The Cured

By GirLegend99

348K 15.9K 9.7K

Sequel to The Infected. They thought life would change to better after the annihilation and chaos, since they... More

The Cured
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
New Book

Chapter 32

4K 191 69
By GirLegend99

I’ve seen this in a nightmare...

~•~ Chapter 32 ~•~

My mind was a complete mess. I couldn't comprehend completely what I had just heard and the frustration and worry that had overwhelmed me were too strong to help me think clearly. I sat on the ground with my knees bent, watching as Liam got an injection on Louis who had been puking for the past ten minutes, his face flushed into a deep red color with veins still showing on his neck and forehead.  Harry was sitting down nearby, watching in concern for his friend.

Niall was beside me, listening closely to the voices talking around him. Thomas and Zayn were debating if they should believe what Ed had just told us about the ‘shadows’ a few meters away so that Ed and Cole wouldn't hear them as they bickered at the other side.

“You owe me the truth!” I heard Cole hiss angrily at his brother, who just rolled his eyes and threw his hands in the air in exasperation.

“You fool - it won't make any difference!” He snapped, scowling at Cole.

“Poor guy, he must feel so lost right now.” Niall muttered beside me, fidgeting blindly with his fingers on his lap. I nodded and mentally slapped myself since Niall can't see me do that.

“Yeah, I would be as angry as him if nobody told me all this time.” J admitted with a shrug, drumming my fingers on my gun that was resting on my lap.

“At least he can see.” He pointed out flatly, cocking his brow momentarily. “Better not to remember than not to see right?” he asked, putting me in a hard decision.

Would it really be better if I forget about everything that happened these days and be lost with my own self, than to be blind? I believe losing your memory is more sufferable than losing your sight. You're still trapped in the darkness, but you can fight through your mind and try to recall some moments, hardly. But losing your sight, is heart breaking.

“Yeah, I guess so.” I replied quietly.

“Liam keeps applying water on my eyes every night and I still can't see shit,” he said bitterly, the corners of his lips curling downwards in dissatisfaction. “I'm a fucking weight for you guys.”

“Don’t say that shit, you're not!” I blurt, looking at him in frustration. “How could you say that? You're not useless - you still shoot better than all of us.” I exclaimed, trying to keep my cool. I didn't want to yell at Niall, but I wouldn't let my friend think of himself that way.

A soft humorless chuckle came out of his lips, “Yeah right, that doesn't make me feel any better, Claire.”

I pressed my lips in a thin line, struggling to find the right words that could make him feel any better but really, after everything we've been through, it's so hard to find something that could actually make us more generous.

“Niall..” I whispered sadly, my face falling into a frown.

“Don't try to pep talk me, Claire, I'm not a child, I'm a fucking soldier, alright? There's nothing you could say that can make things look better than they are.” he spoke the truth.

“I know, I just hate seeing you guys lile that.” I admitted, lowering my head.

“What hurts you the most, Claire?”

“What?” My eyebrows were shot skywards at his question, my head snapping to the side to look at his blank expression as he closed his eyes and leaned against the trunk of the tree behind us.

“You deaf or what?” he said cockily, making me grimace at his idiotic choice of words.

“Not cool,” I snapped before running a hand through my messy hair, sighing heavily. “I guess the death of my loved ones..” I trailed off, my heart tugging painfully.

“I see.” he mumbled.

“What about you?”

“Not being able to see Theo again.”

My heart was shattered to pieces. Tears immediately appeared in my eyes as I watched at Niall’s pained face with parted lips. I was absolutely devastated knowing that Niall, might never get to see his nephew again. The sweet little blond boy with loving blue eyes appeared before my eyes as I thought about him.

A slight burn appeared in the back corners of my mouth as I clenched my jaw to stop myself from sobbing. I bit my lower lip harshly, looking around with teary eyes as I didn't know what to say.

“Don't cry, Claire.” he said gently, already aware that I'm in the verge of crying although I made no sound.

“I’m so sorry.” I whispered in a hushed tone, my eyes now letting go of my tears as they rolled down my cheeks. I could only bring myself to his place and think of not being able to see the man I love the most. It killed me and it was just a thought. He is going through it in real life.

I caught him wiping away a single tear that escaped his left eye, his nose red. “I’m sorry, too.” he murmured.

