Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

By ilangel1

84K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 103

380 15 0
By ilangel1

Niall vomited in his sleep. Niall woke himself up after he vomited and whined curling into Liam when he realised what had happened. This woke Liam up who sighed seeing what had happened "Oh sweetie, not having a great day are we." Liam said softly and Niall shook his head while whimpering knowing he'd have to be moved again which he didn't want. Liam held the bucket for the boy incase he still needed to vomit, luckily niall didn't need it. "Right let's get you cleaned up." Liam said as even though the boy hadn't got any vomit on himself Liam had discovered that he was very sweaty and could probably do with a bath. Niall just groaned not wanting to move. We will just give you a bath then you can sleep." Liam said. Niall whimpered But didn't fight Liam when the man lifted him into his arms and the boy sleepily rested his head on Liam's shoulder yawning. Liam sat Niall on the floor as he ran the bath for him.

Anne came upstairs and checked Harry who was still asleep luckily. She then went into Nialls room and they weren't in there. So she knocked on the bathroom door and poked her head round the door to inform Liam that Harry was asleep in bed and she was going to collect Louis from school. "Is that time already?" Liam asked getting his phone out his pocket and seeing indeed it was 3 o'clock meaning Anne had to leave now or she'd be late to pick Louis up.

"I won't be long, hopefully Harry will stay asleep." Anne said and Liam nodded as Anne headed back downstairs before getting her shoes on and heading out to pick up Louis.

Louis was pleased when it was story time as that meant end of school. Then he remembered niall was poorly. Anne got in the car. Anne drove to the school and by the time she had parked and walked over to Louis' classroom the kids were just starting to be let out. Louis came out and smiled when he saw his grandma and came running over to her. "please can we go to the park" Louis asked her. "I'm sorry lou but we need to get back to yours as I need to keep an eye on your daddy." Anne said and the boy sighed sadly.

"find auntie Gem and go with them to the park or play" Louis said. Anne smiled as the boy had logic as he would t be playing on his own. "Alright were see if we can find them." Anne said taking louis' hand as they walked out of the reception playground and into the main school one walking towards where Gemma normally waits for Katie after collecting.

Luckily it wasn't too hard as Adam was jumping up and down bored. "Louis" Adam beamed at seeing his cousin. "Grandma there's Adam." Louis said before running off towards his cousin Anne smiling watching the boy run off. Anne walked over and hugged her other grandson before speaking to Gemma and telling her about niall being unwell. "Poor thing in this weather as well." Gemma said and anne nodded "It's not ideal as when he gets hot he gets really hot as the heat makes an impact." Anne said.

"Yeah I know what you mean Adam had a sickness bug last summer and that was a nightmare. They may not be nice to catch in the winter but at least you don't have to deal with unbearable hot weather as well." Gemma said and Anne nodded.

"How's he feeling apart from that?" Gemma asked. "Not great he's really not well, he hadn't left Liam's side all day." Anne said. "I can imagine how's Haz doing" Gemma thrn asked just as Katie came out. "not great but very tired as expected" Anne said as she hugged Katie. "Awww do you want me to have Lou for a bit" Gemma offered.

"Could you that would be a massive help." Anne said. "Yeah we can go to the park and get Ice cream how does that sound kids?" Gemma asked and both boys nodded along with Katie who informed her mother she just wanted ice cream though not to play in the park. "Lou you happy to go with aunt Gemma to the park for a bit?" Anne checked but Louis nodded. "Alright be good and I'll see you later." Anne said kissing Louis' head before doing the same with her other grandkids.

Gemma took Louis and Adams hand and they started to walk to the park. Katie was walking next to them. "Can we play at the park as well?" Louis asked as he knew they were going to the park and he knew Ice cream was involved but he didn't know if he could actually play. "Yeah you can lou but not for long periods of time as it's too hot. You can play for a bit then we're stop for ice cream and then you can play for a bit longer sound good?" Gemma asked her nephew who nodded.

They soon arrived at the park and they went to play. Louis and Adam went on the swings first.

"Aunt Gemma can you push me?" Louis asked and Gemma nodded coming over "Can you just get me started?" Adam then asked his mum who nodded giving the boy a push before the boy was able to keep going himself as Gemma pushed Louis. Katie was also sat on the swing. They all had fun before the boys decided to go on the slides and climbing frame.

They were playing for around 30 minutes before louis came over asking for a drink. "Oh Lou I'm sorry i haven't got your water bottle grandma took it home as it was in your school bag. Gemma said and Louis whined not caring if it was only water as he was thirsty. "Shall we go and get some drinks and ice cream" Gemma suggested as she called Adam over. They went and bought drinks and ice creams and sat down and enjoyed them "Can we play again now?" Adam asked finishing off his ice cream and Gemma nodded. "Yeah off you go." Gemma said Louis also getting up and running after him. Gemma smiled at them as she watched the pair.

