Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

By ilangel1

84K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 100

487 14 4
By ilangel1

Thank you for keeping with thus story, reading, voting and commenting on this book I really appreciate it.  This is written by myself and doodle1403.

'Who that" Louis asked. "I think it auntie Gemma with Niall" Anne said. Louis just nodded continuing to play as Anne got up to answer the door. Anne opened the door seeing her other three grandchildren and her daughter Gemma. "Hey mum got Niall here for you." She said and Niall smiled up at Anne. "Is Dad Okay?" Niall asked straight away and Anne nodded. "He's Fine." Anne promised and Niall nodded. "Do you want to come in" Anne asked Gemma. "Is dad in bed can I go see him' niall said. "Yeah Course love just don't wake him if he's asleep." Anne said and Niall nodded kicking his shoes off before running off upstairs. Niall smiled at his sleeping dad and decided to lay next to him.

"We won't stay especially with haz in bed." Gemma said "You sure" Anne said. "I'm sure louis could use a play mate?" Anne added. "Alright but we can't stay long." Gemma said ushering his kids indoors "Be careful Louis foot when playing" Gemma told Adam as he ran to find his cousin.

Louis looked up when he heard someone coming in and smiled when he saw his cousin. "Hey Lou grandma said you wanted someone to play with." Adam said plopping down on the floor next to Louis. "Yeah I'm bored but papa wouldn't let me go back to school." Louis said "Why not' Adam said curiously. Louis shrugged and passed Adam a train. Adam didn't ask anymore questions as he was more interested in playing.

Anne, Gemma and Katie went in and smiled at the pair playing. "Katie play too." Adam said to his sister who shook her head. "No thanks." She said "What if we play something different." Adam said and Louis nodded. "Please Katie" Louis smiled at his cousin. "Do something arty where Ni" Louis suddenly looked round.

"He's with daddy Lou." Anne said and Louis sighed. "He coming down?" Louis asked. "I think he's having a cuddle." Anne said and Louis sighed. "Can you go ask him please." Louis said 'Let's leave Ni with daddy and you have Adam and Katie to play." Anne said. Louis sighed but nodded sadly.

Anne looked in the cupboard and got colouring by numbers out."Here you lot have a go at these." Anne said placing them on the table along with the colouring pencils. The three of them got on with their picture. Gemma and Anne chatted away. Louis was colouring with his younger poking out as normal when he concentrated.

Harry stirred. Harry opened his eyes and smiled seeing Niall "How you feeling daddy" niall asked. "I'm okay ni." Harry said yawning as he didn't feel 100% but he felt a lot better. Niall smiled and hugged his dad. "Was it the baby" Niall asked.

"Yeah it was love, how come your up here?" Harry asked as he wasn't going to turn down a cuddle from Niall he thought he'd rather be playing "Missed you wanted to see if you were ok" niall said. "I'm fine ni honest, go on go and play." Harry said. "Don't you want me here?" Niall asked sadly.

"Of course I want to cuddle you but I also want you to have fun and play" Harry said. "I'm just going to stay here I don't want you to be on your own." Niall said snuggling into Harry's side. Harry smiled and cuddled the boy.

Anne left Gemma watching the three kids and decided to check on Harry. Anne smiled when she walked into Harry's room seeing Niall curled up with his eyes closed "How you feeling Haz" Anne asked "I'm alright, just tired." Harry said and Anne nodded. "He asleep?" Anne asked gesturing to Niall Harry looked down and smiled and nodded.

Louis asked for his aunties help with his picture "Can you colour in the brown bits. There's loads of them and it's hurting my hand." Louis said and when Gemma nodded he handed her the brown pencil and picked up a red one instead as there wasn't many sections that needed that colour A while later they had all finished their picture and Anne had made her way back downstairs. She asked Gemma if they wanted to stay for dinner "Umm Yeah Alright mum sounds good." Gemma said and Anne nodded before heading into the kitchen to see what she could find.

At that moment Liam let himself in. 'Papa' Louis smiled as he got up and walked to go hug his papa. "Hello baby, and I appreciate the welcome buy you really need to be careful still when walking around." Liam said lifting the boy up who wrapped his arms around Liam's neck "Miss you and daddy" Louis said as he snuggled into his papa. Gemma came out to say hi to Liam as she was going to check on her brother.

Harry had woken up feeling a bit nauseous he tried to move without waking niall. Gemma walked in as she saw Harry trying to get up. "Alright haz?" Gemma asked. Harry shook his head. Gemma grabbed the bucket and helped untangle himself from niall.

