Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

By ilangel1

83.1K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 95

422 12 1
By ilangel1

Louis was enjoying colouring and soon grabbed another picture to colour. However his teacher stopped him as all kids were now in and she had to start teaching them.

We are going to some history the teacher said. That didn't really settle with Louis as he didn't really know what the subject was he just wanted to colour. "We are going to learn about London bridge fire and first of I want you all sitting on the floor and listen to a story" The teacher said. Louis sighed but put his drawing away before sitting down on a chair on the side of the carpet that was specifically for Louis as the boy couldn't sit on the floor The teacher read the book explaining about the fire of London showing the pictures in the book Louis was rubbing his eyes and yawning occasionally but he did stay awake Once the story was finished the teacher then explained what they would be doing. His colleagues asked him if he was ok Harry got on with his work he wanted to tell his colleagues about his pregnancy.

Louis was quite intrigued when he heard they were building models They were put in small groups of 4 and Louis used his crutches over to the table of his group Louis sat down on the closest chair and waited for further instructions. The teacher and teaching assistant handed out nirs to each ta ble for their model. All the children soon set to work. Louis was enjoying this work and was glad his friend a made sure he could reach and stood up so he could work on it.

Louis was really enjoying making the models but there teacher soon told them to stop.

"Alright you lot can you start tidying up for me we're finish these later or tomorrow." The teacher said earning whines from the kids. "I know but it's playtime and then we're do some maths." She said and the kids all nodded before beginning to pack away Louis helped pack up what he could.

Once all the kids had packed away the teacher let them out to play. Louis went outside slowly using his crutches. There was limited stuff Louis could do however and the boy couldn't wait to get rid of his cast and crutches. He ended up doing hopscotch with his crutches. "Louis go careful." Louis' teacher called out seeing what the boy was doing. "I am." Louis responded. The teacher smiled and kept a watch on him.

Louis soon grew bored of playing hopscotch as he discovered it actually was pretty difficult. He went to see what else he could do he hated not being able to things.

"You okay Louis?" His teacher asked him as she saw the boy approaching.

"I'm bored I wanna play but I can't properly." Louis said sadly. "Yes you can" the teacher said thinking what they had done previous breaks. "How about you go and play with the sandpit?" She suggested. "I want to play football." Louis said rubbing his eyes. She knew then Louis was probably being difficult because he was tired "Let's get a friend and we can go over to the sand pit" the break time assistant said.

Louis sighed but nodded following her as she went over to Louis' friends who were playing football. "Boys." She called out and 2 of them stopped while the others ignored her. "Can at least one of you play with Louis in the sandpit?" She asked hoping they'd agree Both boys nodded and went to the sand pit with Louis. "You good to play for a little bit now then? You've got about 10 minutes till playtime is over." She said and the 3 boys nodded The three boys enjoyed playing with sand and building things out of it.

Soon playtime was over and the class went back inside to start maths. Louis was pleased he enjoyed maths and soon got to work. Louis had finished his worksheet and was given some writting to work on. "Don't like this." Louis whined when he saw what he was given. "I know but practice makes perfect." She said. "Can't I do more Maths" Louis groaned.

"Come on you have been coming on really well with your writting" the teaching assistant said. Louis huffed not wanting to do writing at all. "I know your tired but you need to do this louis." She said as she saw the boy rest his head on his hands. Louis groaned but didn't move.

"Louis come on it's not much." The teaching assistant tried. "Come on sit up " she coaxed. Louis just looked at her but didn't make any move. "Louis I don't want you to get yourself into trouble for ignoring instructions." She said softly "Want to sleep tired" Louis replied.

"But nobody will want indoor play. It's sunny everyone wants to be outside." Louis said looking at his teaching assistant with tears forming in his eyes. "Oh Louis don't cry." She said as the boy sniffled rubbing his eyes. Louis tried not to cry and sniffled more. Louis soon had tears falling from his eyes. One of Louis friends came over and hugged the boy. Louis wrapped his arms weakly around his friend just wanting a cuddle. Ideally he wanted a cuddle from his daddy or papa but he was willing to have one from anyone at this moment. The teaching assistant smiled. "Do you want to stay inside and play with Louis at break" the teaching assistant asked Louus friend. The boy nodded and the teaching assistant smiled deciding to abandon the idea of writing with Louis for the time being and maybe try after lunch with the boy.

