SpecialChapter Matt. Her

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Authors note
Here's another special chapter for Matt fans. Let me know what you guys think.Enjoy😉
I will pick the story up with Kate's view Chapter 11😘.

I see this beautiful girl on a motorcycle pull up from behind us.she takes off her helmet an her hair starts to flow. I remember my dream "What if my dream is coming true?"I say to myself


"Hi there you got a nice bike my name is Matt btw" I say.
She smiles.
"Hi Matt I'm skyler , an thanks this bad boy is my life nearly"
she says with a giggle.
"I can understand that my bike is over there" I say as I point to my bike.
"Oh damn you got a nice one. But I got to ask what brings you here to my dad's house?" she says.
"Oh my friend is picking up her car that her dad sent up here for her, I don't know what kind it is." I say
"Oh we had a car sent up here only 2 days ago a real beast if you ask me" she says with a giggle.
"I don't want to be pushy but your really beautiful, I mean uh " I say while blushing and running my hand throw my hair.She giggles an blushs
"Why thank you Matt , your pretty hot your self" she says with a wink as she walks towards Kate an Daryl .

I walk up behind her an says "what's up" with a smile on my face. She tells me my friend Kate is the driver of that beast I follow where she's pointing. My eyes go wide "No damn way that's Kate's car!" I say to myself. I ask Kate is that her car but her an Daryl just laugh an she shakes her head yes. "I can't believe it honestly" I say under my breath.I walk up to skyler an ask her if she would like to go on a date with me she says yes. I know where I want to take her to its a nice quiet restaurant with amazing food. We watch Kate pull her car out it sounds like a storm hitting hard but she looks happy when she winds down her window. "I'm happy for her" I say to skyler. Skyler smiles an says "she looks in her element".

Me an skyler say bye to them an start down the highway, she starts to pick up some speed but I'm not far behind "I don't want to pick up to much speed" I say to myself. We get half way down the highway but we make a pit stop, she gets off her bike an looks over to flower field "hey you okay skyler" I say to her. "Yeah I just love looking at the flowers I come to this spot an think it's kinda my own hide away , well now you know" she says with a laugh. "Its beautiful really but something else makes this place even more beautiful" I say in a soft tone. She looks at me with a tilt of her head "oh yeah what's that?" she says. I look at her tenderly.
"You skyler" I say with a smile. She smiles an leans her head on my arm. After awhile we get back on an head back down the road. Once were back in New York I lead the way to the restaurant she keeps up with me. Once we get there we park our bikes an I hold my hand out for her, she takes my hand an I lead the way inside. Once inside we wait for the waiter to take us to a booth, once we are seated we look at the menu an see what we would like to eat."Matt how about we share this make your own taco dish" she says. "Now that sounds amazing good idea" I say with a big smile. We place the order in with the waiter an start talk,

"So Skyler what made you get a bike" I say.
"My dad, since my dad use to race me an my twin brother grew up with it all" she says.
"That sounds amazing,an what about your twin brother?" I say.
"Me an my twin don't get along he thinks cause he's some big shot businessman he's better then anyone" she says while shaking her head.
"Having a twin is hard but there still apart of us no matter what, take it from me" I say while leaning back an looking at her.
"Yeah your right, so have you always been so charming" she says with a smile.
"Me charming ? I didn't know I was a prince" I say with a laugh.
She laughs an shakes her head.

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