later when the food arrived and louis put his colouring down and ate happily. Karen and Geoff also ate. Karen and Geoff smiled at the boy and knew now with the new baby taking up so much of Liam and Harry's time they'd have to do more things with the boy and Niall when he was feeling better. Karen would also offer to look after the baby so liam and harry can spend time with the older boys.

After lunch they carried on walking round. "Pigs." Louis squealed happily and Geoff let go of his hand as the boy ran over. "They have babies." Louis said happily when he reached the pen. "They are called piglets." Geoff informed the excited boy. Louis smiled as he saw them. They then carried on round and saw some cows. They saw a few more animals before going to soft play area where louis used up the rest of his energy. They were in the soft play area for just over an hour before Louis came over rubbing his eyes and reached for Karen to pick him up. "You Tired lou?" Karen asked and the boy nodded as Karen picked him up. "Shall we get going?" Karen asked as Geoff got Louis' shoes back on his feet.

"Yeah it's getting on anyway." Geoff said and Karen nodded lifting the boy into his arms as she stood.  Louis put his head on his grandma's shoulder as they walked to the car. Karen carefully got Louis situated in his car before the boy looked up at Karen. "Where sleeping tonight?" Louis asked and Karen's heart broke a bit for the boy as Louis was just used to sleeping at a different place each night Karen doubted he'd actually slept in his own bed for around a week.

"You can at our house or your grandmas and grandads house" karen said giving the boy an option. "Yours." Louis mumbled as he rubbed his eyes as he'd been with his nana and grandad all day and wanted it to stay that way.

Karen smiled "of course sweetie' she says as George drove back to theirs. "Lou wants to stay with us he is quite tired and then we have a nice surprise tomorrow when we bring him over." Karen messages anne. Anne messages back saying it was fine and if Louis was tired it would probably be best for him to stay with Karen and sleep.

Louis fell asleep in the car home. When they parked up Karen gently picked the boy up and woke him he needed some dinner. George made them all sandwiches. Louis whined rubbing his eyes and refused to be put down he had to be on either Karen's lap or her hip otherwise he'd whimper sadly and Karen couldn't be dealing with that.

Karen let her tired grandson sit on her lap as he ate his dinner. Once they finished their sandwiches, Geoff cleaned up. Karen went to bath louis. "I don't want a bath I want to sleep." Louis whined rubbing his eyes as he saw his nana start to fill the bath up. "It won't be long lou but you need a bath as your filthy." Karen said although she expected nothing more as they had spent the day on a farm. Louis let his nana wash him. He was soon clean and Karen got him out the bath and dried the tired boy before putting his pjs on. "There we go all clean." Karen said as Louis rubbed his eyes and yawned, "Shall we get you to bed?" Karen asked and Louis nodded. "Story' louis asked as he rubbed his eyes. "I think that can be fixed," karen said taking louis into liams old room.

'Lou remember this is papas old bedroom but If you want to cuddle me and grandpa during the night our bedroom is just here" karen said reminding the five year old. Louis tiredly nodded before Karen placed the boy in bed and grabbed a book.  However it was like the information took a while to sink in as as Karen was reading the story she heard sniffles and looked down to see Louis crying. "Hey what's the matter?" Karen asked. "Miss papa want papa." The boy sobbed and Karen sighed as she knew Louis hadn't seen Liam for a while as although he had seen Harry Liam wasn't there when he had as it was when Harry was in hospital and Liam didn't want to take Niall in. "Come here sweetie." She said lifting Louis onto her lap as the boy cried and cried.

Karen hugged louis and he soon calmed down. 'Shhh it's ok shall we start the story now' karen said. Louis nodded and laid back down and Karen read the story showing lou the pictures. Louis was asleep by the end and Karen carefully tucked him in and kissed his forehead before heading downstairs.

"I know Liam's busy with Niall but Louis needs to see Liam he's just burst into tears asking for Liam." Karen said as she sat down on the sofa and Geoff nodded in agreement. "Yeah I imagine it's been best part of a week since lou has seen Liam." And karen nodded thinking the same thing.

"Let's phone li in the morning but it depends on niall as Liam has been with him the whole time and I dont want to make lou sick" karen said not sure if what ni had was contagious because even if liam didn't get sick didn't mean he couldn't pass it on. "I know but keeping lou away isn't going to help anything I think it's a risk we're going to have to take." Geoff said and Karen nodded knowing her husband was right and if Louis did get sick they'd deal with that when they had to if they had to.

"We will take lou to anne and Robin's first so he can see his daddy and baby brother and go from there" Karen said. "That's a good idea then see what happens from there." George said. "Yeah he might be fine just seeing haz we can also ask what he wants to do in terms of Louis seeing Liam." Karen said. They then decided to watch tv before they headed to bed. Feeling they might get a visitor during the night.

They certainly did as it was only a couple of hours later that Louis woke up and made his way to his grandparents room for a cuddle. Karen placed the boy in the middle and they all cuddled and Louis fell back to sleep. "Well that was easier than I thought." Geoff said. "Yeah he obviously truly only wanted company and a cuddle:" Karen said. Karen and Geoff fell back to sleep. Louis woke couple more times during the night but easily fell back asleep with an extra cuddle.


The dr came to review harry and baby and had to wake the man up. Harry grumbled as he woke up not amused as he was finally managing to sleep but didn't say anything as he noticed it was the doctor. "Sorry to wake you harry but I want to check you and the baby and see if we can get you discharged" the dr said. Harry smiled at this. "Really you think we could go home?" Harry asked. "As long as your both healthy I don't see why not." The dr said.

Harry nodded and sighed. My older son isn't well at the moment." Harry said. "If you are both well enough to go home is there any where else you can stay till he is better. Not saying you can't go home but my advise is to stay somewhere else till a day after he is better" the dr advised. "I could always go to my parents I guess." Harry said as he didn't really want to do that but he also didn't want to risk taking the baby home when Niall was still sick.

That might be a good idea as I don't want you or the baby to get ill." The dr said before examining harry. Once he was done he smiled up at Harry. "Your both doing really well and I can discharge you both so you might want to start making arrangements." He said. Harry smiled and messaged his husband first. "Hey li, his ni doing me and baby can be discharged home but advised to go to my mums if niall still isn't well" harry sent before ringing his mum.

Anne of course said Harry and the baby were welcome and Harry said that he'd message her again when Liam got back to him although he doubted Niall was any better as if he was he would have thought Liam would have made an appearance. Harry then rang his sister to see how lou was doing. "Hey haz." Gemma said and Harry smiled hearing his sisters voice "Hey gem how's lou?" Harry asked. "He's okay very tired yesterday and clearly missing you and Liam but he's gone off with Liam's mum and dad today I gave him the option of staying with us but he chose to go with them." "That's fine." Harry said.

"Thanks for having lou you have been a star gem" harry said. "No worries how is little one doing she said. " really well weI are getting discharged so we're probably going to be staying with mum for a bit as Nialls still sick." Harry said. "Awww you should ring Karen to get her to drop lou there, after their day out as he would be beyond excited to see you" gemma replied. "Yeah that's not a bad idea." Harry said and decided he would do that.

Harry said bye as the baby started crying for a feed. Harry made the bottle and buzzed for a nurse knowing he couldn't lift out the cot with the stitches. The nurse soon appeared and helped Harry out and once the baby was settled back in Harry's arms she left. Harry smiled as he fed his baby and couldn't wait to take him home, even if it was just to his parents. Once the baby was fed Harry changed him before putting him back in his cot before getting ready to leave the hospital himself.


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