Roommates & Soulmates

By AngelaLott9

88.1K 3.8K 798

A story of roommates and soulmates. Full of friendship, love and the troubles that come with growing up. Jace... More

Chapters 1-3
Chapters 4-6
Chapters 7-9
Chapters 10-12
Chapters 13-15
Chapter 16-18
Chapters 19-21
Ch22: Jace's Jealousy
Ch23: Clary's Surprise
Ch24: Jace's Almost
Ch25: Clary's Denial
Ch26: Alec's Outburst
Ch27: Clary's Safety
Ch28: Magnus's Trust
Ch29: Jace's Grief
Ch30: Clary's Apprehension
Ch31: Alec's Clarity
Ch32: Tessa's Luck
Ch33: Simon's Loss
Ch34: Jace's Hope
Ch35: Clary's Thrill
Ch36: Tessa's Awe
Ch37: Alec's Bigmouth
Ch38: Jace's Surrender
Ch39: Simon's Observations
Ch40: Clary's Daze
Ch41: Magnus's Fretting
Ch42: Izzy's Lecture
Ch43: Tessa's Plight
Ch44: Alec's Nostalgia
Ch45: Simon's Awkward
Ch46: Izzy's Boredom
Ch47: Jace's Homework
Ch48: Clary's Insecurity
Ch49: Magnus's Counting
Ch50: Simon's Decision
Ch51: Jace's Pride
Ch52: Tessa's Reality
Ch53: Alec's Waiting
Ch54: Clary's Fear
Ch55: Izzy's Roommate
Ch56: Simon's Renewal
Ch57: Magnus's Last
Ch58: Jace's Cloud
Ch59: Simon's Shock
Ch60: Clary's Hypocrite
Ch61: Alec's Pretend
Ch62: Jace's Words
Ch63: Izzy's Woes
Ch64: Simon's Epiphany
Ch65: Magnus's Bitterness
Ch66: Alec's Victory
Ch67: Jace's Tension
Ch68: Tessa's Exhaustion
Ch69: Magnus's Wonder
Ch70: Clary's Smile
Ch71: Alec's Family
Ch72: Maia's Situation
Ch73: Jace's Wednesday
Ch74: Magnus's Voice
Ch75: Alec's Contemplation
Jace's Date
Tessa's Inadequacies
Simon's Girls
Maia's Confrontation
Izzy's Secret
Jace's Training
Tessa's Strength
Clary's Admirers
Maia's Thoughts
Magnus's Life
Alec's Soulmate
Clary's Interuption
Simon's Problems
Izzy's Intoxication
Jace's Witnessing
Tessa's Perception
Magnus's Domestic
Simon's Apartment
Maia's Texting
Alec's Angle
Clary's Dishes
Magnus's World
Ch98: Jace's Question
Ch99: Maia's Hogwarts
Simon's Advice
Tessa's Sleep
Clary's Toll
Simon's Light
Izzy's Doubt
Alec's Tone
Magnus's Glow
Maia's Circles
Jace's Potpourri
Jordan's Perfect
Izzy's History
Simon's Intentions
Tessa's Hug
Clary's Cake
Alec's Confetti
Jace's Visitors
Simon's Reason
Ch117: Maia's Glass
Ch118: Izzy's Heart
Ch119: Magnus's Altar
Ch120: Izzy's Dress
Ch121: Clary's Reception
Ch122: Jordan's Pressure
Ch123: Maia's Talk
Ch124: Jace's Time
Ch125: Alec's Torture
Ch126: Tessa's September
Alec's Attention
Ch128: Maia's Computer
Ch129: Simon's Wisdom
Ch130: Jace's Distractions
Ch131: Jordan's Spark
Ch132: Maia's Regret
Ch133: Alec's Employment
Ch134: Magnus's Curiosity
Ch135: Simon's Friends
Ch136: Jace's Pretzel
Ch137: Izzy's Cookies
Ch138: Jordan's Motions
Ch139: Magnus's Heebie-Jeebies
Ch140: Alec's Gossip
Ch141: Jace's Present
Ch142: Maia's Strength
Ch143: Jace's Fall
Ch145: Jace's Disapointment
Ch146: Magnus's Teasing
Ch147: Jordan's Musketeers
Ch148: Alec's Dinner
Ch149: Maia's Library
Ch150: Jace's Butterflies
Ch151: Clary's Return
Ch152: Tessa's Balence
Ch153: Clary's Stranger
Ch154: Magnus's Concern
Ch155: Simon's Philosophy
Ch156: Clary's Right
Ch157: Jace's Rock
Ch158: Clary's Want
Ch159: Paige's Red Jacket
Ch160: Alec's Armageddon
Ch161: Izzy's Confusion
Ch162: Simon's Productivity
Ch163: Jace's Whinning
Ch164: Magnus's Worry
Ch165: Tessa's Thinking
Ch166: Jordan's Novelty
Ch167: Paige's Bed
Ch168: Magnus's Unease
Ch169: Clary's Comfort
Ch170: Jace's Brother
Ch171: Paige's Calm
Ch172: Clary's Obligation
Ch173: Magnus's Bottle
Ch174: Maia's Dork
Ch175: Magnus's Monster
Ch176: Izzy's Dream
Ch177: Simon's Fantasies
Ch178: Alec's Hill
Ch179: Clary's Plan
Ch180: Jace's Knock
Ch181: Paige's Someday
Ch182: Jace's Pudding
Ch183: Jordan's Evergreen
Ch184: Alec's Conversation
Ch185: Magnus's Truth
Ch186: Clary's Packing
Ch187: Tessa's Structure
Ch188: Jace's Popcorn
Ch189: Simon's Molehill
Ch190: Izzy's Soulmate
Ch191: Magnus's Database
Ch192: Clary's Resolve
Ch193: Jace's Grace
Ch194: Clary's Now
Ch195: Maia's Chaos
Ch196: Alec's Chats
Ch197: Simon's Horizen
Ch: 198 Paige's Eyes
Ch199: Clary's Pause
Ch200: Alec's House
Ch201: Jace's Solution
Ch202: Clary's Soulmate
Ch203: Jace's Joy
Ch204: Izzy's Exams
Ch205: Simon's Party
Ch206: Alec's Reminisce
Ch207: Clary's Proposal
1st Epilogue: Magnus's Housewarming
2nd Epilogue: Maia's Stakes
3rd Epilogue: Jace's Family
4th Epilogue: Simon's Bunny
5th Epilogue: Will's View
6th Epilogue: Jon's Soulmate
Finale Author's Note

