Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

By ilangel1

83.1K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 79

396 15 3
By ilangel1

"Papa?" Louis asked and Liam looked up. "Yeah Love." Liam said. "Will I ever get to be a big brother?" Louis asked liking that Niall was doing what he normally did. "Do you like acting like the big brother?" Liam asked figuring out louis was enjoying this. "Yeah." Louis said and Liam smiled. "You never know Lou." Liam said seeing Niall smiling at him as Louis was going to be a big brother sooner than he thought. Niall fell asleep soon after that. Louis cuddled his sleeping brother.

"Oh Thanks Dad." Harry said seeing Robin had already began cleaning up Louis' mess. "No worries, Don't want you over doing it" Robin said. Harry smiled at him before picking up Louis' paint covered plates and began to wash them in the sink. Robin was wiping the chairs down which were covered in paint.

Robin soon came up deciding to swap with Liam so he and Louis could join Harry downstairs for lunch. Liam thanked the man. Robin carefully picked Louis up and then Liam gently moved niall so he could get up and then he took Louis from Robin. Robin sat next to a sleeping niall.

"Where we going?" Louis asked not happy being moved from his brother. "It's lunchtime baby, maybe you could cuddle Ni again later." Liam said as they headed downstairs. Louis nodded as he cuddled into his papa as he was being cuddled.

"Oh hey baby, what do you want for lunch?" Harry asked when Liam and Louis appeared in the kitchen. "Cheese." Louis said. "What do you want with cheese. You can have a sandwich or pasta?" Harry questioned. 'Sandwich please" Louis asked. "Course, you good with a cheese sandwich Li?" Harry asked and Liam nodded. "Sounds good to me." Liam said bouncing Louis slightly who was sat on his lap making the boy giggle.

Once Harry made the sandwiches Liam put Louis on his seat making the boy Whine "Sorry Lou but I need to eat as well." Liam said and louis whined again. "Wanna sit with you though." Louis whined. "Well I'm afraid you're going to have to sit next to me instead." Liam explained. Louis sighed and huffed but did pick his sandwich up and start eating. "Is it nice?" Harry asked and Louis nodded as he was pretty hungry deciding he'd just cuddle with his papa once he'd finished eating Harry smiled at the boy as they all ate their lunch.

"Cuddle niall" Louis asked once he finished his lunch. "Why don't we let Niall sleep for a bit with grandad while you and me play Lego?" Liam suggested also wanting to give Harry a bit of a break. "Okay." Louis said raising his arms for Liam to pick him before he carried him to the backroom placing him on a beanbag and getting his Lego for him Harry smiled and started to clear up before going into the lounge to watch t.v.. Harry didn't realise how tired he was. Harry soon fell asleep on the sofa.

Louis happily played with his Lego getting Liam to find the bricks he wanted. "No daddy I said a long pink one that ones red." Louis stated unimpressed. "I know baby put you've used all the pink ones as there is very many of them." Liam tried to explain. "Want pick' Louis huffed.

"I'm sorry Lou but no more." Liam said. "But need pink." Louis moaned. "Louis there's not much difference between them plus why does it have to be pink?" "Pigs pink." Louis said and Liam looked down at one louis was building. "Right Okay, Umm how about you use brown?" Liam suggested. "Why would I use brown?" Louis asked. "Maybe its a bit muddy." Liam suggested and louis nodded seemingly liking that idea. Liam smiled Louis building his pig.

When they were all well he was going to take them to the farm for the day. "Why are you so interested in farms at the moment baby?" Liam asked as this interest was a new thing. "Don't know papa but really like them." Louis said and Liam just nodded ruffling the boys hair. "Would you like to go to a real farm one day and see all the animals?" Liam asked and louis quickly nodded his head. "Yes papa. We go now?" Louis asked and Liam chuckled. "Not now love but we're go soon I promise." Liam said as day out somewhere and spending it as a family was well needed. He just needed to get Niall better and louis and Harry to stay healthy first. Louis carried on making his pig out if Lego. "Done papa." Louis said showing Liam his pig which had spots of brown dotted around it. "It's very nice sweetie. Lou have you got any homework?" Liam asked as he knew he hadn't done any with the boy that weekend.