Do you want to go finish your work till lunch" the teacher asked Louis friend. "Stay with Lou." Louis' friend said and the teaching assistant nodded going to get the boys work so he could do it sitting down next to Louis. Louis cheered up and helped his friend with the maths. Soon it was nearly lunchtime and the teaching assistant took Louis and his friend down to get there lunch 5 minutes earlier so louis didn't get hurt from the crowds Louis used his crutches to walk to the canteen and choose his food.They sat at the table and ate their lunch.

By the time everyone else started coming in louis and his friend we're pretty much finished When they were finished the teaching assistant helped Louis up on his crutches "Right let's go back to the classroom." She said and both boys nodded heading out of the canteen the teaching assistant staying close to Louis so he didn't get knocked They soon arrived bsck on the classroom and the teaching assistant helped Louis bsck into his seat and asked the boys what they wanted to do. "Lego?" Louis' friend asked and Louis nodded in agreement The teacher went to get the bus of Lego to save Louis having to live again.

Both smiled and thanked her when she returned and she sat and watched them until a lunch supervisor came in to carry on watching the boys so she could have a break and her lunch.

The boys worked and created something together. The lunch time supervisor spoke to both boys and found out what they were building "A farm cause that's Lou's favourite thing," louis' friend said and Louis nodded in agreement "Do you need any help" the lunch assistant asked "Can you make some animals for us?" Louis asked. "I can try." She said and Louis nodded before handing her some lego The teacher smiled and started off as they built a barn.

That's how they spent the rest of lunch building the farm and by the end of lunch they had something louis was pretty proud off and as the teaching assistant came in louis was quick to show it off. "Can we finish it tomorrow?" Louis asked. "I'm not sure you Be here louis as I know you've got a hospital appointment and I don't know whether your being picked up before lunch or after." She said.

"Oh can we keep it to show my daddy when he picks me up today" Louis then asked. "Yeah I'll put it on the window seal okay and then we're see it and remember to show daddy." She said and Louis nodded watching as she placed it down.
The teacher took the afternoon register and then told then they were doing this week's spellings. Louis sighed at that not wanting to do spellings. The teacher write the first two on the board for everyone to copy down and practice. Louis started writing them down and knew they were going to be hard to learn as to Louis they were pretty long words.

The next couple were easier. They had a list of six words in the end. "Right so you all need to learn these the best you can for Friday Okay when we're be having our test." The teacher said and all the kids nodded. The teacher also handed a price of paper with all six spellings on.

They then could play and the teacher and teaching assistant heard some of them read.

"Louis can you come read to me please." The teacher asked as she hardly ever heard the boy read as he normally read to the teaching assistant. "But playing." Louis said "I know it will only take 10 minutes I want to see if I can put you up a reading level." She said and Louis sighed but carefully got up and went over to her grabbing his school bag on the way. Louis struggled with his bag so his teacher came to get it off him.

The teacher got the book out his bag and got the book out for Louis to start reading.

Louis read the book at a good pace hardly getting stuck at all and by the end the teacher was confident that he could move up a level. The young boy may struggle when it came to writing and spelling but his reading was one of the best in the class. "Alright Louis I'm going to move you up a level so when your changing your book now instead of choosing books with the red band you need to choose ones with the yellow one okay." She said and louis nodded happily "Can you bring some over no want to stand" Louis said. "Of course I can stay there Okay I'll go find some." She said and Louis nodded.

The teacher went and grabbed six books that she thought Louis may like.

"Miss are their any books about being an older brother or baby coming' Louis suddenly asked. "I'm not sure lou but the majority of the books are based around a family your have to read them to find out I guess." She said laying the books on the table and telling Louis to choose the one he liked the most.