Louis and Adam played catch with each other laughing and they got Katie and Gemma to join in as well. "Right I think it's time we get moving kids." Gemma said after another 30 minutes and to her surprise none of them argued. They walked back to where Gemma had parked and they got in and she drove to Harry and Liams place.

Anne got in her her car and drove back to Harry's and Liams place. When she got to the house she headed upstairs first checking on Harry who was asleep and then heading to Nialls room where Niall was sleepily listening to Liam read him a story. "You two okay in here?" Anne asked and Liam nodded. "Yeah we're okay, I'm guessing you don't have lou with you?" Liam asked as it was way too quiet for the 5 year old to be about. "No he wanted to go to the park so Gemma's taken him said she'll drop him off later." Anne said and Liam nodded thanking Anne for going to get him. "Has haz woken? Anne asks. "No not heard a sound." Liam said and Anne nodded letting Liam get back to reading Nialls story.

Anne went downstairs and made herself a cup of tea and had it downstairs. After she's finished Anne went back upstairs to check on them all again. Niall was whimpering he was hot. She got Liam a cold cloth for the boy. "Thanks." Liam said placing it on the boys forehead. "Need anything else?" Anne asked. "can you get us some fresh water" Liam asked. Anne nodded and went to get the boy a fresh drink. She soon came upstairs with a fresh drink before going to check on Harry. Harry was still asleep but he looked to be starting to move around suggesting to Anne he was waking up.

A few minutes later Harry woke up and Anne stroked Harry's hair asking how he felt. "Not great." Harry whined. "It's nearly over now haz 2 more months and your have another baby." Anne said. "It's going to be the last as well I can't go through this ever again." Harry said. Anne nodded understanding and hugging her son. I know it has been really tough but think what you will have at the end. "I know just wish it it wasn't this bad the process of it is a killer." Harry said. I know we all wish you aren't having it so hard." Anne said. 'how's Ni doing" Harry asked "I'm not going to lie to you H as you deserve to know but he's really not well." Anne said and Harry sighed sadly. "I hate that I can't be near him during the time I've been pregnant there's been so much sickness with the boys and I've only been able to help once and that when Louis had that urine infection." Harry said. I know but it is the best for you and the baby" Anne said. Harry nodded sadly.

A while later the doorbell went and Anne went downstairs to let Gemma in with Louis. "Hey." Anne said we louis cautiously walked into the house "It's okay lou daddy and Ni are asleep." Anne assured her grandson who nodded slowly. Louis then went and cuddled his grandma after thanking his auntie Gem for taking him to the park. Gemma then said bye offering to help out if needed. Anne was greatful for this. Gemma drive her kids back home.

Anne made Louis some pasta and cheese. "Am I sleeping downstairs again?" Louis asked as he started eating his dinner and Anne nodded "Can papa sleep with me tonight I haven't seen him all day." Louis said knowing his papa was with his brother but also wanted a cuddle from Liam. I'm sorry Louis but niall is poorly and papa with him I can try and swap with him now" Anne said. Louis nodded really wanting his papa as he hadn't seen the man all day and was really missing him.

Back upstairs Niall had woken up and felt very sick.

"You okay love?" Liam said. "Feel really sick." Niall whimpered. Liam comforted niall and grabbed the bucket for the boy as he rubbed his very upset tummy. "Make it stop papa." Niall sobbed desperately wanting to stop throwing up "It's not an instant thing I'm afraid love as it's a bug you've just got to get it out of your system. Niall groaned as he leant forward and vomitted into the bucket. Liam comforted the boy. By the time Niall had finished the boy could hardly stay upright and led back down curling into a small ball. Liam comforted the poorly and managed him to get back to sleep.

Anne headed upstairs and smiled and sighed in relief as she knew if Niall was asleep she'd probably be able to swap with Liam. "Hey Li Lou's desperate for a cuddle from you." Anne said. "I can imagine." Liam said softly "Do you want me to swap with you he's downstairs finishing his dinner." Anne said and Liam nodded not really wanting to leave Niall with how poorly he was but knew Louis needed him as well. "papa go I'll cuddle with grandma" niall said just wanting someone there.

Liam smiled at niall and moved him slightly before Anne took his place. "If you feel any worse or want me tell grandma and she'll come and get me." Liam said and Niall nodded. "Okay But Lou needs you as well," Niall said cuddling into Anne's side and Liam smiled ruffling his hair before heading downstairs where Louis like Anne had said was finishing his dinner. "papa" Louis beamed. "finish your dinner the we can cuddle before bsth time" Liam said. Louis nodded and quickly finished eating before reaching for Liam who happily picked the boy up out of his seat and Louis rested his head on Liam's shoulder.

"Had a nice day sweetie?" Liam asked sitting down on the sofa and Louis nodded telling Liam all about his day. Liam smiled as he heard all about Louis day and how he didn't like writting today and how it was hard. "Your get better at it love, your still learning." Liam said softly as Louis curled into him. "I know but it still hard papa." Louis said "I know sweetie but some things you will find harder than others." Liam assured him. Louis sighed "but want to play to you at school" he whinned.