"Daddy helped me with my spellings yesterday." Louis said. "What about your reading?" Liam asked. Louis just shrugged going to build something else knowing what Liam was about to say. "Right I think we're do some of that then." Liam said picking the boy up. "No papa, need to build a friend for piggy." Louis said. "You can do that after your reading." Liam said and louis huffed but let Liam carry him away from his toys.

Liam sat Louis at the table before going to get the bits school bag. "We will do some reading and then practice more spelling" Liam said reading what the teaching assistant wrote in the boys book. "But papa." Louis whined really not wanting to do the spellings again. "Sorry baby, but you don't have a choice in this matter." Liam said before picking the boy up and placing him on his lap before handing the boy his book hoping that if Louis cuddled at the same time as reading he'd come round to the idea of his spellings. Louis started reading and got stuck on a word and tried to get the boy to break it up. "Papa I can't that word is too big." Louis said looking at the word.

"Louis I know you can do it as you know your sounds so come on do it with me." Liam said and louis sighed but did try and did manage. "See my clever boy." Liam said kissing his hair and louis smiled carrying on reading. Louis got stuck on a couple more words but with some coaxing Liam got Louis to sound them out. some were more difficult than others. "Can I play again now?" Louis asked once he'd finished reading and Liam chuckled. "Nice Try Love." Liam said placing Louis down on a seat at the table. "No stay on your lap?" Louis said.

"If I let you cuddle on my lap do you promise me your Do your spellings?" Liam asked and louis nodded so Liam placed him back on his lap and handed Louis some paper and a pencil. Liam then read him the first word. Louis wrote down how he thought it was spelt. "Done." Louis said and Liam then said the next word deciding to get Louis to write them all down before he checked. "No Papa you need to check it first. Daddy always does." "Well I'm not Daddy and I'm doing it this way." Liam said saying the word again and louis sighed but wrote that word down as well. Liam then said the next one. "We done yet?" Louis asked 10 words later and Liam nodded.

"Yeah let me just check these." Liam said and louis nodded. Louis sat on his papa's lap as his spelling was marked. "Only 2 wrong love." Liam said and louis sighed. "Had them all right earlier when did it with daddy." Louis said sadly and Liam sighed rubbing his back trying to prevent the tears from falling. Louis only had it right as he did mist the words a second time which helped him this time. "Lou you have done really well and just like your letters practice makes perfect" Liam said.

Louis smiled and leaned more into Liam's chest closing his eyes wanting a nap. "No nap Mr don't want you up at 3 in morning again." Liam said. "But." Louis moaned tiredly "No Grandad was telling me that you were awake at 3 this morning which when you should be asleep." Liam said carrying louis back to the backroom and placing him in front of his Lego.

Luckily for Liam the boy rubbed his eye's but happily played with his Lego. Liam smiled at him as Harry appeared in the backroom sitting down next to Liam. "Hey love." Liam said and Harry smiled. "Nice nap?" Liam said. "Yeah it was well needed." Harry replied. "Why can daddy and Niall nap but not me?" Louis asked looking up then. "Because daddy will sleep tonight still and Niall's poorly so needs a lot of extra sleep." Liam explained. Louis sighed but nodded.

"So will I" Louis said. "Well why at 3am when sleeping time and everyone was asleep did Louis want to play with grandad." Harry said "Wasn't tired." Louis said. "And why was that?" Harry said. "Cause you make me go to bed early." Louis said. "I think it was more your nap to blame." Harry said and Louis stubbornly shook his head The parents looked at each other and shook their heads. "You're not having a nap Lou end of conversation." Liam said and louis whined like usual when he was tired.

"How about we okay with your train set" Harry asked. Louis just shrugged turning to face Liam and raised his arms hinting he wanted a cuddle. "If I give you a cuddle you need to promise me not to go to sleep." Liam said and louis just nodded so Liam got the boy situated on his lap and louis instantly snuggled into his chest.

Harry decided to be the tickle monster. "No, Daddy no stop." Louis giggled batting Harry's hand away and Harry just laughed continuing to torment the poor boy Liam had an idea and whispered it to Louis who smirked and nodded as Liam started attacking Harry.