Ch144: Simon's Fireworks

252 16 1
By AngelaLott9

Christmas at the Lightwood manor was something Simon felt sure he'd never get used to. He'd by no means grown up poor, - Simon liked to think of myself as thoroughly middle class - but a mansion with wings was something else entirely. As this was his second holiday in such luxury, Simon liked to think he was getting more accustomed to it. Even if such extravagance no longer intimidated him, Simon hoped never to be too comfortable with it. He didn't want to become so used to Izzy's lifestyle that he forgot about his own. His mother had done her best to raise both him and his sister on just her own salary. Simon was proud of how he was raised, but he wouldn't begrudge someone the circumstances of their life either. Izzy couldn't help the world in which she'd been born, and he couldn't help but love her.

The thought made him smile as he looked out onto the dance floor where his girlfriend was currently attempting to move to the music. He said 'attempting' since usually she was quite a bit more coordinated than this. Simon was at his girlfriend's New Year's party, and boy did these rich folk know how to party. There was a disco ball on the ceiling, and a live DJ up on a stage Simon hadn't remembered being in his room only yesterday. A buffet and bar were along one side of the wall, and the grand room was full of people. In fact, the sheer number of guests was slightly why Simon was sitting at the tables opposite like a wallflower. The results of which were Izzy's taking to the dance floor alone.