Gemma ended up lifting Niall onto her hip as he Harry quickly sat up and threw up into the bucket Niall stirred at this. 'It's ok Ni go back to sleep" Gemma said.

Niall laid his head on Gemma's shoulder and closed his eyes again Gemma smiled at a sleeping niall and laid him down as she went over to comfort her brother and felt his forehead.

"H your really sweaty." She said as she rubbed his back. Harry didn't say anything as he gagged and threw up but then pushed the bucket away.

"I'll clean this then your having a bath, do you want me or Li" Gemma said. "Is li home?" Harry asked "Yeah he's currently with Lou and my 2." Gemma said "Let lou spend some time with him." Harry said. "Ok you happy for me to help bath you we can keep your boxers on or would you prefer mum" Gemma said. "I don't mind you as long as I can keep my boxers on." Harry said and Gemma nodded. "Alright I'll go and run it then." Gemma said. Soon it was ready for Harry and Gemma helped undress him.

Anne had finished the dinner and came to get niall and Gemma. "I'm just finishing up with h mum I won't be long but Nis asleep on Harry's bed." Gemma said and Anne nodded going to find her grandson "Gem sick" Harry said as he was in the bath. Gemma grabbed the bin for her brother. Anne gently woke Niall telling him dinner was ready.

"Carry." Niall mumbled still half asleep. "Sorry love but your too heavy for me." Anne said and held her hand out for Niall to hold Anne sat up and took his grandmas hand just as they heard Harry throwing up in the bathroom. "Auntie Gem is with dad, he will be ok" Anne said as they went downstairs. Niall just nodded and as soon as they got downstairs Niall caught sight of Liam and went running off towards the man crashing into him.

"Hey sweetie." Liam said chuckling hugging the boy back. They had a cuddle before they all sat at the table. Katie got Adam to wash his hands. Anne handed the plates out and they all started eating.

Harry finished throwing up and Gemma finished washing him before helping her brother out the bath and into a towel. She then left the room as Harry put fresh boxers in. Gemma helped Harry into bed and actually took her brothers temperature. "It's slightly high." Gemma said "It was the other day after I'd finished a rough round of morning sickness and nothing came to it then." Harry said hoping this would work out the same Hope that is the same but lets get you back into bed and you can only have a thin sheet.

"Thanks for everything today anne I don't know what would have happened if you didn't come over with Harry here alone with Lou." Liam said as they were eating "It's no problem Liam I've been waiting for a call all week as I knew it would happen eventually." Liam nodded sadly. Liam finished eating and came upstiars, thanking Gemma and letting her go downstairs to eat. Harry was back asleep. Harry curled into his husbands side when he realised Liam had joined him. "Rough day love?" Liam asked sadly and Harry slowly nodded "Go to sleep now" Liam soothed.

The four kids were busy playing as Anne cleared up. Gemma had something to eat and thanked Anne and then took Katie and Adam home.

Anne went to bath Louis while NIall watched TV not really wanting to shower in his parents room so he would wait till he Louis had finsihed his bath. When Louis was sorted and changed into pyjamas Anne carried him downstairs and told Niall that the bathroom was free and once Niall had disappeared to the bathroom Anne sat down with Louis and put some cartoons on for him Louis cuddled into his grandma as he was tired and he soon drifted off. Niall had a shower.

Harry sat up bolt up right and pointed to the bucket. Liam quickly grabbed it and knew they were in for a tough night as this didn't seem to be stopping anytime soon and with Louis' bedtime fast approaching Liam knew trouble was ahead Once Harry was finished Liam washed hte bucket out. "Im just going to speak to Anne about keeping Lou downstairs, i'll be back shortly" Liam said.

Harry just nodded curling into a ball and closing his eyes as Liam headed downstairs with Louis' duvet, pillow and comfort blanket finding Louis already asleep. "Hey Li I was about to take this one up to bed." Anne said "About that he's going to have to sleep down here." Liam said dumping all the stuff down on the end of the sofa that Anne was sat on with a sleeping Louis in her lap.

"Harry's still being sick then." Anne said sadly and Liam nodded motioning for Anne to stand who did as he placed the pillow down and then Anne placed louis down on the sofa before Liam laid his comfort blanket down next to the boy and placed his duvet over him. "You alright down here with Lou come and get me if he wants me, did he get his antibiotics this evening" Liam said.

Niall had finished his shower and was dried and dressed and came downstairs.

