A New Fiery Love

By KatieMC94

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" I want to be your fire angel let me love you an show you how much fire we can make together " -Daryl🔥💖 *P... More

Kate's view Chapter 1 Rush Of Fire Again 💋
Kate's view Chapter 2. The Date😘
Daryls view of chapter 1. A rush of adrenaline
Daryl's view of chap 2. Date with angel
Kate's view .Chap 3 , Saturday morning fun pt 1😘
Kate's view Chap.4 Saturday afternoon fun pt2💋
Daryl's view of chap 3. Morning fun pt1
Daryl's view of chap 4. Amazing View
Kate's View chap.5 The Victory Treat😜
Kate's View chap.6 The Surprise Drive
Daryl's View Of Chap.5 The Sweetest Treat
Daryl's view of Chap.6. The Special Drive
Kate's view Chapter 7. No Turning Back
Kate's View chap.8 concert an TWINS!
Daryl's View on Chap.7 Turning Point
Daryls View on Chap8. Surprise an Matt!
SpecialChapter Matt. Dream an Reaction
Kate's view Chapter 9. Cookout an Surprise
Kate's view Chapter10.Team
Daryls View of chap9.Surprise time
Daryls View of chap.10 Team
SpecialChapter Matt. Her
Kate's view chapter 11.The Race
Kate's view Chapter12.Moving in fun
Daryls view chap.11. Victory Race
Daryls view of chap 12. Moving in treat
Kate's view Chapter 13. Trip to the lake
Kate's view Chapter 14. My Sweet Gangster 💋
Daryl's view Chapter 13.The truth at the lake
Daryl's view Chapter 14. My sweet Angel
Special Chapter Matt. Treat an Fun
Kate's view Chapter 15. Unleash The Beast
Kate's view Chapter 16. Sweet Moments And Timeless Actions
Daryl's view of chapter 15. No One Touch's Angel
Daryl's view of chapter 16 Timeless moments
Special Chapter For Daryl And Matt*Brother Bond*
Kate' view Chapter 17. The Chase
Kate's view Chapter 18. Fun And Sweet Memories
Daryl's view Chapter of 17 I Love You
Daryl's view of chapter18. Time Square Surprise
Kate's chapter view 19. Fear
Kate's view Chapter 20. Aftermath
Daryl's view chapter 19. Checkmate ✔
Daryl's view chapter 20. After shock
Kate's view Chapter 21.Home Sweet home
Daryl's view Chapter of 21. VA Bound
Daryl's view Chapter 22. Respect Earned ✔
Special Chapter *The Guys*
Kate's view Chapter 23. State Fair Surprise pt1
Kate's view Chapter 24 State Fair pt2
Daryl's View of Chapter 23.State Fair...Or Trouble?
Daryl's View of Chapter 24.Win At The Fair
Special Chapter Skyler .Matt ❤ an Omg..
Kate's view chapter 25.A Promise Underneath The Star's
Kate's View Chapter 26. Night Terrors
Daryl's View of Chapter 25.A Promise
Daryl's View of Chapter 26.Dreams
Kate's View Chapter 27. New Team
Kate's View Chapter 28.Savior
Daryl's View of Chapter 27.New Moves
Daryl's View of Chapter 28.Bonnie And Clyde
Kate's View Chapter 29. Queen
Kate's view chapter 30. Celebration
Daryl's view of chapter 29.King
Daryl's View of Chapter 30. Celebration Surprise
Special Chapter Uncle Luke. Goodbye Chester
Kate's Chapter View 31. Road Trip pt.1
Kate's Chapter View 32.Road Trip pt2
Daryl's view of chapter 31.Beach Day Pt.1
Daryl's View Chapter of 32.Beach Day pt2
Kate's Chapter View of 33. Caring For Me
Kate's Chapter View of 34. Tag Team
Daryl's View Chapter of 33. Caring For Her
Daryl's View Of Chapter 34. Tag Team? H.E.L.P U.S
Special Chapter Matt & Skyler. ♡Moment's♡
Kate's View Of Chapter 35. Shadow
Kate's View of Chapter 36. Watch An Learn
Daryl's View Of Chapter 35. My Angel's Past
Daryl's View of Chapter 36. Lessons
Kate's View Of Chapter 37. Shattered But Rebuilt Stronger
Kate's View Of Chapter 38. Him & I
Daryl's View of Chapter 37. Ortega tornado
Daryl's View of Chapter 38. Her & I
Kate's View of Chapter 39. Back At It
Kate's View Of Chapter 40. Date ♡
Daryl's View of Chapter 39. Back At It Again
Daryl's View Of Chapter 40. Date With Angel ♡
Kate's View Of Chapter 41. To The Grand Race
Kate's View Of Chapter 42. Grand opening Of The Race
Daryl's View Of Chapter 41. Grand Race Here We Come
Daryl's View Of Chapter 42. Grand Track Opening
Not a chapter but...
Kate's View Of Chapter 43. Day 1 Of Race
Kate's View Of Chapter 44. Day 2 Of Race--Speed
Daryl's View Of Chapter 43. First Day In The Bag
Daryl's View Of Chapter 44. Day Two Need For Speed
Kate's View Of Chapter 45. Final Race
Kate's View Chapter Of 46. Victory Proposal
Daryl's View of Chapter 45. Finals
Daryl's View of Chapter 46. The Proposal
Epilogue - Wedding
Special Chapter For. Matt,Skyler & baby Autumn
Special Chapter For. Kate & Daryl Baby Gender
Preview #4. Ortega Fire🔥
Arthur's Announcement👑

