Business (completed) |H.S|

By Into1D

178K 6.7K 2.7K

1D watty awards winner | Completed| Harry Styles is a psychology student with a bright future, but when his m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Thank you and announcements :)
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 63 + thank you so much
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Final Chapter
Sequel (Please read)
New book: Between Devil and Satan

Chapter 12

3K 110 59
By Into1D

Instagram-twitter: intox1D (I always follow back)
Facebook: Business - Harry Styles Wattpad



“Come on Evelyn! You’re crazy!” Lens’ voice resounded in Benson’s room.

Once he was back in town, he rushed to my office. Both Benson and Lens were trying to make me see reason. But I couldn’t go back, the investors would come soon. I had to make this decision.

Benson’s office was just next to mine, so we met there. Lens had nothing to do there, but Benson thought that his presence would make me open up my eyes. McKenzie Taylor was part of the group against me.

“I am totally sane, Lens.” I replied, sitting comfortably in the chair in front of the vice president’s one. Her face frowned all the time, it was even worst because of her wrinkles. She was in her late 40’s so it was normal.

“Miss Sethi, this is not a game.” Taylor said. “The whole company depends on this decision. We’re sorry to say that but you’ve been here for one week and you’re not experienced enough.”

I rolled my eyes; so much this woman was annoying. I knew I would’ve said the same thing, a few weeks ago because my mother’s principles were really important to me.

They were three against me. But I was the one who couldn’t sink so easily.

“I sent Harry home! It was for a good reason!” Benson made her authority express in the whole room. I just wanted to push a mute button to spare me what they were thinking.

“Miss Sethi, the problem is that you don’t seem to know that your mother doesn’t want any man in here. She’s back soon, and she will find out that three men work here.” Taylor spoke slowly, as if I were a kid she should teach. “Perhaps, you won’t get problems because you’re her daughter. But the works council will be severely punished. She can deprive us of our work. You can’t imagine how we will live without our work.”

“Don’t worry, you all have a contract in the company, she can’t do that.”

The thirty-year-old woman sighed. She was deeply on her nerves, looking away from me.

“Eve, you’re turning odd.” Lens said.

He turned my chair, so I could look at him. He seemed so sure of himself. I had never seen him like that. Both hands landing on armrests, he bent over to me. His eyes were straight in mine. He finally dared to do it.

“I knew it’d happen!” he yelled. I scratched my head, looking at him.


“He got you in the palm of his hands!” he said, shaking the chair.

I didn’t react, so much he surprised me. His deep blue eyes darted into mine, examining me to find out anything wrong.

“I don’t understand.” I laughed mockingly at him.

“This man you are employing here! You are completely under his spell.”

His voice was shaky. He sounded hurt, which surprised me the most. I shook my head and gave him a shove. I was about to laugh at him louder. But his eyes sank down in a lack of comprehension. I got up and looked up at him.

“He doesn’t charm me!” I replied harshly. I guess, I tell to myself. But Styles didn't charm me.

Lens looked away and pointed at the door.

“Why did you let him work here… once again?”

“It’s because… Because…” I didn’t find the right answer. I had already told them I wanted to achieve what the investors wanted. “It’s all professional!”

“Did you fuck?” he asked.

I was about to vomit, what did he say? Even though I wasn’t the perfect fiancée, I wouldn’t have let Styles touch me. I had a brain, though. Yes, we kissed but I broke it and I did not let him do. I didn’t let myself drown into his arms…

“No! I- I- -”I didn’t have any word to retort anymore. “Lens, I didn’t do that!”

I noticed that the two women looked at us. Their eyes were blankly watching the scene. I hated showing my private life in front of people, especially when it comes to people who target me.

“So why do you protect him this way?”

“It’s just to honour the promises we made with the investors.”

He observed me once again, looking at me from head to toe. Hands on hips, I defied him.

“OK. See you tonight. We have to talk about this.” He said.

He turned to the door and took his coat. I watched him leaving the room in a few seconds, slamming the door. What a kid! I whirled around and looked at the two women.

“I won’t change my mind. I will protect you, if someday my mother gets angry. I’ll do my best.” I assured them.

“You don’t realize how your mother is.” Benson stated. She intertwined her fingers and she placed her back against her chair.

