Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

By ilangel1

83.1K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 77

402 12 0
By ilangel1

Thanks for voting and reading the book

"Careful love your hurt your ankle again." Robin warned and Louis nodded before patting the space next to him for Niall to come over and play. "Baby Ni still isn't very well so he needs to be resting so we're going to cuddle on the sofa." Liam said sitting down with Niall but Louis whined. "Cuddle too." Louis said and Liam smiled so Robin picked him up and placed him on the sofa as well. Liam had both his some snuggle into him and he smiled ad he cuddled them.

Robin can you make Harry one slice of lightly buttered toast." Liam said. "Yeah Course." Robin said as he headed into the kitchen Harry following as he knew it was wise to stay away from Niall even though all he wanted to do was comfort his son. Harry sat at the table as Robin brought his toast over "Thanks." Harry said and Robin smiled. Harry ate his toast as his step dad sat next to him.

"Papa my ankle hurts again." Louis mumbled against Liam's side. "Alright how about we prop it up." Liam said carefully standing up and lying Niall down in his original space as he had fallen asleep. "What does that mean." Louis asked. "It's means that we're make your ankle higher up." Liam said grabbing a chair with a couple of cushions on and gently guiding louis' injured foot onto it. Louis whimpered as the door was moved on the cushions.

"You good?" Liam asked and Louis nodded. "Alright try not to move it." Liam said. "Papa come back and cuddle." Louis said and Liam smiled doing just that. Liam cuddled the boy and Harry went say on s chair away from Niall. "They Alright?" Harry asked as he sat down and got comfy. "Yeah Niall's fallen asleep and louis will be okay won't you baby." "Hmm, don't like it daddy can't play or walk." Louis stated sadly.

"I know baby but just rest it today" Harry said. "Will it be better tomorrow?" Louis asked turning to his papa. "We'll have to wait and see." Liam said and louis just sighed "Shall we put a film on in here" Harry suggested. It was a slightly smaller TV in the back room. Louis nodded as there wasn't much more he could do. "Which one then Lou?" Harry asked walking over to the tv "Cars" The boy asked. Harry went and put the DVD on and the family watched it.

Robin asked if they needed anything. "We're fine, come and join us." Liam said with a smile and Robin nodded sitting down and joining the rest of the family They all enjoyed the film. Niall waking up at some point and moving to snuggle up to his papa. "You Okay?" Liam asked but Niall shook his head. "Hurts." He cried and Liam sighed feeling that Niall was really warm again as well. Robin got up and went thermometer and some medicine for the boy and passed it to Liam when he came back.

"Can grandad do it so I don't have to move as Lou is leant on me" Liam said. Niall just whimpered but didn't make any massive complaint so Liam took that as a yes and handed Geoff back the stuff. Robin put the thermometer in Nialls ear and waited for it to beep. It's 38.5. "Robin can you give him Calpol and kids Nurofen" Liam said "Can he have both?" Robin asked. "Yeah the calpol is paracetamol and the nurofen is ibroprophen. They work well alongside each other." Liam explained and Robin nodded. Robin measured the correct amount of medicine for both the calpol and ibuprofen."

"Which do you want first?" Robin asked and Niall pointed to the nurofen wanting to get that one over as he knew the calpol tasted better. Once Niall had swallowed both kind of medicines he snuggled back into Liam who smiled and ruffled his hair. "Do you want a drink Love?" Liam asked and Niall nodded sitting up taking a couple of sips before snuggling back down. Liam cuddled both his boys and robin put the water down.

"Lou are you hungry? You haven't had any lunch today." Liam asked catching sight of the time seeing it was nearly 2. "Hmm can I have a cheese sandwich please?" Louis asked looking up. "I'm sure that can be arranged. Do you want to go with grandad." Liam asked and louis nodded letting Robin pick him up. "Does anyone else want anything?" Robin asked. "No I'm good I'll last till dinner." Liam said and Harry nodded in agreement. "I haven't long had that toast." Harry commented and Robin nodded. "Right lou let's get you some lunch then." Robin said before carrying the boy into the kitchen. Robin made Louis a cheese sandwich and himself a sandwich and they sat and ate it at the table. Niall fell back to sleep.