Kate's View Chapter 22. ♠Old.VS.New School♠

361 35 2
By KatieMC94

I woke up extra early so I can make everybody breakfast I haven't really done it since I left home really so I decided to make French toast scrambled eggs and some bacon I know that everybody will like it especially my father considering the fact that he mentioned it on the phone, I set the table up with everybody's plates forks I even put the syrup on the table I heard footsteps coming down the stairs I glance over and I just shake my head everybody was up walking down the stairs I guess it's not all of the food draw their attention to wake up.

"Well then look and see what my daughter made for breakfast I'll be damned you do love me" my dad says with a sliy smirk.

"Oh stop that dad! You mentioned it on the phone at least three times" I say in a low wiss.

"What smells so good" Dary says as we rubs his eye and looks at me.

"It's called breakfast you know what you eat" my dad says in a sarcastic tone.

"Damn Kate went all out didn't you?" Matt says in a shocked voice.

"Everything looks great" Skyler says with a smile.

"Damn are you sure your not some a million-dollar Chef or something" TJ and Jay say.

"Oh please she got her skills from me" my dad says with a laugh.

"Yeah okay old man keep telling your self that" I say with a grin.

"Angel everything looks good, thank you for cooking" Daryl says as he kisses me on the lips.

"Get a room no one wants to see all that in the morning" Matt says while shaking his head.

"Hey I rather have my daughter happy then unhappy so they can do that if they want" my dad says before taking a bite of his french toast.

"Ha ha Matt" me and Daryl both say as we stick tongue out at him.

"Mm this is good , is this homemade?" Jay says.

"Yup the french toast is homemade" I say with a smile.

"You haven't lost your touch baby girl, I gotta say" my dad says with a smile.

After my dad eats and kisses my head bye and it leaves out the door leaving us to clean up the mess I shake my head "Its just like my dad to leave before helping clean up" I say as I grab the plates.I start to wash up the pans but I look over and see everyone doing something to help clean up which I am grateful for because it is a lot of dishes to clean, after everything is clean dried and put away we all go sit on the porch and come up with an idea of what to do today. I tell them that there's a waterfall not far away from my house which I used to go to a lot and that there is a field where I used to actual race on not far away from it, then I tell them we can go get food and go to my dad's garage so they can see how big that is and maybe get to see some old school cars there "Damn it been awhile since I see the Chevy S.S that my dad was rebuilding" I say to myself as we walk back into the house.

