Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

By ilangel1

84K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 108

682 23 3
By ilangel1

Thank you everyone for reading, voting and commenting on this book.  Please look out for this book on the 1D wattys 2019 as it has been entrered.  please read the bit at the end of the story and put your thoughts across in the comment.

Liam looked up as there was a knock on the hospital room door and smiled as he saw Anne there. "Hey come through and meet your latest grandson." Liam said quietly as not to disturb Harry.

"I forgot how small they were." Anne said fondly smiling. "Have you got a name yet?" Anne said. "We've got a couple in mind but we still need to finalise one." "Alright it's an important decision so take your time with it." Anne said. "Yeah we're going to sort it out when Harry wakes next." Liam replies. "The boys coming in at all?" Anne asked.

"Gemma messaged saying she was going to get them some lunch then bring them in." Liam said and Anne nodded. "Bet you can't wait to introduce them." Anne smiled. "No but I'm worried about lou, I mean he's come round to the big brother idea in theory but now he's here I'm not sure how he's going to react." Liam said voicing his concerns.

"Just include him in helping and make sure you spend one on one time with him" Anne smiles as another knock on the door and Liam smiles as he sees his mum and dad at the door. "Hey." Liam said getting up and his mum gave him a hug. "Congrats." Karen said quietly seeing Harry was asleep and her eyes then fell on Anne who was holding the baby. Anne smiled and passed the baby to Karen. "He's gorgeous, you thought of a name yet?" Karen asked.

"Thanks, we have a few names but not decided yet" Liam said. Karen nodded before handing the baby back to Liam. Liam cuddled his baby boy just Harry stirred and woke up. "Hey love." Liam said as Harry sat up rubbing his eyes and smiled when he saw both his and Liam's parents. "Hey I see you have met your latest grandson." Harry beamed as Liam placed the baby in Harry's arms. "Sure have he's gorgeous." Anne said.

"Yeah I know, shame he won't always stay this way." Harry said with a smile. You get the joys of seeing them grow up and finally start a family of their own." Anne said "It's scary I mean Nialls nearly 8 and Louis will be 6 the end of the year, where is the time going Mum." Harry said and all Anne could do was smile. The baby soon started crying and Liam got a bottle ready for the baby. "Do you want to do it love?" Liam asked and Harry nodded taking the bottle and sitting up while positioning the baby in the right position. The baby took to the bottle straight away as he started drinking.

"Is my sister bringing the boys in?" Harry asked softly and Liam nodded.  "Yeah I spoke to her about an hour ago and she said she'd get them some lunch before bringing them in." Liam explained and Harry nodded. "Can't wait for the boys to meet him." Just then Ruth and Sam walked in. They had taken Jake round to a friends not having told him there news yet. The pair were beaming.

"Congrats you two." Ruth said and Harry smiled.  "Thank you." He said as the baby was starting to fall asleep. "Li can you put him in the cot" Harry asked as he couldn't really move. Liam did this and Harry whispered to Liam that Ruth and Sam can share their happy news. Everyone could tell that Ruth and Sam were both over the moon about having another child as they shared the news and Karen could hardly contain herself as she realised she'd be getting another grandchild.

"You never know mum it might be a girl mum then your finally get a granddaughter." Ruth said and Karen nodded.  "You never know so far all you two have been capable of is giving me grandsons." Karen chuckled looking at both Liam and Ruth. The two shrugged. "Not my decision depends on this one" Ruth chuckled as she pointed to her husband. Everyone laughed at this. "Does Jake know yet" Karen asked. "No he doesn't" Ruth said. "Ok we will keep our lips shut around Niall and Louis" they said. Everyone nodded.

It was around another fifteen minutes later that there was a knock at the door. They looked up and as soon as Louis saw everyone in there he ran over. Liam picked him up "Be gentle with daddy" Liam said. NIall smiled at everyone as he walked over. "He had been quite in the car.

"You okay ni?" Liam asked as he placed louis down who was now heading for Harry and Niall went over to Liam.  "He's been quiet all day." Gemma said and Liam nodded sitting down and pulling the boy onto his lap.  "What's wrong." Liam asked  "Nothing." Niall said cuddling into Liam's chest.  Liam hugged the boy.  Louis tried to reach up carefully to look in cot. " Is that baby in their" Louis asked intrigued as Anne went to pick the boy up.  He smiled at it but couldn't work out if boy or a girl.  "We got a brother or a sister" Louis asked.