"Oi How is this fair?" Harry said laughing his grip around Louis loosened but the boy couldn't exactly escape very well due to his ankle so ended up crawling to safety under the table. Liam and Harry were now in a tickling fight with each other. Louis laughed at his dad's. "Oh you think this is funny?" Liam said before approaching Louis who was giggling away under the table. Liam picked the boy up and blew a rasberry on him before tickling him. "No papa stop." Louis said and Liam smiled. "What word you missing?" Liam said. "Please Papa please stop." Louis pretty much begged and Liam smiled stopping and sitting down with the boy on his lap. Liam hugged the boy and smiled.

"Papa will I be going to school tomorrow?" Louis asked as he rested his head on Liam's chest. "Yeah baby Course why wouldn't you be?" Liam said. "Cause I can't walk." Louis said. "You're going to school love you might just not be able to play outside." Liam said and louis huffed "But that's the best part of school." Louis said and Liam laughed. "Why laughing" Louis said and he crossed his arms. "Your meant to be at school to learn not play you do enough of that here." Liam said and louis shook his head. "Play loads at school." Louis said. "You May at the moment but your only in reception and a lot of your learning is done through play. As you get older your playtime will massively decrease. Just ask Niall." Liam said.

"Never want to leave reception then." Louis said making Liam chuckle. Harry shook his head at his son wanting stay in reception. "But why?" Louis moaned. "You're going to be too old sweetie, every September your move up a year until you reach year 11 at least." Harry said. "That's a long time." Louis said. "It is but as you get older your learn about loads of interesting things that you won't learn if you stay in reception." Harry explained. "Plus you still have 4/5 months to go of this school year so you're not leaving reception for a while yet sweetie." Liam said playing with Louis' hair.

"Stay reception" Louis moaned not liking the idea. "It's the way it works and when your get older your be bored in reception" Harry said. "No." Louis said. "Yes you will and all your friends are going to be moving onto year 1 so your be on your own. Remember when you didn't want to leave nursery." Liam said. "Hmm nursery for babies." Louis said. "Well that's how your feel about reception next year when you start year 1. Your love it Lou." Liam said and louis just nodded. Harry looked at the time.

"Lou what do you want for dinner." Harry asked. "Don't know?" Louis said and Liam shrugged himself. "Great help." Harry said "Do you want pasta, chicken nuggets," Liam said "Chips." Louis then decided and Harry nodded "And What do you want with your chips" Harry said Louis shrugged 'You are missing a word there Lou" Liam reprimanded. "Please." Louis huffed and Liam nodded. "You need to start remembering your Please and Thank you's louis your 5 now." Liam said and louis just shrugged. "Can I have fishfingers as well Daddy." Louis said and Liam gave him a look. "Please Daddy." Louis said. "Yes of course" Harry said. "Thank you" Louis said without being prompted "Good boy." Liam said kissing the boys hair.

"I'm going to check on Ni, I'll be back when dinners done." Liam said and Harry nodded. "Me come?" Louis questioned. "No you stay here with daddy." Liam said getting up and heading upstairs. Louis whined.

Niall woke up groaning. "You Okay Ni?" Robin asked but Niall shook his hesd Robin hugged niall. Robin had given niall another dose of medicine and was reading to the poorly boy. Liam went upstairs to see niall listening to Harry potterm "Hey." Liam said and Niall instantly looked up reaching for Liam. "How you feeling love?" Liam questioned and Niall just whimpered. "I gave him a dose of medicine around half hour ago" robin said. Liam nodded as he took Niall into his arms and cuddled the boy close. "He's still burning." Liam said sadly and Niall whimpered again at that. "Shall we give you a bath" Liam said as he out the thermometer in Niall's ear. Niall nodded slowly as he rested his head on Liam's shoulder as He waited for the thermometer to beep. "It's going to be cool bath though Ni." Liam said seeing Niall's temperature was 38.6.

"You said he'd had medicine recently as well didn't you?" Liam asked Robin who nodded. "Yeah he did." Robin said and Liam sighed before getting up and taking Niall to the bathroom feeling the boy wrap his arms around Liam's neck. Liam sat the boy on the closed lidded toilet while he made a luke warm bath for the boy.

Robin decided to change the boys sheets while he was in the bath. "Right do you need help getting out your pyjamas or can you do it?" Liam asked and Niall just pointed to Liam so Liam smiled sadly at the boy helping him out of his pyjamas which Niall did very little to help. "In you get then ni." Liam said but when he saw Niall wasn't moving he lifted Niall in himself. Niall shivered when he got in and whimpered slightly.