Once we're all back in the house we all go into the rooms and start to get dressed but Daryl has other things on his mind, he pins me up on the wall and begins to kiss me all over slowly "This man I swear" I say to myself as I start to feel his hands go up my shirt. He picks me up and wraps my legs around his waist as he leads me to the shower with me "Daryl I'm still dressed" I say in surpires as I watch him turn on the water, he flash me a grin "I know so strip angel, we've both been holding back to long" he says in a husky voice as he kisses my neck. I giggle "Its only been a few days Daryl" I says as I kiss his head, he shakes his head and let's out a small growl "Few days to long" he says as he puts me down as starts to take off my shorts. He starts to kisses up my thighs slowly I can't help but let out a little whimper as I bite my lip"Daryl Damn it" I say to myself as I slowly start to rub his head as he slowly kisses up my body, my body starts to feel warm as a tingling sensation starts to go throughout my body."Angel" he says in a soft husky voice as he moves his fingertips slowly on my chin and within seconds are lips clashed together the moment was sweet I felt his move around my body as it was a blank canvas just for him,"Daryl" I say in a soft breathless like tone as I lean my head back as starts to kiss my neck slowly I start to have goosebumps.But as luck or as fate would have it we start hearing banging sounds from the door "You guys move along we wanna see the town and see where Kate hung out at before goming back to New York" Matt says loud enough we can hear it in the bathroom that's in my room, I see Daryls eyes to dark with rage"DAMN IT MATT FUCK WELL BE HERE ALL WEEK! WE'LL BE OUT IN A MINUTE!!" Daryl yells well clenching his fist. I shake my head and jump in the shower I block out the fact that they're still yelling at each other through the door "Will they ever get along?" I say in a whisper as I finish up my shower.

I get out the shower and wrap a towel around me Daryl looks at me and just shakes his head "I'm sorry angel maybe we can do it tonight instead with out being interrupted?" he says as he bites my lip slowly, I giggle "Okay I think that would be better" I says as I kiss him. Once I get dressed I wait for Daryl to hurry up and get dressed so we can get a move-on to start the day off once he's dressed we go downstairs to where everybody is awaiting us Matt shakes his head and sighs heavily "About time" he says. I raise my eyebrow at him "It's called a shower" I say as I grab my keys which causes everybody to laugh. Once everybody is out of the house I locked the door we all have for the vehicles Matt still has those keys decides he's going to start up Daryl's car which pisses off Daryl who's holding Dukes leash "You know I think I might punch him" he says in a low yet serious voice, I slap his shoulder before getting into my car Daryl jumps in with Duke and we all head out.

I first took them to the waterfall when they all saw it and how close we really were they were in all it was Majestic peaceful yet quiet I told them about the story when I was a little on my dad used to bring me up here and I will jump from the top of it into the water below they looked at me like I had three heads and I couldn't help it but I laughed. The next stop was the field where we did a lot of training and lot of practicing for a races, Daryl looks at me "Is this where you did a lot of your meetings as well" he says in a whisper I nod my head yes as he kisses my cheek."Kate when you spoke about all the Wide Open Spaces I didn't realize how much space it was here this place is beautiful I got to say" Matt says with a big smile while hugging Skyler from behind, Tj asked if people did hunting out here which I told him of course they do he smiled and looked around. "Daryl I hope your enjoying this , I know the country life isn't really your thing" I say in a soft tone, Daryl looks at me kind of taken back but then he smiles "Angle it's beautiful plus I don't mind getting away once an awhile" he says with a wink I just giggle and kiss him.