“I know how she is. I’m her daughter. I know she’s capable of anything, and the fact that I am her daughter wouldn’t change a thing. She treats me like everyone.”

I walked out of the room, sighing.

I revised my last sentence. She treated me like everyone. Maybe, she treated me even worse than she treated others. Helen Sethi was not someone warm, not even towards me. She seemed to despise everyone. I didn’t even remember a day she smiled genuinely since my birth. She didn’t love me. If she did, she had never showed it.

I shook my head as I saw a few women walking in the corridor. They looked at me and greeted me. I only waved at them, refusing to let them see me in such a face.

I made my way to my office and saw Styles working. I made him call a few people to prepare the meeting between Tomlinson, Payne and the investors from Australia. I was scared of what would happen. They were the only two men my mother accepted to invest in the company. They had twenty percent of the Sethi Cosmetics. The rest was the family’s belongings.

“Good morning Miss Sethi. You seem angry, what’s happening?”

“Nothing.” I replied, not wanting to remember what the three of them told me.

I opened my door and stepped in. As usual, Styles got up to follow me.

“I don’t believe you.” He smiled at me and sat on the sofa.

“Get out, you have work to finish.”

“I can finish it later.”

I sat on my chair and opened my laptop. I did as if Styles weren’t there since I was already used to see him laze around. I had to send the report to my mother since she still wanted to know how it worked.

“Styles, did you finish the report?”

“Yeah, I sent the file to you last night.” He said, looking at ground.


The phone on my desk suddenly rang. Styles, used to take all the phone calls, went to my desk and picked it up.

“Sethi Cosmetics office. How can I help you?”

He smiled at me as I noticed he became more formal. I even stopped my work to look at him proceeding. He nodded a few time, and then his eyes grew wider. He took the phone away from his ear and blocked the speaker.

“What?” I asked.

“Your mother.” He murmured.

I could see him growing scared, it was obviously the first time.

“What does she want?”

“Talk to you.” He said, handing the phone to me.

I nodded and took the phone. I sighed once before saying anything.

“Evelyn, who was that?”

I didn’t find any word to say. What should I invent? I looked at Styles who sat in front of me.

“Don’t tell me it was Lens.” She grumbled.

“It was Lens. He’s with me.”

I knew it was a good lie since he had just left.

“Focus on your work! You have plenty of time to spend with him tonight.”

I nodded even though I knew it would not be for fun. Lens would ask me so many things about Styles.

“Yes. I know.”

“Did you send me the report?”

“I am on my way to send it.”

I scrolled through my e-mail and sent what I had received from Styles to my mother.

“It’s done.”

“Thank you.”

She hung up and I sighed in relief. I put the receiver down. Styles was looking at me smilingly.


“You are scared of your mother.” He stated mockingly. “You’re as white as a sheet of paper.”

I got up and made my way out of the office. I didn’t want to talk about how scared of her I was. My mother had always showed that I was under her orders.

“Where are you going?”

“I have to check if the two men are present. I want to see how they work.”


“No, no, no Ellie! We have to change everything, even the way you answer a phone!”

Payne was briefing everyone about how the communication department should change. The meeting room was full of the young girls who were carefully listening. They were sitting on a chair, surrounding Payne. McKenzie Taylor was listening to him, but she hated the fact that only one man was changing everything she had built for years.

Styles and I were attending the briefing without anyone knowing it. We were standing at the back-door so we saw everyone’s back. I didn't want them to know I was there because they surely would act a different way.

Styles was just behind me, he was not following the discussion at all.

Payne was walking dynamically in the room.

“Eighty percent of Sethi’s clients are over forty. We have to change it. We need young girls, like you among the clients. We have to work together!”

I didn’t place any word and grinned at how Taylor was annoyed. It was good for her.

“Why are you smiling that way?”

“Taylor seems so annoyed. I like that.”

“You’re a devilish witch.”                                                 

I whirled around and pulled him away since he was blocking my way.

“I’m done watching them. Let’s go to laboratory.”

He nodded and followed me as I made my way to the lift. The search laboratory was a floor up.

