Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

By ilangel1

83.1K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 81

398 13 2
By ilangel1

 "Like numbers and playing with my friends." Louis said searching through the blocks to find the kind of brick he wanted. However Louis couldn't find it. "Thsts good, what you looking for" the much time supervisor asked "The long red piece." Louis said as Lisa sat down on the floor next to him. "Want some help?" She asked and louis nodded excepting the help as he couldn't find his piece however hard he looked. Lisa rummaged through the pile and a long green piece. "How about a green piece instead?" She asked and louis looked to be pondering the idea before shaking his head. "No want red." Louis said continuing his search.

The teacher put the green one aside and she found a red short one. "Louis I found a short red one how about two of these" Lisa said. "Okay." Louis said seeing her holding out 2 red pieces and he figured they'd make the same size as one longer red piece. "Thank you." Louis said taking the pieces and adding them to his house. Louis soon finished his house and was bored again

"Why did my Friends go outside to play instead of stay in?" Louis asked and Lisa shrugged not knowing the answer. "Am I not good enough company for you?" Lisa asked "Yea but want my friends to" Louis said. "You know your teacher told me your allowed to play outside you just can't run around. I know you have a sand pit in your playground why don't you go and play with that for a bit I'm sure your friends will join you." Lisa suggested. Louis nodded hoping they would so he got up with Lisa's help and limped outside.

When louis' friends spotted him they did run over happy to see louis outside and louis smiled seeing them also gather round the sandpit. Louis sat down and played with the sand and some of his friends joined him.

They managed to spend the rest of lunchtime playing with the sand before the bell went and the Lisa helped Louis up again as it was clear the boy was having difficulty when it came to standing up from a sitting position especially when sitting on the floor Louis foot hurt a bit more and he wobbled back in.

"You Okay?" Lisa asked the boy as she heard a whimper as they walked back in. Louis just nodded and she helped the boy sit down on the carpet before going over to miss Simmons to say that she thinks Louis' ankle was bothering him again. Miss Simmons thanked Lisa and kept an eye on Louis. Louis seemed to fine for the time being but then again all he was doing was sitting down on the carpet. The teacher smiled as the teacher told them what they were working on that afternoon.

Louis was happy as they were going to be planting seeds outside so they could watch them growing but at the same time her knew that meant he'd be standing up a lot. The teacher and teaching assistant had spoken about this.

"Right louis come with me." Miss Simmons said and Louis nodded as she helped him up before guiding him over to a table where she had laid newspapers down. "What this for?" Louis said. "We're going to do your in here so you can sit down." She explained and louis nodded sitting down on a chair. Louis smiled. "How do it in here" Louis said. "We are going to grow a plant in this pot" Miss Simons says.

Louis just nodded and watched as Miss Simmons got everything for him before placing it all on the newspaper while the teacher took the rest of the class outside "What do I do" Louis asked. "Right you need to put some compost in the pot about halfway and then we're going to sprinkle some seeds in before placing some more compost in so it reaches the top. Then we're water it before putting it on the window sill so it gets sunlight." Miss Simmons explained and louis nodded.

Louis started putting the compost in the pot. Of course the boy made a mess. "Oops." Louis said as he knocked over the cup and the teaching assistant chuckled. "See this is why I put the newspapers down." Miss Simmons said and louis giggled before refilling the cup to half way again. "Done." He said with a smile and Miss Simmons gave Louis a couple of seeds letting him place them int he cup. "Right you need to carefully fill the cup up with compost now." She said and louis nodded as Miss Simmons got a cup with water in so louis could water it in a minute.

Louis tried to be as careful as he could when putting the rest if the compost in. Of course the boy spilled a bit but overall improved from before. "Right they need a little water now." Miss Simmons said moving the compost away from Louis and then helping him slowly pour the water on.

"Do you want to write your own name on the label?" She asked Louis then and Louis nodded. "Why do I need to write my name?" Louis asked. "So we know it's yours everyone in the class has one and if we didn't have your name on it we wouldn't know it was yours." Miss Simmons explained as Louis wrote his name on the sticky label before Miss Simmons stuck it on the cup.

