Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

By ilangel1

84K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 84

412 12 1
By ilangel1

Is wishing everyone a merry Christmas for those that celebrate or happy holidays.  Thank you everyone with sticking with this story and your comments

It was nearly lunchtime at the school and the teacher decided that it was a good chance to get the kids to sign louis' cast. "Alright everyone so I'm sure you've all noticed something different about Louis today." She said and she got all nods back as louis sat on a chair next to miss Simmons. "So louis' broken a bone in his ankle which means that he has a plaster cast for 6 weeks to help the bone heal back together but I've been told that everyone's allowed to Right their names on his cast to help him feel better." The teacher explained as Miss Simmons was writing her own message on the boys cast. "What say Miss Simmons" Louis asked. "It says that you're a brilliantly brave little boy." Miss Simmons said and Louis smiled before getting the kids to stand up in a line so they could all write their names.

Louis stayed sitting down as students wrote on his cast. Some wrote messages others just their name. Louis smiled and thanked everyone when they wrote their names and messages. "Alright then louis let's get you up so you can have your lunch." Miss Simmons said helping the boy stand and once he was balanced let go. "Right let's go." She said as she followed Louis into the hall as the boy was allowed to go 5 minutes early so he wasn't run into or bashed about. Louis carefully went on his crutches as they went into the school canteen. When Louis made it to the school canteen miss Simmons got the boy sat down at a table before getting his lunch for him.

Louis had told Miss simmons what he wanted. She soon came over with it and placed it on the table. "Thank you." Louis said as he picked up his fork and began to eat the pasta that Miss Simmons had brought over for him. Soon the other students came in and Louis friends got there food before coming to join the boy. One boy even asked if he could try Louis crutches. "Why don't you join louis after you've eaten in the classroom rather than go outside and maybe try them out then?" Miss Simmons suggested also knowing Louis was pretty bored yesterday and could do with a play mate.

Tommy smiled and nodded as he sat down to eat his lunch. When both boys had finished Miss Simmons helped Louis up before she guided both boys back to the classroom as they weren't allowed In the school at lunch without a member of staff. "Alright louis I'm going to find Lisa do you remember her from yesterday?" Miss Simmons asked and Louis nodded. "She played Lego with me." Louis said and miss Simmons smiled.

"Alright I'll be back really quickly." She said leaving the 2 boys who were happily talking Tommy decided to use Louis crutches while they were waiting for Lisa. "Lou how do I do it?" Tommy asked trying to figure it out. "Don't know I just do." Louis said with a shrug not really knowing how to explain it. Lisa came into the class to see Tommy trying the crutches "Tommy Careful we don't want you on crutches as well." Miss Simmons said coming in as well so she could get her lunch from her bag in the cupboard.

"Miss Simmons do you know how to do it?" Tommy asked really wanting to have a go at doing it properly as to him it looked really fun. "These are for Louis you shouldn't be playing with them" Miss simmons said. "But they look fun." Tommy said. "There not a toy Tommy, there to help Louis get around." Miss Simmons said and Tommy sighed but placed the crutches back where he got them from and sat down on a chair next to louis.

"What do you boy a want to play with" Lisa said. "Can we play with the play dough?" Tommy asked and Louis nodded in agreement happy with that idea. "I don't see why not. Where's it kept?" Lisa asked and Tommy got up then heading for where the play dough and stuff to do with it was kept Lisa got it all out with Tommy help and they took it to the table.Louis squealed happily when it was placed down as he wasn't allowed it at home as Liam had decided it made too much mess and got everywhere. The final straw was when Louis dropped some and ended up stuck to his sock when he stood on it and it ended up in the carpet which had made a huge mess Tommy and Louis had lots of fun with the play dough.Harry woke up alone downstairs. Harry could hear noise from Niall's room and he could also hear Liam's voice meaning he was home and clearly with Niall.bHarry decided to poke his head through Niall's room. Harry smiled seeing Niall in between Liam and his mum in law before leaving again as he didn't want niall to see him and want him as he knew he still couldn't be around Niall. Harry went back downstiars and watched some TV.