"Siiimon," Izzy giggling as she approached. Her cheeks were flushed from the effects of alcohol. Simon had had a glass of eggnog as well, but at this point Izzy was tipsy.

"Yes, my love?" Simon replied, smiling. She was rather adorable while slightly intoxicated, with those bright red cheeks and that grin on her face. Then again, she was always some combination of adorable, stunningly beautiful, and ridiculously sexy.

"Misses you," Izzy mumbled, nusseling in close, holding his arm and resting her head on his shoulder.

"That so?" Simon grinned. She nodded against his shoulder. "You haven't been gone long, you know?" It was true. He'd only just sat out from the dancing less than a quarter hour ago.

"Dancing no fun without my Simon," Izzy argued.

"Your wish is my command," he whispered. It was often impossible to refuse her anything, even if this place was too packed for his liking. Simon leaned down to kiss her sweetly. He'd intended it to be a short kiss before they left to rejoin the party, but Izzy had other ideas. She threw her arms around him, deepening the kiss as if forgetting that they were in a room filled to the brim with people.

Gently he coaxed her off him, while still holding her hand.

"There are people around," Simon reminded her, trying not to laugh. The impromptu public make out session had gotten him quite flustered, and embarrassed.

"People smeople," Izzy mumbled, but she did heed his warning all the same. He was just glad she wasn't drunk enough to try and seduce him here in front of everyone.

"Maybe we should sit down and get you some water," Simon suggested.

"I thought we were gonna dance?" Izzy whined.

"I think you need water," Simon said firmly. With a sigh she agreed, and he lead her to a table. Izzy sat down then closed her eyes and rested her head on his shoulder again. It was a simple gesture of trust, but it warmed his heart all the same.

They hadn't been sitting more than five minutes when Alec joined them, looking cranky.

"Girls suck," Alec stated, planting himself in the chair beside his sister.

"Well, then aren't you glad you don't like to date them," Simon chuckled. Alec gave him a look of such annoyance that Simon decided to change tactics.

"Alright, I'll bite," he said. "Why do girls suck?"

All Simon managed to get out of Alec's mumbled reply was something along the lines of "wanting what they can't have."

"You are gonna have to explain a little better than that if you want my sympathy," Simon replied.

"I know what you're talking about," Izzy said, opening her eyes and lifting her head to face her brother. "You're talking about mom's work friend, Brenda."

Alec grumbled some more, looking throughly put out.

"What am I missing?" Simon asked the table at large.

"I saw her," Izzy informed her brother. "Little vixen." Izzy laughed.

"She was all over him," Alec whined.

"Yeah, but a girl isn't a worry," Izzy reminded her brother. "I mean, Magnus is gay, right?"

"Magnus is bi," Alec corrected.

"Oh that sucks," Izzy stated.

"What? Why?" Alec asked, looking worried.

"Because instead of competing with only half the world, you have to compete with all of it."

"He's my husband," Alec reminded her, almost as if trying to convince himself.

"Doesn't mean other people don't have eyes," Izzy grinned at him. "Or didn't you know that your husband is hot?" She laughed.

"Oh, shut up Izzy," Alec scoffed.

"If you are so annoyed about it, go steal him back from her," Izzy shrugged.

"If he wants to give in to such attention, it isn't my job to stop him," Alec huffed.

"Isn't it though?" Simon asked. "I mean as far as I remember you two both did vow to forsake all others at this little ceremony I remember attending called a wedding."

At that Alec groaned, laid his head down on the table, and sulked. It was all Simon could do to keep from laughing at him. After all, there was no way in this world or the next, that Magnus would be welcoming such attentions, and sure enough only moments later...

"Did I lose her?" Magnus's voice made them all jump, especially Alec. Magnus sat down beside Alec, looking like he wanted to hide behind his husband for all eternity.

"Just in time," Simon laughed. "Your husband has been sulking."

"What, why?" Magnus asked turning to Alec, looking concerned.

"You were trying to lose her, huh?" Alec asking, smiling.