Louis carefully wrote his name. Louis smiled at his plant. "Right Shall we go and find a good space for it before everyone else comes back in?" She asked and louis nodded carefully standing up and picking up his pot before limping over to the classroom window seal and placing it down. "There all done, now we just have to wait for it to grow and remember to water it." She said and louis nodded. Louis hobbled back to the chair

"Louis is your foot hurting?" Miss Simmons asking not missing the way Louis was walking. "Hmm." Louis mumbled before slowly nodding his head. "Alright when everyone comes in and they go and sit on the carpet I want you to stay sitting with me on a chair Okay, as I think you getting up and down is part of the problem." She said and louis nodded.

"Papa said raising my foot be good" Louis said. "We can do that" miss simmoms said as she brought another chair over and found a couple of cushions. "Right place your foot up then." She said and louis did as told. "I think we're Keep you like that now for the rest of the day as I think when everyone comes back in your going to be able to play for a bit, then it will be storytime before you go home." Miss Simmons explained and Louis nodded. About five minutes later everyone cane back in and went to play. A few of Harry's friends went to see how he was. Miss Simmons got louis and his friends some arty stuff so they could do it sat around the table and louis could join in without having to move.

Louis smiled as he and his friends got to work and stuck things on and made pictures. "Miss Simmons can you fold this want to make nini card" Louis said. "I sure can. Is Niall still poorly?" She asked as she folded the card for him before handing it back. "Yeah, but that means I don't see much of Papa." Louis said sadly and miss Simmons nodded.

"I'm sure when your poorly though your papa spends a lot of time with you." She said and louis nodded. "Yeah, But I spend time with Daddy." Louis said happily and miss Simmons smiled knowing Louis had been missing his daddy a lot recently. "Bet your enjoying that" miss simmons said as she gave Louis the folded card. "Yes missed daddy and now get to cuddle him loads, but Niall isn't allowed." Louis said with a smile. Miss Simmons nodded knowing the parent had only just come out of hospital.

Louis started making Niall a card and stuck loads of thing on it. "Done." Louis said happily and miss Simmons smiled. "Do you want me to help you write in it?" She asked and louis nodded quickly. Louis then thought. "Me write, you help me spell please" Louis added on at the end. Miss Simmons nodded and helped Louis spell out what he wanted to write Louis asked miss Simmons on words he was stuck on. The pair finally completed the task just as the teacher was asking everyone to start packing away Miss Simmons cleared the art stuff away. When she was done she sat down next to louis while the other kids went and sat on the carpet. Louis listened to his the story his teacher was reading.

Liam noticed the time and Harry was still fast asleep. Liam was at a bit of a loss at what to do. He knew it was to late to ring either his or Harry's parents as they'd never reach the school on time and louis would be distraught if someone was late picking him up, he didn't want to wake Harry up as he needed all the sleep he could get but he also didn't want to leave Niall as he was worried if Niall woke up Harry would have to comfort him and that could end in disaster.

Liam sighed and choose to wake his husband up. He carefully laid niall on the sofa and went over and gently woke up Harry. "Harry, come on Love you need to wake up." Liam said gently shaking Harry's shoulder getting a whine of process in response.

"I know love but Louis finishes school in 15 minutes and at this rate no ones going to be there to pick him up." Liam said. Harry opened his eyes. "How you feeling" Liam asked his husband. "I'm Alright I guess." Harry asked. "What do you mean you guess?" Liam said. "Well sometimes it takes about 10 minutes before I feel sick." Harry said and Liam sighed. They didn't have 10 minutes to waste but if harry ended up being sick and he was alone with Louis it would be a disaster. "Do you want me to phone someone to meet you at the school just incsse" Liam said. "Ring Gem to pick Lou up with Adam" Harry said. "Why didn't I think of that." Liam said before grabbing his phone and ringing Gemma who thankfully picked pretty quickly.

"Hey Li What's up?" Gemma said as she answered the phone. "You at the school by any chance?" Liam asked. "Why wouldn't I be bearing in mind it's the end of the school day and I have 2 kids?" She questioned. "You couldn't pick up Louis could you? I've left it to late to ring mine or your parents, Harry's worried he'll be sick and I can't leave Niall alone." "Li calm down. Of course I'll pick him up." Gemma said and Liam sighed in relief. "Thank you. He might want to be carried as he injured his ankle over the weekend and it's probably hurting him if he's been walking around all day."

