Hetalia x Reader Oneshots.

By Readingfaerie25

51.5K 1.1K 257

Hetalia x reader oneshots. I will take requests from anyone More

2p!Japan x Bullied! Reader
2p!China x Reader (lemon)
Yandere!2p!America x Reader
Yandere!2p!Russia x Reader
Ghost!China x Reaper!Reader
Drunk!France x Reader
Yandere!Werewolf!2p!Canada x Reader
Pt. 2
Viking Trio x Reader (Request)
2p! Italy x Reader
2p!China x Reader
Italy x Reader x Romano (Request)
Yandere!Finland x Reader (Request)
Iceland x Reader
Norway x Reader
2p Hetalia + Reader -Part 1-
2p Hetalia + Reader -Part 2-
2p Hetalia + Reader -Part 3-
2p Hetalia + Reader -Part 4-
2p!Hetalia + Reader -Part 5-
2p!Hetalia + Reader -Part 6-
2p!Hetalia + Reader -Finale-
Sweden x Reader
2p! France x Reader
America x Reader
2p!Germany x Reader
Yandere!2p!England x Reader
2p!Romano x Reader
Spain x Reader (Lime?)
Russia x Reader
Denmark x Reader
2p! Italy x Reader x 2p! Romano
Latvia x Reader (Request)
2p! Italy x Reader x 2p! Romano
Germany x Reader
China x Bullied!Reader (Request)
2p!Prussia x Reader
England x Reader
Prussia x Reader
Canada x Reader
2p! Norway x Reader
2p!Finland x Reader
2p!Denmark + Infant!Reader
2p!Canada x Reader
I dunno, have some crack
2p!Japan x Neko!Reader
Germany x Reader
Ukraine x Male!Reader[Lemon] (Request)
2p!America x Male!Reader
Nyo!America x Trans!Reader
Romano x Male!Reader (Request)
2p!England x Veteran!Male!Reader (Request)
Luxembourg x Reader (Request)
Italy x Amputee!Male!Reader (Request)
China x Male!Autistic!Reader (Request)
2p!Romano x Goth!Reader x 2p!England (Request)
Halloween Special w/Allies (GN Reader)
Prince!Luxembourg x Prince!Reader (Request)
Canada x Deaf!Reader(Request)
Romano x Mute!Reader (Request)
2p!America x NB!Reader x 2p!Canada
Valentine's Special Canada x Reader(Request)
Turkey x F!Reader (Request)
Robot!America x F!Reader
England X Reader
America X Reader

Yandere!2p!Sweden x Reader (Request)

1K 22 0
By Readingfaerie25

Thank you for all (3) of your comments. I'll probably make all of them because I've got nothing better to do. Also, sorry if this sucks, I don't know the Nordics or their 2ps very well, and this is mostly information coming my sister and online. If I get some good feedback on this, I'll consider adding those ten to my list. On with the story~!


You were on your way to class when you ran into a tall boy who'd been running to make it to a class. All of his things went flying to the ground, books fell open faced and pencils rolled all over the place, making him curse.

"Here, let me help." You were just outside English anyways. You knelt down to help him gather up some of the other supplies that had gone everywhere while he grabbed his books and folders. Smiling to be friendly, you handed him the now closed pencil bag.

He smiled back at you with a tinge of pink on his cheeks. Now that you thought about it, he looked kind of familiar, but you didn't quite know from where. The warning bell rang, and you waved to him as you ran into the classroom to sit down. You laughed to yourself a little when he also came into the class and took a seat in the back of the class.

The teacher stood up from her desk and began teaching a lesson about post World War 2 literature, but every once in a while, you'd get a weird feeling of being watched. You'd look behind you, and the boy from before had his eyes on you, not even looking away when you made eye contact, forcing you to turn around so the teacher didn't yell at you to pay attention.

After ten minutes, you turned to your best friend, Tino. "Hey, do you know why that guy in the back is staring at me?"

He glanced back, then immediately stiffened up and looked back at you. "Hide."

"What? What's going on?"

"Just trust me."

When the bell rang to end class, he barely gave you time to pack up your things before dragging you down the hall and to your gym class. "I'll tell you after you get changed. Just trust me, he's no good at all."

As the two of you ran laps, he slowed down his pace to match yours so he could talk to you. "That is Bernard Oxenstierna. He's my boyfriend's cousin." Ah, that's why he looked so familiar. "(Y/n), listen to me, that guy is seriously bad news. When I first met him, he full on stalked me for three months. Berwald had to break his nose to get him stop it. He will find a person he likes, and then latch himself to that person. Avoid him as much as you can, have the cops on speed dial, and carry around a weapon."

You weren't  exactly sure how to react. Tino was rarely this serious, and you were trying to decide whether or not this was just an elaborate prank, but you eventually trusted that Tino wasn't just trying to make you paranoid.

The thing was, it was kind of hard to ignore him when he was in 5 out of your 8 classes. You tried to avoid making eye contact, but you could still feel his gaze on you, seemingly more intense since your talk with Tino.

Finally, the school day was over and you made it to your locker, down the street, and all the way home without being followed. Luckily, you didn't have work, so you could go straight home and lock yourself up in your room.

Homework done, you were just relaxing on your bed and waiting for your younger brother to get home so you could start dinner when he got back with the groceries. You were getting kind of worried and were about to call him to make sure he was okay, when the front door opened. Letting out a breath of relief, you ran downstairs to greet him. "Hey (Y/n), your friend came by to drop off a notebook you left at school."