We leave the field and I glace over at Daryl who keeps looking at me with a smirk on his face "What is it?" I say in a worried tone as I shift gears as we head to the burger places that I know had amazing food. Daryl smiles"I was thinking something...Your are truly and angel yet your naughty as fuck" he says with a grin, I shake my head and laugh "Oh really and you are something else my love" I say I'm a soft tone. As we pull up to the burger place I noticed my dad is already there but a couple of guys from the shop and they all pulled out the classic cars but something kind of seems off they looked a little mad then I glanced over and I see young guys running their mouths with their piece of crap Hondas and their Mazdas, I pull up in the parking lot near my dad and park we all get out and walk towards him.

"What's going on dad? These punk bitchs starting shit ?" I say while glaring at them.

"Don't worry baby girl I can handle these little bitchs" my dad says in a harsh tone.

"Why are they even running there mouths ? I mean we can handle them right here right now!" Both Daryl and Matt say while clenching their fists.

"They think they can beat us in a race with them prices of shits they call cars" my dad says while nodding his head to his friends.

"What are have they lost there Damn minds!? Everyone knows classic is better anways!!" Skyler says with a serious tone.

"There chumps" TJ and Jay say while cracking there knuckles.


"Baby girl!!" my dad says in a shocked voice.

"Bring it on ms.hottie after words I'll take you on a date and me and you can get to know one another" Little punk says.


"YEAH!!" Matt, Skyler, Tj and Jay yells.

"Well then let's go old bitchs!" little punk says.

"Okay y'all want to race we go to death road!!!" my dad says in a roaring voice.

"Dad!!!" I say in a shocked tone.

My dad just looks at me there's a fire in his eyes I've never seen before but I understand right away why he picked there, that road is straight but it has some potholes if your lucky you'll miss them if not kiss your front and back end of your car goodbye. I nod my head and we tell them now or never, they say now as they drive off trying to leave smoke behind we all could help but laugh at there pathetic attempt to even try to leave smoke. We get into the cars and pull out right after them it takes about 40 minutes to get there we all park and pick who's driving what car, since we said classic cars were better then their cars we have to drive the classic ones. We all understood so we picked the cars we would drive, the punks laugh but we don't let them get the best of us because these young chumps are going to learn respect today. I suddenly feel like I'm in my old racing gang again the feel of power and respect just starts to flow through me like a heat wave, I have to admit that I do miss it but this not the time to think about that.

Daryl is up first he picked the 1968 Dodge charger he lines the car up next to a ugly neon green Honda they start to fire up and all you really hear is the Dodge charger because it's just so powerful, my dad gets in the middle and throws his arms down and boom like a storm Daryl took off and the chump well was left in the dust "GO DARYL" I say even though he can't hear me I still yell it at the top of my lungs. Matt picked the 1970 Ford torino cobra he was second to go Skyler rode with him his opponent car was a Mazda I would say a 2012 one, the stated up and Matt waited for my dad to throw down his arms and as soon as he did boom Matt was gone the ties left skid marks from the starting point we all cheered as we only needed one more to go to win officially.I'm the last one to race I picked my dad's 1970 Chevrolet chevelle LS6 I know how this baby runs its fast and it's a beast I look over and see the little punk that spoke to me that pissed off Daryl so much that I though he was going to hurt him, he's driving a Honda accord I shake my head "That kid is done for" I hiss. I hit the gas showing him I mean business he looks over I notice his eyes go a litlle wide but I watch my dad who's laughting at the poor kid, he raises his arms and like laughting he throws them down and I spin the wheels and shoot off like a bat out of hell leaving the kid behind in a cloud of smoke "Oh yeah it's over" I say while a smile as I cross the finish line and all I can do is turn the wheel and head back to everyone I see my dad smiling from ear to ear.