"You and ni have got a little brother." Liam said and Louis smiled happily at that,  "Play with my toys?" Louis asked  "Not yet baby he's way too little too play." Liam said and Louis pouted but nodded.  Anne lifted Louis up to see his baby brother. "So small" he said. "You can hold his hand gently." Anne said. Louis nodded and walked over to the cot gently holding the baby's hand.

"Small." Louis said looking up at Anne.  "I know you were that small once." Anne said picking the boy back up  "Really?" Louis asked and Anne nodded.  "Yep."  'Want to see your baby brother" Liam asked niall who was still cuddled into him which was unlike him. Niall shook his head for the time being just content to be in his Papas arms. Liam was slightly worried about the boy. "Do you want to cuddle dad" Liam asked niall. Everyone noticed niall wasn't himself. "We are going to go" Karen said.

"You Sure?" Liam asked rubbing Nialls back who didn't seem to want to move from Liam's arms even if it was to go and cuddle with Harry.  "Yeah you need some time just the 5 of you let us know though when your back home." Karen said and Liam nodded.  Gemma got up to go as well. "Gem stay you only just got here" Harry said to his sister as everyone got up to say bye.

Liam cuddled Niall and pecked his" Harry said  "It's alright haz there's a lot of people here I'll come back when I can get him all to myself," Gemma chuckled before motioning for Louis to come over.  "I don't want to go yet." Louis said still watching his baby brother and both Harry and Liam could tell he was going to be protective of the baby.

"It's fine Gemma I'll go home tonight with them." Liam said as although he wanted to stay with Harry and his baby son he also had 2 other sons that needed their parents especially Niall who had fallen asleep on Liam's lap.  "Can Aunty Gem have a hug bye" Gemma beamed as he hugged her. Gemma smiled and went over to Liam saying she hoped niall was ok.

"He'll be okay." Liam said kissing the top of Nialls head gently as Gemma gently ruffled the boys hair before leaving and Louis went straight back over to his little brother.  "Lou come here love." Harry said and Louis looked at Harry and then the baby.

"The baby isn't going anywhere but I want a cuddle with my big boy." Harry said and Louis smiled before walking over to Harry and climbed up onto the bed and cuddled with his daddy. Louis enjoyed his cuddle with his daddy. "I'll be heading off to" Anne said saying bye to just leave the five of them together.

"We have a very big job for you two" Harry said. "Whats that daddy" Louis said. "Well your baby brother needs a name and I need yours and Niall's help to decide one" Harry said.  "But Ni's asleep." Louis said.  "I know he is why don't you give us some names and then when ni is awake he can give us some ideas." Harry suggested and Louis nodded firing out any name he could think of.

Liam wrote the names down. Some were good others were laughable but imaginable.  "Papa don't laugh." Louis whined not liking that his papa was laughing at some of his suggestions,  "Sorry baby have you got any other ideas?" Liam asked but Louis shook his head.  Liam nodded just as niall stirred in his arms. "Hey Ni you ok" Liam asked.

"Hmm." Niall mumbled rubbing his eyes and and sighing.  "What's the matter? Apparently you've been quiet all day." Liam said softly. I'm ok" Niall says. But both Harry and Liam don't believe him. "Your tummy hurts?" Harry asked.

"No dad I already said I'm fine." Niall said but Harry looked at Liam who shrugged hoping Niall didn't think he didn't still need attention and therefore hiding it just because there was a new member of the family.

"Niall you sure you don't need to hide anything. You having trouble going to the toilet" Liam said whispering the last part. Niall shrugged so Liam took that as a yes.  "It hurts." He mumbled looking up at Liam sadly.  "Alright love when we get home I'll give you something to help." Liam said and Niall nodded snuggling back into Liam.