I got into the lift and hit the button 13. Styles got in and leant on the wall as soon as the doors shut. Fortunately, there was only one floor between that one and the search department. The man behind me made me feel weird, it was really awkward to be with him in the narrow place.

A few seconds after that, the doors opened and I stepped out of the lift. I didn’t remember well where in that vast place the laboratory was. I looked at the two corridors that led in different directions. Then, I felt one hand on my shoulder.

I turned to Styles and looked at him questioningly.

“It’s on the right.”

Would he stop reading in my mind that way? I was deeply annoyed because he always seemed to know what I wanted, felt, didn’t like. Why should he know that?


I finally remembered this corridor, the laboratory was right there.

Oddly, there was no one in this department. It wasn’t noisy like the communication one. But it was good, the only thing that bothered me was that it was scary in the night. It was too calm! I remembered that they left the laboratory by seven in the evening.

The walls of the laboratory were totally glazed so I could see everything happening there without getting in. The eleven chemists on the twelve were at their post. But I didn’t see Myrna, either … What was his name already?

Never mind.

“What’s the other man’s name already?” I asked Styles who was not giving a damn to what we should do… AGAIN.


“Oh, Tomlinson.”


“No, Tomlinson.”

He rolled his eyes and gave in. It was always a pleasure for me to see him pulling his lips in annoyance.

“Well, where is he?” I murmured to myself.

He didn’t organize any briefing like Payne did. Everyone seemed to do their work as every day. I didn’t have my eyes on the totality of the large laboratory so I decided to get in.

I opened the door and I got in. The few employees were in white coat and had white gloves.

“Good morning Miss Sethi.” The one- I was walking to- said.

I nodded and gazed around.

“Well, what do you think of the new chemist?”

The others stopped their work and looked at me. The elderly woman I was talking to was familiar to me. She didn’t look embarrassed as the others did.

“He’s way too much active. He was here a few minutes ago and now, he’s somewhere in the back of the room. Miss Sethi, he’s tiring.”

I knew he would cause problems to the other chemists.

I could feel Styles laughing behind me.

“I’ll try to explain things to him.”

I made my way to the back of the lab. It was so silent that I thought I was thinking aloud. Styles was still following me as the assistant he should be.

“Both your recruits are stubborn.” I stated. “Just like you.”

“Yeah. C’mon, they’re nice, you’ll see. They won’t mess up with your business.”

I looked around us and I could hear giggles. Giggles? I followed the sound to turn to my left, where I found two persons in white coat and eye protections.

Tomlinson and Myrna. They ‘seemed’ to work hard on something in a test tube. It was blue coloured and gas escaped from it.

“What are you both doing?”

They looked up and saw me. I crossed my hands, waiting for any plausible answer. Myrna flinched but Tomlinson remained totally calm and smiled.

“Good morning Miss Sethi!” he waved at me super friendly, which made me think I was losing my authority.

“Yeah,” I began, my eyes lingering on the test tube. “What’s this?”

I pointed at the container and I saw his hand taking it up. Tomlinson, confidently, walked towards me with a huge smile curving on his dry lips. I didn’t bother myself to smile back. He handed me the tube.

“You can smell it.”

I didn’t feel like. I mean, who would? I didn’t trust Tomlinson since he had been called by Styles. Styles wasn’t one of my best fans in this building. I had no fan anyway. But I was pretty sure he hated me, he was just hiding it.

“Styles, I give you the privilege to smell it.”

He looked at me, astonished, then gave a glare at the chemist.

“Hope it’s not a poison, Louis.” He joked and took the tube in his large hand.

He lifted it up to his noise and breathed in the scent from the container. He shut his eyes as if he enjoyed the moment. I observed him. He was handsome. Just the way he was holding this tube, I could feel an amazing aura emanate from him.

He finally handed it to Tomlinson.

“So what do you think of it?”

“Amazing. It was like a cherry smoothie I wanted to eat since I’m really hungry! Some mixture of softness and spice.”

Myrna finally looked up and thankfully smiled at him. She was so shy, so shy that I wanted to shake her off her world.

After talking about the shampoo they were preparing, for a long time. I was a tad satisfied of Tomlinson. I had tried all the hair products we had but that scent was different. We only needed to test its quality because they didn’t have much time to work on it.