The two boys managed to spend the whole of lunch playing with the play dough and both whined when they had to put it away. However the teacher came in and said it was time to do some maths and set them work sheets Louis didn't mind too much as maths was one of his favourite subjects Louis enjoyed doing maths and finished before everyone else Miss Simmons noticed the boy just sitting there and went over to him.

"You Alright louis?" Miss Simmons said. "Yeah I'm done." Louis said handing her his sheet. "Well done we have another activity for you to do" miss Simmons said. Louis smiled happily at her as she went off to get Louis the other thing to do. Louis did the worksheet. Louis enjoyed the rest of afternoon as they did art. When it came to the end of the school day Harry decided to go and pick Louis up since he hadn't seen much of the boy and he currently didn't feel sick.

"Li I'm going to pick up lou." Harry said poking his head round Niall's door. "Is it 3 already?" Liam asked and Harry nodded. "It sure is love I won't be long." Harry said before leaving the house. By the end of the school day Louis was worn out but that didn't stop the boy from smiling widely when Harry walked into the classroom and louis showed him all the things people had wrote on his cast. "Wow, we need to keep that spot free now Lou' Harry said. "Why" Louis asked. "Well when Ni is better I'm sure he will want to write on your cast' Harry said "Yes daddy forgot about Ni." Louis said looking down at his cast for a space for his brother to write on it. "Where he going to write daddy?" Louis asked. "There's a spot on the side love that Niall can have." Harry said and louis nodded at that.

Harry got Louis steady on his crutches and they walked slowly to the car. Bumping into Gemma with Adam and Katie. "Did I Cause that?" Adam asked as soon as he saw Louis knowing that he had pushed Louis down last night. "No Adam louis had already injured it on the trampoline over the weekend." Harry assured his nephew as Liam had told him what had happened last night and therefore knew what the boy was getting at. "You broke your first bone Lou?" Gemma asked the boy with a smile and louis nodded. "Uh huh and that's why it hurt so much." Louis said and Harry smiled at him ruffling his hair.

"You've certainly got a lot of people to write their names on your cast." Gemma said. "Yeah the whole class did earlier." Louis responded. "Can I write on it to" Adam asked. 'Want Adam to write on it but need space for Nini whrn better" Louis said. "I'm sure there's enough room for Adam aswell." Harry said getting Louis to sit down on a bench and giving Adam a permanent marker. Adam found some space and wrote in his cousins cast "Thanks." Louis said when Adam handed harry back the pen. They all headed home their separate ways after that.

Louis was exhausted by the time he got home so Harry decided to let the boy rest on the sofa. "Do you want a blanket baby?" Harry asked and Louis looked up rubbing his eyes. "And blankie and my sheep please." Louis said and Harry nodded heading upstairs to get louis' comfort items and grabbing a blanket from the cupboard. "I know your comfy and tired but can you please try to stay awake love." Harry said as he returned. "I try but tired." Louis said. "I know sweetie but why don't you watch some tv while cook dinner and then after dinner we're get you washed and then snuggled in bed and I'll read you a story." Harry proposed.

"Cuddle now?" Louis asked and Harry smiled not being able to turn Louis down and led down next to him being careful of his foot. Harry carefully pulled Louis into a cuddle and talked to him to keep the boy awake. "Where Papa, I wanna show him my cast." Louis asked around 10 minutes later. "I'll go and see if Niall's asleep okay as if he is I'm sure papa can come down."

"Okay." Louis said snuggling under the blanket once Harry got up to see if Liam could come down. Liam was fast asleep himself with niall cuddled up to him asleep Harry sighed and was about to head back down when he was stopped by Karen who was coming out of the bathroom. "You Okay Harry?" She asked and harry nodded. "Yeah Lou just wanted Liam to see his cast but he's sound asleep." Harry said. "How about I come down and see it instead." Karen suggested and Harry nodded as even though Karen wasn't Liam at least Louis would have someone to show his cast too.

Karen came into the lounge. "Hey I hear I done one has got their cast signed" Karen said. "Nana." Louis said happily clearly happy with Karen. "You Alright sweetie?" Karen asked sitting down next to the boy as Louis attempted to get the blanket off of him so he could show his nana his cast. "Tired' Louis said. "Let me see your cast" Karen said. Harry used this chance to make dinner.

