Fire Emblem Fates Rewrite

By digitaldreams0801

5.4K 96 2

Join young royal Corrin on a journey across the continent of Pheuyura on an adventure of birthrights, conques... More

Prologue: Nohr
Chapter One: Gift of Ganglari
Chapter Two: Journey Begins
Chapter Three: Hoshido
Chapter Four: Mother
Chapter Five: War on the Horizon
Chapter Six: The Path is Yours
(B) Chapter Six: In the White Light
(B) Chapter Seven: Vow of Loyalty
(B) Chapter Eight: Tragic Start
(B) Chapter Nine: Fierce Winds
(B) Chapter Ten: Carefree King
(B) Chapter Eleven: Anna on the Run
(B) Chapter Twelve: Masked Alliance
(B) Chapter Thirteen: The One Bathed in Purple Flames
(B) Chapter Fourteen: Song of Waves
(B) Chapter Fifteen: What Remains
(B) Chapter Sixteen: Conflict in Cheve
(B) Chapter Seventeen: Retaken Lands
(B) Chapter Eighteen: Wolfskin Peak
(B) Chapter Nineteen: Palace Macarath
(B) Chapter Twenty: Lost in the Ice
(B) Chapter Twenty-One: Prince of Darkness
(B) Chapter Twenty-Two: The Edge of Windmire
(B) Chapter Twenty-Three: Tears of a Dragon
(B) Chapter Twenty-Four: Kiss of Revenge
(B) Chapter Twenty-Five: A Sorcerer's End
(B) Chapter Twenty-Six: Last Stand of Nohr
(B) Chapter Twenty-Seven: Return of the Purple Fire
(B) Chapter Twenty-Eight: Crown of Nohr
(B) Endgame: Dawn Breaks
(C) Chapter Six: Embrace the Dark
(C) Chapter Seven: Silent Forest
(C) Chapter Eight: Cold Reception
(C) Chapter Nine: Draconic Remnants
(C) Chapter Ten: Unhappy Reunion
(C) Chapter Eleven: Ancient Sage
(C) Chapter Twelve: Cross Encounter
(C) Chapter Thirteen: End to Rebellion
(C) Chapter Fourteen: Voice of Paradise
(C) Chapter Fifteen: Sleepless City
(C) Chapter Sixteen: Den of Betrayal
(C) Chapter Seventeen: Dissipation of Peace
(C) Chapter Eighteen: Kitsune Lair
(C) Chapter Nineteen: Eternal Stairway
(C) Chapter Twenty: Released Grief
(C) Chapter Twenty-One: Spectre
(C) Chapter Twenty-Two: Sakura
(C) Chapter Twenty-Three: Possessed
(C) Chapter Twenty-Four: Hinoka
(C) Chapter Twenty-Five: Ryoma
(C) Chapter Twenty-Six: Revenge against Red
(C) Chapter Twenty-Seven: Treason
(C) Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Empty King
(C) Endgame: Night Breaks Through
(C) Epilogue
(HT) Prologue: The Letters
(HT) Chapter One: Faceless
(HT) Chapter Two: Thalone
(HT) Chapter Three: Legend of Anankos
(HT) Chapter Four: Cerulean
(HT) Chapter Five: Lilith
(HT) Chapter Six: Border
(HT) Chapter Seven: Dragonstone
(HT) Chapter Eight: Krakenburg
(HT) Endgame: Retainers
(HF) Prologue: End of Content
(HF) Chapter One: Road to Shirasagi
(HF) Chapter Two: Fall From Grace
(HF) Chapter Three: On the Run
(HF) Chapter Four: Mirrored Time
(HF) Chapter Five: Brutal Assault
Chapter Six: Future of Nohr
(HF) Chapter Seven: Breakthrough
(HF) Chapter Eight: Reunion by Dusk
(HF) Chapter Nine: Skyline Singer
(HF) Chapter Ten: Sands of Time
(HF) Chapter Eleven: Realms Collide
(HF) Chapter Twelve: Astral Energy
(HF) Chapter Thirteen: Shigure
(HF) Chapter Fourteen: Wandering Dragon
(HF) Chapter Fifteen: Road to Royalty
(HF) Chapter Sixteen: Erase
(HF) Chapter Seventeen: Yugare's Lost
(HF) Chapter Eighteen: Fallen King
(HF) Chapter Nineteen: Last Nobles
(HF) Chapter Twenty: Aquaria's Grave
(HF) Chapter Twenty-One: White Light Curse
{HF} Chapter Twenty-Two: Black Night Tainted
(HF) Chapter Twenty-Three: Torn by Destiny
(HF) Chapter Twenty-Four: Strike
(HF) Chapter Twenty-Five: Children of Akiri
(HF) Chapter Twenty-Six: Children of Yugare
(HF) Chapter Twenty-Seven: Anankos' Last Stand
(HF) Endgame: When Gods Fall
(R) Chapter Six: A Burdened Heart
(R) Chapter Seven: Lost Realm
(R) Chapter Eight: Princess of Pacifism
(R) Chapter Nine: Salvation from Neutrality
(R) Chapter Ten: Allies in the Tempest
(R) Chapter Eleven: Dark Siege
(R) Chapter Twelve: Treachery in the Trees
(R) Chapter Thirteen: Light in the Darkness
(R) Chapter Fourteen: Frozen Sea
(R) Chapter Fifteen: Ascended
(R) Chapter Sixteen: Triumph and Tragedy
(R) Chapter Seventeen: Flames of Turmoil
(R) Chapter Eighteen: Below
(R) Chapter Nineteen: Reversed Revenge
(R) Chapter Twenty: Twisted King
(R) Chapter Twenty-One: Flames on the Water
(R) Chapter Twenty-Two: Lost Mothers
(R) Chapter Twenty-Three: Crimson and Silver
(R) Chapter Twenty-Four: Resurrected
(R) Chapter Twenty-Five: Sword of Hoshido
(R) Chapter Twenty-Six: Bound by Darkness
(R) Chapter Twenty-Seven: Chains of the Light
(R) Chapter Twenty-Eight: Midnight Blood
(R) Endgame: Fate's Apex
(AF) Prologue: A New Home
(AF) Chapter One: Gift of the Dawn
(AF) Chapter Two: Gift of the Dusk
(AF) Chapter Three: Gift of the Midnight
(AF) Chapter Four: Falling Goddesses
(AF) Chapter Five: Notre Sagesse
(AF) Chapter Six: Children of Dragons
(AF) Chapter Seven: Izumo
(AF) Chapter Eight: Aulane
(AF) Chapter Nine: Cheve
(AF) Chapter Ten: Nestra
(AF) Chapter Eleven: Mokushu
(AF) Chapter Twelve: Whispers of Resistance
(AF) Chapter Thirteen: Kohga
(AF) Chapter Fourteen: Child of Destruction
(AF) Chapter Fifteen: Fall of Dawn
(AF) Chapter Sixteen: Fall of Dusk
(AF) Chapter Seventeen: Early Coronation
(AF) Chapter Eighteen: Fated Encounter
(AF) Chapter Nineteen: Unexpected Ruler
(AF) Chapter Twenty: Lovers in Dusk
(AF) Chapter Twenty-One: Rise and Fall
(AF) Chapter Twenty-Two: Grief's Shadow
(AF) Chapter Twenty-Three: Midnight Farewell
(AF) Chapter Twenty-Four: Tale of Dusk
(AF) Chapter Twenty-Five: Tale of Dawn
(AF) Chapter Twenty-Six: Tale of Midnight
(AF) Chapter Twenty-Seven: Arrival in Shadow
(AF) Chapter Twenty-Eight: Arrival in Sun
(AF) Chapter Twenty-Nine: Masked Vengeance
(AF) Chapter Thirty: Fall of a Queen
(AF) Chapter Thirty-One: A New Family
(AF) Chapter Thirty-Two: Underhanded Tactics
(AF) Chapter Thirty-Three: Runaway
(AF) Chapter Thirty-Four: Traitor and Treachery
(AF) Chapter Thirty-Five: Death of the Sun
(AF) Chapter Thirty-Six: Salvation's Failure
(AF) Chapter Thirty-Seven: Draconic Encounter
(AF) Chapter Thirty-Eight: Captured Ice
(AF) Chapter Thirty-Nine: A Plea for Aid
(AF) Chapter Forty: Takeover
(AF) Endgame: Never Saved