When Louis was finished he looked up at Robin. "Yes lou?" Robin asked. "Can I have some ice cream?" Louis asked and Robin chuckled. "I'll have to check with papa Okay." Robin said and Louis huffed at that. "But He'll say no." Louis whined. "I'll ask" Robin said. Louis nodded. "Hey Li can Louis have some ice cream" Robin asked. "Tell him if he has now he won't be able to have later" Liam said. Robin nodded and went to tell Louis that.

"Right your papa has said you can either have it now or later." Robin said coming back and louis huffed. "Want it now and later." Louis said and Robin sighed. "I'm sorry Lou but I can't go against your papa." Louis had a thought and couldn't decide what he wanted. "Why can't I have both times" Louis said getting up and going to ask his papa. "Louis wait." Robin said but it was too late and louis jumped down landing on his ankle again causing the boy to cry out in pain. Robin went and Picked the boy up. Harry came to find the problem was and stroked his hair comforting him. "Why was he on his foot?" Harry questioned. "He wanted to protest to Liam about not being allowed ice cream twice.

Harry shook his head. "Lou I'm pleased you're eating again but ice cream isn't good for you and a treat you can only have it once" Harry said as he picked the boy up. "Can we get the pack of peas again" Harry asked. "Yeah Course I'll bring them through." Robin said and Harry nodded carrying louis back into the backroom where Liam was watching tv while Niall slept. Harry sat down and comforted the boy 'Shhh it's ok" he soothed to Louis. Robin came back in with the pack of peas wrapped in a towel "No no no cold." Louis cried and Harry sighed.

"What's going on?" Liam asked concerned at how much Louis was crying again. "Well Lou wanted to ask why he couldn't have Ice cream now and after dinner and got up on his feet and his ankle hurts again" Harry explained. Liam carefully moved Niall of him without waking him. "Lou you've got to be more careful." Liam said kneeling down in front of Louis. "Only wanted ice cream." Louis said with tears flowing out of his eyes. "Oh baby." Liam said as he held the peas against louis' ankle. 'We can get ice cream but that still means know after dinner" Liam says standing his ground only once in a day. "But But." Louis maoned. "No lou you can't have ice cream twice a day it's not good for you." Liam said and louis just huffed tears still flowing down his cheeks. Robin saw niall stir at all Louis crying "I'm going to take Ni upstairs." Robin said picking the boy up and Liam nodded. "Thanks robin." Liam said. Harry wiped the tears and cuddled the boy. 'Papa is right ice cream only once and it's a treat baby" Harrys said.

"Want Ice cream now." Louis said sadly and Liam sighed. "If you have ice cream now you won't be having any later." Liam said making sure Louis understood but the boy nodded. Liam got up to get Louis some ice cream and then brought it to him where Harry fed the boy who was just sniffling.

"You good?" Harry asked thinking Louis would have cheered up a bit. "Hmm." Louis hummed while rubbing his eyes and accepting another spoonful of ice cream. Louis happily ate his ice cream that his daddy was feeding him. Harry couldn't tell if the boy was still upset Harry smiled and once Louis was finished he took the bowl while Louis snuggled into Liam's side being careful of his ankle. "Better now you've had some ice cream?" Liam asked and louis nodded feeling really quite tired. "Can I sleep Papa?" Louis asked and Liam sighed seeing it was now nearing 3:30 but knew the boy had had a tough day and had probably tired himself out from all the crying. "Yes you can sleep but we won't let you sleep for too long" Liam said.

Louis just nodded before turning to his daddy. "Can you get blankie please?" Louis asked rubbing his eyes and Harry nodded heading up to Louis' room grabbing his blanket but also his cuddly sheep before returning and handing them to Louis. "Thank you." Louis mumbled clutching onto them before tucking himself into Liam's side placing his thumb in his mouth and closing his eyes.

"Hey Baby thumb out of your mouth please." Liam said but Louis just whined keeping his thumb in his mouth. He didn't understand why his parents wouldn't let him keep his thumb in his mouth anymore they didn't mind when he was younger.

Niall snuggled into his grandad as he picked him up. Robin read niall more of Harry potter. Niall had fallen asleep cuddled up to robin.