I smile as I pull up and Daryl runs to me and kisses me deeply "You won angel" he says in a soft tone as he hugs me tightly.I smile but then I watch my dad who seems to be acting different walk over to the punks that started all the shit."NOW BEAT IT !!" my dad yells in a dark tone I've seen him do this before but seems like he's hiding something from me, Daryl looks down at me "Angel I think your dad was once in a gang or something" he says as he pulls me close to him. I think Daryl maybe right my dad is well respected and has alot pull when it comes to things in town but why wouldn't he tell me, "Daryl I think your right , I will get it out of him" I say as I kiss him on his neck which causes him to let out a loud groan.My dad walks back over with all smiles after the punks leave like cry baby's "Now who's hungry because I know Damn well I am" he says with a smile, it hits us we haven't ate since breakfast and now our stomachs were growling we all start to laugh as we get into our own vehicles and drive back to the burger place. "Angle how are you going to ask your dad? You can't just drop it on him I mean the way you called me out on my shit was one thing but you also dropped the bomb on yourself" Daryl says well holding me hand tightly, I let out a sigh and shake my head "I'll do it some way" I say as step on the gas pedal and drive right behind my dad who's in front of me playing around swerve in left and right acting like a goofball.

We pull up to the parking lot to the burger place I glanced over at my dad he can tell I have something to ask him it tells everybody else to go in and place the orders and bring them outside as for me and my dad we stay outside but Daryl stays right beside me, my dad waves his hand to follow him to the table we walk behind him and sit down I look at my dad who seems calm about everything as he gives us a smile.

"So baby girl what's wrong?" my dad says in a serious tone.

"Dad I have something to ask you" I saying in a curious tone.

"Let me guess about my past ? Am I right?" my dad says with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes she wants to know" Daryl says in a serious yet curious tone.

"Well baby girl to tell the truth your old man was in a gang back in the day and I was it's leader , we never did nothing illegal or anything to hurt people we raced we showed who is better than who it was for mostly territory and respect something kinda of like you did and don't think I don't  know about any of it" he says as he leans back looking at me.

"If you knew why didn't you say something about it?! And why haven't you ever told me this before dad?" I say in a hiss.

" because I know you're my daughter and I know you're stronger than you let on that and I can tell your boyfriend was in a gang just by the sense of things but it seems like he got out which is a good thing" my dad says with a smirk.

"Sir I can explain why I was in one, a couple people were going after my brother Matt and when I heard about it I couldn't let it happen I had to protect him that's why I stayed in for so long but me and my uncle came up with the idea to bring them all down and it was a few days go that I got out" Daryl says in a serious tone as he looks at my father.

"I understand that I never said you did anything wrong Daryl , but a little piece of advice you two were both part of separate gangs in different ways but when two people get together that were in a gang there are more powerful and more stronger than people realize keep that in mind" my Dad says in a serious yet confident tone.

"Oh we know dad " I say as I shake my head in a mocking way.

"Believe me Sir I'll do anything to protect your daughter from harm, you seen how  got today with them punk ass bitchs" Daryl says with a devilish grin.

"Oh yes I did I thought I as going to die laughting  because of their face expressions it was too Priceless " my dad says as he laughs.

"Well sir I wanted you to know that I won't let anything happen to her, I.. Love her" Daryl says in a soft yet serious tone.

"Boy I'm not blind I can tell you love her,I also can tell Matt loves Skyler . I was young once believe it or not" he says in a chuckle.

"Dad we know all that , but thank you for telling me dad I love you" I says as  giving him a kiss on his cheek which makes him smile.

"Yeah yeah I love you to now where the hell is the food I'm hungry Damn it" he says as he looks over and sees Matt and all coming towards us.

"Sorry the line was kinda long but we got the food , and I must say it smells good " Matt says with a big smile.