"Of course I was," Magnus stated obviously. "I'm a married man, and even if I weren't, she's crazy!" He mimed crazy by making a circle with his finger near his ear, before adding, "Now tell me, what were you sulking about, my love?"

A huge grin spread across Alec's face as he planted a big kiss on his husbands lips. Magnus, though clearly still confused, accept the kiss happily.

"Idiots," Izzy muttered under her breath.

"Love does tend to have that effect," Simon replied easily as he stroked his girlfriends hair.

"Turning people into idiots, you mean?" Izzy replied softly, her eyes closed again.

"The very same," Simon smiled.

"Does that mean I can turn you into an idiot?" Izzy asked.

"Can, have, do," Simon answered, kissing the top of her head.

"Hmmm," Izzy hummed as she snuggled in closer to him.

"Tired?" Simon asked her. She nodded into his shoulder. "Why don't we rest here, instead of going back out on the dance floor then."

"Actually, I'd rather go up to bed," Izzy stated.

"But it isn't midnight yet," Simon reminded her. "Don't you want a kiss at midnight?"

"I can have a kiss at midnight anywhere," Izzy reminded him. "Just so long as you come with me."

"Kiss in bed it is then," Simon smiled.

The married idiots were still glued together by their lips as Simon stood up, supporting Isabelle slightly as he did so. She took hold of his arm as they walked together out of the hall and towards the stairs. This house - if you could call it that - was, in Simon's opinion, far to large to function as a house. It was like navigating through some kind of museum or something. Or maybe Simon was just exaggerating, even so, walking through the elaborate spaces to their room felt to him like walking through a castle. There was an elegance to the building that felt alien for a place of residence.

They reached the door, and Simon opened it revealing a large room with a big four poster bed at its center. Thankfully, the Lightwood parents were under no illusions as to the age of their children, and had easily agreed to let Simon and Izzy room together. Since moving in with Izzy, Simon had gotten very used to her constant presence. Though they'd only become an official couple a little over a year ago, Simon felt like it had been a lot longer, which did make sense given the fact that they'd shared their first kiss over two years ago. In fact, this March would mark three years since he'd made out with Isabelle in that elevator.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Izzy asked groggily as she got into bed.

"Wouldn't you like to know," Simon answered, as he too got comfortable before climbing into bed.

"Isn't that why I asked?" Izzy replied, adorably confused.

"What would you say if I said I was thinking about you?" Simon asked her.

"I like that answer," Izzy replied, grinning as she reaching forward to pull him closer.

Simon wrapped his arms around her, and they stayed like that for a while. He just held her tight and very close, keeping them both warm. Slowly as she relaxed, Izzy moved just a few inches away. Far enough that Simon had one hand free. Absently he began gently tracing his fingers over the skin of her back. Over her collar bones, down her arms, then making lines down her back over her hips. He enjoyed the soft, gentle content noises his actions pulled from her. Back and forth his fingers moved slowly, just barely touching her.

"If you keep this up I'm gonna fall asleep," Izzy mumbled.

"Would you like me to stop?" Simon asked her.

"No," Izzy replied. Simon smiled, though with her eyes closed and the room dark, no one knew except for him.

Giving up on his hand, Simon repositioned himself until his arms were holding up his weight. Leaning down, Simon placed his lips on her skin instead, repeating the same patterns as before. As he kissed her neck, he felt Izzy turn her head just enough to give him more access. Moving down, Simon kissed over her shoulders, down her side, and around over her back. He messaged her legs, before running his hands along the sides of her hips, past her shoulders and into his hair. Simon then began kissing over her shoulder blades, and down the sides of her hips. Izzy's skin was so soft, he knew he'd never get tired of touching her.

"I love you," he whispered against her skin.

Just then, Izzy began to turn over. Her eyes were open now as she pulled her already rolled up to her shoulders sleeping shirt up over her head.

"I thought you were tired?" Simon chuckled at her.

"I was," Izzy said. "Until someone buttered me up."