(B) Epilogue

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By digitaldreams0801

In Nohr, things never went back to normal after the deaths of Xander and Elise. Peri, Arthur, and Effie continued to serve the royal family, but Laslow went missing mysteriously. It is suspected that he left Nohr behind in search of other lands alongside Selena and Odin following the war effort. Niles and Beruka served their lieges dutifully for the rest of their lives.

Charlotte and Benny remained border guards for the rest of their days. It is said they found a mysterious amnesiac fighter who helped them both to further their skills in combat. 

Nyx was never seen again. Nobody knows what happened to her.

Camilla served as an advisor to her younger brother. She was loved by all and eventually opened an orphanage for the suffering children of her country.

Leo was a potent king remembered fondly for centuries. His people loved him dearly and praised him for the era of peace he ushered in for his nation. The peace treaty he and Hoshido forged is still intact to this very day.

Shura, Righteous Rebel

With the help of the Hoshidan royal family, Shura began the daunting task of rebuilding Kohga. It became a safe haven for people of all backgrounds and enjoyed an era of peace with Shura as its leader.

Reina, Morbid Fixation

After Ryoma ascended the throne, Reina was appointed head of the kinshi knights guarding the new king. Her customary generosity to allies and merciless devastation of enemies became the example for all kinshi knights to come.

Fuga, Chief of Wind

Fuga returned to his role as chief of the Wind Tribe and lived a long, happy life. He worked with the Hoshidan royal family to help their country prosper. His reputation as a fighter became legend a few generations later. The extent of his strength remains unknown.