"If you want to go Li you can I'll be fine here." Harry said as although he didn't really want him to go he knew if Niall didn't feel great then he needed to be sorted.  "I'm fine" niall tried to say. "No your not you can come see me and baby when your feeling better and your tummy doesn't hurt" harry said.  "Is Nini poorly" Louis asked.  "He is a bit baby." Liam said.  "Is he going to be sick?" Louis asked fearfully.

"He shouldn't be' Liam asks as he looks to niall hoping he is just constipated.  "I can get grandma or nana to stay with you" Liam says as a just in case.  "No wanna stay with you." Louis said and Liam nodded  "That's fine but the options there Okay." Liam said and Louis nodded.

They all said bye to harry and the baby and left to walk to the car. Liam got Louis in his chair and niall got in. Liam messaged his mum to let her know what was happening in case he needed someone to be with Lou.  Harry gazed at his son but knew he couldn't get up.

When Liam got home with the boys Louis happily went running off to the playroom while Liam got Niall comfy on the sofa and went to find some.  Medicine he could give the boy. When he came back Niall has curled up on himself and Liam knew when he saw the boy had tears in his eyes he was done with trying to hide it.  "Sit up sweetheart." Liam said and Niall whined But did as told as he sat up but leaned into Liam's side rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"Here is some medicine Ni, do you feel sick or does it just hurt" Liam asked Glad Louis wasn't around. Liam needed to know whether he needed his mum or Anne here.  "I feel a bit sick but it mainly just hurts." Niall mumbled taking the medicine Liam was holding out before snuggling into him.

"Alright make sure you tell me if that changes okay." Liam said and Niall nodded as Louis came back into the room.  "You okay love?"  Liam said.  "Yeah when my new brother coming home?" Louis asked climbing up on the sofa the other side of Liam.

"I don't know sweetheart they have to make sure is all healthy and everything first." Liam said as Louis snuggled into his side as Niall dozed off.  Louis nodded. "But buy him a teddy' Louis said as niall fell asleep.

"You want to buy him a teddy?" Liam asked as he knew once the baby was home they'd be getting a lot of gifts and he imagined a teddy would be a popular choice but if Louis wanted to give him a teddy then what's one more.

Louis nodded. "You said get teddy when baby born as didn't know if girl or boy" Louis said. "Papa did say that, we can buy your baby brother one." Liam smiled  "Now?" Louis asked  "No baby ni's fallen asleep and isn't feeling the best." Liam said.   "Nana stay with ni?" Louis then asked. "Sorry when Ni feels a bit better Lou" Liam said. Louis huffed but nodded.

Niall started to move on Liams lap  "You okay love?" Liam asked as the boys eyes opened.  "Don't feel well." The boy whimpered clinging tightly to liam.  "What doesn't feel good ni" Liam asked.  "Tummy' the boy whinned.  "Shall we go and sit on the toilet" Liam asked. Niall sniffled but nodded as Liam got up causing Louis to whine.  "Where you going?" Louis asked.  "The toilet we won't be long." Liam said holding a hand out for Niall which he took and the pair headed to the nearest bathroom.

Liam pulled nialls trousers and underwear down and sat him on the toilet.  "Papa Why's this happening all the time? I'm always constipated and I don't like it cause it hurts." Niall asked knowing Liam had told him that was what was wrong a lot of the time and he knew that it made him have to go to the toilet before it would stop hurting.

I don't know sweetie some people suffer more than others we can get a Drs appointment and find out. Niall nodded as he started to explode into the toilet with the medicine working through him.

"Don't want is in but don't like this" niall whimpered. "Shhh I know we will get to the bottom of this. Do you feel sick" Liam asked.  "Not really." Niall said and Liam nodded as at least that was something as Liam has known for Niall to be sick while constipated but Liam decided that he would make Niall a doctors appointment as the boy was right he suffered badly with this problem and it was becoming a regular thing.

Louis was bored on his own and didn't know what to do. He decided to go in the play room and play with his trains. The boy tipped all his trains onto the floor and then rummaged around for his train track.

Liam comforted niall as he carried on using the toilet. It was around another ten minutes and the boy was done. "Papa can I have a pad just in case accident" niall asked.  "Course you can sweetheart." Liam said getting that for the boy and getting him situated in some pyjamas before carrying him back downstairs.