"Now these books are harder than the ones you've been reading so if you struggle with them at first that's fine you might need a bit of extra help to begin with as there's going to be a lot of new words to come across okay." She said and Louis nodded pointing to the one he wanted. "Will I be able to read them all?" Louis asked. "Yeah and plenty more as your probably be on this band for a couple of months but were see how you get on." She said and Louis nodded. The teacher thrn helped Louis up and back to where he wanted to play and out his bag back on his hook with his two books he chose in it.

Meanwhile it was nearly the end of the day at the school and Louis couldn't wait to show his daddy his Lego farm but unknown to the boy it wouldn't be his daddy picking him up Louis was helped up to a chair by where everyone was sat on the chair waiting to listen to a story. Louis eagerly listened to the story and couldn't wait to go home Soon the story was finished and it was time to get their costs on and go outside.

Louis was soon called out but his happy mood deflated when he saw Karen.

"Nana why you here? Where daddy?" Louis asked. "Daddy is at home Lou, I be got a suprise for you and Ni" she saud hoping to cheer the boy up. "Wanna go home I'm tired." Louis said rubbing his eyes as the boy just wanted a nap. "If you want but me and grandad were going to take you both out for dinner" Karen said. Louis shrugged.

"Do you want to show your nana your Lego" the teaching assistant said Louis shrugged at his teaching assistant before turning back to his nana having thought more about the dinner option as he was going to have to eat whatever. "Where we going?" Louis asked"Wherever you and ni agree on." Karen said. Louis nodded. "Shall we walk over to meet niall" Karen asked.

Louis nodded before Karen lifted the boy onto her hip holding louis' crutches as well while Louis had his school bag on his back. They walked through to nialls school playground and surprisingly the boy was already out. "Nana?" Niall questioned walking over to them. "Hey love your dad couldn't pick you up in the end so I'm here but we're going to head to mine and when grandad gets home from work we're going to go out and eat. Sound good?" Karen asked and Niall nodded "Do you want me to carry the crutches" niall asked his nana.

Louis eyes were closing as he lay his head on his nana's shoulder "Thanks love." Karen said handing them to Niall who then followed her towards her car Karen placed Louis in the car seat after unlocking the car and then she got in. Niall was in the car to and thrn she drove back to her house letting Louis sleep "Why's Lou so tired ni he was seriously thinking about not coming out for dinner?" Karen asked her eldest grandson. "I don't know papa struggled to get him up this morning and he was tired all weekend." Niall said and Karen just nodded. Karen drove home and parked up and thrn carefully got Louis out the car.

She then carefully unlocked the front door before letting Niall in first before placing Louis down on the sofa and getting a blanket to put over him. Karen then asked Niall if he wanted a snack offering the boy some fruit. Niall nodded quickly following Karen into the kitchen. "When will grandad be home?" Niall asked sitting down on a chair as Karen cut him up some fruit. "He's normally home around 5 so about an hour." Karen said. "And then we're go out for food?" Niall asked. "Yep and by the time we're finished that we're drop you off home as papa should be home."

"Why didn't dad pick us up?" Niall asked as Karen placed the fruit in front of him.

Niall picked an apple. "He is feeling a bit poorly again because of the baby" Karen said. "Don't like it when daddy is sick" Niall said "I know sweetheart." Karen said "Why does the baby make him sick so much?" Niall asked. "I don't know some pregnancies make you more sick than others" Karen said. Niall just nodded slowly.

"Was he sick a lot when he had Lou?" Niall asked not being able to remember as he was only 2 at the time. "Not as much, he was still sick a bit though." Karen said. Niall nodded as he finished his Apple. "You got any homework" Karen thrn asked "No only spellings for a test on Friday that I imagine Lou has as well but I know them all pretty well already." Niall said.

"Ok just practice once for me, want to go over anything else" Karen asked.

"No I'm okay." Niall said before going to get his school bag and spelling book out before going over them once like Karen had said Karen told Niall to sit down and gave him pen and paper and called the words out for niall to spell. Niall did as she said and by the end of the list of words Karen went through them. "See nana I told you I knew them." Niall said happily when he had them all right. "I know sweetie." She said as Niall put his stuff away. Niall then watched tv till his grandad got home.

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