"Stop worrying Liam we're be fine. Do you want me to keep lou for a bit? I can feed him and then drop him off later. I'm sure Adam would like to play with him they haven't seen each other for a while." Gemma suggested. "You sure that's ok" Liam said as he saw Harry rush out the room.

"Yea course how's Niall" Gemma asked. "Took him to the doctors earlier he's been put on antibiotics so hopefully he'll improve." Liam said before walking out the room and sighing when he could hear Harry in the downstairs bathroom. "Gem I gotta go, let me know if you need me" Liam said before putting his phone in and going into the bathroom to rub Harry's back. "You Okay?" Liam asked earning a shake of the head from Harry. Harry was hovering over the toilet feeling very nauseous. Harry had been slightly sick and was now back lying on the sofa. Liam decided to ring his mum knowing Anne and robin had done loads for them. Karen agreed to come over and said she'd be there within the hour causing Liam to sigh in relief.

Liam tried to get Harry to sleep making sure there was a bucket a each just as he heard a whine from niall. Liam walked over to Niall and knelt down playing with the boys hair hoping to get the boy to fall back asleep but his hopeswere ruined when Niall opened his eyes. Niall whinned and Liam pulled him into a hug.

Liam hugged niall. Niall clung to Liam sniffling softly and Liam sighed when he heard the sniffling rubbing the boys back not wanting him to start crying again as that was probably hurting his throat more. Liam comforted niall as best as he could. "Shh come on love." Liam said well aware that Harry had fallen asleep and he didn't want to wake him. "Hurts." Niall cried and Liam sighed as he heard the doorbell and carried Niall over to the door smiling when he saw his mum. "Oh Ni." Karen said and Niall just sobbed burying his face into Liam's shoulder.

"Thanks mum I'm going to take this one upstairs and read him a story to try and calm him down Harry's fallen asleep on the sofa so if you could just keep an eye on him as he was sick again just before he fell asleep." Liam said and Karen nodded ruffling Niall's hair before heading into the living room while Liam carried Niall upstairs. Karen sat down and kept an eye on her son in law.

Liam carried niall upstairs and got him comfy before grabbing Harry potter. Niall happily curled into Liam and luckily the book seemed to distract Niall enough to mean that he stopped crying.

Once Gemma had picked up Adam knowing Katie would just hang around with her friends while she waited she went over to the reception playground that had pretty much already cleared out.

"Auntie Gemma." Louis said from where he was sat on a chair having spotted his auntie. "Do you want go on through." Louis' teacher asked having heard Louis and was able to recognise the women as well as Harry's sister. "Thanks." She said telling Adam to go in as well. Adam rushed over to his cousin.

"Hey lou." Adam said happily and the smaller boy smiled when he saw his older cousin. "He might be a slow with walking we've noticed since lunch time he's been limping around quite a lot we've had him sitting up here since so I don't know how he'll cope when he gets up in a minute." Miss Simmons explained and Gemma nodded. "I'll tell Liam when I drop him home about it but for now lou do you want me to pick you up?" Gemma asked and Louis nodded reaching for Gemma. "Come here then." Gemma said lifting the boy onto her hip and then placing his school bag onto her shoulder.

Gemma then walked to pick Katie up and she was talking to her friends. "Katie come on we're going home." Gemma said and Katie looked up then seeing her mum had Louis on her hip. "Why's louis with you?" She asked as she said bye to her friends and walked over to her her mum. "Uncle Liam asked me to pick him up , so he is coming bsck to us' gemma said. Earning a cheer back from Adam.

Gemma got the 3 kids in the car and drove back to hers. When Gemma pulled up she opened the door as Adam and Katie got out the car. Then she went to pick Louis up and carried the boy in.

"What do you want to do Lou?" Adam asked as they walked into the house. "Can we watch tv? My foot hurts." Louis said and Gemma smiled and Adam nodded happy with that as well Gemma placed Louis on the sofa. ",Lou have you been having your foot raised" gemma asked. Louis nodded so Gemma decided to do that again and pulled the coffee table over before grabbing a cushion and placing it on the table. "Do you want to put your foot on the cushion?" She asked and louis nodded doing as said. Louis foot was raised and Gemma found something for the boys to watch.