"You play plenty at school and I hate to break it to you sweetheart but there will be a lot less playing when you go into year 1 after the holidays." Liam said softly. "Don't want to go to year 1." Louis said cuddling more into Liam. "I'm sorry love but that's how it works I'm afraid." Liam said and the boy huffed unhappily. Around another ten minutes later Liam took Louis up for his bath. Louis enjoyed playing with the bubbles and his toys. Liam soon washed the boys hair and he covered his eyes with his hand.

"Papa it's still gone in them." Louis whined as the water and shampoo went into the boys eyes.  "Sorry love I'm trying my best but it's not easy just keep them tightly closed." Liam said.  Louis just groaned and let his papa do his best after he wiped Louis eyes with a towel.

"Better?" Liam said. "A bit." Louis mumbled before Liam finished up age helped the boy out of the bath. Liam then dried Louis and got pj's for him which consisted of comfy shorts and a t-shirt.

"There we go all ready for bed." Liam said kissing the boys forehead. "Not tired." Louis said but the yawn that left his mouth proved he was "I think you are baby boy, come on let's go and grab a story book from your room and then we're head downstairs and get you comfy on the sofa." Liam said and Louis sighed at that wanting to sleep in his own bed. "why downstairs want my bed" Louis said. Liam sighed not sure what to do.

"Lou love you don't like it when people are being sick do you?" Liam said picking up a book from Louis' floor. "No." Louis confirmed as Liam walked downstairs "Well daddy and Niall are both being sick and when your down here you can't really hear it whereas if you were to sleep in your own room then you would and you'd get very upset." Liam said softly sitting down on the sofa where louis' duvet, pillow and comfort blanket still were from the previous night.

Louis sighed and nodded and got comfy as Liam read the boy a story. By the end of the story Louis was still awake but it was only just and Liam knew it wouldn't be much longer till he'd fallen asleep. "Do you want your duvet love?" Liam asked and Louis nodded. "Yeah please." Louis said quietly eyes now shut. Liam covered Louis with the duvet and finished reading the story. By the end louis had fallen asleep so Liam carefully got up making sure Louis was still asleep before quietly walking up to Nialls room.

Niall curled into Anne's side and fell asleep. Anne stroked nialls hair as he slept. However Anne's fingers got caught in a knot at one point causing the boy to whine and open his eyes looking up at Anne sleepily. "Sorry sweetheart I didn't mean to wake you." Anne apologised. "How you feeling" she asked the boy who just whimpered and she comforted him. "I'm guessing not great." Anne said and Niall nodded in agreement.

Anne hugged Niall comforting him. "When's papa coming back?" Niall asked not wanting to take him away from Louis but he really wanted him. "I'm not sure but for now you have grandma" Anne smiled. Niall sighed but nodded knowing Liam would come back probably when Louis had gone to bed. Niall snuggled his grandma and shut his eye's. Anne smiled when she realised Niall was going back to sleep and hoped that next time he woke up Liam would have returned as there was only going to be so much time the boy would be comfortable without Liam. Anne ruffled nialls hair to get him to sleep. Anne smiled when she eventually heard the soft snores coming from the boy. Anne cuddled the sleeping boy and shut her own eyes hoping Harry was ok on his own.

When Liam got upstairs he quietly walked into Nialls room smiling when he saw both Niall and Anne asleep so while both his boys were sleeping he went to check on Harry who he hadn't seen since he got up that morning. Harry was fast asleep and Liam smiled at his husband and just admired his husbands baby bump carefully placing a hand on it. Of course this excited the baby waking Harry up. "Sorry Haz just wanted to see how our baby was doing." Liam smiled. "It's fine love." Harry said groggily. "2 more months." Liam said and Harry smiled.

"Or 8 weeks whatever way you want to see it." Harry said and Liam chuckled. The pair cuddled for a bit before Liam went to see Niall again after checking Harry was all ok and if they needed someone in with him that night as Liam would be with either NIall or Louis and Anne would be with the other one. However he soon saw that Niall and Anne were still both asleep so then headed down to check on Louis finding the boy had now kicked off his duvet which was on the floor however he was still asleep.

Liam left the duvet off him as it was a hot night. Liam made himself a drink before sitting on the other sofa and falling asleep himself having text Anne to come and get him if Niall wants him as he didn't want to disturb them as Anne was fast asleep.

Liam didn't know how long he'd been asleep when he felt the sofa start to move and opening an eye slowly he smiled seeing Louis cuddling into his side with his comfort blanket in his hand.

"You okay baby?" Liam asked and Louis nodded snuggling into Liam. Liam cuddled Louis hoping he would go back to sleep luckily he did and Liam checked his phone and he hadn't had anything from Anne. Seeing that Liam decided to go back to sleep himself knowing he needed to take advantage of being able to sleep when he could and just hoped he would be able to sleep the rest of the night although he highly doubted it as things were going to well so far that night.

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