Louis nodded and once he had managed to release himself from his blanket cocoon started showing Karen all of the names and messages that had been left on his cast. Karen smiled as she saw all the names and messages. "It's lovely baby." Karen said and louis gave her a sleepy smile. "So What we watching?" Karen asked as Louis cuddled into her side the best he could. Louis started telling his nana all about the programme they were watching."It sounds good love." Karen said. "Yeah watch it nana." Louis said and Karen smiled as Louis also told her to be quiet as it was a good bit Karen smiled and cuddled her grandson. Harry soon came to get Louis for dinner and the boy whinned wanting to watch his t.v. show. "I'm sure you've seen this episode before your constantly watching this programme." Harry said Instantly recognising it.

"But it new said so at beginning." Louis whined. "Well I'm sure it will be on catch up later on or something." Harry said turning the tv off and picking Louis up. Louis whined. "Aren't you hungry" Harry asked. Louis nodded. "Well you need to come with me then." Harry said. "Eat while watching tv?" Louis questioned. "No way your make to much mess." Harry said before sitting louis down in his chair Louis grabbed his fork and started eating. "Is it nice?" Harry asked and the boy nodded happily eating what his daddy had made for him. "Yummy thank you" Louis said with a mouthful.

Harry smiled and ruffled the boys hair before grabbing his own plate and sitting down next to louis. "You can help yourself Karen if you'd like there's enough left over." Harry explained. "Thanks Harry" Karen said playing herself some "Karen Li and I are so grateful for both you, Geoff and my parents the least we can do is give you something to eat." Harry said chuckling and Karen smiled. "No worries you are our kids well son and son in law but Harry you gave always been amazing to Liam" Karen said. "Thanks." Harry mumbled and Karen smiled at him reassuringly.

Soon the three of them were finished and Karen offered to wash up while Harry bathed Louis "Thanks." Harry said before deciding to go and see if Liam was awake yet as he didn't really know how to go about the task of bathing Louis with his cast on. Liam was still fast asleep so Harry decided to mot even worry about giving Louis a bath that night.

"Right come on then, bed time." Harry said and louis smiled at him raising his arms as Harry carried him up to his room to get him ready for bed Harry got the boy changed before helping him to the bathroom to use the toilet and brush his teeth. "Sleepy." Louis mumbled struggling to stay awake.

"Not much longer baby." Harry said softly before lifting the boy back onto his hip and carrying him to his bed before gently placing him down on his bed. Harry got the boy comfy with his blankie and sheep and then the boy shut his eye's and fell asleep. Harry smiled before making sure he had his nightlight on before quietly leaving the room. Harry then headed back down stairs to Karen finished clearing up. I could have done that." Harry said and Karen turned around smiling. "It's no problem Harry you need to be resting anyway." Karen said and Harry smiled at her.

Niall woke up and cuddled further into Liam waking the man up. Liam comforted the boy and looked the time knowing the boy could have more antibiotics. So he gave them to the boy. Niall took it with no complaints. "Can you read my book please." Niall mumbled and Liam nodded. "Of Course I can love but can I go and check on Lou?" Liam asked and Niall nodded before letting Liam up who headed downstairs. "Oh Hey love you've finally decided to wake up then?" Harry said as he saw Liam walk through the living room.

"Hmm needed the sleep though. Where's Lou?" Liam asked. "He couldn't stay awake any longer so I put him to bed about 15 minutes ago." Harry said and Liam nodded. "How was He?" Liam asked. "Alright it's not bothering him anymore in terms of pain he wanted to show you his cast though as it's covered in messages and names but I didn't want to wake you." Harry said and Liam nodded before saying he was going back to upstairs as he promised Niall he wouldn't be long but on his way quietly went into louis' room. Liam smiled at sleeping Louis and headed back to niall and cuddled him and carried on reading Harry potter. "Papa you said I'd feel better by this point." Niall said quietly as he still felt just as poorly. "Everyone takes different to the antibiotics baby, it's only a rough estimate." Liam said and Niall huffed fed up and just wanting to feel better. Liam carried on reading.