After we enjoy our amazing burgers we all sit around and just chat for almost 4 hours laughing having a good time, my dad told them some embarrassing stories  about me.I started acting like I was strangling him Daryl had to wrap his arms around me to pull me away Matt almost fell on the floor laughing Skyler just shook her head and TJ and Jay just sat their in laughter. We all went around the corner to a local bar had a few beers didn't really realize that it was getting late so my dad said we should head back to the house and get some rest because he has a surprise for us in the morning.  I just shook my head I think I know what the surprise is and I don't think they're prepared for it but I know I will be since it has everything to do with racing or the state fair. We all getting the vehicles and as we're driving I hear the song Closer come on the radio as Daryl grabs my hand "I love you Angel" he says in a soft yet sleepy tone, I know today wore out everybody between dealing with the punks in the racing and my dad telling me he was in a gang before like I was a street racing gang to be exact it can wear anybody out.

Once we pull into the driveway of my house we all turn off the engines my dad runs to the door like a child and only thing I can do is shake my head why everybody else laughs and say my dad unlocks the door and we all go in Duke runs to the couch and just lays on it, "What was the point of me bringing your bed  if you weren't going to lay on it boy" I say to him as I rub is head. My dad and Daryl laugh "Maybe he thinks his the king" Matt says while hugging Skyler who looks tired as heck, I shoke my head "Yeah a royal pain in my neck" I say as I look down at duke  who just shows me those beautiful eyes of his and that pitty smile that I always go weak for.We walk up the stairs as my dad job will check the doors and make sure they're locked as we enter the room Daryl wraps his arms around me and pulls me close and starts kissing my neck "Angel today was fun yet interesting I never knew you had that much passion about old classic cars like that or hated disrespectful people like that" he says in a soft husky tone. I giggle and look at him "Oh yes I grew up with classic cars to be honest I learned how to drive in my dad's car so I know how to work it and ever since I know I love classic cars even though I have a Mustang that's newer but it's still the same brand that's been around for generations" I say with a smirk as I start to get undressed.

I grab Daryl's shirt and put it on only thing I hear is "Damn angle you are beautiful, how did I get lucky to have a beautiful woman like you in my life?" Daryl says in a soft yet husky voice. I blush as I look at him as  let out a giggle "Well if you must now the truth sir it was your lips and the rush of fire I felt from them when you first kissed me" I say with a grin. Daryls eyes go wide then he begins to grin mysteriously "Well then I would have to do it again won't I?" he says in a sexual voice as he comes towards me, before I could protest his lips clash with mine and instantly I feel the fire just like the first time all over again the sweetness of it all takes my breath away. I slowly wrap my arms around him and enjoy out moment like this togeather until he pulls away and looks at me "I want to do something special for you Angel so our plan we had earlier will be out on the back burner" he says as he caresses my cheek with his one hand, I smile and nod to the idea of him doing something kinda romantic maybe for us it would be very sweet.

As we make our way to the bed he pulls me close and starts to nibble at my ear only thing I can do is giggle and think of what he has up his sleeve as he said he wanted to do something special for us. We stay in this embrace for quite some time the air in the room feels romantic but yet I'm getting drowsy and I can tell he's getting sleepy as well, he kisses my head softly as he slaps my ass I look up and see him smirking I bite his lip slowly and tug in it "Two can play this game" I say to myself. He kiss my lips softly "Goodnight my Angel I love you" he says in a soft sleepy voice, I kiss his neck as I lay my head on his chest "Goodnight my monster teddy bear I love you to" I say in a sweet voice as we start to close our eyes.

"Well today was amazing everyone loved the places I took them to right  until we had to deal with a bunch of punks who are really disrespectful but we showed them up I was actually surprised Daryl and Matt actually chose to race I think it may be due to the fact that neither one of them are disrespectful I seen how they were with Uncle, now I'm wondering what Daryl is planning for us he said ( special ) what could he be up to, I can think of a few things. Plus my dad opened up and told me to truth about his past and my dad saw how  protective Daryl can be of me, plus Matt and Skyler as well but I think he was more impressed by how Daryl reacted to everything today, maybe my dad approves of Daryl more then I know." I say to myself as I kiss Daryl on his lips lightly as I close my eyes as sleep kicks in and takes over.

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