Liam and Harry sighed as they looked at each other knowing he had, had a hard day. "Just leave it for now I mean he'll grow out of it himself won't he?" Harry asked. "Not necessarily we're going to have to start being stricter with it Niall had broken this habit by the time he was louis' age." Liam said looking down At Louis Louis eyes were shut now. Liam decided if he could pride it out the boys mouth while he was asleep. Once Louis was asleep and Liam was sure of it he gently eased the boys thumb out of his mouth hoping this habit wouldn't be too hard to break. Luckily Louis didn't wake up.

Harry went the other side of his husband and cuddled him. Louis slept for a good hour Harry also falling asleep and Liam decided that was long enough for Louis to sleep and began to wake the boy up. The boy was whiny and moany when he was woken up and stubborn as he kept his eye's closed and put his thumb back in his mouth. "Oh no you don't. When we agreed to this nap we said that it wouldn't be very long and that thumb needs to come out your mouth." Liam said and louis just huffed rolling over so he was facing the sofa.

Liam couldn't really move as Harry was asleep on his other shoulder. "Louis come on look at me." Liam said but louis shook his head and Liam knew he had his eyes closed and was falling asleep again. "Louis look at me now before I have to put you on the naughty step" Liam said Louis still didn't move. "Louis I'm going to count to 3 and if your still not facing me your going on the naughty step." Liam warned beginning to count. Louis turned round when Liam counted two and half.

"Now open your eyes before I say 3." Liam said sternly Louis huffed but did and looked up at Liam. "Thumb out your mouth." Liam said and louis sighed but did Liam then put the tv on and let the boy snuggle into him making sure he was awake. "Papa." Louis said. "Yeah baby." Liam replied. "I'm still tired." Louis mumbled. "I know sweetie you've had a hard day but we're have dinner soon and then you can have a bath and an early night how does that sound?" Liam proposed and Louis nodded cuddling with his sheep.

Liam talked to Louis keeping him awake and the boy wasn't very talkative. "How about you come and help me make dinner in a little while?" Liam suggested and louis shrugged. "Okay." Louis mumbled but for now he was happy snuggled with his papa watching tv.

About twenty minutes later Liam told Louis it was time to make dinner. Liam carefully moved Harry of him. "What about my foot" Louis said. "You can sit on the side or I can hold you." Liam said and louis nodded holding his arms out for Liam to pick him up. "Sit on the side" Louis said as he papa picked him up. "Okay we can do that then." Liam said walking into the kitchen and placing Louis down on the side. "What do you want for dinner then?" Liam questioned the boy. Louis shrugged not knowing "Pasta, chicken nuggets" Liam told the boy. "Yes." Louis said and Liam chuckled.

"So we're doing pasta with chicken nuggets." Liam asked confirming that's what louis wanted. "Yes." Louis squealed. Liam smiled as he got the bits. Harry woke up and came in. "Li I'll take over so you want to see if Niall wants the soup I made yesterday" Harry said knowing he can't go upstairs "Alright, Lou I'll see you in a bit Daddy's going to help." Liam said and Louis nodded. "What we making then Lou?" Harry asked. "Chicken nuggets and pasta." Louis said happily. Harry nodded and got everything Liam hadn't got out.

Liam headed upstairs to try and coax Niall into eating something. "No papa." Niall croaked once Liam had woken him up. "Baby you need to eat something love." Liam said sitting down and running his hand through his hair. "Hurt, don't want it." Niall whimpered. "It will help sooth your throat and the warmth of the soup will help" Liam said Niall looked hesitant but did nod as if it was going to help then surely it would be worth it "Want it up here while you're not well or come downstairs." Liam asked. "Stay up here." Niall whispered as he was pretty comfy where he was. Liam nodded " Ok I'll heat some up and bring the chicken soup up" Liam said. Niall just nodded cuddling with Robin waiting for Liam to return.

Harry got Louis colouring while they were waiting for it to cook. "Why's your sheep green lou?" Harry asked looking over at Louis' farmyard colouring. "Cause otherwise I can't colour it as there white." The boy justified. Harry nodded and smiled at the boy liking that reason.