"Hey, I had honourable intentions," Simon replied. "I wanted you to relax."

"Pfft," Izzy scoffed. "Come here you giant loveable sap." And she reached for him locking her lips with his just as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

And just like that, Simon was suddenly breathing harder. Her wandering hands made short work of his light sleeping clothes, and within seconds they were both free of their clothes. It was moments like these that Simon felt a strange sense of wonder that such a woman was his and only his.

As she positioned her legs rather expertly, Simon felt how hot and bothered he'd managed to get her. With a skilled movement of her hips, Simon found himself inside her. Before he'd had time to more than register this fact, she flipped them both around. Sitting on him now, she leaned down and kissed him deeply as she started rocking her hips back and forth. Simon tried to focus on doing something with his hands, even if it was just holding her hips, but in that moment he felt rather lost in his body. His mind blanked as his body reacted to her, Simon sat up. His hands laid flat against her back, she was still rocking her hips against him. Then she laid back, and her legs came up to rest straight up against his chest before her hands reached out behind her to hold the bed frame. They moved together fast and deep, and both of them were crying out the others name moments later. Panting, they collapsed together on the bed, side by side.

His skin covered with a thin sheen of sweat, Simon suddenly found himself cold. He pulled the blankets up over them both, and pulled her closer to him.

"I love you too, by the way," Izzy grinned against his skin.

"I know," Simon smiled, kissing the top of her head.

Just then they both heard a loud noise from outside and turned to look through the window. Bright explosive lights filled the sky, orange, blue, red and gold. The fireworks spread out from one point to cover every inch of the sky visible through their large window.

"Happy New Year," Izzy told him as she turned in his arms to kiss him. His hands reaching up to cup her face, Simon deepened the kiss.

"It's past midnight now," Simon reminded her. "So you didn't get your kiss at midnight."

"Midnight orgasm is an upgrade," Izzy chuckled at him.

"I'm glad you think so," Simon informed her.

"Okay, but now I'm sleepy again," Izzy mumbled as her eyes closed.

Letting go of her slightly, Simon reached over to the bedside table and clicked a button on the base of the lamp. The curtains closed slowly, obscuring the still stunning fireworks from their view. Then he returned all his attention to the beautiful woman laying next to him, holding her close as he fell asleep.


Woot I actually wrote stuff! Yay! This is a super fluffy happy filler chapter but it's still a chapter. :D Also surprise surprise the next chapter is finished as well. ^_^

Funny side note:
There are a few lines of dialogue in this chapter that have literally been sitting in my notes for this story since like chapter... 20? We are talking pre-wedding, pre-I love you's! Pre-Sizzy even. I had to change it to adapt it to the current events, but otherwise it's word for word been sitting there waiting for me to find a way to add it for AGES! lol. I think the exact lines I wrote in my notes oh so many chapters ago was something like:
"That girl was all over him," Alec said.
"A girl isn't a worry, I mean Magnus is gay right?"
"Magnus is bi," Alec corrected.
"Oh that sucks."
"Why?" Alec asked."Because instead of competing with only half the world you have to compete with all of it."
"He's my boyfriend," Alec reminded her.
"Doesn't mean other people don't have eyes," Izzy grinned at him.


Anyway... Sneak Peek Chapter 145

"Alright then," Jon said a moment later, stepping back from his suitcase. "I think I'm packed."

"Excellent," Jace smiled. "Then how about a little tv before we head to the bus? I'd say we should play mario kart, but I already packed the games."

"Probably a good thing too," Jon laughed. "Not sure how many times I can wipe the floor with you without it ruining our friendship."

"I'm gonna start practicing when I get home," Jace said, with determination. "And one day I will beat you."

"Ha! As if," Jon scoffed.

"Don't crush my dreams," Jace whined, but Jon just laughed.

"What are friends for, if not for crushing your dreams," Jon said with a shrug as they walked down the hall and into the living room.

"I think you have friendship backwards," Jace said seriously, following behind.

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