Izana, Lord of Leisure

Izana returned to Izumo after the war and helped to rebuild the nation after the damage it suffered in the war. He was honored by his people as a just ruler and was remembered fondly for his celebrations.

Yukimura, Puppet Master

Yukimura continued to serve as Hoshido's chief tactician after Ryoma became king. His uncompromising devotion to his work served as an example to future royal administration members for years to come.

Anna, Secretive Merchant

Anna returned her merchant life, revitalizing trade in parts of the world most affected by the war. Official records show how her network and name were passed down for generations following the Great Pheuyuran War. 

Hayato, Young Caster and Hana, Focused Samurai

After the war, Hayato traveled the world before replacing Fuga as chief of the Wind Tribe. Hana, his wife, stepped down from her position as Sakura's retainer to remain in the village alongside the man she loved.

Kaden, Kitsune Braggart and Setsuna, Absent Archer

Despite marrying, Kaden continued to travel. He later served as chief of his kitsune home. Records show that his wife, Setsuna, remained at his side. Her clumsiness was detailed extensively as well.

Rinkah, Scion of Flame

Rinkah succeeded her father as chief of the Flame Tribe and leader of Aulane. Her bravery and passion united her people as never before. Following the war, Aulane made its first ever alliance with Hoshido.

Azama, Calm Philosopher and Orochi, Foresight Diviner

Azama decided to use his talents to heal the people of Hoshido rather than taunt them. Orochi's playful attitude mellowed over the years, and she supported Azama's efforts to rebuild Hoshido using her foresight as a guide.

Hinata, Wild Samurai and Oboro, Fierce Lancer

Hinata continued to serve Takumi for many years. His power was said to be unparalleled. Oboro worked behind the scenes to reopen her late parents' tailor shop. After its reopening, they settled down and began a family.

Saizo, Explosive Ninja and Kagero, Honorable Ninja

Saizo and Kagero were granted the remains of Mokushu following the war since it crumbled under Kotaro's rule. They uncovered secrets of Mokushu's long-buried past and made it into a great nation. 

Silas, Loyal Knight and Mozu, Rural Powerhouse

Silas served alongside Corrin for the rest of his days. He was beloved by all for his optimism and patience. Mozu was a constant source of support for the rebuilding nation. Legend says she reestablished her home in her late years.

Felicia, Maid Mayhem

Felicia overcame most of her clumsiness during her time on the battlefield. She left to return to her home, the Ice Tribe, following the war. She acted as a dutiful advisor to her older sister and was a potent protector of her people.

Jakob, Devoted Servant and Flora, Cold as Ice

Flora returned to the Ice Tribe, helping it regain its independence and prosperity. She eventually succeeded her father as chief. Jakob, while initially hesitant to leave Corrin, grew to love his life in the Ice Tribe. They freed it of its chains permanently through their work.

Lilith, Draconic Mystery

Lilith was scarcely mentioned in history. Legends tell of a fish-like dragon ruling over worlds besides Pheuyura, and some historians believe this dragon was somehow tied to Lilith, perhaps through reincarnation.

Sakura, Loving Priestess and Kaze, Easygoing Ninja

Sakura dedicated her life to helping the underprivileged of Hoshido. Kaze eventually resigned from his position as a ninja to live alongside her. Together, they raised a young girl known as Midori. They lived together happily for the rest of their lives.

Hinoka, Warrior Princess and Subaki, Paragon of Perfection

Hinoka served as the general of the Hoshidan army and was praised for her strength in battle. Subaki commanded a pegasus knight brigade under her. He served with a perfect record and lived happily with his wife.

Ryoma, Peerless Samurai and Scarlet, Rebellious Streak

Upon ascending the throne, Ryoma ushered in a new era of peace and prosperity. He surpassed even King Sumeragi's great legacy. Scarlet ruled alongside him as his queen. She liberated Cheve and worked extensively to restore it before their marriage.

Azura, Lady of the Lake

There are no official records or stories of Azura from after the war. She was such a mysterious figure that later generations wondered if she truly existed, or if she was merely a spirit in human form. Statements from the Hoshidan royals insist she fought alongside them, but some dismiss these as legends and continue to believe her existence is legend.

Corrin, Crux of Fate and Takumi, Wild Card

Takumi and Corrin fell in love after years of growing closer. They helped one another through their grief over the war and married. Takumi grew into his position as a leader and prince. He was crucial to Hoshido's recovery. Corrin was hailed as a hero, working to spread peace across Pheuyura for their whole life. 


You have followed the path of birthrights and love

And yet

You must wonder

What would things have been like

If your choice had been different?




I don't know what to say here. All I can think of is thank you.

Thank you so much to everybody who came this far. It means so much to me. I have no words for those who read this aside from thank you. I hope dearly you enjoyed it.

I don't know how I'm going to continue this author's note without going on a sappy tangent, so I'm going to end things here. Thank you for reading! I'm going to take a brief hiatus to work on other projects, but I'll be back with Conquest soon!


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