"Is he having some?" Harry asked when Liam appeared. "Yeah He was a bit hesitant but he's agreed to try." Liam said getting the soup out. "I'm loving the green sheep by the way baby." Liam said and louis beamed at that Harry got the soup out the fridge and made half a bowl full and put it in the microwave. "Here Li." Harry said once it was done and he'd put it on a tray. "Thanks." Liam said getting up and taking it upstairs while Harry sat back down.

Liam walked upstairs and into Niall's room and got the boy to sit up a bit more before feeding him the soup. "Papa Hurts." Niall cried not impressed that it was hurting him. "It will get better sweetie." Liam said wanting Niall to persist with it. Niall groaned and four more mouthfuls before pursing his lips "No papa no more." Niall said and Liam nodded as Niall had had a decent amount. "You ok with granddad while papa goes down to eat and then we will swap" Liam asked. "Yeah." Niall croaked and Liam smiled kissing his forehead before heading downstairs to eat with Harry and louis. Niall had fallen back to sleep in his grandads arms.

"How long till dinner?" Louis asked Harry when he sat back down. "Around another 10 minutes baby." Harry said and Louis nodded. Louis got on with colouring another picture. "Alright Lou foods done." Liam said and louis nodded packing up his colouring and pushing it to the other side of the table. Harry served the dinner for the four of them putting Robins and Liam's in the oven to keep them warm.

The three of them ate in silence and Harry had only done himself a very small portion hoping it would stay down tonight. Liam made sure to help clear up once they were finished and then took Louis up for his bath. Harry smiled at Liam and went into the lounge and turned the TV on. "Right bath time baby." Liam said and louis smiled reaching for Liam who smiled and picked him up carrying him upstairs towards the bathroom.

Liam then sat Louis carefully on the floor and ran the bath and put bubbles in it. He then undressed Louis. Liam then lifted the boy into the water gently placing him down. "You want to play?" Liam asked and louis nodded so he handed Louis his ducks and boats. Louis tried not to love his leg in the bath and Liam let the boy play before washing him. "Right I'm going to wash your hair baby." Liam warned and Louis nodded putting his hands over his eyes to prevent shampoo getting in his eyes. Soon Liam was washing it all of and got the boy out of the bath and wrapped Louis in a towel.

"Bedtime?" Louis questioned resting his head on his shoulder. "Yeah." Liam said placing Louis down on his bed and getting his pyjamas out. Louis smiled as he got his comfy pyjamas on and Liam got him in bed after reading the boy a story. "You need to be careful tonight Alright Love, and if you do need the toilet you need to call for me or grandad but not daddy as he needs his sleep." Liam said as he noticed the boy starting to fall asleep. "Okay Papa." Louis mumbled. "Night lou, I love you." Liam said. "Night night papa." Louis mumbled and Liam smiled kissing his forehead before leaving the room after turning the boys nightlight on. Liam then left his room and went to see Niall and carefully took a sleeping Niall from Geoff before telling his father in law to go downstiars and eat.

"Thanks Li he's been asleep for a while now, hopefully he'll be asleep for the night." Robin said and Liam nodded settling down with Niall. Robin went downstairs checking on harry before getting his dinner Harry had settled on the sofa and although awake Robin didn't think he would be for much longer. "Haz you look exhausted why don't you go up to bed" robin suggested as he ate his food. Harry nodded. "Yeah Alright, you staying the night?" Harry asked as he stood up.

"Don't know I'll see if Liam wants any help or not." Robin said and Harry nodded. "Alright night." Harry said. "Night Haz." Robin said as Harry started to walk upstairs Harry poked his head through nialls room and wished Liam goodnight. He then went and kissed Louis goodnight before heading to bed.

Liam didn't know whether to sleep with Niall or try and sleep in his own bed as he knew if Niall woke up he wouldn't be able to shout but he also wanted to sleep with harry in his bed. Also there bedroom was closer to louis' room and Liam would be able to hear him better if he needed the toilet or anything in the night. It was awhile later and robin came in. "Hey need me to stay another night" robin asked.

"If you don't mind that would be great more if Lou needs the toilet in the middle of the night" Liam informs him. "Yeah that's fine I'll head to the spare room." Robin said. Robin said and Liam thanked him. Liam then carefully repositioned himself and went to sleep. Liam really hoped he'd get a good night's sleep for once. It was peaceful with everyone asleep.

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