Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

By ilangel1

84K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 82

360 11 2
By ilangel1

Thanks for your reads and votes

When Liam arrived at Gemma's Gemma answered the door almost instantly with Louis still on her hip and he was still slightly crying. "Oh Baby Come here." Liam said and louis instantly reached for Liam and rested his head on Liam's shoulder when he was placed on Liam's hip. "Your foot still giving you problems?" Liam asked and louis sadly nodded. "When I picked him up I was told by his teacher that after lunch it started really bothering him again." Gemma said and Liam nodded. "Gem have you got Calpol, I can give Lou" Liam said. "Yeah should do." Gemma said as Liam walked into the house following Gemma into the kitchen where Katie was sat doing her homework. "Hey uncle Li." Katie greeted and Liam smiled at his niece. "Hey Katie." He said placing Louis down on the side but the boy whimpered not wanting to be out his papa's arms. "Cuddle" Louis whimpered.

Gemma went to get the Calpol. "I promise I'll give you a cuddle once auntie Gemma has given you some calpol." Liam said and louis sniffled but nodded instead holding onto Liam's hand. Gemma came back with the calpol and handed Liam the calpol who gave Louis the required dose before placing the boy back on his hip. Louis cuddled into his papa."Shall we go home and I'll look at the foot at home" Liam said. Louis nodded still sniffling and Liam smiled at him. "Thanks for picking him up Gemma." Liam said walking to the hallway and grabbing Louis' stuff and Gemma smiled. "It's no problem like I said I was there anyway." Gemma said ruffling louis' hair. Louis waved to his aunty. "I'm sorry Lou" Adam said running into the hall. Louis looked up then and smiled slightly at Adam before waving to him as Liam carried him out to the car.

Louis whinned as he was placed in his car seat. "Lou you need to be in it I'm afraid but it's not far." Liam said buckling Louis in and the boy huffed but none the less let Liam go and get in the drivers seat before they set off for home Liam asked the boy about school to try and distract the boy which worked as Louis told his papa all about his plant he made. "Really Baby, That sounds like fun." "Yeah and we have to water it every day and then it will grow." Louis said happily and Liam smiled at his little boy who was growing up so quickly.

"Yea just like you" Liam said as he pulled into the drive way. I don't want to grow up." Louis said as Liam picked him back up and louis laid his head on Liam's shoulder. "And why's that?" Liam asked. "Then you won't be able to carry me anymore. You don't carry Ni anymore." Louis said and Liam chuckled. "Well I'm sorry baby but you will grow up that's just what happens." Liam said grabbing Louis' school bag and placing it on his other shoulder before carrying the boy inside.

Liam sat the boy on the sofa. " I'm going to look at your foot and then we will cuddle" Liam explained to the once they were in the lounge. Louis whimpered at that as he knew it was going to hurt as even when no one was touching it it was hurting But Louis kept still as his papa do what he needed.

"I think we're ice it again sweetie and then go from there." Liam said andlouis nodded as Liam went to get some kind of frozen packet out the freezer. Liam then wrapped a towel round it and went back to Louis. "Does that feel better?" Liam questioned holding it against louis' ankle and the boy shrugged. Liam then picked Louis up and Carried him to the sofa in the lounge before situating Louis on his lap and holding the ice on his ankle while turning the tv on for Louis.

Niall woke up alone and whinned. Karen who had just finished in the bathroom heard the whimpers and whines coming from Niall's room and quietly entered the boys room.Louis snuggled into his papa. Liam wasn't sure if they needed an x-ray on Louis foot. "Lou how bad does your foot hurt on a scale of 1-10? With 10 being the worst pain ever." Liam asked as he played with the boys hair with the hand that wasn't holding the ice.Karen went into nialls room and went and comforted the boy. "Where Papa?" Niall croaked. "He's with lou as his foots hurting again." Karen said and Niall just nodded as he wasn't to fused being left with Karen. "When more medicine" niall criwled as he reached out to cuddle his grandma. "I'll have to check with your papa." Karen said and Niall sniffled cuddling with Karen. Karen text Liam as niall cling to her.

"A lot Papa." Louis said as an answer. "Is it above a 5?" Liam asked and louis nodded. "Probably a 8 when I walk." Louis said and Liam just nodded. "Lou I think we should get the Drs to take a special pictute of tour ankle" Liam said. "What they do?" Louis asked and Liam smiled. "They put a special black bosrd under your foot and take special pictures. Papa also wears a funny jacket." Liqn explained as his phone buzzed and he looked at it.

"Lou is it alright if I go and quickly check on Niall and then I'll be back and we're discuss more about your ankle." Liam said and louis just nodded sitting down on the sofa and continuing to watch the tv. Liam went upstairs and checked on niall and took the boys temperature. Niall sniffled throughout the whole process. "It's not changed, which isn't a bad thing but I thought it might of come down a bit." Liam said sadly ruffling the boys hair.