I blinked and looked away, my eyes finding concerned green ones. Harry stared intently at me and Niall, brows knitted together in confusion. He rised from the ground and walked slowly towards us, glancing over his shoulder at Ed and Cole who had now finally stopped fighting and sat down in silence.

“Everything okay?” he asked worriedly once he approached us, adjusting the strap of his cross necklace around his neck awkwardly.

“How's Lou?” Niall completely ignored Harry's question as he held his head between his hands and kept his eyes shut.

Harry locked eyes with me again, puzzled for a while as I wiped away the last remainings of my tears.

“He's good.”  he mumbled slowly before clearing his throat. “Are you guys okay?” he asked, giving us a stern look.

“Yes.” I replied hoarsely, pushing my hair off my shoulders as I stood up. I really didn't want to talk about what Niall said. It broke my heart too harshly to bring up the subject again. “What now?”

“We’ll leave in 5’. Eat something before we go.” He suggested kindly, bring his hand close to mine and grabbing it. He entwined our fingers and lifted my hand to his face before placing a sweet kiss on my knuckles.

A soft smile tugged at my lips as I looked at him with glossy eyes. He then leaned closer to me and brought his lips to my ear, “If you wanna talk about it, I'm here.” he said lowly, kissing my cheek as he leaned back.

I nodded, “Thank you,” I murmured loud enough for him to hear.

He sent me a gorgeous smirk with dimples showing before he let go of my hand, “Come on, man, let's go.” He urged, benting over to loop his strong arm around Niall's and help him get up.

“I can do this on my own.” Niall grumbled gruffly, an annoyed expression on his flushed face.

“I know you can.” Harry agreed coolly, not wanting to push or insult Niall.

I looked over at a tired Louis who clutched his stomach with a pained expression on his face, his damp hair pushed back by the wind, his lower lip a deep red color from biting harshly on it too much. Liam beside him packed up all the medicines, looking stressful. I felt so bad for them.

After eating a croissant, we got the order to go. I slightly jumped on my heels to adjust the camp bag on my back and held my gun tightly in my hands. The clouds had completely darkened the sky and it was a matter of time before it rains. Thomas walked by my side, humming softly a tune to himself as he wandered around cautiously. Harry was walking closely behind Ed and Cole, who were taking the lead and were both masked with anger.

My mind drifted back to Ed’s words. If the ‘shadows’ attack us, what are we going to do? Cole was the lucky one to live the attack but unlucky enough to get his memory damaged. But it's not promised that if any of us gets attacked, we will survive. Anxiety ate alive from inside out as the thought was scratched into my head.

I looked around, taking in the silent boys who just followed the lead and kept their eyes fixed around the trees. Louis had a stubborn pout on his face that actually adorable but I wouldn't tell him that, he would get pissed. Zayn had a cigarette between his lips, taking hints every now and then, his other hand holding his crossbow tightly. Liam was holding Niall by the forearm, both of them talking quietly among themselves. I turned back ahead to face Harry's back as I walked, arms pumping loosely on my sides with each step.

The first drops of rain touched softly my skin, making my blood turn cold s terror flooded through me. Then, relief washed over me when I realized it was not poison, but just water, as I felt no pain or burn. I let a heavy sigh and ran a hand down my face stressfully. This place has slowly made me fear everything around me.

Bright lightinings errupted in the sky as a thunder echoed around, sending vibrations through me at the powerful sound. The rain started growing heavier but Harry didn't order to set up. We couldn't waste any more time in one place, we had to keep moving. If Leo told us to get to the hills, that means he needs us there. The frustrating feeling of raindrops all over my face made me squint every now and then. I also realized my hair was free, which meant it will get all get stuck on my back and neck. Fucking great.

“Do you think there's another team waiting for us at the hills?” Thomas questioned lightly, hair wet around his face.

“I don't care, we don't need them.” I answered flatly, licking my wet lips.

“True.” he shrugged nonchalantly, scrunching his lips.

We kept walking for over an hour, the rain heavily pouring down on us without any mercy. I was starting to get really worried as Louis and Cole started coughing. I wouldn't want them to get sick because I know their bodies are weaker than the rest of us after what they've been through.