Karen and Harry sat in the lounge and sat talking for a bit. "So you excited for the new baby." Karen asked and Harry nodded. "Definitely But I'll be looking forward to it a lot more when this morning sickness passes." Harry said and Karen chuckled. "Bet you are" Karen said. "But we are here for all of you" Karen said. "I know and it means a lot." Harry said honestly knowing every single member of their family would do anything to help out. "It's no bother to us Liam and you are amazing and some us all proud" Karen said. Harry just smiled at that. "You know I never thought I'd have biological grand children from you and Li." Karen said. "Louis was certainly a surprise for everyone." Harry said chuckling remembering when he was told he was pregnant.

"Yea I remember I thought I had a nasty bug even worried I had stomach cancer, or a stomach disorder as I got so bloated" Harry said remembering when the symptoms first appeared. Liam tried to calm him down but they were the thoughts that went through his head. "Louis was defiantly a better result than your original thoughts." Karen said and Harry nodded. "Yeah it was amazing I mean I freaked out when I was first told but I wouldn't change it. 'I know you wouldn't it's amazing isn't it and now you have your third child on the way" Karen said even though Niall wasn't biologically Harry's no-one treated the boy differently "Can't wait louis was good timing as well as we were thinking about adopting again just before as well." Harry said and Karen nodded. "You've been great parents to Ni." Karen said.

"I think it helped that we had him from when he was born so he's not known any differently and he was brought up the exact same way louis was, he's mine and Liam's no different to louis and this new baby the only difference is he's not got any of the same genes."Karen nodded and smiled "that make no difference" Karen said both boys will be estatic.Liam was reading to Niall when he heard Louis' voice call out and Liam left it for the time being guessing Harry or his mum would get him but after 5 minutes and louis was still calling Liam decided to get up and get him as Niall was pretty much asleep anyway. "What's wrong baby boy?" Liam asked as he walked into louis' room. "Need toilet papa cuddle" Louis says.

Liam smiled and picks the boy up and carried him to the bathroom. "Cuddle." Louis whined. "You said you needed the toilet so I think that's the most important thing at the moment." Liam says chuckling. Louis hugged nut nodded. Liam helped the boy out when it came to the toilet and once he was done got him dressed fully again and got him to washed his hands before carrying him back to bed. "Look at all the names papa." Louis said pointing to his cast as he got comfortable cuddling into Liam's side. "I can see you've got loads." Liam said.

"Yeah and left some space for Ni." Louis said sleepily rubbing his eyes. "Bet Ni will like that when he is better" Liam said tucking the boy in. Just as Harry and Karen came upstairs. "Oh I'm sorry baby, were you calling out." Harry asked walking into louis' room seeing louis with Liam. "Yeah needed the toilet but papa came." Louis said yawning. "Thanks Li we were down stairs" Harry said. "No problem, mum can you go with Ni but come wake me if he wants me" Liam said. "Yeah Course you staying with Lou?" Karen asked but already knew the answer as the little boy was about to fall asleep and was curled up to Liam tightly while gripping onto his top.

Harry wished he could have time with his husband but knew Lou hadn't seen his papa. "Right well I'm going to bed myself." Harry said and Liam smiled. "If I can get up once Lou has fully fallen asleep I'll be in as Nis with my mum." Liam said and Harry nodded smiling. Luckily Louis was practically asleep and didn't hear that.

Liam left it another 15 minutes before deciding louis was probably fully asleep and attempted to move the small boy being careful of his foot. Liam successfully did this without waking the boy and went to his bedroom getting into bed next to Harry. "Well this is nice I've missed sleeping next to you." Harry said curling into his husbands side. "I know but with Ni as he is haven't really had the chance I mean I'm pretty sure I'll end up with Niall again at some point during the night."

"How's he feeling now anyway?" Harry asked. "He was pretty upset earlier as he doesn't feel any better but he will he just needs to give it time." Liam said playing with his husbands curls. Harry sighed. "Wish I could help but I know neither of you do at the moment " Harry said. "It's more important to keep you as healthy as possible and I'm afraid that means staying away from Ni." Liam said sadly. "At least I've got lou and he's more than happy to cuddle." Harry said with a chuckle and Liam nodded.

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