Liam looked at the time and realised he could have another dose of his antibiotics and some kid ibrofen. "Alright Ni I'm just going to grab you some medicine and then you can go back to sleep." Liam said and Niall nodded sleepily. Liam measured out the ibrofen first and niall had that and then a sip of water. Niall then had the antibiotics. "That yucky." Niall croaked and Liam chuckled. "It's not meant to be nice." Liam said and Niall huffed. "Wish it was." Niall said and Liam smiled. "You Okay here with nana sweetie I need to go back to lou." Liam said and Niall nodded snuggling into Karen. Karen smiled.

"I might need to take Lou to get an x-ray done" Liam said "Really you think it's that bad?" Karen asked concerned about her youngest grandson. "I really don't know I think it's better to be safe than sorry but he's still in a lot of pain and he can't weight bare at all and he's always limping when he tries to walk." Liam explained. Karen nodded and cuddled an almost sleeping niall. Liam then went back downstairs to find Louis who was still watching his cartoons. "Papa." Louis whined when he saw Liam reaching for him. "What's up baby?" Liam asked. "Foot hurts." He whined and Liam sighed lifting him onto his lap. "I think we might need to get the special pictures of your leg' Liam said. "Eat first, I'm hungry." Louis said and Liam smiled at the boy. "We're pick something up at some point but I think it will be best if we get going sooner rather than later." Liam said knowing these things could take a while and it was already nearly 6. "Okay." Louis said as Liam went to tell Karen where they were going. "Karen nodded and hoped lou's foot was ok.

"Right come on then monkey let's go and find out what damage you've done to yourself." Liam said scooping Louis up and placing him on his hip. "Careful papa don't want my foot to be touched." Louis said as louis' foot very nearly hit the sofa. "I'm sorry baby." Liam said carrying louis out to the hallway and placed him down on the bottom stair while he got his shoes on before grabbing Louis' shoes.

"No papa shoes hurt." Louis said and Liam sighed but nodded and picked Louis up deciding against shoes as the boy wouldn't be walking anyway. Liam placed the boy in the car seat which he didn't moan about. "Does it hurt more without the strap" Liam asked.Louis just shrugged not really sure so Liam just nodded before getting in the drivers seat and heading for the hospital hoping it would be quiet but if Liam knew that place and he was pretty sure he did then it wouldn't be quiet in the slightest it never was whatever time of day whatever day of the week.

Liam hoped a nurse or a dr he registered might be on. But at the same time he didn't want to overtake emergencies. Louis may have been an emergency situation in his eyes and he wanted his little boy sorted as soon as possible but he knew really that Louis could wait the time it would take.

Harry woke up and tried to see how he felt. Harry soon realised that the nauseas feeling had died down but he didn't want to get up as he felt that might have been pushing things. Liam arrived at the hospital pretty quickly and due to him being a member of staff was able to park in the work carpark so parking wasn't an issue either. Liam then carried Louis in to A and E and joined Louis in reception. All his details came up on the computer. Liam then went and sat down with Louis and the boy was whining again about being hungry and his foot still hurting.

"I know your foot hurts but that's why we're here and you're going to have to wait for food as papa's hungry as well but there's not much I can do about it at the moment." Liam explained and Louis sighed. Louis snuggled into his papa as they waited.It was just over an hour wait till Liam heard Louis' name be called and thankfully for him because of the pain the boy was in he hadn't fallen alseep. Liam carried the boy into the room and he was assessed by a nurse he knew. She got a dr to quickly write out the x-ray form "Here you go." She said coming back in with the X-ray form as Liam picked Louis back up.

"Thanks." Liam said taking it with the hand that wasn't supporting Louis. "He's gotten so big Liam last time I saw him he was tiny couldn't have been older than 2." She said smiling when she saw Louis looking at her. "Tell me about it he's not my baby anymore." Liam said. "Always Be Baby." Louis mumbled wrapping his arms around Liam's neck and the nurse chuckled. "He's going through a bit of a phased where he doesn't want to grow up aren't you lou." Liam said and louis nodded adamantly.

Sorry Louis but everyone has to grow up." She said before she said bye to the pair and headed for another patient while Liam headed for the X-ray department. One benefit of working at the hospital was that he knew where everything was. Liam handed the x-ray form . "We will send for this patient soon" the receptionist said. "It's my son who needs the x-ray and he is right here" Liam said.

"Well in that case go and take a seat it shouldn't be long." The receptionist said and Liam nodded going to sit down and placing Louis on his lap. "What's happening now?" Louis asked looking around seeing he was in a different building. "We're going to get those special pictures taken sweetie." Liam said and louis nodded leaning his head against Liam's chest.