My eyes landed on my man. His curly hair was dripping water as it fell over his forehead, his face stonery and lips pursed, dark green eyes in though. He held the bottom of his gun inside his palm, resting the skeleton of the gun against his shoulder as he walked like a true soldier in the mud.

“Harry! Can we take a break?!” Liam yelled through the storm, sounding tired.

Harry turned to look at us blankly, “No!” he replied sharply before turning back.

“Harry we'll get sick!” Niall yelled, frustratedly.

However, Harry didn't reply. I found it odd how he didn't care about the possibilities of us catching a cold or getting heavily sick and eventually turning into a zombie. I knitted my eyebrows in confusion, not liking how negative he is about a stop.

“He's not in the mood, huh?” Thomas huffed beside me, fidgeting with his bulletcase hanging from his belt.

“No shit.” I spat sarcastically, pushing a wet strand of my hair off my neck in frustrarion. “Cut him some slack, he's too stressed.” I quickly defended.

“I’m just saying.” he shrugged.

Ed came to a halt and placed his hand over his eyebrows to block the rain and get a better look. “I see a house over there!” he yelled, pointing at the house about 20 meters away that could be barely seen due to the tall trees surrounding it.

“Let’s go! Keep your eyes open for zombies!” Harry demanded sharply, moving faster to take the lead now.

I raised my gun and aimed around as I increased the speed, jogging along with the others as my eyes sharply gazed around. I couldn't see clearly and that only added to my anxiety of being attacked out of a sudden.

“There’s two,” Harry said gruffly before raising his gun and aiming. I looked ahead, seeing two zombies walking slowly between the trees, their clothes ripped and dirty. One of them had a bitten arm while the other had a long scratch on his back. The cause of their transition, I suppose.

“I got ’em.” Harry said before swiftly pulling the trigger twice and having both zombies fall dead on the ground instantly.

We kept moving fast, the shivers all over my body making my lips twitch. The temperature was low now and my entire body felt cold and stiff. We approached the house, relief momentarily coursing me.

“Thomas, Zayn, Louis, with me. The rest, check inside. Claire, take the lead.”  Harry instructed strictly, pointing at the front porch of the house.

Nodding, I did as I was told. Steadying my gun in my slippery hands, I walked sneekily towards the front porch, Liam, Ed, Cole and Niall following me from behind. The mud made it slightly difficult to move as fast as I wanted. I felt my heart pick up its pace as I pushed my body against the wall and slowly moved towards the door, which two windows at the top part and one of them was broken.

I lifted my gun next to my head as I tried to hear any noises coming from inside. I inhaled deeply when I heard a growl right next to my ear, shudders running all over my body. I turned my head to look at the boys who stood one next to each other, pressed against the wall like I am.

I raised my index finger and held it out, signaling them to wait. Liam nodded, coffee brown eyes concerned, his free hand resting on his knife that was tucked in his waistband. I slowly turned my head, my fingers curling around the handle of my gun, preparing myself.

With water dripping all over me, I pushed myself off the wall and turned towards the door. My heart crawled in disgust when I came face to face with the zombie. His left eye was missing, rotten blood on his left cheek all the way to his jaw. His right eye was white and lifeless, his nose broken, his mouth dripping deep red blood. His neck was harshly and awufully eaten, with his bones showing off. I could feel the acid rise in my throat as he snapped his teeth hungrily at me, showing me off his missing teeth and rotten gum.

I pulled the trigger and shot him right in the skull, sending him back on the ground, dead. I blew a shaky breath I didn't realize I was holding and waited for a few seconds to see if any more zombies would come after the gunshot. Eventually, none came.

I opened the door which screeched against the floor, making me flinch. I stepped inside the empty house, taking in all the old furniture. There were no stairs, there was only this floor we were standing on.  Liam followed after me with Niall and lastly, Ed and Cole.

I turned around and looked at the two brothers, “You two, check the bedrooms,” I ordered, pointing at them.

Ed chuckled sarcastically at my order, a cocky expression on his face. Cole sent him a cold stare before walking further into the house and heading to the bedrooms. Ed bit the inside of his cheek in annoyance and reluctantly followed. After checking all the rooms, we were certain it was clear.

“New home?” Niall asked sarcastically as he sat on the brown couch that was washed off at the top and looked over used.

“Yeah,” I sighed, dropping my camp bag on the  wooden ground. “New home.”


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