"When are you going to make me a doctors appointment?" Niall asked and Liam knew the boy most have been seriously fed up with this as he was physically asking Liam to take him to the doctors.

"I'll ring tomorrow okay it's too late now but I don't know when your get an appointment as it won't be an urgent appointment." Liam warned.  "Why's it not urgent? It hurts and I don't like it." Niall whined  "I know sweetheart I'll try my best though." Liam said.  Niall huffed and nodded.

"Nini ok" Louis asked. "Yea just his tummy hurting but we can all cuddle on the sofa.  "Can we watch a film?" Louis asked climbing up onto the sofa and snuggling into Liam's side.  "No I'm sorry lou, but we need to start thinking about getting some dinner and then bathing and bed." Liam said and Louis whined But nodded as he was pretty hungry.  Liam text Harry and waited for about ten minutes asking the boys what they wanted for dinner.
......................... ........... .......

Back at the hospital Harry pressed the buzzer as the baby was crying. The midwife came in and passed the baby to Harry with a bottle and left nappy at reach if he needed changing. Harry fed the baby before realising that he did need changing which Harry quickly but carefully completed after having years of practice.

Harry then cuddled the baby for a bit longer before pressing the buzzer for the nurse to put him back in his cot. The nurse quickly came in and placed the sleeping baby back in the cot before asking Harry if he wanted anything. 'A drink of water please" Harry yawned.  "Course I'll go and grab you some water then maybe try and sleep." She suggested and Harry nodded.

The nurse shortly came back with the water for Harry. He drank some and then put the cup down and went to sleep. When the nurse came back she was glad to see that Harry had fallen asleep as she knew how hard it was parents sometimes to fall asleep without worrying about their baby.

She left Harry and the baby to sleep peacefully. Harry managed to get a couple of hours sleep. Harry was woken up by the quiet cries of his new born son that was one thing, Harry was thankful for he didn't seem to be a loud crier and Harry hoped that that would result in him being a quiet kid after what they went through with Louis who was the opposite and the loudest child Harry and Liam had ever come across.

Harry sighed as he pressed the buzzer as he was unable to move. The midwife came in and passed Harry the baby. "Thank you." Harry said resting the baby on his chest and the baby instantly quietened down. "No worries want anything else" the nurse asked. "No were good for now." Harry said and the nurse nodded before leaving the room. Harry couldn't believe there baby son had been born. He was staring st the baby when he felt his phone buzz. He saw a text from liwn saying niall was fine just suffering from bad constipation and they will book an appointment but not to worry. " Not great it's constipation but better than being a bug. I'm glad this sickness feeling has gone now the baby has been born" Harry replied back.

When Harry replied to Liam the man was cooking with Louis who claimed he wanted to help while Niall was curled up on the sofa watching tv. "Glad the sickness has gone, hope your both ok, sorry can't be there. Lou is helping make dinner." Liam replied back as he heard him being called in by niall. "Lou come inside a minute" Liam said not wanting to leave the boy in kitchen alone. "Why?" Louis asked. "Because I don't want you out here on your own when the ovens on and other things you could easily get hurt." Liam said and Louis sighed but nodded following Liam into the living room.

Liam went over to niall and led him to the bathroom telling Louis to watch tv. Liam went to sit niall on the toilet. Niall carried on exploding into the toilet. "Papa." Niall sobbed as Liam rubbed his back. "I know sweetheart we're get this sorted though." Liam assured the boy who sighed but nodded willing to try anything. Liam rubbed the boys tummy and comforted him till he was done and put a clean pad on a after cleaning him.

"Do you want to go to bed or back to the sofa?" Liam asked the boy who was currently in his arms sniffling. Liam tried desperately not to pick Niall up anymore as the boy was getting to big for it but when he was sick and cuddly Liam just couldn't bring himself to make the boy walk and instead he could quite regularly found in Liam's arms.

Niall pointed to Liam. "I will finish making dinner and then we will cuddle, Do you want some chicken soup" Liam asked niall. Niall just shrugged so Liam decided to give it a go as really the boy needed to be eating. Liam checked on his and Louis dinner before making niall some chicken soup.

Please share your thoughts on this and comment below.

Shall Harry still continue to have the random sickness now the baby is born.
Shall anything happen to the baby.

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