"I know love but it's not that cold I promise." Liam said as he began to pour water down the boys back. Liam soon washed the boy and let him soak before taking him out and wrapping him in a towel before carrying him back to the bedroom as he hadn't brought in fresh pjs in. "Thanks Robin." Liam said when he saw that Robin had changed Niall's sheets.

"It's Alright He's made his others quite sweaty so there probably not the nicest to be sleeping in." Robin said as Liam placed Niall on his bed and went to get Niall some clean pyjamas from his draw. "Right let's get you in these love." Liam said getting Niall changed as quickly as he could as the boy had started to shiver. Liam soon got the boy comfy in bed and clinging to Liam.

"Ni I know you want a cuddle sweetie but I'm not comfortable myself." Liam said and Niall slightly released his grip and shuffled himself around so he was resting against Liam's chest which also meant Liam was comfortable again. "We're get you feeling better soon." Liam said beginning to play with Niall's hair who just nodded hoping that would be sooner rather than later."Can you just bring my dinner up to me that Harry is cooking." Liam said knowing he wouldn't be moving. "Yeah he isn't letting you go anywhere for a while." Robin said smiling before ruffling Niall's hair gently and heading downstairs where harry was trying to entertain a bored louis. Niall drifted off to sleep.


"He'll be back soon lou, but Niall's poorly and probably just wants quiet time." Harry said. "I can be quiet." Louis said and Harry could help but laugh at that "I know but he just needs no noise so he sleep so he can get better" Harry said. Louis just nodded watching Harry put the fishfingers and chips in the oven.

"Grandad cuddle" Louis said seeing robin come downstairs. "I can do that lou." Robin said scooping the boy up and sitting down where he had originally been and louis cuddled into him. "All you and your brother seem to want to do at the moment is cuddle. Not that I'm complaining." Robin said. "Careful he doesn't fall asleep dad he's been desperate for a nap the last hour or so "So that's why you're so cuddly. Well daddy is cooking dinner so you need to eat" robin said.

"But need to sleep too." Louis said. "Yes you do but at night-time, your much too much of a big boy to need naps in the day now." Robin said bouncing louis on his knee so the boy wouldn't fall asleep. "But like naps." Louis said. "Well you may like them but there just not practical love for a big boy like you." Robin explained. "But sleepy now" Louis whimpered. "You can have dinner and then a bath " robin said.

"Then sleep?" Louis asked looking up at Robin with wide eyes. Liam, Harry and Robin knew it was going to be a hard process to get the boy out of napping but it had to be done as it just wasn't suitable anymore. "After you've had your bath and eaten I'll read you a story Lou and then you can go to sleep." Harry said looking at the time knowing Louis had to be kept awake until at least 7:30 or he'd wake up too early.

Louis nodded and just wanted to sleep now but knew he couldn't. "Oh Liam also said he'll upstairs as Niall's clinging to him and won't let him go." Robin then said remembering the main reason why he came down. "Papa said he'll eat with me though." Louis said and Harry knew this was going to be a problem as now by the looks of things both boys wanted Liam. "Lou , me and grandad can eat with you and you can sit on my lap while you eat" Harry said knowing he couldn't be with Niall right now.

"But, But." "No I'm sorry Lou, But Papa needs to be with Niall okay." Harry explained softly to the five year old knowing Louis didn't like it when people promised him things and then didn't do them. "But why" Louis whimpered. "Just like when you were poorly you wanted cuddles, Niall needs cuddles now" Harry said.

"Why can't you or grandad cuddle with him instead?" Louis asked really wanting his papa. "Well he's been with me most of the day." Robin said and Louis nodded understanding that. "Why doesn't he cuddle with daddy though. You haven't cuddled with him at all." Louis questioned looking at Harry and Harry sighed not knowing what to say really as he couldn't tell louis the real reason. "Because your daddy has not been long out of hospital and doesn't want to get poorly again, but he can cuddle you Lou no problems" robin said.

"But I cuddle with Niall earlier does that mean I make daddy sick?" Louis asked not wanting his daddy sick again. "You weren't around Niall long enough Lou." Harry said getting dinner out the oven as the timer beeped. Louis nodded and smiled as he saw his daddy serving dinner.

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