"You tired Love?" Liam asked rubbing louis' back. "Hmm and hungry." Louis said and Liam chuckled as it had gone 7 now and louis was normally having a bath and getting ready for bed by this point. Lou sighed but nodded. It was around ten minutes later Louis name was called and Liam carried Louis in.

"Hey, I'm guessing your Louis." The technician said and louis nodded slowly looking around the room as Liam smiled at the man and carried Louis over to the bed placing him on it. "No papa stay." Louis cried when he realised Liam wasn't staying. "I'm just going to be over here." Liam said as a nurse approached them. "You can stay with him for now he's probably going to want to hold your hand for the time being as I need to move his ankle so it's in the right position." The nurse said and Liam nodded knowing this was going to hurt the poor boy in front of him. "Lou squeeze my hand if you need to" Liam said. Lou screamed as his foot was put in the right position. Liam comforted the boy.

The radiographer then got Liam to put a special jacket onm "Alright Lou, I'm just going to be over here." Liam said accepting the jacket but he knew even with that on he had to be a certain distance away from the boy. Louis cried throughout the whole process. Once it was done Liam rushed over to the boy and comforted him. The radiographer looked at the pictures to make sure they were ok.

"Shh lou come on its all done now." "Hurts." The boy cried into Liam's shoulder as he gently bounced the boy up and down. Louis was still whimpering "I'm going to pass these onto a doctor for them to take a look at as i want them to give their opinion so if you make your way back to the main waiting room your be called back through once they've taken a look at them." The radiographer explained and Liam nodded.

"Have you got any idea how long it would be as this was starving." Liam said. "I would have thought it will be at least half hour your probably safe to go and buy a sandwich in the canteen and then you can eat it in the waiting room." The radiographer explained and Liam nodded before thanking him and carrying louis to the canteen to get the boy something to eat.

Liam, asked the boy what he wanted while they were in the queue. "Cheese." Louis mumbled and Liam smiled as he probably could have guessed that himself. "I'm sure I can get you cheese. Do you want it as a sandwich, panini or a toastie?" Liam asked and louis shrugged. "Don't mind." Louis said and Liam nodded deciding on a panini as he was hoping it would be more filling and got himself and ham and cheese one along with a chocolate brownie for Louis as he felt the boy deserved it. Liam then paid for it and got it as a take away. He waited for the paninis to be done. Once the paninis were done Liam took them and they headed off to eat them while they waited to see a doctor.

Harry decided to get up and go and see Lou. Harry couldn't find Lou or Liam in the house so pocked his head round nialls room. "Hey Karen you don't know where liam and Lou are I can't find them." Harry asked. "Liam's taken louis to get his foot X-rayed to make sure it's nothing serious the poor thing can hardly walk and he's in pain if he's not walking as well." Karen said quietly as Niall was asleep.

Harry sighed. "Harry you were fast asleep and he didn't want to wake you" Anne said. Harry nodded.

Liam sat Lou on his lap as he started eating. Liam's phone started to go off Liam knew as soon as he saw it was harry that he'd woken up and discovered where they were to be honest he was hoping to get home before he woke up. Liam answered his phone. "Hey Haz don't panic" Liam said "What do you mean don't panic." Harry said "Look he's fine I just want to roll out anything serious as I'm worried about him." Liam said. "Why didn't you wake me I could have come." Harry said. "You really think I would have let you come." Liam said and Harry sighed then. "Well How is he?" Harry said. "Hungry, tired and in pain so he's currently eating a panini which seems to be distracting him for the time being.""Have they said anything yet?" Harry asked. "No we're waiting to see a doctor, he's had the X-rays done though not that it went down very well with him as he cried and screamed the whole time especially when they moved his foot." Liam explianed. "Awww poor loulou give him a hug and a kiss from me" Harry said.

"Course I've got to go love though as I still need to eat." Liam said beginning to bounce louis on his lap as the boy had finished eating and was now leaning against Liam with his eyes shut. "Alright I'll see you later." Harry said and Liam then said bye before placing his phone back in his pocket. Harry then poked his head back through. "Lou had an x-ray they are waiting for the results" Harry told Karen.

"Alright Hopefully they won't be much longer then and hopefully there's no serious damage." Karen said and Harry nodded. "How's Ni?" Harry said. "He's Alright he had some more pain relief and antibiotics before he fell asleep Liam reckons by tomorrow evening we should seen an improvement." Karen said and Harry nodded. "How you feeling" Karen asked him. "I don't feel nauseous anymore but I don't want to push anything." Harry said and Karen nodded. Harry went to go and watch tv.

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