Adam happily watched tv with Louis for around half hour before he grew bored and wanted to actually play with his younger cousin "Play" Adam asked Louis. "Something we can do without standing as leg hurts" Louis replied. Adam looked to be thinking before running off and returning with his toy cars. Louis nodded and carefully moved so he was sitting down on the floor next to Adam who passed him a car to play with. The two boys enjoyed playing with their cars. Louis not moving far because of his foot.

"Move your car out the way Lou." Adam said and louis sighed as that meant he'd have to move. "But it hurts my foot if I move." Louis said and Adam huffed but moved it for the boy. "Owww" Louis screamed. Gemma rushed in and rushed over to Louis and picked the boy up and cuddled him careful of his foot.. "What's wrong?" Gemma asked as Louis started crying and she turned to look at her own son Adam shrugged to start off with.Louis pointed to his foot ad he cried. "Oh sweetie I know." Gemma said holding onto Louis tighter. "Adam do you have anything to do with this?" Gemma questioned as when she left the pair they were watching tv. "Just wanted to play." Adam said quietly feeling slightly bad as his younger cousin was really upset. "Moved my foot" Lou is cried. "Adam, Lou is has a bad foot please say sorry" Gemma said.

"Sorry lou." Adam said but he was still playing with his car. "Adam a proper apology please." Gemma said rubbing louis' back to try and calm him down. "Sorry Louis wanted to play didn't know your foot hurt" Adam said. "Told you It hurt' Louis whimpered. "Adam I also told you about his foot as well." Gemma said as Louis sniffled rubbing his eyes before looking up at Gemma. "Wanna go home." Louis whimpered. Gemma nodded I'll ring papa. "But Nini sick" Lou is said. "Your papa said earlier when he rang me that he was going to ring your nana to help him out so I'm sure he can come and get you." Gemma said and the little boy just nodded wiping his eyes with his fists. Louis nodded.Harry stirred. Karen went straight over to harry when she noticed the movement. Karen ruffled Harry's curls. Niall had fallen asleep. Unfortunately for Karen Harry woke up and quickly scrambled off the sofa heading for the downstairs toilet. Karen followed Harry.Karen rubbed Harry's back. "Just let it out Harry" Karen soothed. Harry whined hating throwing up and prayed that the morning sickness would pass soon.

Liam was playing gently with Niall's hair when his phone started vibrating on Niall's bedside cabinet and seeing that it was Gemma who was currently looking after his youngest he answered straight away. "Hey Li sorry to bother you but lou's foot is really hurting and wants you" gemma said "Right, yeah I thought it could have been hurting as he's been on it all day." Liam said.

"I think Adam is partly to blame as well as I think he got annoyed and pushed louis' foot out the way which is what's caused him to want to go home." Gemma explained and Liam sighed. "Alright I'm coming Niall's fallen asleep and my mums with Haz so it should be easy to leave I'll be there in like 15 minutes." Liam said and Gemma thanked him before putting her phone down and looking at Louis who was still looking up st her with hopeful eyes.

"Your papa's coming sweetie." She said and louis nodded satisfied before curling into Gemma and yawning. Liam carefully got out from niall without waking and went to find Karen to say he was going to pick Lou up. He found them in the downstairs toilet. "Oh Love." Liam said sadly as he saw harry leaning over the toilet.

"I'm Alright." Harry mumbled and Liam knew he wasn't but let it go for the time being as he had to get Louis. "Mum I'm going to pick Louis up as his foots hurting and wants to come home. Niall's asleep and probably won't wake up but if you hear him just check on him." Liam said and Karen nodded. Liam grabbed his keys and went to get Louis. Harry soon finished being sick and washed his mouth out.

"Can we go upstairs if Lou coming back and I'm like this" Harry said. "Yeah it will be easier for me to listen out for Ni as well." Karen said before helping Harry upstairs and into his and Liam's room. Harry lay in bed exhausted. Harry had fallen asleep and Karen went to check on a sleeping Niall. Karen smiled at the sleeping boy before leaving him be not wanting to risk him waking up.

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