"Alright." You peered past him to where you thought Tino would be, but froze the second you saw Bernard standing in the doorway. Before you could even ask how he'd found your brother of all people, he wrapped you up in a tight hug and spun you around before setting you down on the ground, still staring at him. "H-how-"

"I found your snapchat account. It was really easy because you're good friends with Tino and you both post pictures with each other all the time. That's how I knew he was your brother. I just got lucky that we were buying groceries at the same time." He smiled down at you, then laughed at your stunned reaction. "Let me guess, Tino told me about me stalking him. Don't worry, I stopped doing that years ago. Oh but you have to cook dinner, don't you? Here's your notebook. I'll see you in school tomorrow."

You stood in the doorway for a few extra seconds, then turned around. "Oh, (Y/n)?"

You looked back to see him with a terrifying grin on his face. "I am going to get what I want this time. I might have lost Tino to Berwald, but we'll be living together in no time at all. Sweet dreams, my love." Then his expression reverted back to normal and he left you standing there before your brother tapped you on the shoulder, reminding you that you needed to make dinner. Your horrifying night concluded with a text.

Unknown number: Tell Tino, and I'll kill him.


The next day when you went to school, you absolutely refused to look in his direction. You knew he was still staring at you unabashedly, but despite the hairs on the back of your neck standing up every time he got within ten feet of you, you always found something else to hold your attention.

This made him furious. He began texting you in class, so you put your phone on silent and shoved it down into the bottom of your bag. He'd get up for random reasons and tap you on the shoulder, so you pretended to be super absorbed in whatever textbook you had lying out on your desk. Nothing he could do convinced you to even acknowledge him.

For a few weeks, nothing happened. You continued to ignore him, and at some point, he stopped staring at you. Despite all this, you couldn't convince yourself that it was quite over yet, because whenever you accidentally did make eye contact, he'd grin at you in a way that chilled your bones five degrees.

Then one day, you went to you locker to put some textbooks away, and a small note fell out of it as you opened it up. It had been written in blood. Come get Tino before it's too late (Y/n). Oh, and don't tell Berwald unless you want to face consequences. Underneath, there was an address. You texted your brother to let him know you were going to be late coming home, then raced to the address, a run down warehouse near where Tino lived.

You stepped inside, and immediately ran over to where Tino was tied to a chair, head lolled and a small cut on his arm. "Tino! Tino, wake up!" He blinked a few times and peered up at your face before seeing something behind you and beginning to panic.

You looked back to see Bernard standing there, leaning against the doors before reaching out and locking them. You glared at him as he walked over to the two of you, standing protectively in front of Tino.

"Aww, you're so cute when you look mad (Y/n)." He stood right in front of you and stroked your cheek lovingly, like someone's lover might. "Oh, but Tino's so cute when he's so powerless. Maybe I'll keep the both of you to myself after all."

"Like hell you will."

He laughed at you. "(Y/n), I'm the one in control here. Unless you want me to use more of his blood as ink, I suggest you hold that sharp tongue of yours, lest you say something you'll regret."

You scowled, but didn't say anything. "Good girl. Now here's the deal. Either, you pretend this never happened and agree to be my girlfriend until we get engaged, or I send Berwald this address and he can come find his precious Tino dead in a pile of his own blood, along side your corpse missing its head."


"You heard me. What'll it be?"


Bernard glared at Tino and pulled a knife out of his pocket. You stepped forward and grabbed his arm before he could do anything to him, but then he dug the knife into your arm. You yelped in surprise, but he just grinned and lapped up the blood dripping down your arm while you stared at him, feeling nothing but disgust. "(Y/n), you still haven't given me an answer. Will you save or doom your best friend?"

You grit your teeth in irritation. "Let him go."

"Is that your final answer?" He pulled your body flush against his and peered down into your (e/c) orbs. "I can still see the defiance in your eyes (Y/n). Are you sure this is what you want?"

You just count yourself lucky that you're holding a knife you arrogant ass. "Let him go, and swear that you won't pull this sort of stunt ever again with anyone, or I'm never going to talk to you again."

"Fine by me. I already got what I wanted anyway." He walked around you and untied Tino, who shook off the ropes and glared up at him. You grabbed his hand to pull him out of the dreadful place, but before you could, he punched Bernard right in the nose.

The tall boy staggered backwards and you could see the blood trailing down to his lips. "Fuck you, you asshole. I hope you burn in hell for this stupid prank. It wasn't enough for you to stop at me, you just had to rope my best friend into your twisted sick games. I hope you get your nose broken over and over again for the rest of your life." He stormed out of the warehouse with you in tow, but the sinking feeling you had in your stomach suddenly got much worse.


You had so many cuts up and down your arm. Not ones you'd given yourself. Bernard had some odd fascination with drinking blood and every chance he got, he'd cut your arm to drink for there. He had so many rules for you as his girlfriend. If you broke a single one, even if it was just looking at some other boy for more than a second, he'd pin you against a wall and cut into you.

Tino was the only one you could talk to anymore. He'd offer you support and kind words, and on very rare occasions, Bernard would allow you to go see him and Berwald for a few hours. You two were forbidden from telling him about what had happened that day, "unless you want to find him missing his heart."

The day Bernard proposed to you, you wanted to throw up, to punch him, to scream, run away as fast as you could, invent a time machine and find some way to avoid this boy who'd ruined your life in only months. Instead, you did what you were supposed to, plastering on a smile so everyone would think happy tears were spilling from your eyes, and letting him slide the ring onto your finger. You thought he'd get mad at you for not talking to him for days, but one night, he crawled into the bed with you and pulled you against him. "I can't wait to see what our children will look like." He rubbed small, soothing circles into your back while you cried yourself to sleep.

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