"Oh I'm sorry Li I completely forgot he fell asleep pretty much straight after his bath." Anne apologised knowing they've now have to wake louis up as he needed the antibiotics. "Thats ok I'll get it ready and then have to wake him, even though he is much better he still needs to finish the course" Liam said as he measured it out and gently woke Louis up.

"Lou wake up for me please." Liam said softly shaking the boys shoulder causing him to groan but his eyes did flutter open. "You need to take your medicine and then you can go back to sleep" LIam said softly. Louis whimpered but took his medicine before curling up.

"You okay sweetheart?" Liam asked but Louis reached for a cuddle and Liam knew that He would be spending the rest of the night with Louis. "Could you go and stay with Harry I don't want him on his own as I'm going to stay with this one." Liam said and Anne nodded "Is dad ok" niall asked. "He will be" Anne smiled as she headed upstairs. Niall went to bed about an hour later. Louis slept through the while night so Liam got a good night's sleep.


Gemma was back home having put adam to bed and spend time with Katie as her husband was away on business that weekend.


Harry had a very rough night and had a high temperature during the night. "H I don't think this is just morning sickness love." Anne said by the next morning as Harry was throwing up once again. Harry sighed thinking the same.

Liam left Louis watching tv as he went to check his husband "How's it going?" Liam asked standing in the doorway but Anne shook her head. "Not great he's had an awful night." Anne said and Liam nodded walking over to the pair "It's more than morning sickness feel awful" Harry moaned. "Awww Haz lets check your temperature, mum can you keep an eye on Lou he is watching TV, he hasn't had breakfast or his antibiotics yet." Liam said.

Anne nodded heading downstairs to find Louis who like Liam said was sat cuddled under his duvet watching cartoons. "Morning want some breakfast Lou" Anne asked. "Watching this." Louis said pointing to the tv and Anne chuckled. "Ok after this we can have breakfast" Anne sajd as she sat down and cuddled the. Louis nodded and climbed onto Anne's lap who smiled and wrapped her arms around the boy.

Liam went to grab the thermometer from the bathroom coming back and sitting down next to his husband. Liam inserted it in his husbands ear and it beeped and it was 38.9 which was quite high. "This is worrying me haz and don't even get me started on the fact that Nialls been in close contact with you so he'll have to be carefully watched as I've got no doubts that this is some kind of bug.

Harry sighed. "Didn't know it was a bug" Harry said as he curled into his husband.  "I know love it's so hard to tell as you've had so bad morning sickness." Liam said.  Harry nodded pointing to the bucket. Liam placed it under his chin as Harry violently puked again. Liam just rubbed his husbands back not really knowing what else to do. Liam rubbed Harry's tummy feeling how upset it was. Liam took Harry to the hospital as he was worried about him and the baby.

Harry was reviewed by the Dr they had an emergency scan the baby was ok and garet was admitted to be put on fluids and for observation. "I don't want to be here Liam I want to be at home." Harry whined as he was holding Liam's hand as the bed wasn't big enough for the both of them "I know but we need to keep you on fluids as you can't keep anything down' Liam said.


When Louis' programme had finished Anne carried the boy to the kitchen to get him some breakfast and give him his antibiotics.. Louis enjoyed his coco pops. Niall appeared downstairs then rubbing his eyes his hair absolutely everywhere. "Morning sweetheart what do you want for breakfast?" Anne asked Niall asked and she made him some toast. "Here love." Anne said handing it to the boy who thanked her Niall thanked Anne.

Soon the doorbell went and Anne went to answer it smiling when she saw her husband. "Hey love." Anne said and robin smiled. "Hey thought I'd come over and help." Robin said and Anne smiled at him They went into the kitchen. "Grandpa" both boys called "Hey you two." Robin said and Louis reached for the man who happily lifted him onto his hip.

"What do you two fancy doing today?" Robin asked Louis had a think. 'That knew art set papa and Ni bought papa said do at weekend." Louis said. Niall went to fetch it. "I thought more about going out but we can do that first if you want." Robin said and Louis nodded. Niall got the set and thry got it ready and Louis asked for a cow to be done.

Robin got the black pen and did the outline of some animals from Lou is colouring book. Niall drew a star, smile face. They now needed to wait for it to dry before they coloured it in. "How long does it take to dry?" Louis asked and robin shrugged. "It shouldn't be long." Robin said and Louis just nodded. It says about an hour." Karen said reading the instructions. "That's ages." Louis whined. "I'm sure there's something else you can do while you wait." Anne said. "Lets play with your Lego" niall said.