In all honesty, I think men are not that bad. They could have some talents though.

Styles and I made our way back to our floor.

“So, what do you think of them both?”

I looked up to him. His gaze was serious as his eyebrows furrowed.

“They can make good changes.”

“Sounds good to hear you say something positive.”

“Um.” I nodded in approval; I wasn’t always in a perfect sync with him.

I suddenly remembered how Lens and I argued when I arrived that morning. Because of Styles. Did he charm me? Somehow, he did. But I guessed it was the taste of new things. I was used to manipulatinh easily people and as far as I remember, he was among the handful of people who dared to provoke, to menace me the last three years.

“Any problem?”

My thought fled away as I heard the raspy tone of voice.


“I don’t believe you.” He said, landing his hand on my chin.

He scrutinized me, more like a therapist who wanted to read in my mind. His eyes were scanning mine and I couldn’t move.

“I’m sure you hide something from me.” He simply spoke up. “Everything you do doesn’t make a sense, the way you despise everyone, the way you talk to someone, the way you stand up. Why, Evelyn?”

He looked right in my eyes and cupped my face with his long fingers. What was he doing? Did he have to be so disrespectful towards my comfort zone? But why did he want to know anyway?

He didn’t need to know. Only the oldest employees of Sethi’s knew. However they wouldn’t say a thing about why I turned out to be the person I was.

“Something happened to me.” I let escape from my lips.

I shook my head and I realized I was about to give him a response. Why did I say a thing? I remembered how he manipulated Barbara the same way.

“Really?” He asked, dangerously driving one of his hands to my neck.

I held my breath. He was so intimidating, but I would never admit it. His hand on my cheek was warm, making my tanned skin a bit flush.

“What happened to you?” he asked.

Someone! I needed someone to hook up and end this. Why the fuck was that area so empty?

His hot breath crashed onto my fragile neck. His lips were so close to my skin. Why did I lose my strength? Why didn’t I slap him?

I was praying someone to come but at the same time, I was begging him to finish what he had begun. I didn’t want to say a thing. Even though he would kiss me or touch me in any way, I wouldn’t tell him.

“No!” I caught myself gasping while replying.

He didn’t give up and crashed his gorgeous lips on my neck. One of his hands was holding my neck and the other one was travelling down my spine. I had so many emotions filling me at the same time. My principles, first. But fuck them. I was a human, which means I needed to forget my brain sometimes, as Styles said.

I let him do, sucking a bit on my neck. It felt like I was high, my feet leave the ground to fly… It was an almost impossible feeling to describe. Then, I fell as he backed up. Leaving me totally unsatisfied. I opened my eyes and saw him.

He looked around us, to make sure he wouldn’t be bothered.

He smirked at me and found a white door, where the word ‘STAFF’ was written. He opened it easily and pulled me in it.

After a few seconds, he arrived and I didn’t even have time to inspect the little room we hid in. But he strongly pulled me into arms and began to unbuttoned my white shirt fast. Why did I always keep still? I wasn’t the kind of person who let the other one go…

I pulled him against the wall and he seemed not to understand. I crashed my lips on his as he put his hands on my butt.

“You. So. Enterprising in bed, I guess.” He said as I began to unbutton his polo. “Let me continue please.”

He pulled me on the other side of the room and I had my back hurting me. My back was against a fucking broom. I let out a moan in pain.

“What?” he asked horridly.

“My back.” I murmured.

He almost ripped my shirt in two when he got rid of it. I was in my bra that had nothing ‘sexy’. He dropped the cloth on the floor and made me turn around.

“It’s almost nothing.”

He rubbed my back, trying to find anything wrong with my bones. His warm hand was examining every part of my back that was hurting. Though, it was driving me insane.

“You’re a tigress.” He stated.

“Um?” I asked to make him repeat.

“Did Lens ever get hurt because of you?”

I let out a chuckle. I clearly remembered how he complained about his forearm for days.

“Oh you. The poor of him.” He said still massaging my back.

I wasn’t embarrassed at all to have such a conversation with him. After what we had done, though.

After I felt better, he bound and picked my shirt up.

“Let’s go back work.”

He got out of the room and I was slipping my shirt on. Styles was a total mystery but I liked it.

Fucking broom.





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