Harry had barely slept and was very ill. "Liam." Harry whimpered and Liam looked at him "Yeah love?" Liam said. "I feel really bad." Harry replied. "I know love." Liam said softly. Niall and Louis headed into the playroom. Thry played Lego. 'So nice seeing Louis without his cast' robin said "I know he loves it as well." Anne said watching her grandchildren play "You can't go wrong with Lego" robin says. After around 2 hours they decorated their stickers. Anne and robin knew it would only be so long till Niall got curious on the whereabouts where his parents were. However after niall had decorated the star he went and laid himself on the sofa. Louis was busy decorating this.

Anne was helping Louis with his decorating as robin went to find where Niall had gone too however didn't have to go far finding the boy watching tv under louis' duvet that was still there from the night before. "You ok Ni" robin asked. "Just tired" niall said Robin smiled

"Want a cuddle?" Robin asked and Niall nodded Robin sat down and cuddled Niall.  Later that day niall started not to feel well and he whimpered. "What's wrong ni?" Robin asked. "Don't feel well." Niall said curling more into robin before going to get up.

"Hey where you going?" Robin asked. "Want papa." Niall said and robin knew the boy really wasn't feeling well when he said that as both boys always wanted Liam as they knew he was a nurse and knew how to make them feel better "Hey can't grandad give hugs and tell me what doesn't feel well" robin said.

"Where papa is he with daddy up stairs. "He us with daddy, but your dad is poorly" robin says knowing he really wasn't well when he said daddy "Can you go get him then." Niall asked really wanting his papa. "Ni Papa isn't here he's with your dad at the hosptial as they had to make sure the baby is okay." Robin said "But I want him." Niall said tears starting to fall.

"Hey shhh it's ok what I'll do is call nana to sit with your dad so your papa can come home shall we get you comfy in bed and what hurts Ni" robin asked "Tummy." Niall cried as robin picked him up walking into the playroom. "Anne I'm going to take this one up to bed and ring Karen I think Nialls caught what Harry has and he wants Liam. "Don't bother Karen I'll go swap with Liam at the hosptial I want to be with h really anyway." Anne said.

"I'll ask Karen to come here then, so one of us are with Ni and the other with Lou" robin suggests. Lucky Anne nods as she goes back to Louis "Ring Nana now want papa." Niall said and robin nodded going to sit back down on the sofa and rang Karen while rubbing Nialls back Karen of course said she would come over.

Niall threw up all over robin while he was on the phone. "Karen I've got to go I'll see you when you get here." Robin said before putting the phone down and heading straight upstairs.  Karen grabbed her keys texting her husband and drive round to Liam and Harry's house.

Louis was sobbing hearing the throwing up. Robin ran a bath for niall "Sorry." Niall cried really upset. "It's alright ni." Robin reassured the boy. Robin helped niall get undressed and bathed him.

"Shh Lou calm down." Anne said bouncing the boy on her lap. Louis soon turned to sniffle. Karen arrived and cleaned the sofa before washing her hands and taking over from Anne "Thanks Karen." Anne said and Karen smiled. "It's fine." She said as she hugged Louis who was still shaken up from what he'd heard. "I'm guessing ni is with robin?" Karen said.

"Yeah he is. I'm gonna get going as the sooner I get there the sooner Liam can get back here". Anne said.  Anne hugged Louis as Karen hugged her grandson the first time for ages without the cast.  Anne soon headed off for the hospital quickly arriving and went off to find where Harry was and when she did she found Harry asleep which she was thankful for as she didn't want him blaming himself.

"Anne what you doing here?" Liam asked looking up from his phone. "You need to get home, Nialls sick and he wants you understandably." Anne explained "I knew he would get it." Liam said sadly "I'll stay with Harry, Lou threw yo once before I left, Karen is with Lou" Anne informed him as Harry stirred and gagged. Liam nodded and quickly swapped places as Anne grabbed a bowl and Liam quickly left not wanting Harry to start questioning Harry violently threw up into the bowl.

Liam got in the car and drove home going upstairs seeing Niall hanging over the bucket throwing up he rushed over and comforted his son. "Oh ni." Liam said and when Niall had finished he threw himself into Liam's arms Liam hugged the boy and comforted him and got him to sleep.

Over the next couple of days Harry and Niall were both really ill. Harry was still in hospital and Liam couldn't visit him as Niall was really ill to. Harry felt bad for getting Niall ill. Karen and George had taken Louis out on the sunday and he had to wear his special boot, which he didn't like but he liked going back to the farm and feeding most the animals. He went back to school on the Monday.

By the Tuesday Niall was better So Karen sat with him while Liam went to the hospital and Harry was doing much better.

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